Top 9 Apps Similar to Flashlight Led with Clock

Huge Digital Clock Pro 5.3.37
ElQube Tech
Clock themes & Widgets. Track your time without strainingyoureyes.
Super Amazing FlashLight HD 1.1.9
Super Amazing FlashLight is bright, fast, and simplewithmultiscreen.
Flashlight | Super Bright LED 1.0.3
Flashlight - Super bright LED flashlight with search light,10strobe, SOS.
Weather Night Dock v2 PRO 2.3.0
Meet the second version of the popular docking station app,whichisa full-screen digital clock displaying your devicesettingsandweather data for your location in a beautiful,easy-to-readform.The main application is a night clock withintelligentbrightnessadjustment depending on the lighting. Now innew versionyou canadjust the elements on the screen as you like: -changetheirposition - resize them - change their color -changetheirtransparency and visibility - reformulate them The PROversionalsoallows: - apply any font to text* - apply any font toclock*-replace the background with any image - use asabackgroundslideshow from images in a selected folder - use appassystemscreensaver - some additional settings Brief usage guide:1.Toedit items on the screen, touch and hold your finger foralongtime until the Edit mode button appears. 2. Touch an item,anditssettings menu appears. 3. Touch an empty area andthegeneralsettings menu for the items and background appears. 4.Pressthecross at the bottom right corner to return to normal mode.5.Taptwice for the nearest alarm clock to call thestandardalarmmanager. 6. Tap twice on the current weather icontorefreshweather data manually. 7. Tap twice on the forecasttochange itstype (hours/day). * you can select any of the TrueType(TTF) fontsdownloaded to your device in advance from theInternet.Warning! Ifyou gave the application device Administratorrights,you mustremove these rights in order to uninstall theapplication!Pleasetry the Free version before buying. There islessfunctionality andsettings, but absolutely no advertising! **Ifyouhave an Android 9or higher, in order to guarantee thattheapplication will startwhen the charger is connected, itisnecessary to give theapplication rights to auto-start, to workinthe background and toignore the battery optimization (disablepowersaving) in thedevice system settings. For Samsung devices itisalso necessary toenable the option for the application to DrawOverof Other Apps!
Alarm Clock Neon 1.2.5.GMS
Colorful and shiny Alarm Clock with shake and math alarmcancelmethods.
Deniz: Big Clock Full Screen 3.2
This application converts your device to a full screen digitaldeskclock.
LED clock widget 1.61
Paul Evseev
Full version of LED/LCD clock widget
PistolTimer 1.2
PistolTimer es un temporizador sonoroqueayudará en los entrenamientos con fuego real en lassiguientesdisciplinas de Tiro:-Pistola Estándar-Pistola Fuego Central-Pistola 9 mm-Pistola Deportiva (Damas)-Pistola VelocidadPistolTimer es una aplicación desarrolada como ayuda aldeportedel tiro. Es gratuíta y de libre distribución.La aplicación dispone de varios temporizadores sonoros(300segundos, 150 segundos, 20 segundos, 10 segundos, DueloyVelocidad). Los avisos se hacen mediante un sonido largo (ordendeATENCION o ALTO EL FUEGO) y un sonido corto (orden de FUEGO),loque será útil para entrenar con fuego real en la galería einclusopara competiciones si no se dispone de máquinagirablancos.Para iniciar la serie que desee sólo tiene que pulsar sobreelbotón de la misma en la pantalla principal. Antes de pulsarelbotón de inicio de la serie que se quiera realizar esaconsejableestar en posición de preparado, es decir, en la posturade tiro ycon el arma empuñada correctamente. De esta forma seutilizará lamano débil para pulsar el botón de inicio de la seriedeseada yseguidamente se llevará a su posición de tiro (bolsillo,cinto,etc.) Para ello dispondrá de 5 segundos entre la pulsacióndelbotón y el sonido del pitido de ATENCION.Puede conectar unos pequeños altavoces amplificados (tipo PCdesobremesa) si no escucha bien los sonidos desde el altavoz desuteléfono o si desea utilizar la aplicación con más tiradores enunentrenamiento o competición.PistolTimer también dispone de un simulador de blancosparaentrenar en seco la modalidad de duelo, lo que ayudará acorregirlos errores en el momento del disparo, así como aprenderagestionar bien los 3 segundos que hay para hacer la salida ysacarel disparo.Funciona en modo contínuo de tal forma que se puede entrenarelciclo 7 segundos-3 segundos de forma indefinida, y no sedetendráhasta que no se le de la orden mediante el botón depantalla.MUY IMPORTANTE: PARA ENTRENAR EN SECO ASEGURARSE DE QUE ELARMAESTÁ DESCARGADA.Para el entrenamiento en seco se debe situar el teléfono entre2y 3 metros de distancia y 1.30 metros de altura (dependiendodeltamaño y resolución del teléfono) de donde se esté con elarma.http://www.tirolaveguilla.comMi agradecimiento al foro de por su ayuda eneldesarrollo de esta aplicación.Tags: ISSF, shooting trainer, Don Benito, Badajoz,Extremadura,campo de tiro, La Veguilla, poligono de tiro, galeriade tiro, tiroolimpico, pistol, timer, villanueva de la serena,caceres,extremadura, shooterPistolTimer is asoundtimer will help in live-fire training in the followingdisciplinesof Tyre:Standard -PistolaCentral Fire -Pistola-Pistola 9 mmSports -Pistola (Ladies)Speed ​​-PistolaPistolTimer is a desarrolada to help the sport ofshootingapplication. It is free and open distribution.The application has several sound timers (300 seconds,150seconds, 20 seconds, 10 seconds, Duel and Speed). Announcementsaremade through a long sound (care order or CEASEFIRE) and ashort(order FIRE) sound, which will be useful to train withliveammunition in the gallery and even competitions if notavailablegirablancos machine .To start the series you want to just press on the same buttononthe main screen. Before pressing the start button of the seriesyouwant to perform it is advisable to be in ready position, ie, inthefiring position and the weapon wielded properly. Thus the weakhandis used to press the start button the desired number and thentakeyour shooting position (pocket, belt, etc.) This will have5seconds between pressing the button and the sound ofATTENTIONbeep.You can connect a small amplified speakers (PC type desktop)ifhe heard loud sounds from the speaker of your phone or want tousethe application with more shooters in training orcompetition.PistolTimer also has a simulator to train dry white modeduel,which will help to correct errors in the time of shooting andlearnto manage well the three seconds that you can check out andmakethe shot.It works in continuous mode so that you can train the cycle7seconds-three seconds indefinitely, and will not stop until youarenot of the order by the display button.VERY IMPORTANT: TRAINING FOR DRY ENSURE THAT THE GUNISLOADED.Dry for training should put the phone between 2 and 3 metersand1.30 meters (depending on the size and resolution of thephone)where it is with the weapon.http://www.tirolaveguilla.comMy thanks to forum for their assistanceindeveloping this application.Tags: ISSF shooting trainer, Don Benito, Badajoz,Extremadura,shooting, La Veguilla, shooting range, shootinggallery, Olympicshooting, pistol, timer, Don Benito, Badajoz,Extremadura,shooter
Digital Alarm Clock 4.4.5.GMS
⊙Digital LED Clock with Night Stand. 18 Widgets. shake and wakeupmode