Top 14 Apps Similar to Nuclear Energy 3D

Nuclear Warfare Handbook 1.0
This Android App contains a nuclearweaponblast simulator, a comprehensive military encyclopedia, andeven anuke weapons recognition quiz focused on evolving nuclearwarfareconcepts in the post-World War II world. If you want to beable todistinguish a DF-31 from a Trident II, Nuclear Warfare! hasyoucovered. The simulator section allows you to pick any spot onearthand detonate a number of historically accurate nuclearweapons,providing details of the detonation such as blast radius,radiationlevels, and estimated fatality rates. The encyclopediasectionprovides a database of nuclear weapons sorted by categoryandincluding all the pertinent details. Boom!****** Features *******- Comprehensive nuclear war handbook- Detonation simulator with 9 weapons- Nuclear weapons recognition game
Nukes USA (Nuclear bomb locations in the USA) 7.0
The world's MOST COMPREHENSIVE nuclear bomb app, "Nukes USA".Seewhere the nukes detonated, their craters, the yield,destructionestimations, and much more. This app contains all 1127US nuclearweapon detonations from the last 72 years. Also includedarelocations of all underground missile silos, nuclear powerplants,nuclear military bases, and 18 hours of authentic publicawarenessvideos made by the US army. You won't find anything likeit on theinternet, in books or any other app!! Not even theNational AtomicTesting Museum in Nevada has this amount ofinformation on show!I've been there, I checked. Database * All 1127nuclear bombstested by the United States across their 57 militaryoperations. *All 64 active nuclear power plants in the USA. * All450 activeunderground Minuteman III missile silos and their 45controlcenters * All 19 nuclear military bases and their nuclearstockpile* 101 radioactive isotopes! Drop bombs * Drop your ownbombs to seetheir destructive power. * See the shock wave travel inREAL TIMEacross the map. * Death and destruction estimations. *Select fromhistory´s favourites such as the Trident II launchedfrom nuclearsubmarines. Statistics & Trivia * Search for bombsthatexploded on your birthday. * Detonate every bomb to see itssize. *View bomb yield conversions into TNT, Dynamite and Pureenergy. *Automatically calculate distance between you and anydetonation. *24 entertaining trivia categories with listings of thebiggestbombs, bombs with the funniest names, nukes shot into space,etc. *Find your nearest bomb site. * 25 beautifullydetailedinfographics. Depicting 57 United States militaryoperations,schematics for the original Minuteman I, the depths ofeveryunderground nuclear blast, total cumulative blast yields peryear,size of earthquakes triggered by blasts, etc. RadioactiveDecay& Shielding * Calculate how fast 101 differentradioactiveisotopes decay into thin air. * Calculate the thicknessof yourshielding in order to stay safe * Choose from Lead,Iron,Aluminium, Water or Concrete The data * All 1127 US nuclearbombstest * All 57 nuclear military operations * Name of bomb*Designated military operation * Close-ups of every bomb crater*Icons show if dropped from planes, shot into space, etc. *Yield(kiloton & megaton ranges) * Yield equivalent in TNT,Joulesand Dynamite * Date & time of explosion * Name of testsite *Borehole designation * Earthquake readings * Height or depthofexplosion * Purpose for the test * Sponsors of the test*Coordinates * Distance from your position * etc. Bonus Material*27 authentic public awareness videos from the US military fromthe50's, 60's and 70's (approx. 12 hours of footage). *In-depthWikipedia highlights on Nagasaki & Hiroshima, weaponsdesign,non-proliferation treaties, the Manhattan project, and muchmore. *Just to be clear; this bonus material is freely available ontheinternet. We've just made it easy to access. It's only a smallpartof this app, so don't worry we´re not trying to cheat you. Note*No other app, website, museum or book has this amount ofindividualnuclear detail! * Video playback requires free standaloneYouTubeapp (automatically installed if necessary) * Viewing bombcratersand satellite images requires an internet connection.
Nuclear Class 1.21
นี่คือแหล่งความรู้วิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยีนิวเคลียร์แห่งแรกและแห่งเดียวในรูปแบบความรู้หลากหลายรูปแบบเช่นบทความอินโฟกราฟิค หรือวีดีโอเพื่อบุคลากรในองค์กรประชาชนหรือเยาวชนทั่วไป- สามารถค้นหาบทความประเภทต่างๆ ได้อย่างรวดเร็ว- ค้นหาได้ทุกที่ทุกเวลา- สอบถามข้อมูลแบบเรียลไทม์ ผ่านระบบ Live Chat- แชร์ข้อมูลแบ่งปันความรู้ให้กับเพื่อนๆบนโลกโซเชียลผ่านสื่อออนไลน์ภายใต้ความร่วมมือของกระทรวงวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโลยีและสถาบันเทคโนโลยีนิวเคลียร์แห่งชาติ(องค์การมหาชน)This is asourceofknowledge, science and nuclear technology. The firstandonlyKnowledge in various formats such as paper clips orgraphicstofour people in the organization. People or youth- You can find articles of various types Quickly- Find it anywhere, anytime.- For more information, realtime via Live Chat.- Share information, share their knowledge with theirfriendsonsocial media online.Under the cooperation of Ministry of Science andTechnology.Andthe Institute of Nuclear Technology (ITD)
Nuclear reactors 80.91.30
Directory of nuclear reactors
Nuclear Energy 2.4
Electronic publication with interactive elements,photographs,videos and tests
Energy Future 1.4.4
Energy Future
Energy Future Video on Demand: a compelling overview of the oilandgas industry, in bite-sized chunks. • An ever-increasingresourceof short instructional videos and printable course notes.•Complements onboarding programs. Each video replaces half a dayinthe classroom. • Provides the essential knowledge yournewemployees need to get to industry competence faster. • Eachvideocomes with a one-page infographic summarizing the keylearningpoints. Energy Future Video on Demand is the outcome of along-termcollaboration with two super majors, a leading E&Pcompany anda world-class services firm. Topics covered include: *Theformation of oil, gas and reservoirs * Upstream, midstreamanddownstream * Seismic * Reservoir engineering * Drilling for oilandgas * Offshore platforms * Subsea systems * Horizontal drilling*Fracking for gas * Refining * Uses of oil * The natural gasvaluechain * LNG * Unconventional oil * A brief history of theoilindustry
Offshore Energy 3.0.205
Tirato B.V.
Offshore Energy Exhibition &Conference(OEEC) covers both the exploration and production oftheconventional energy resources oil & gas and the renewablepartof the energy mix such as wind and marine energy. OffshoreEnergyis held at Amsterdam RAI, the Netherlands.
Energy Handbook 0.0.1
The Energy Handbook app was developed bytheReality Augmented Virtual Environments (R.A.V.E.) Research LabatUniversity of New Mexico (UNM). The goal of this app is toprovideinformation about basic energy concepts to the generalpublic.This material is based partly upon work supported by theNationalScience Foundation (NSF) under ECCS - 1231046. Anyopinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthismaterial are those of the author and do not necessarilyreflect theviews of the NSF.
Psychic Spiritual Energy Readi 8.1.0
Unlock your Third Eye Chakra
Work, Energy and Power 1.0
From this App you can learn : Define, discuss, understandandcorrelate the terms work, power and energy. Differentiatebetweenmechanical and non–mechanical energy. Understand differenttypes ofmechanical energy, namely kinetic and potential energy.Convert oneform of mechanical energy to another. Deduce theimportance of thework–energy theorem. Distinguish betweenconservative andnon-conservative forces and apply them to realworld problems.Apply the power concept to the real worldapplications. Moredetails please visit"" hosts conceptoriented content in Maths &Sciences specially designed for K-8to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids(WWK) enables students to enjoylearning with application oriented,visually rich content which issimple and easy to understand. Thecontent is aligned to bestpractices of learning and teaching.Students can develop strongbasics, critical thinking and problemsolving skills to do well inschool and beyond. Teachers can useWWK as a reference material tobe more creative in designingengaging learning experiences. Parentsalso can activelyparticipate in their child's development throughWWK". This topiccovers under Physics subject as a part of theMechanics topic andthis topic contains following sub topicsWork,Energy and PowerEnergy Conversion of PE and KE Work done dueto internal forcesEnergy conversion principle Types of energySources of energy Power
Generation IV Nuclear App 1
Learn about future reactor design, newprojectsand how they can overcome waste and safety challenges.Test your newfound expertise with our nuclear quiz and keep up todate with worldnuclear news.
Nuclear for climate N4C 4.10.9
Nuclear for climate (N4C) is agrassrootsinitiative, which brings together scientists andprofessionals ofthe global nuclear community, and also citizens whobelieve that inorder to fight climate change we have to act now.They believe thatnuclear is part of the solution.For the COP21, Nuclear for climate (N4C) will be present at“LaGalerie des Solutions de la COP21”, the exhibition of lowcarbonsolutions from, 2ND to 9TH December 2015 at the Air andSpaceMuseum – Paris le BourgetDownload the app and have a look at the N4C community in theworld,the news in live, the key facts of the initiative and takepart inscheduled events to meet experts during the all COP21period
Augmented Nuclear plants 6.3
M. Chardine
Mirage : free augmented reality applications for education
Nuclear GenIV Quiz 0.1
Teach yourself all about the next generationofnuclear reactors with this educational quiz. Will youapply'critical' thinking or be left 'fission' forcompliments?