Top 5 Apps Similar to US Dept. of Justice NSOPW App

Child Safety Online 1.2
Children being are approached onlinebypeoplethey don’t know at an alarming rate. The majority of themareunderthe age of 15. Every year the percentage of child victimsfromthisepidemic continues to grow. Is your child in danger ofbecomingastatistic?Do you know what they’re doing when they’re online?Any parent with a child knows that the thought oftheirchildgetting mixed up with an online predator is nothingbuttrouble.Millions of children log on the internet each andeveryday. Itused to be that the television dominated most of theirtime.Nowwith the internet, television is just a passing memory.Just like adults, children use the internet tosurfandcommunicate with their friends. However, every daytheyaccessonline is another day where they can get intosomethingthey’re notsupposed to. Some children have adultsupervision theentire timethey’re online; but what about the onesthat don’t?Parents thathave full-time jobs or are constantly on thego don’thave thatluxury. They for the most part, have to trusttheiritincts andhope their child does the right thing.Table Of Contents:IntroductionWarning SignsParental MonitoringMonitoring and Protection SoftwareTips to Avoid Sexual PredatorsThe Truth About Online ContentIdentity TheftSpyware And MalwareThe Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)Privacy PolicySocial Networking SafetyAdditional Rules For Child Safety OnlineWarnings For Children OnlineAdditional Tips For ParentsConclusion
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US Cop 3.93
#1 selling law enforcement app on Google Play and Apple App Store!
Henderson Police Department 4.1
Welcome to the Android app for the Henderson Police Department.TheHenderson Police Department app allows users to report issuesorconcerns directly from your Android device, with photos andvideo.There are useful links for community resources andpublicinformation. In addition, users can find HendersonPoliceDepartment contact information, explore the HendersonPoliceDepartment social media, press release feeds, and get answerstoFAQs! We hope you find this app useful in keeping Henderson asafeplace to live, work and visit!
Kodeksy (polskie kodeksy) 1.337
Codes - a set of codified, Polish codes / legislation.