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Tuxedo's K9 Training Camp 3.0
We have a fully staffed facility to careforyour canine companion on a daily basis. Our services offeredare:Training, DayCare and Boarding Services. Owner, MarkForrestPatrick has over 10 years experience in training andoperating aDog Day Care Center. He is a \"True Dog Lover!\"Tuxedo's K9Training Center will care for your canine companion on adailybasis. In addition with his pet training and obedience classeshewill make life easier for you to care for and enjoy livingwithyour K9 companion!What our clients have to say:Alfredo's Mom says \"I am over-the-moon thrilled to havefoundTuxedo's K9 Training Camp. Let's be honest, I'm a neuroticdog-momwith a BEAUTIFUL lab/shepherd who is my everything. Sadly,my boywas attacked at a dog park when he was a puppy and he'sbeenanxious and protective of himself ever since. He alwaysgiveswarning signs when he doesn't appreciate other dogs constantlyinhis face. This resulted in his being misunderstood andsubsequentlykicked out of several places. It is heartbreaking forme as I seehow much my boy loves to play at day care. So when wemoved to thearea, I was terrified to find a new dog day care forAlfredo. Iread all of the reviews online of facilities closer to myhouse,but Tuxedo's K9 Training Camp has the best recommendations,so Ihad to try it. Mark (bless his patience!) listened to mysobstories and I think I even cried when I first called - I wasthatscared telling him that I didn't know if Alfredo was a bad dogornot. Mark assured me that he understood Alfredo's tendenciesandnot to worry. But I was worried nonetheless. Whoa - was thatawaste of energy!!! Mark had Alfredo in for temperament testingandI was on pins and needles. When he \"passed\", Mark assured methathe understood my concerns and that Alfredo would be fine. And Iamhonestly shocked and grateful beyond words because twomonthslater, Alfredo is totally understood and thriving. I nolonger feara poor report when I pick him up. Mark's staff isabsolutelywonderful with the right amount of firmness whileoverflowing withlove for my Alfredo. I adore them all.Alfredoattends day care atTuxedo's K9 Training Camp three times a week andhas not had anybehavior problems/poor reports as he has in thepast. He's happierthan ever. He comes home exhausted for days.Another importantpoint for me is that he never comes home stinkingas he has when heattended other day care facilities. Tuxedo's K9Training Camp isclean and just wonderful.I can't say enough about Tuxedo's K9 Training Camp on somanylevels!!!!\"Max's Dad Wrote: \"Mark is very passionate with dogs. My dog Maxwasa rescue-he was found abandoned in an apartment for 3-4 daysandbecause of that it made Max have aggressive issues. He bitmyboyfriend 3 times and didn't listen to us. We weren't sure ifwewould be able to keep him. I asked around work to see whatdogtrainers were out there and my friend from work recommended herdogtrainer-Mark. My bf and I decided to sign Max up for his class.Iwent to the informational meeting and just going to thatreallyimpressed me. I went home and told my boyfriend that ourdogtrainer is a dog whisperer. Mark asked everyone abouttheirdogs-what kinda food we feed what kinda toys they have andfromthat he could tell us what they need to get off of and what weneedto change that could cause their behavior. Max was themostdisobedient dog in the very first class-jumping on thecouch,barking, biting, and growling. There were times when I had tocallor email Mark to find out what I could do because Max waschewingon his bed or max was doing this. Mark will take a call oremailanytime of the day and be more than happy to help you withyourdogs behavior if they're getting out of hand. By the end of6weeks, max was sitting by non-speaking command, layingdown,walking beside us on walks and no longer being aggre
K9 University 4.5.0 Apps
It is an Ivy League dogeducationalinstitutionfocusing on dog training needs from the verybasic, tovery advancedand specialized training.  We are the training resource experts seek and consultwhendealingwith problem dogs, complex situations andbehavioralissues, and dogsthat simply have bad habits.  Recommended by mostOklahoma veterinarians.  Weare proud of our A+Accredited statuswiththe Better Business Bureau, andconfidently displaytheirlogo.K9 University is located on SEVEN beautiful acres;allofwhich aremanicured and maintained for the purposes of ourclient’strainingpleasure.   We are proud of our huge 5,000sqfootclimate-controlled building, which is designed tomakeyourexperience the best in the industry.  We have recently expanded to add five acres, and with it ahostofnew product offerings.
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