Top 17 Apps Similar to Beacons Scanner

Beacon Scanner 1.1
Collect Classic or BLE based on the Bluetooth signal.
iBeacon & Eddystone Scanner 1.0.1
Quickly scan for iBeacon, AltBeacon and Eddystone.
Locate Beacon 2.7.1
Finds any nearby beacon with real-timedistanceestimates.Features:* See any beacon, even if you don't know its identifiers* Now detects and decodes Eddystone beacons* Transmit as a beacon (Nexus 6, Nexus 9 and select Android5.0devices only)* Configurable to use a wide variety of beacon formats* Allows you to calibrate beacons you ownThis app requires a device with Bluetooth Low Energy(akaBluetooth 4.0). For beacon transmission, it requires Android5.0and a device with Bluetooth 4.1 (E.g. a Nexus 6 or a Nexus9)
Beacon Simulator 1.5.1
Broadcast Bluetooth Low Energy beacons. iBeacon,Eddystone&AltBeacon supported.
Beacon Scanner 1.4.0
Inform GmbH
The app scans for Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons and displayseachbeacons' UUID, major, minor, and RSSI values. In addition, youcanuse the app to create a log of Beacon measurements over time.Allmeasurement logs are stored in CSV format and can beeasilyaccessed and shared from inside the app.
Beacon Toy
Adrian Cretu
Featured at Google I/O 2016! CreateBluetoothLow Energy beacons using your device.A beacon is a self-repeating, low-power, Bluetooth advertisementofsmall data (31 bytes or less), that can reach devices 50 feetormore (or only immediately close if desired). Some of them canbedetected without needing an app; see http://physical-web.orgfordetails.You can broadcast beacons only on Android 5.0+ devicesthatsupport BLE peripheral mode. Most 2015 and later devicesarecompatible, but many older ones are NOT, Check out a listofknown devices at beacon formats:Eddystone-URL (Physical Web) - advertise website addressestobe picked up by Android, and Chrome on iOSEddystone-UID - static identifier that can be used tocollectattachments to thingsEddystone-EID - production-ready encrypted identifierswithautomatic refreshEddystone-TLM - broadcast actual device telemetry:batterytemperature, voltage, service uptime, and an estimated countoftotal advertised Packet Data Units.iBeacon - static identifier format, better supportedbyiDevices.Special featuresHost Eddystone-GATT service configuration -registerproduction-ready Ephemeral ID or UID beacons with Google'sBeaconTools app, or configure the beacon using Chrome, directly viaWebBluetooth.Run multiple beacons - device limited: up to 4 on Nexus 6,upto 8 on Galaxy S7, etc.Built-in shortenerEphemeral URLs via - createun-spoofable,rotating URLs; change the destination target withouttouching thebeacon!Beacons are managed by a light self-stopping Service that resumesondevice boot and takes care of beacon's lifecycle duringBluetoothevents.View nearby beacons, and clone supported formats.Use casesBroadcast any URL you want: your site, your store's /cafeteriawebpage (or why not, even the menu?), your personalwebsite, yoursocial network profiles, a funny YouTube video, oranything elseyou can think of and want the people nearby to come incontactwith.Share nearby a link relevant to the place your device is locatedat,which is yourself, or maybe a kiosk or anything else.For advanced usage, play around with the Proximity Beacon APIandattach any kind of data to your beacons.
Estimote 2.14.6
Real-world context for mobile experiences, powered by beacons.
BLE Scanner (Connect & Notify) 3.22
Bluetooth Low Energy(4.0) Scanner: Read,Write,Notify, Services&Characteristics
nRF Connect for Mobile 4.26.1
Scan and discover your Bluetooth Low Energy devices with nRFConnectfor Mobile.
Bluetooth LE Scanner 1.1.39
Scan and obtain information about Low Energy Bluetooth Devicesinyour vicinity.
Bluetooth 4.0 Scanner 1.15
John Abraham
Bluetooth 4.0 LE and Classic Scanner. Downloadable scan data.Findlost devices.
nRF Toolbox for BLE 3.1.3
The nRF Toolbox is a container app thatstoresyour Nordic Semiconductor apps for Bluetooth low energy inonelocation.It contains applications demonstrating BLE profiles: CyclingSpeedand Cadence, Running Speed and Cadence, Heart Rate Monitor,BloodPressure Monitor, Health Thermometer Monitor, GlucoseMonitor,Continuous Glucose Monitor and Proximity Monitor. Sinceversion1.10.0 the nRF Toolbox supports also the Nordic UART Servicewhichmay be used for bidirectional text communication betweendevices.Version 1.16.0 added Android Wear support for the UARTprofile. TheUI allows one to create configurable remote controlwith UARTinterface.The Device Firmware Update (DFU) profile allows one to uploadtheapplication, bootloader and/or the Soft Device imageover-the-air(OTA). It is compatible with Nordic Semiconductor nRF5devices thathave the S110/S130/S132 SoftDevice and bootloaderenabled. Sincethe 1.11.0 version nRF Toolbox allows to send therequired initpacket. More information about the init packet may befoundhere: DFU has the following features:- Scans for devices that are in DFU mode- Connects to devices in DFU mode and uploads the selectedfirmware(soft device, bootloader and/or application)- Allows HEX or BIN file upload through your phone or tablet- Allows to update a soft device and bootloader from ZIP inoneconnection- Pause, resume, and cancel file uploads- Includes pre-installed examples that consist of the Bluetoothlowenergy heart rate service and running speed andcadenceserviceNote:- Android 4.3 or newer is required.- Tested on Nexus 6, 6P, 9, Samsung S3, S6 and S7.- Compatible with nRF5 devices- The development kits can be orderedfrom .- The nRF51 and nRF52 SDK and SoftDevices are available onlinefrom The source code of nRF Toolbox is available onGitHub: nRF Toolbox has replaced the nRF Utility app which is nolongersupportedKnown problems:- Nexus 4 and Nexus 7 with Android 4.3 does not allow tounbounddevices.- Reconnection to bondable devices may not work on severaltestedphones.- Nexus 4, 5 and 7 with Android 4.4 fails when reconnectingwhenGatt Server is running.- Reset of Bluetooth adapter may be required if othererrorappear.Know problems with DFU settings:- Setting Package Receipt Notification to OFF or less than ~400maycause the outgoing buffer to overflow.
Beacon Monitor 1.5.0
View all the Bluetooth beacons around you as you pass bythemorstand near them, in a beautiful interface. BluetoothLowEnergybeacons are starting to appear everywhere:shops,cafeterias,malls, stadiums, museums, and many other venues.Thisapp gives youa glimpse of what is actually immediately closetoyou. Unlikeother similar apps, you have all the details thatyou'llever needabout any type of beacon that is around you, orwasrecently.Quickly detect and see details about any beaconaroundyou, usingthe best beacon Android scanner around. No matterwhatiBeacon orEddystone beacon is around you (Estimote,Kontakt,RECO,OnyxBeacon, or any other kind of model), this app willfinditinstantly. Easily view all the details that you needabouteachdetected beacon, including: - for Physical Web(Eddystone)beacons:view the broadcasted URL or UID, and tap to openit in yourbrowser- for iBeacon-compatible devices: major ID, minorID, andProximityUUID - device name and beacon proximity, updatedinreal-time -average signal strength (RSSI) during the lastfewseconds -Measured Power level; MAC address - number of RSSIsamplesreceivedfrom the beacon over the last few seconds - when thebeaconwaslast seen by your device Special features: notificationalertwhena new beacon is found; all beacons are sortedautomaticallybydistance; the beacon scanning is runningautomatically as longasthe app is not manually shutdown from therunning apps list.What'sa beacon? A beacon is a tiny Bluetooth 4.0Low Energy devicethatcan be detected by a compatible smartphonedevice from up to50meters away, without any need to pair or connectto it.Detectingbeacons is very battery-friendly, unlike GPS.Thisallowsproximity-aware applications to react differently foreachbeaconit finds, depending on the beacon and theapplication.Thisapplication uses our custom Android beacondetection library,whichwe are working on since 2014. Beacon Monitoruses OneBeacon- , our universal beacon platformthat canmakeyour app quickly interact with any type of BluetoothLowEnergybeacon. Tags: Eddystone, iBeacon, uribeacon, physicalweb,beacon,estimote, kontakt, onyx, bluetooth, BLE scanner, ble4.0,beacondetect, beacon scan.
B-BLE(BLE4.0 Scan) 6.6
Enjoy and Relax , Easy
Bluetooth Low Energy Scanner 1.0.1
Bluetooth Low Energy Scanner help youtodiscover the services and characteristics in the remote BLEdevicesaround. It could be used as a reference for Bluetooth LowEnergyCentral Apps as well as useful tool to test theBluetoothcommunication.And Bluetooth Low Energy App can find any nearby beaconwithreal-time distance estimates.===Features===* Discovert Bluttooth Low Energy device nearby.* Getting Bluetoth Low Energy device information.* Getting live RSSI.* Explore Bluetooth Low Energy device ServcesandCharacteristics.* Read Characteristics.* See any beacon, even if you don't konw it's identifiers.
Bluetooth & WiFi Analyzer 1.3
BnY Lab.
Bluetooth & Wifi Analyzer is a very useful tool for testingBTand Wifi. This app is for general users and even developers. Itletusers and developers do standalone test of each bluetooth andwifi,and also coexistence test like examining bothconcurrently.[Update] Ver 1.3: Improve Wifi function and fix bugsfor iperf Ver1.2: Fix some activities for lower Android 6.0 Ver1.1: Minor UIfixes [Bluetooth] - Supports very detailed BluetoothBR/EDR(Classicdevice) information of your host/controller device. -Supports verydetailed connection information of all supportedprofiles. -Supports BR/EDR scan. - Supports very detailed BluetoothLEinformation of host/controller configurations. - Supports BLEScan1) Setting ble scan filter and ble scan settings. 2) BLEscanningto get ble advertisement(beacon) based on your filter andscansettings. - Supports BLE Advertise 1) Setting advertise dataandadvertise settings. 2) Advertising beacons for BLE scanner basedonyour configuration. - Supports using both scan and advertise*Basically, most of BT controller doesn't support peripheralmode.It means that some devices cannot run scan and advertise inthesame time. * If your device supports peripheral mode, youcanconcurrently use both in this application. [WiFi] - SupportsWiFiscan with 2.4GHz and 5GHz. Note that you need to allowlocationpermission for WiFi scan on android 6+ - Supports verydetailedinformation of WiFi adapter. - Supports very detailedinformationof connected network. - Supports frequency, bandwidth,signalstrength, dhcp info and so on. - Supports WiFi speed testwithiperf tool. Note that the iperf is for local network speedtestrather than internet speed. - Supports WiFi enhancedenergyreporting feature. Note that this feature supported onandroid 5+and WiFi chip-set should support it. [Bluetooth &WiFiCoexistence] - Under construction! Note that this function willbesupported at future update. - We will make tests for coexistenceofBluetooth and WiFi. 1) Sending and receiving WiFi packetsandBluetooth ACL data. 2) Sending and receiving WiFi packetsandBluetooth SCO data. 3) Using simultaneously Bluetooth LEscan,advertise(beacons), Bluetooth ACL/SCO, and WiFi 2.4GHz. - Avarietyof environments for combining BT and WiFi.
Beacon Locator 1.2.2
Beacon, Eddystone scanner and management app. Executes actionsbybeacon events.