Top 6 Apps Similar to 사주심리 이상형찾기

찰떡궁합 (정통궁합, 음양오행, 혈액형, 별자리, 띠) 3.2.37
Tell someone your affection in siwonhi worry! Based on fourweeksfrom orthodox chemistry, chemistry variety of fun so farExperienceis everything.
2024 점신 : 갑진년 신년운세, 사주, 타로, 상담 8.0.5
All of Jeomsin’s fortune telling is 100% ‘free’. Check out the2024New Year’s horoscope and Tojeong secret for free~
소모임 1.1.35
Neighbor (neighboring) small groups Hobbies, new people,Easeofcommunity groups in my hand The new meeting, create orjoingroupsto look make new ties - A new vitality into theday-to-dayFree!Frontal when bored lonely time, make new friends andgetacquaintedbeonggae look ~ The good ties await. Just ameeting,bosigil windto join a group. Sound exchanges withneighbors, with asimilaridea, Leisure sports, such as theself-development andInvestment,travel, diet and so on Naverinterest (Neighbor) Meals,coffee,cultural activities, etc. hagopeunto be lonely when alonewithwarm Naver (Neighbor) Which can favorthe excitement whentheopposite sex friends miss you desperatelyNaver (Neighbor) ★Hartpeongpeong only if every day !!! access Whenwe presented theHeartof my meeting moimbang this year is even morespecial baggage.★ Ifyou want a private meeting, you can open aprivate room. ★meetingamong friends. You can accept members meetingto selectchapters. ★has a new voting feature. (Anonymous voting,multiplevotingapplicable) ★ anytime, anywhere, moimbang group chatispossible. ★friends whom you can deliver the message.Naver(Neighbor) is 365days are a variety of small groups offlineJeongis in progress.
1분채팅 : 새로운 사람과의 랜덤감성 무료채팅 1.20
새로운 대화상대가 필요하신가요? 낯선 이성과 낯설지 않은 공감을이루고싶으신가요?매력적인 이성을 한번에 1명만 만나는 것이 지루하고 불편하지 않으신가요?남녀노소 누구나 1분이면 쉽게 즐길 수 있는, 1분 안에 무수히 많은 대화와 만남이 오가는, 바로 지금1분채팅을시작하세요.# 1:1 채팅을 최대 10명까지 동시에 !!!- 항상 한명과만 채팅하느라 아쉬우셨죠? 1분채팅은 1인당 1:1 채팅방을 최대 10개까지 만들 수 있습니다. 마음맞는여러 낯선 이성들과 동시에 채팅하세요.# 사진을 볼 수 있는 시간... 10초 !!!- 사진이 유출될까 걱정이세요? 걱정마세요! 1분채팅에서는 유저가 올리는 모든 사진은 10초만 상대에게공개됩니다.10초가 지나면 다시 볼 수 없어요.# 개인정보? 뭔가요? 먹는건가요?- 일분채팅은 유저 여러분의 개인정보를 걱정합니다. 그래서 채팅을 위해 필요한 최소한의 정보 외에는 일체 받지도저장하지도않습니다.# 쉴 틈 없이 채팅 또 채팅!!!- 채팅방을 종료하지 않고도 채팅상대를 변경할 수 있는 대화상대변경 기능과 쉴 틈 없이 채팅이 가능하게 하는 대화상대자동연결 기능 등 제공합니다.낯선 이성과의 대화는 항상 우리를 설레게 합니다.조금 더 안전한 공간에서 조금 더 많은 사람들과 조금 더 편리한 채팅을 원하신다면, 1분채팅을 즐기세요.Meet the real-time random chatOne boring chat quit of!You can talk with many people at onceEnjoy a new chatNeed a new contact?Wantto achieve the empathy that is familiar and unfamiliaroppositesex?Is you are not attractive to the opposite sex at a time istediousand inconvenient, only one meeting?If anyone can easily enjoy that au one minute, and from themyriadconversations and meetings in one minute, one minute, goahead andstart chatting now.# 1: 1 chat at the same time !!! up to 10 people- Did ahswiwoo always busy chatting and only one for me? 1minutesChat is per person 1: You can create up to 10 to 1 chatroom. Chatsimultaneously with several strangers rational mind fit.# Time to see the pictures ... 10 seconds!- Are you worried that the photos leaked? Do not worry! In 1minutesChat is open to all photos the user has 10 secondsopponents raise.After 10 seconds I can see again.# Privacy? What? Are you going to eat?- One minutes chatting to worry about your personaluserinformation. So it does not even save any batjido beyondtheminimum information necessary for a chat.Also # Chat Chat relax without a break !!!- Provides a contact, such as automatic linking featurewhichenables chat contacts change without gaps ability to changethechat and relax without having to leave the chat room.Rational conversation with a stranger is always flutterus.If you want a little bit more and a little more convenient,morepeople chat in a safe place, one minute and enjoy chatting.Meet the real-time random chatOne boring chat quit of!You can talk with many people at onceEnjoy a new chat
플메톡 - 미팅,채팅,만남,대행 16.9
본 채팅어플은 10년이상 서비스 되고있는(의앱버젼 입니다.채팅중 차단 및 신고 시스템 운영으로 불쾌감을 주는 상대회원을 영구 탈퇴시킬 수 있습니다.남녀 회원비율이 6/4로써 대한민국 최대규모라 할 수 있습니다.일일 게시물 등록건수 300~400건으로 보는것 만으로도 정말 재미 있습니다.플메톡 서비스는 개인정보를 수집하지 않습니다.플메톡 서비스는 탈퇴시 아무 흔적도 남기지 않습니다.더 좋은 서비스가 될 수 있도록 항상 최선을 다하겠습니다.감사합니다.The chat app is theappversion ( that is more than 10 yearsofservice.Blocking of chat and report operating system can permanentlyleavethe other members offensive.The proportion men and women can be referred to as the RepublicofKorea's largest 6/4.One days post registration number is really fun just seeing 300to400 cases.Methoxy platform services does not collectpersonalinformation.Flags methoxy service will leave no trace when you leave.To become a better service always do our best.Thank you.
남부권 코스어들의 기묘한 만남 1.0
남부권 코스어들의 기묘한 만남의 새로운 소식을 스마트폰 푸시알림으로즉시알려드립니다!남부권 코스어들의 기묘한 만남의 새로운 소식을 지금 당장 만나보세요!Nambugwon koseueo willbenotified as soon as the news of bizarre encountersbetweensmartphone push notifications!Meet new on the bizarre encounter of nambugwon koseueo now!