Top 18 Apps Similar to Madre Patria

LTDI 6to Ciencias Naturales
Los Libros de Texto DigitalesInteractivossonun concepto educativo innovador. Desarrollados paramejorarlaeducación con el uso de tecnología e impulsar laculminacióndelproceso formativo de los alumnos en educación básicay enespecialpara los estudiantes con discapacidad integradosalsistemaeducativo.Presentan de manera sincronizada la imagen y el audio deloslibrosde texto de primaria y permiten a los estudiantes realizarenelloslas actividades educativas requeridas y alosmaestrosrevisarlas.Gracias a la tecnología de reconocimiento de voz queutilizan,losestudiantes con discapacidad visual, pueden dictarlasrespuestas alas actividades y la aplicación las almacena.Esta aplicación corresponde al Libro de Texto Gratuito queelaboralaSecretaría de Educación Pública para Ciencias Naturalesde SextoAñode Primaria.La Tecnología necesaria para producir la aplicaciónfuedesarrolladapor el Dr. Miguel Alvarez Gómez.Para la transformación de los Libros de Texto, que seimprimenenpapel, a la versión Digital Interactiva que presentalaaplicaciónse contó con la colaboración de alumnos de la carreradeIngenieríaen Comunicación Multimedia y de la MaestríaenTecnologías para elAprendizaje del Centro Universitario de laCostade la UniversidaddeTheInteractiveDigitalText Books are an innovative educational concept.Developedtoimprove education through the use of technology andencouragethecompletion of the learning process of students inbasiceducation,especially for students with disabilities integratedintotheeducation system.Synchronously present the image and audio textbooks forprimaryandallow students to make them the required educationalactivitiesandteachers review them.Thanks to the voice recognition technology they use,studentswithvisual disabilities, can dictate the answers to theactivityandapplication stores.This application is for the Free Text Book prepared bytheMinistryof Education for Natural Science ElementarySixthYear.The application needed to produce the technology was developedbyDr.Miguel Alvarez Gomez.For transformation of Textbooks, which are printed onpaper,theInteractive Digital version presented the applicationwiththecollaboration of students of EngineeringinMultimediaCommunication and MA in Learning TechnologiesCenterDegree of theUniversity of Costa
Consulta Escolar 1.0
Tramita tu correo institucional enlaplataforma office365 tanto para docentes como alumnos.Consulta de calificaciones vigentes, historialacadémico,certificado para egresados y otros beneficios comolicencias deOffice gratuito.Ésta aplicación permite que los padres de familia que tenganalumnosen escuelas públicas y privadas del Estado de Jalisco,puedanconsultar los avances escolares y vigentes que ha obtenidounalumno, a base de ingresar la clave de centro de trabajo en laquese encuentre inscrito y su matrícula, ésto mostrará suhistorialacadémico en su paso por la educación básica, desagregadapor nivelde estudios y grado cursado para facilitar la lectura delospromedios finales cada asignatura cursada.También incluye un servicio de envío automático delascalificaciones bimestrales que ha obtenido el alumno alcorreoelectrónico registrado, así el padre de familia o tutor demaneraautomática recibirá vía correo electrónico, cada bimestre,losresultados obtenidos por el alumno.Además, dentro de Consulta Escolar, los alumnos inscritosaplanteles educativos públicos de primaria y secundaria,puedensolicitar el beneficio de Office 365, que les otorgará unalicenciade Microsoft Office para usarla hasta en 5 dispositivos,totalmentegratis.Handles yourmailinstitutional Office365 platform for both teachers andstudents.Consultation outstanding ratings, academic record,certificatefor graduates and other benefits such as freeOfficelicenses. This application allows parents who have students in publicandprivate schools in the State of Jalisco, to consult the schoolandcurrent progress it has obtained a student, based on enteringthekey workplace in which you are enrolled and enrollment,academicrecord this show on their way through basiceducation,disaggregated by level of education and grade completedforreadability of the final averages each cursada subject.It also includes a service for automatically sendingthebimonthly qualifications obtained student email registered, andtheparent or guardian automatically receive e-mail, each quarter,theresults obtained by the student.In addition, in consultation School, students enrolled atpubliceducational institutions of primary and secondary, can claimthebenefit of Office 365, which will give them a license touseMicrosoft Office on up to 5 devices, absolutely free.
Calificaciones Alumnos Hidalgo 1.1
Aplicación destinada a todos los padresdelEstado de Hidalgo que tengan uno o más hijos en una escueladeeducación básica (Preescolar, Primaria o Secundaria) públicaoprivadaRegístrate en 3 simples pasos para obtener de inmediatolossiguientes beneficios:*Calificaciones de cada bimestre de los últimos 3ciclosescolares y promedio en tiempo real*Inasistencias por mes*Observaciones Generales registradas por el profesor.*Tareas con links de apoyo calendarizadas semanalmente*Información sobre la escuela y ubicación geográficaAdemás las escuelas publicarán anuncios en esta aplicaciónypuedas enterarte sin la necesidad de ir al centro de trabajodondeestudian sus hijosApplication forallparents of Hidalgo with one or more children in a school ofbasiceducation (preschool, primary or secondary) public or privateSign up in 3 simple steps to immediately get thefollowingbenefits:   * Ratings each quarter last 3 school yearsandaverage in real time   * Absences per month   General Observations recorded bytheteacher.   * Tasks With support links weeklyscheduleevent   * Information about the school and locationAlso published schools for your application and you can findoutwithout having to go to the workplace where theirchildrenstudy
Primaria-Atlas de Geografía 1.0
Somos una empresa comprometida con laeducacióninfantil de México, sabes nosotros entendemos a los niñosde hoy espor ello que, innovamos herramientas que refuerzan yapoyan ELAPRENDIZAJE.¿Cómo lo hacemos?Partimos de la técnica, aprender es divertido,creamosaplicaciones interactivas y multimedia, de forma gratuitayaccesible para todo el mundo donde el gran ganador son losniños.Sin embargo esto es un gran reto y necesitamos de tuapoyo,requerimos recursos para el diseño y desarrollo denuevasaplicaciones.Atlas de Geografía Universal 5°Es una aplicación tipo “Ejemplo didáctico”, daremos unbreverecorrido para comprender como se formó el universo y sistemasolarmediante una serie de animaciones que lo harán másentretenido. Concaracterísticas de realizar tus propias notas,repetir los audioscuantas veces se requiera y una evaluación paraponer en prácticalos temas revisados durante la clase.We are a companycommittedto children's education in Mexico, we know you mean tokids today iswhy, innovate tools that strengthen and supportLEARNING.How do we do?We start with the art, learning is fun, create interactiveandmultimedia applications, free and accessible to everyone wherethebig winner is the children. However this is a great challengeandwe need your support, we require resources to the designanddevelopment of new applications.Atlas of Universal Geography 5 °It is a type application "Instruction Example" that give youabrief tour to understand how the universe and solar systemformedby a series of animations that will make it moreentertaining. Withfeatures making your own notes, audios repeat asoften as requiredand an assessment to implement the revised duringclass topics.
Estados y Capitales de Mexico 1.1
Con esta aplicacion podras aprender dondeseencuentran todos los estado de Mexico y cuales son lascapitales,esto sin la necesidad de internet, puedes utilizar elbotondesplegable para seleccionar el estado que deses o puedestocar lapantalla de derecha a izquierda para avanzar de un estado aotro,al tocar la pantalla podras hacer un acercamiento para verdonde seencuentra el estadoWith this applicationyoucan learn where all the states of Mexico and what are thecapitals,this without the need of internet, you can use thedrop-down buttonto select the state that deses or you can touch thescreen fromright to left to advance a state to another, touchingthe screenyou can zoom in to see where the state
Consejo Técnico Escolar SEG v2 1.2
La Secretaría de Educación de Guanajuato,conel propósito de generar el uso educativo de las tabletas ASUSMEMOPAD y Intertek modelo: m109r-2, que fueron entregadas alosdocentes de Educación Básica por esta dependencia, poneadisposición la segunda versión de la aplicación móvilConsejoTécnico Escolar SEG que fortalece además el trabajo encolectivo.Pasos para instalar la versión 2: de configuración: Ministry ofEducationof Guanajuato, in order to generate the educational use oftabletsASUS MEMO PAD and Intertek model m109r-2, which were giventoteachers in basic education by this agency, provides thesecondversion of the SEG mobile application Technical SchoolCouncilfurther strengthens the collective work.Steps to install version 2: configuration:
Información Educativa Hidalgo 1.0.0
***Importante*** Esta aplicaciónrequieredeusuario y contraseña otorgado por la DirecciónGeneraldeTecnologías de la Información perteneciente a laSubsecretariadeAdministración y Finanzas de la Secretaria deEducación PúblicadelEstado de HidalgoHerramienta de gran utilidad para los directores delasescuelasde educación básica (Preescolar, Primaria ySecundaria,tantopúblicos y privados), Supervisores de sector ydezona,Funcionarios de SEPH y dependencias del estado dehidalgoquerequieren información relevante del sectoreducativoparadesempeñar sus funciones de manera eficienteBasada originalmente en el "Sistema EstatalIntegraldeInformación Educativa" con aproximadamente 6,300usuarios,estaaplicación obtiene información directamente de más de7000escuelasdel estado de Hidalgo, contando conlassiguientescaracterísticas:*Escribe tu usuario y contraseña la primera vez queabresestaaplicación, las demás veces el acceso es automáticoConsultas Por Escuela*Información general sobre la escuela y ubicación geográfica*Cantidad de alumnos por escuela*Características EspecialesConsultas Generales a Nivel Estatal*Cantidad de alumnos por nivel y municipio, estadísticaoficialdealumnos*Todas las escuelas*Características Especiales*Alumnos extranjeros*Tallas de alumnos*Becas oportunidades*Calificaciones faltantes de capturar*Alumnos faltantes de inscripciónConsultas por Ubicación Geográfica*General (Mapa para agregar escuelas por municipio,localidad,zona,sector y como llegar a determinada escuela)*Energía Eléctrica e Internet (ubicación de lasescuelassegúncuenten con energía eléctrica y/o servicio deinternet)*Escuelas SEDAEB (Escuelas con mayor demanda)Consultas del Ciclo Escolar Anterior (2013-2014)*El sistema de consultas del ciclo anterior, conformeavancenlosciclos escolares se tendrán disponibles estasconsultas*** Important***Thisapplication requires username and password issuedbytheDirectorate General of Information Technology belongingtotheAssistant Secretary for Administration and FinanceSecretaryofPublic Education of the State of HidalgoUseful tool for managers of primary schools(preschool,primaryand secondary, both public and private),Supervisors sectorandarea officials and state agencies SEPH hidalgorelevantinformationrequiring the education sector perform theirdutiesefficientlyOriginally based on the "Comprehensive StateEducationInformationSystem" with about 6,300 users, thisapplication getsdata directlyfrom over 7,000 schools in the stateof Hidalgo, withthe followingcharacteristics:   Enter your username and password thefirsttimeyou open this application, other times access isautomaticConsultations For School   * Overview of schoolandgeographicallocation   * Number of students per school   * Special FeaturesStatewide General Inquiries   * Number of students by levelandmunicipality,official statistics of students   * All Schools   * Special Features   * Foreign students   * Sizes of students   * Scholarship opportunities   * Missing ratings capture   * Missing Student EnrollmentConsultations by Geographical Location   * General (Map to add schools by town,city,area,sector and access particular school)  * Electrical & Internet Energy (locationofschoolsas provided with electricity and / orinternetservice)   * SEDAEB Schools (Schools with higher demand)Consultations Previous School Year (2013-2014)   * The system queries the previous cycle,astheyprogress the school years these consultationshaveavailable
PixWord English for Czech 1.9.3m
ECTACO® Language Teacher® PixWordEnglishforCzech speakers.This application will help you memorize common wordsbothwrittenand spoken in a foreign language. You will seethemillustrated bypictures. Each word is announced by voice.Key features• 22 topics: Environment, Calendar,Human,Health/Beauty,Clothes/Accessories, Home, Computer/Office,Flora,Fauna,Foodstuffs, Fruits/Vegetables, Drinks,City/Countryside,Traveling,Abroad, Sport/Leisure, Children'sWord,Art/Entertainment, NaturalSciences, Math,Activity/Location,Antonyms.• A number of subtopics under each topic.• Translations for each word or phrase.• Pictures of related words and phrases.• Human voice pronunciation for each word and phrase.• Graphic speech analysis system with waveform display.• The words you say will be recorded and compared tothemodel'spronunciation.• The smileys along with a voiceover will guide you todevelopyourarticulation skills.• Training and testing units to improve your knowledge.• Original level of the app is great—but an advancedlevel(alreadyincluded in the app) is even better!
Primaria-Cívica y Ética 1.0
Somos una empresa comprometida conlaeducacióninfantil de México, sabes nosotros entendemos a losniñosde hoy espor ello que, innovamos herramientas que refuerzanyapoyan ELAPRENDIZAJE.¿Cómo lo hacemos?Partimos de la técnica, aprender es divertido,creamosaplicacionesinteractivas y multimedia, de forma gratuitayaccesible para todoel mundo donde el gran ganador son losniños.Sin embargo esto esun gran reto y necesitamos de tuapoyo,requerimos recursos para eldiseño y desarrollo denuevasaplicaciones.Formación Cívica y ética 6° Bloque 1Temas• De la niñez a la adolescenciaEs una aplicación tipo “Ejemplodidáctico”enfocadaprimordialmente a repasar los cambios y cuidadosen elcuerpohumano, los abusos entre los seres humanos, valores y unpocosobrela explotación infantil. Con características derealizartuspropias notas, repetir los audios cuantas veces serequiera yunaevaluación para poner en práctica los temas revisadosdurantelaclase.We are acompanycommittedto children's education in Mexico, we know you meantokids today iswhy, innovate tools that strengthen andsupportLEARNING.How do we do?We start with the art, learning is fun, createinteractiveandmultimedia applications, free and accessible toeveryone wherethebig winner is the children. However this is agreat challengeandwe need your support, we require resources to thedesignanddevelopment of new applications.Civic and Ethical Education 6th Block 1Topics• From childhood to adolescenceIt is a type application "Instruction Example"focusedprimarilyreview the changes in the human body care, abusebetweenpeople,values, and a little about child exploitation. Withfeaturesmakingyour own notes, audios repeat as often as requiredandanassessment to implement the revised during class topics.
ГДЗ - Моя домашка 1.0.8
ГДЗ - Готовые домашние задания Россия иУкраинаонлайн. Гдз ответы к таким предметам: Алгебра, Английскийязык,Астрономия, Белорусский язык (Беларуская мова),Биология,География,Геометрия, ИЗО (Изобразительное искусство), Информатика,История,Литература, Математика, Музыка, Немецкий, ОБЖ (Основыздоровья),Обществознание, Природоведение, Русский язык, Труд,Украинский язык(Українська мова), Физика, Французский язык, Химия,Черчение иЭтика. Теперь решить домашнее задание стало значительнопроще, ведьс ГДЗ - Моя домашка учеба стала простой и приятной.Сайт alldz.netразработал для вас специальное приложение, котороепозволяет всчитанные минуты найти ответ на домашнее задание имгновенно решитьего. Удобная навигация позволит вам легко и быстронайти ответы навсе самые популярные учебники 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11класс. Теперь вы легко и качественно можете сделатьдомашку потративминимум усилий. Простое и интуитивное меню сделаетпоиск ответовпростым и приятным. Мы будем постоянно работать надинтерфейсом ифункционалом приложения, что бы сделать пользованиеим максимальнопростым и приятным. Раньше поиск ответов к задачам иупражнениям былочень трудоемким и непростым. Но теперь с новымприложением ГДЗ -Твоя домашка найти ответ на домашнее заданиестало гораздопроще.GDZ - Homework RussiaandUkraine online. GDZ answers to these subjects: Algebra,English,astronomy, Belarusian language (Belaruskaya mova),Biology,Geography, Geometry, Fine Arts (Art), Computer Science,History,Literature, Mathematics, Music, German, OBZH (FundamentalsofHealth) Social Science, Natural Science, Russian Language,Work,Ukrainian language (Ukraїnska mova), Physics, French,chemistry,drawing and Ethics. Now solve the homework has becomemuch easier,because with GDZ - My Domashka study became easy andenjoyable.Site developed for you a special applicationthat allowsin a few minutes to answer the homework and instantlysolve it.Easy navigation allows you to quickly and easily findanswers toall the most popular books 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11 aclass. Now you can easily and accurately do homework byspending aminimum of effort. Easy and intuitive menus to search theanswer issimple and enjoyable. We will continuously work on theinterfaceand functional applications that would make use of them assimpleand enjoyable. Previously, the search for answers to theproblemsand exercises were very time consuming and difficult. Butnow withthe new application GDZ - Your Domashka answer the homeworkhasbecome much easier.
Professor Plusminus 1.1
Maik Aicher
Help Professor Plusminus to solvethecalculations and launch his rocket!Professor Plusminus allows students from elementary scooltotrain basic calculations. You can configure every basiccalculationseparateley (which numbers to take, in which range theresult willbe and so on). You can also configure which types ofcalculationswill be trained. Within the defined borders thesoftware willprovide random calucations which must solved by thestudents. Thenumber of calculations for each round is configurableaswell.After the calculations are solved, the software providesfeedbackwhich calculations were solved correctly and which wherewrong. Thewrong ones must be redone, until every calculation wasenteredcorrectly. For training it can be configured that thewrongcalculations will be requested in the following rounds aswell.The program allows you to store several configurations, soyoucan use the software for several children. For motivationananimation will be shown. For later analysis the software providesastatistic view, where the number of errors as well as theneededtime is shown in a graph.
App UAM 2.0.0
Application in order to facilitate the consultation ofinstitutionalinformation
ГДЗ ― Моя домашка (Україна) 1.0.8
ГДЗ - готові домашні завдання Українадозволитьвам швидко і якісно підготувати домашнє завдання. Вдодатку визнайдете гдз відповіді до таких предметів: Алгебра,Англійська мова,Астрономія, Білоруська мова (Беларуская мова),Біологія, Географія,Геометрія, ІЗО (Образотворче мистецтво),Інформатика, Історія,Література, Математика, Музика, Німецька, ОБЖ(Основи здоров'я),Суспільствознавство, Природознавство, Російськамова, Праця,Українська мова (Українська мова), Фізика, Французькамова, хімія,креслення і Етика. Тепер вирішити домашнє завданнястало значнопростіше, адже з ГДЗ - Твоя домашка навчання сталопростою іприємною. Сайт розробив для вас спеціальнийдодаток, щодозволяє в лічені хвилини знайти відповідь на домашнєзавдання імиттєво вирішити його. Зручна навігація дозволить вамлегко і швидкознайти відповіді на всі найпопулярніші підручники 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10, 11 клас. Тепер ви легко і якісно можетезробити домашкувитративши мінімум зусиль. Просте і інтуїтивне менюзробить пошуквідповідей простим і приємним. Ми будемо постійнопрацювати надінтерфейсом і функціоналом додатку, щоб зробитикористування ниммаксимально простим і приємним. Раніше пошуквідповідей до задач івправ був дуже трудомістким і непростим. Алетепер з новим додаткомГДЗ - Твоя домашка знайти відповідь надомашнє завдання сталонабагато простіше.Більше ГДЗ на http://alldz.netGDZ - homework Ukraineareready to let you quickly and accurately prepare homework. Intheappendix you will find GDZ answers to the followingsubjects:Algebra, English, Astronomy, Belarusian (Belarussianlanguage),Biology, Geography, Geometry, Fine Arts (Fine Arts),science,history, literature, mathematics, music, German, OBZh (Basics ofHealth), Social Science, Natural Science, Russian, Work,Ukrainian(Ukrainian language), physics, French, chemistry, drawingandEthics. Now solve homework has become much easier, because withGDZ- Your domashka training was easy and pleasant. Sitealldz.netdeveloped for you a special application that allows a fewminutesto answer the homework and instantly solve it. Easynavigationallows you to easily and quickly find answers to all themostpopular books 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 form. Now youcaneasily and efficiently make domashku a minimum of effort. Easyandintuitive menus make responses simple and enjoyable. Wewillcontinuously work on interface and application functionalitytomake use of it as simple and enjoyable. Earlier responsestoproblems and exercises were very time consuming and difficult.Butnow with the new application GDZ - Your domashka answer tohomeworkhas become much easier.More GDZ on
spanish vowels 2.4
IDENTIFIES vowels, with audible examples and illustrations. spanish
scook 1.9.1
Buch vergessen? Schulranzen zu schwer? Die scook App fürdasiPhoneund iPad macht den Schulalltag leichter und bietetZugriffauf mehrals 1.000 Bücher der Cornelsen Schulverlage,DudenSchulbuch,Oldenbourg Schulbuchverlag, Volk & Wissen oderdemVerlag ander Ruhr. Zudem bietet die scook App die Möglichkeit,mitdeminteraktiven Arbeitsheft die Aufgaben aus demCrossoverWorkbookganz einfach und intuitiv auf dem Tablet oderSmartphonezubearbeiten. Ob auf dem Schulweg im Bus oder inderFreistunde,online oder offline: Die Bücher undinteraktivenArbeitsheftelassen sich nun komfortabel überall auf demSmartphoneoder Tabletlesen.
Kadict - từ điển Việt 3.0.3b
Từ điển Kadict:- Kadict là từ điển đa ngôn ngữ, được biên tập, xây dựng vàpháttriển hoàn toàn với mục đích phi thương mại. Kadict là sản phẩmcủatình yêu ngoại ngữ và công nghệ thông tin (CNTT).- Kadict bao gồm các cơ sở dữ liệu từ điển (CSDL)sau:Anh-Việt-Anh, Pháp-Việt-Pháp, Nhật-Việt-Nhật, Trung-Việt-Trung(PT& GT), Nga-Việt-Nga, Hàn-Việt-Hàn, Đức-Việt-Đức, Việt-Việt,TâyBan Nha, CSDL phát âm tiếng Anh, Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh, Thành ngữAnh,Việt... Đặc biệt trong đó, CSDL Anh-Việt và Việt Anh có lầnlượtkhoảng 390.000 và 430.000 mục từ bao gồm từ vựng thông thườngvàcác thuật ngữ chuyên ngành kinh tế, kinh doanh, khoa học kĩthuật,tự nhiên...- Kadict và CSDL hoạt động offline, hoàn toàn miễn phí vàkhôngtích hợp quảng cáo.- Kadict có CSDL ngữ pháp tiếng Anh và phương pháp luyện/phátâmtiếng Anh dành riêng cho người Việt.- Kadict cho phép lưu từ đã tra và từ ưa thích/quan tâm.- Gesture được tích hợp trong Kadict cho phép người dùng tratừbằng cách viết/vẽ lên màn hình.- Kadict không chiếm dụng bộ nhớ trong của thiết bị – toànbộCSDL được lưu trên thẻ nhớ.- Người dùng có thể gọi Kadict để tra từ từ ứng dụng khácthôngqua Action Bar – Share – Kadict.- Kadict có giao diện trực quan, hoàn toàn bằng tiếng Việt,cáchtrình bày phần giải nghĩa rõ ràng, sánh sủa, dễ theo dõi.- Người dùng dễ dàng cài đặt Kadict và CSDL Kadict. CSDL cóthểđược download riêng và cài đặt bất cứ khi nào mong muốn.- Kadict có thể hoạt động tốt trên các phiên bản Android từ1.6(Donut) tới bản 4.3 (Jelly Bean). Tuy nhiên, Kadict hoạt độngtốiưu (đầy đủ tính năng) với các phiên bản Android 4.x.x (từ IceCreamSandwich).Xem Visitđểbiết thêm thông tin chi tiết về Kadict.*******About Kadict: a free, simple and powerful Viet dictionary withnoads- Kadict is a multi-lingual dictionary compiled anddevelopedwith the non-profit purpose by an enthusiast of foreignlanguagesand ICT.- Kadict consists of the followingdatabases:English-Vietnamese-English,French-Vietnamese-French,Japanese-Vietnamese-Japanese,Chinese-Vietnamese-Chinese,Russian-Vietnamese-Russian,Korean-Vietnamese-Korean and EnglishTalking database. Typically,the English-Vietnamese andVietnamese-English ones have aproximately390,000 and 430,000entries respectively including not only everydaywords and phrasesbut also terms of various areas such as business,finance,technology, natural sciences, etc.- Kadict and its databases are completely free of charge. Theappworks offline and does not include any pieces of adware.- For Vietnamese learners of English, Kadict provides theEnglishGrammar Essentials and English Talking database.- Saving history and favourite words/phrases is a key featureofKadict.- That Gesture is integrated into Kadict allows users to lookupby writing/drawing directly on the screen.- Kadict does not store its databases on device’s internalmemory.Instead, the databases are all kept on sdcard.- From other apps using ActionBar - Share, Kadict can becalledup so that a selected word can be looked up for its meaninganddefinition.- Kadict has intuitive graphical user interface, completelyinVietnamese with clear definitions and tidy layout ofdefinitionpage.- It is easy to install Kadict and its databases. The appanddatabases can be saparetely downloaded and installedonrequest.- Kadict can work flawlessly on Android versions rangingfromDonut (1.6) to Jelly Bean (4.3). However, Kadict operatesoptimallyon Android versions 4.x.x Ice Cream Sandwich and thelater)Visit information.DictionaryKadict:- Kadict is a multilingual dictionary, edited, builtanddeveloped entirely with non-commercial purposes. Kadict isaproduct of love foreign languages ​​and informationtechnology(IT).- Kadict including dictionary database (DB)follows:English-Vietnamese-English,French-Vietnamese-French,Japanese-Vietnamese-Japanese,Chinese-Vietnamese-Chinese (PT &GT), Russian-Vietnamese-RussianSouth-Vietnam-Korea,Germany-Vietnam-Germany, Vietnam-Vietnam,Spain, database Englishpronunciation, English Grammar, IdiomsEnglish, Vietnamese ...Especially in that database from English toVietnamese VietnameseDo you turn around 390,000 and 430,000vocabulary entries includingconventional and specialized terms ofeconomic, trade, science andtechnology, natural ...- Kadict and offline database operations, free and notintegratedadvertising.- Kadict have a database of English grammar andmethodologytraining / English pronunciation for the Vietnamese.- Kadict allows saving word from investigators and preferred/attention.- Built-in Gesture Kadict lets users look up words by writing/drawing on the screen.- Kadict not occupied in the device's memory - the wholedatabaseis stored on a memory card.- User can call to investigate slowly Kadict otherapplicationsvia the Action Bar - Share - Kadict.- Kadict intuitive interface, entirely in Vietnamese,partinterpretive presentation clear, constant barking,easilymonitored.- Users easily install Kadict Kadict and database. Databasecanbe downloaded separately and installed whenever desired.- Kadict can work well on the Android versions from 1.6(Donut)to 4.3 (Jelly Bean). However, Kadict optimal operation(fullfeatures) with the Android version 4.xx (from IceCreamSandwich).See more information about Kadict.*******About Kadict: a free, simple and powerful Viet dictionary withnoads- Is a multi-lingual Kadict Facebook biên and Developed withthenon-profit purpose by an enthusiast of foreign languages​​andICT.- Consists of những Kadict databases:English-Vietnamese-English,French-Vietnamese-French,Japanese-Vietnamese-Japanese,Chinese-Vietnamese-Chinese,Russian-Vietnamese-Russian,Korean-Vietnamese-Korean and EnglishTalking database. Typically,the English-Vietnamese andVietnamese-English ones have aproximately390,000 and 430,000respectively gồm entries not only everyday wordsand Phrases nhưngterms of various areas to như business, finance,technology,natural sciences, etc.- Kadict and its databases are completely free of charge. Theappworks offline and does not include any pieces of adware.- For Vietnamese Learners of English, the EnglishGrammarEssentials provides Kadict and English Talking database.- Saving history and favorite words / Phrases is a key featureofKadict.- That Gesture is integrated Into cho phép users to lookupKadict by writing / drawing on the screen trực. - Does not store its Kadict device's internal memory databaseson.Instead of, the databases are all kept on sdcard.- From other apps using ActionBar - Share, Kadict thể gọi up đểaselected word Looked up for its thể nghĩa and definition.- Kadict has intuitive Graphical User Interface, withcleardefinitions completely in Vietnamese and tidy layout ofdefinitionpage.- It is easy to install and its Kadict databases. The appanddatabases can be downloaded and installed onrequestsaparetely.- Kadict can work flawlessly on Android versions RangingfromDonut (1.6) to Jelly Bean (4.3). Tuy nhiên, Kadictoperatesoptimally on Android Ice Cream Sandwich versions 4.xx andthelater)Visit for more information
E-books Norma 5.2.519
E-books Norma es la nueva herramienta atravésde la cual los estudiantes podrán tener el mismo contenido deloslibros de texto impresos, pero en una tableta con todoslosbeneficios y posibilidades de la tecnología. El contenidodigitalse encuentra disponible para las cuatro áreas básicas:lenguaje,matemáticas, ciencias naturales y ciencias sociales; comoparacomprensión lectora e inglés. De igual forma, se puedenencontrarlos libros digitales de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil.La aplicación presenta una interfaz muy amigable y fácil deusar.El estudiante podrá:- Descargar y leer sus libros de texto y sus libros deLiteraturainfantil y juvenil.- Tomar notas, hacer apuntes y elaborar los ejercicios sobresuslibros de texto con el lápiz óptico y el teclado enpantalla.E-books Norma is thenewtool through which students may have the same content ofprintedtextbooks, but on a tablet with all the benefits andpossibilitiesof technology. The digital content is available forthe four basicareas: language arts, mathematics, natural sciencesand socialsciences; to reading and understanding English. Likewise,you canfind digital books Children's Literature.The application has a friendly interface and easy to use.Thestudent will:- Download and read their textbooks and books ofchildren'sliterature.- Take notes, take notes and prepare the exercises ontheirtextbooks with the stylus and the onscreen keyboard.
Learn Animals
Muratos Games
100 animals in English language. 3 Learning Games. Pictures,soundsand spelling