Top 20 Apps Similar to Audio NIV Free

Ewe Biblia beta 2.2.7
This is the New Testament Bible inEweLanguage.This Application will be updated time to time with theOldTestament. The application is not guaranteed to be perfect onalldevices. to make sure some characters display properly, pleaseuseyour device's default font. If the application does not openorcrashes on your device, e-mail the address below.Common Features:1. You can bookmark your favourite verses.2. You can share verses to your friends easily.3. You can highlight your verses4. The Bible is in basic Ewe Language for easy understanding.The New Testament content is takenfrom
Ewe Biblia 1.3.2
Download The all new Ewe Biblia
Szent Biblia (Holy Bible) 1.4
Solvus Lab
Szent Biblia - The Holy Bible, in Hungarian. Translated byKároliGáspár.
Edem Boni
Evangelical Presbyterian Church,GhanaHymnal
English Ewe Dictionary
Eŋlisi Eʋe - English Ewe Dictionary and Ewe English Dictionary
Ewe Catholic Hymnal 1.0.1
Enables you sing Ewe Catholic Hymns in church by typing-in thehymnnumber. This App is designed for use by Ewe Catholics aroundtheworld especially Ghana, Togo and Benin.
Bible Audio Niv 2.1
Next Level
Bible Audio Niv mp3
NIV Bible Study 1.0
Version InformationThe New International Version (NIV) is acompletelyoriginaltranslation of the Bible developed by more thanonehundredscholars working from the best available Hebrew,Aramaic,and Greektexts.The initial vision for the project was provided byasingleindividual – an engineer working with General ElectricinSeattleby the name of Howard Long. Long was a lifelong devoteeofthe KingJames Version, but when he shared it with his friendshewasdistressed to find that it just didn’t connect. Long sawtheneedfor a translation that captured the truths he loved inthelanguagethat his contemporaries spoke.For 10 years, Long and a growing group oflike-mindedsupportersdrove this idea. The passion of one man becamethepassion of achurch, and ultimately the passion of a wholegroupofdenominations. And finally, in 1965, after severalyearsofpreparatory study, a trans-denominational andinternationalgroupof scholars met in Palos Heights, Illinois, andagreed tobeginwork on the project – determining to not simply adaptanexistingEnglish version of the Bible but to start from scratchwiththebest available manuscripts in the originallanguages.Theirconclusion was endorsed by a large number of churchleaderswho metin Chicago in 1966.A self-governing body of fifteen biblical scholars,theCommitteeon Bible Translation (CBT) was formed andchargedwithresponsibility for the version, and in 1968 the NewYorkBibleSociety (which subsequently became the InternationalBibleSocietyand then Biblica) generously undertook thefinancialsponsorship ofthe project. The translation of each bookwasassigned totranslation teams, each made up of two leadtranslators,twotranslation consultants, and a stylisticconsultantwherenecessary. The initial translations produced bythese teamswerecarefully scrutinized and revised byintermediateeditorialcommittees of five biblical scholars to checkthem againstthesource texts and assess them for comprehensibility.Eacheditedtext was then submitted to a general committee of eighttotwelvemembers before being distributed to selected outsidecriticsand toall members of the CBT in preparation for a finalreview.Samplesof the translation were tested for clarity and easeofreading withpastors, students, scholars, and lay people acrossthefull breadthof the intended audience. Perhaps no othertranslationhasundergone a more thorough process of review andrevision. Fromthevery start, the NIV sought to bring modern Biblereaders ascloseas possible to the experience of the very firstBiblereaders:providing the best possible blend of transparency totheoriginaldocuments and comprehension of the original meaninginevery verse.With this clarity of focus, however, cametherealization that thework of translating the NIV would neverbetruly complete. As newdiscoveries were made about thebiblicalworld and its languages,and as the norms of English usagedevelopedand changed over time,the NIV would also need to change toholdtrue to its originalvision.And so in the original NIV charter, provision was made notjusttoissue periodic updates to the text but also to createamechanism forconstant monitoring of changes inbiblicalscholarship and Englishusage. The CBT was charged to meeteveryyear to review, maintain,and strengthen the NIV’s abilitytoaccurately and faithfully renderGod’s unchanging Word inmodernEnglish.The 2011 update to the NIV is the latest fruit of thisprocess.Byworking with input from pastors and Bible scholars, bygrapplingwiththe latest discoveries about biblical languages andthebiblicalworld, and by using cutting-edge research onEnglishusage, theCommittee on Bible Translation has updated thetext toensure thatthe New International Version of the Bibleremainsfaithful to HowardLong’s original inspiration.
Twi Bible.
Fully Loaded with all features that willmakethis app easier to read and use.HighlightingBookmarkSide by Side (Parallel Bible)ShareCopy and pasteNotes taking within textUnderline textNight and Day modeText searchingTwo bundle BibleFantastic Font size suited for all people with longorshortsightedness.Easily select from two different versions instantly.The Bible versions are available offline, no internet isrequiredafter installation and its so easy to read as twobundledversions.. Full text search with result highlighting and bookmarking.. Write and save personal notes. Read easily with settings like font size and text size.Twi (Akuapem)NKJV BibleTwi (Asante)Great update is coming soon......................God Bless you All
NIV Bible Study Free 1.2
The New International Version (NIV)isacompletely original translation of the Bible developed bymorethanone hundred scholars working from the bestavailableHebrew,Aramaic, and Greek texts.With NIV Bible Study Free app you can find out all there istoknowabout New International Version of the Bible.Also youcanscrolthru proverbs,sermons,devotionals,audio files andmuchmore.Enjoy the new NIV Bible Study Free app on your device!!!
Bible App Free NIV 2.0
Bible App Free NIV - The bestBibleappwith text and audio version of the NIV Bible forfree.ThisBible App Free NIV comes complete with allscriptures ofOldand New Testament. Also include NIV Bible textversion forreading.You can read and hear the words of God at thesame time.You canread Bible offline. If you android device isconnected tointernetyou can listen streaming audio Bible NIV free.WithBackgroundplayer function, you don't need to open the appeverytime tolisten your favorite bibles. User interface is designedforeasynavigation. Very easy access to all Chapters of Holy BibleNIV.Youcan share the Bible verse you like with friends and familyviatextmessage, social network or email. With this BibleAppFreeNIV you can bring the word of God go withyoueverywhere.Portable and easy to use!This is the text and audio Bible app, so if you want toreadjustfeel free to read but if your schedule is very busy and youdonotown a minute to sit and read then the “Bible App FreeNIV”audioversion is good for you. Enjoy listening to God's wordeachday onyour android device. Hope you enjoy the app! We arelookingforwardto your feedback and any suggestions for improvement.Trytoinstall now, it's FREEBible App Free NIV, audio bible NIV, niv bible app, nivbiblefreedownload, NIV
NIV Bible Offline 1.0
NIV Bible Offline is a bible app forNIVversionof the bible. It also features an audio bible thatallowyou tofollow the read.
Audio Bible Niv Free 1.0
The New International Version isanEnglishtranslation of the Christian Bible. Biblica istheworldwidepublisher and copyright holder of the NIV, andlicensescommercialrights to Zondervan in the United States and toHodder&Stoughton in the UK.The NIV offline bible App has the local version oftheNewInternational Version (2011) of the Bible. Download theNIVofflinebible and get a very fast app, which is designed forBibleStudyand easy note taking. The NIV offline Bible apphasunmatcheddesign, interface and functionality.The very simple but powerful design allow NIV Bible readerstoreadthe Holy Bible easily and off-line (withoutanInternetconnection), navigate, search, highlight verses,bookmark,makemargin notes, copy/paste or take notes.Additionaltranslationssuch as The Message, New Living Translation(NLT), NIVor NASB canbe affordably purchased via in-app purchase orstreamedwith anInternet connection.Version InformationThe New International Version (NIV) is acompletelyoriginaltranslation of the Bible developed by more thanonehundredscholars working from the best available Hebrew,Aramaic,and Greektexts.
New International Bible NIVUK 1.0
The New International Version Bible -UKNIVUKHoly BibleThe New International Version Bible is a thoroughandrevisedversion of the Bible, beautifully formed by over100scholars whocollectively translated today’s most reliableHebrew,Aramaic andGreek texts. Having sold over 220 millioncopiesworldwide, it is aversion that provides a protestanttranslation,priding itself onbalancing accurate translation andclarity for themodernreader.* Holy Bible* Bible Study Guides and Articles* Audio Bible* Verse of the Day
New International Anglicized 1.0.0
The holy bible with audio New International Version (NIVUK).It'sfree.
NIV Bible 1.0
New International Version (NIV)The NIV was a completely new translation, but itwasstronglyinfluenced by the tradition of the King James VersionThefullBible was published in 1978. It was revised in 1984 andagainin2011. A blend of form-based and meaning-basedtranslationtypes,the NIV is one of the most popular English Biblesin usetoday. Itis equally useful for individual study andpublicworship,especially among more traditionalandconservativedenominations.NIV Bible App contains:NIV Holy BibleAudio BibleNIV Bible StudyNIV Audio MessagesDevotionalsVerse a DayThank youAndoappsLTD Team
NIV Bible New Audio 1.0
New Bible App Version Available!The New International Version is an English translation oftheChristian Bible.The NIV began in 1956 with the formation of asmallcommittee to study the value of producing a translation inthecommon language of the American people. Originally published inthe1970s, the NIV was updated in 1984 and 2011, and has become oneofthe most popular and best selling modern translations.
NIV Bible Old And New Testamen 1.63
The holy bible with audio New International Version (NIV).It'sfree.
NIV Bible Offline 1.0
NIV Bible Offline is a bible appforNewInternational Version of the Bible. It also features anNIVAudioBible so you can listen along as you read.
NIV Bible Free 1.0 1.0
The New International Version isanEnglishtranslation of the Christian Bible. Originally publishedinthe1970s, the NIV was updated in 1984 and 2011, and has becomeoneofthe most popular and best selling modern translations.This App includes:- NIV Holy Bible- NIV Bible Study- NIV Audio- Daily Devotions