Top 5 Apps Similar to Malaysia popular web MLweb

Baca Berita Indonesia Wartaku 1.8
Oqum Nibor
Wartaku adalah aplikasi untuk membacawebberitadan hiburan yang populer di Indonesia. Wartaku sangatcocokdigunakanoleh orang yang gemar membaca berita diinternet.Sebagian besardaftar di web ini adalah web yang mempunyairankingbagus di Alexa.Link web yang ditampilkan di sini adalahsumberberita main stream diIndonesia.Dengan menginstal aplikasi baca berita ini anda bisamenghematmemoridi hape anda. Anda tidak perlu menginstal semuaaplikasihanya untukmembaca berita. Sekarang anda cukup menginstalsatuaplikasi sudahbisa digunakan untuk membaca berita semua.Daftar web yang ada di apliksi wara Indonesia ini, Kompas,, dan masih banyak lagi. Tidakkurang darienam puluhlink web tersedia, anda tinggal mengklik untukmembacaisiwebnya.Anda juga bisa memasukkan alamat web URL secara bebasdanmenjelajahiisinya tanpa ada batasan yang menghambat.Mudah-mudahan aplikasi membaca web Indonesia ini bermanfaatbuatkitasemua.Anda tinggal klik web portal berikut:Facebook facebook.comInstagram instagram.comJobstreet jobstreet.comDetik detik.comRepublika mangaku.web.idKompas kompas.comSuara pembaruan suarapembaruan.comAntara antaranews.comLiputan6 liputan6.comTempo tempo.coOkezone okezone.comSuara Merdeka suaramerdeka.comJawa Pos Rakyat krjogja.comPikiran Rakyat www-pikiran-rakyat.comBatam Pos Indonesia mediaindonesia.comPos Kota poskotanews.comThe Jakarta Post thejakartapost.comTabloid Nova tabloidnova.comWanita Indonesia Bintang tabloidbintang.comKontan bintang.comTribun tribunnews.comOLX bukalapak.comTokopedia tokopedia.comBisnis Indonesia bisnis.comElevenia Mall mataharimall.comBhinneka bola.netGila Bola gilabola.comSolopos www.solopos.comKapanLagi kapanlagi.comSindonews sindonews.comMetrotvnews metrotvnews.comMerdeka merdeka.comRimanews rimanews.comJpnn jpnn.comBerita Satu beritasatu.comCNN Indonesia cnnindonesia.comSuara suara.comLayarkaca21 layarkaca21.comCerpen Satu pojoksatu.idWow keren wowkeren.comCinema XXI www.21cineplex.comPulsa Online otomotifnet.comJalan Tikus jalantikus.comCinema Indo cinemaindo.comKumpul Bagi kumpulbagi.idIndo Network Lagu gudanglagu.coDokter Sehat doktersehat.comUkuran file installer baca berita terbaru ini cukupkecilsekitar1.5 MB cocok untuk tipe smartphone yang sedangkekuranganmemorihandphone. Selain browsing berita terbaru anda jugabisamelihatvideo yang diambil dari file video di dalam memorhandphoneanda.Anda bisa melihat video dan browsing internetbersama-samatidakperlu pindah halaman apalagi ganti aplikasi. Iniaplikasiyangmenarik dan bermanfaat, istilahnya satu dayung duatigapulauterlampaui.Beberapa jenis web portal tersedia: web page berita,webportalhiburan, web address kesehatan, web portal media sosial,webportalmultimedia seperti film, komik dan lain-lain.Tersediatombolgoogle untuk mencari website yang belum ada diaplikasi bacawartaini. Ini jenis web browser aman, yang mana URLtidak disimpandidalam aplikasi, jadi ketika anda mematikanaplikasihistorybrowsing anda tidak tersimpan. Ini aman buat andayang tidakmauhistory selancar internet anda diketahui oleh oranglain.Webbrowser yang unik ini juga mendukung fitur sepertiwebjavasriptdan https.Wartaku ini memakai komponen WebView standard dariAndroid/Mobile Web Browser. Ada beberapa keterbatasan diaplikasisepertifacebook dan Instagram. Di facebook anda tidakbisamengupload filevideo dari mobile web browser. Inikebijakanfacebook sendiri. DiInstagram tidak bisa upload photo,inikebijakan Instagram
Play multi video viewer Vid234 1.2
Oqum Nibor
Vid234 is multi video player app thatcanplayvideos in multi windows on one screen. We have testedusingLenovololipop smartphone plays four videos simultaneouslyandsmoothly.This app is mp4 video player. The app is equippedwithmute buttoncontrol individually, so you can turn on or turnoffsound eachvideoReal multi media player is running well in smartphone with2GRAMmemory. We can select the number of video that will beplayed,from1 video until 4 videosVid234 real multimedia player app is application basedonVideoViewwidget in AndroidThe function of Vid234 movie runner app:1. Make live more fun. Usually we only watch one video inonewindowon one screen. It is very quiet. Now we can watch twovideosintime, watch three videos simultaneously, even watchfourvideostogether is okay. It’s very funny video player2. Compare some videos. We can compare two videossimultaneouslyonone screen, compare three videos simultaneously onone screenandcompare four videos simultaneously on one screen3. Efficiently in time. We can reduce 75% of wasting timeTheoretically this real video app is supporting all the typeofvideoformat which supported by Android smartphone. 3GP playercansupport3GP coded. H.263 player support H.263 codec, H.264AVCplayer supportH.264 AVC codec, H.265 HEVC player supportH.265HEVC codec, MPEG-4SP player support MPEG-4 SP codec, VP8playersupport VP8 codec, VP9codec player support VP9 codec.MPEG-4player (.mp4 player) supportmp4 video file type, WebM(.webm)viewer support WebM (.webm) videofile type, Matroska(.mkv,Android 4.0+) runner support Matroska(.mkv, Android 4.0+)videofile type. It is also depend on the brandof the smartphoneitselfwhat is video type which can be supportedit. There ispossibilitythe new smartphone will support more videotype thantheseJoin multi video editor app is enable you to make newvideousingthird party screen recorder such as ADV screenrecorder.Usuallythis kind of screen recorder app only compatibewithlolipopsmartphone above. You can imagine this app can playfourvideossimultaneously then by other screen recorder app willberecordedand created to new videoBasically it is multi video combiner / multi video joinerwheretwo,three or four videos join to one.Video viewer app is suitable for watching the video typesuchas:action video, sport video (F1 video, motogp video, boxingvideoandmore)The type of button tool available in real multimedia player:mutebutton, fast forward slider, fast backwardslider,pausebutton
Cool Tube Web player TubenWeb 2.0
Oqum Nibor
TubenWeb is application for playingvideoforyoutube and web simultaneously on one screen. Therearetwocombinations of playing:1. Playing video for youtube and web simultaneouslyononescreen2. Playing video for youtube and video fromsmartphonesimultaneouslyon one screenTubenWeb is using youtube api player and it iscompatiblewithyoutube policy. Tubenweb is also using WebView andVideoViewwidgetThe main function of this cool video player:1. Make your life more fun with combine watching videoandwebsimultaneously on one screen2. Save your time by watching video for youtube and webtogetherinone time and one screen3. You can compare videos by watching video for youtubeandvideofrom your smartphone. It probably useful forinvestigationthat isusing videos material4. It can be used for video editing / video editor byusingthirdparty screen video recorder such as ADV screenrecorder.Thisscreen video recorder app currently compatiblewithlolipopsmartphone OS5. Multimedia player app is playing video without leavinghistoryofplayed video, so it’s safe for you who don’t want savehistoryofvideo playing6. Web browser app where you can use it for browsing internet/webwithout leaving history of browsing. It’s safe webbrowserforyouFeatures:1. The size of video window for youtube can be chosen smallsizeorfull screen2. Sound of video taken from smartphone memory can be turn on/turnoff (mute or un-mute). This feature can be donefromspeakerbutton3. Web javascript is turn off. It is making webviewappearanceismore simple. It is probably suitable for youwholikesimplicity4. The property of video window for youtube is purelybasedonstandard API, so you can still enjoy the videowithoutanydegradation quality / different format of videocontent5. Following are the button which available in the videoplayerforyoutube: move backward and move forward slider,minimizeandmaximize screen button, video quality chooser: Auto,144p,240p,360p and 720p, refresh button, play button andholdbutton6. You can choose windows type of screen layout:a. Video player for youtube window combine with movieplayertakenfrom smartphone window, orb. Movie player for youtube window combine withweb/viewerwindow7. Simple view and simple operated app, but it safe and fun8. You freely can choose both the link of video viewerforyoutubeand web page address, there is no prerecorded / hardcodedlinkcode inside app9. You can search 50 / fifty videos content for youtubeatonceFunny and unique function of multimedia player:1. You can share the smartphone function with your familyoryourfriend at one moment, for example you are browsing httpwebcontentwhile your friend or your family watching videowindowforyoutube2. While watching or listening the song video for youtube,youcanexplore the lyric of that song from web page3. While watching movie or video for youtube, you canexplorethetheme or synopsis of that movie / film from httppage4. You can look for other experience by install this app...Haveanice experience...It's fun web browser, you can browse web page contentwhilewatchingonline video for youtubeNo filter youtube search so convenience for you. Newversionincludejavascript to make browsing more fun. Web browserdisplayshow likereal smartphone app displayTube web viewer make you watch movie and readingsynopsisfromwebNew version unique tube video player support https webview/httpsweb browser. https website has,, version coolvideo player for youtubesupport facebook photouploading. Likeother general mobile webbrowser, facebook videouploading is notsupported. Cool video webbrowser add google buttonto make usereasy. App has been tested onLolipop Lenovo A7000 andIce cream HTCOne SC deviceEnjoy new app for youtube, it's unique web and videoforyoutube,no other
Merged video web player Amweb 1.8
Oqum Nibor
Amweb is application for readingwebsitesallover the world. There is no predefined URL address, soit'scomplywith Google policy. Websites my contain socialmediaweb,entertainment sites, popular news websites andgreate-commerceportal. The application is very small around 1.5 Mbytes,but ithas great function. Almost all web sites in the worldcan besurfedby this app. This mini mobile browser is suitable forthesimpleperson who don't like to install a lot of big mobilebrowserinsmartphone. Even small, it's cool micro site browser intheworld.Don't hesitate to install this unique video and webplayer,yesit's correct, the unique site player has web videoplayer! Youcanplay video movie while surfing the most popular site!Youdon'tneed to close web browser nor change the app. It'sfunnywebbrowser!
Cool Web Video Player WebDeo 1.7
Oqum Nibor
Web browsing and watching video canbedonesimultaneously on one screen. It's cool web video browser.Youcanuse it for watching song video and read the lyric of thesongfromweb page internet. Watching film in VideoView andreadingfilmsynopsis also can be done. It is fun watching videoexperience.Youcan browse any web page, no filter url web browser.No urlhistorysave by fancy web browser. It's not quiet life, youcan bemore funenjoy your life with browsing web and watchingvideotogether. Youcan make it as smartphone usage sharing where oneonetime you canbrowse http web page and your friend or familywatchingcool videoviewer.No predefined url address, you freely to input url webaddress.Nopredefined video content, you freely to load videofromsmartphonegallery. Fancy video player can be hided to extendfancyweb view /fancy WebView. We have tested great web browsertobrowsefacebook.comand It give great web viewresult.Mostpopular news portal in Indonesia has been tested also,,, and very good web vie resultBeautiful video player testing also good. Beautifulvideoplayercan play mp4 file smoothly. Beautiful video display sizecanfollowthe display smartphone size. Great video viewer canplaybothportrait video style and landscape video style. Soundofgreatvideo player can be turn off. Sound of great video runnercanbeturn on. Display of cool video player can be hided. Displayofcoolvideo viewer can be shown. Original VideoView javacript isturnON.It make mobile video player show the view like originalmobileappdisplay.Playing super web browser and super video player togetheriscool,you don't feel quiet anymore. Like in conventional lifewhereyou canhave habit reading book and listen the music together,nowin moderndigital era you can browse updated information webpageand watchingfavorite video player. Sing a song by watchingsongvideo contentmake more funny with reading lyric from fancywebbrowser. Watchingfavorite movie content and reading moviesynopsisfrom useful webbrowser can be done.Sound of simple video player can be adjusted bysmartphonevolumecontroller. By decreasing smartphone volume buttonthe soundofsimple video viewer will decrease. By increasingsmartphonevolumeadjuster the sound of simple video runner willincrease.Originalnewest video player controller is available, likemovefast forwardslider, move fast backward slider, move fastforwardbutton and movefast backward button. Modern video viewplayerprovide hold andresume button. You can restart or pausevideofreely.New version unique web browser give more cool webbrowserfeature:support https, already tested usingfollowingsite:, Add google buttonfor adding edit textcontentwith url google.comTry this cool video runner app, it can help you totrainyourbrain focus to two things, web and video together. it'sreallygoodfor your brain and behavior. When you bore withconventionalwebbrowser you can try this useful web browser. Whenyou borereadingweb content you can switch to watch video instantly,or whenyouare boring with watching video you can switch your viewtogreatweb browserTrain your brain with multitasking entertainmentwithbrowsingfavorite web site and playing favorite video fromyoursmartphonetogether without closing one of your favoritemultimediaapp. It'sfancy and cool video and web app. It's topfavorite videoplayerever. Share this great video viewer to yourfriends and makethemsurprised. Singing by listening video song andreading up todatenews from news site can be enjoyed simultaneously.Don'tinterruptyour happiness with closing your video or web viewerapp.Le's thisunique multimedia app make you forget from yourhappinessand enjoyyour ultimate hobby with your video and web