Top 6 Apps Similar to Kinh Tieu Tung - Kinh Phat

Kinh Truong Bo - Phat Phap 2.0
Chương trình giúp các phật tử xem 34 bàikinhtrong Kinh Trường Bộ (có thể xem offline)Nếu có internet có thể nghe đọc online các bài kinh.--------------------Giới thiệu:Trường bộ kinh (zh. 長部經, sa. dīrghāgama, pi. dīgha-nikāya) làbộđầu tiên của năm Bộ kinh trong Kinh tạng (pi. sutta-piṭaka) vănhệPali. Trường bộ kinh văn hệ Pali của Thượng toạ bộ bao gồm 34bàikinh.Trường bộ kinh phân ra làm 3 Phẩm (Vagga), gồm có 34 bản Kinh;vìnội dung mỗi bản Kinh khá dài so với các bản Kinh Phật khác,nênđược kết tập lại dưới nhan đề Trường bộ kinh.Bộ Kinh Trường Bộ do Hòa thượng Thích Minh Châu, Tiến sĩ Phậthọctại Viện Phật học Nalandà, Ấn Ðộ, hiện là Phó Chủ tịch kiêmTổng Thưký Hội đồng Trị sự Trung ương Giáo hội Phật giáo Việt Nam,Việntrưởng Viện Nghiên cứu Phật học Việt Nam, Chủ tịch Hội đồngChỉ đạoPhiên dịch và Ấn hành Ðại Tạng Kinh Việt Nam, dịch. Năm1991, Hòathượng thân hành hiệu đính bản dịch trước khi đưa ra ấnhành.Tập I (Kinh số 1-16)(01) Kinh Phạm võng (Brahmajàla Sutta)(02) Kinh Sa-môn quả (Sàmanna-Phala Sutta)(03) Kinh A-ma-trú (Ambattha Sutta)(04) Kinh Chủng Ðức (Sonadanda Sutta)(05) Kinh Cứu-la-đàn-đầu (Kutadanta Sutta)(06) Kinh Ma-ha-li (Mahàli Sutta)(07) Kinh Cha-li-da (Jàliya Sutta)(08) Kinh Ca-diếp Sư tử hống (Kassapa-Sìhanàda Sutta) - Kinh ÐạiSưtử hống (Mahà-Sìhanàda Sutta)(09) Kinh Bố-sá-bà-lâu (Potthapàda Sutta)(10) Kinh Tu-ba (Subha Sutta)(11) Kinh Kiên cố (Kevaddha Sutta)(12) Kinh Lô-hi-gia (Lohicca Sutta)(13) Kinh Tam minh (Tevijja Sutta)(14) Kinh Ðại bổn (Mahà-Padàna Sutta)(15) Kinh Ðại duyên (Mahà-Nidàna Sutta)(16) Kinh Ðại Bát-niết-bàn (Mahà-parinibbàna Sutta)Tập II (Kinh số 17-34)(17) Kinh Ðại Thiện-kiến vương (Mahà-Sudassana Sutta)(18) Kinh Xà-ni-sa (Janavasabha Sutta)(19) Kinh Ðại Ðiền-tôn (Mahà-Govinda Sutta)(20) Kinh Ðại hội (Mahà-Samaya Sutta)(21) Kinh Ðế-thích sở vấn (Sakka-panha Sutta)(22) Kinh Ðại niệm xứ (Mahà-Satipatthàna Sutta)(23) Kinh Tệ-túc (Pàyàsi Sutta)(24) Kinh Ba-lê (Pàtika Sutta)(25) Kinh Ưu-đàm-bà-la Sư tử hống (Udumbarika-Sìhanàdà Sutta)(26) Kinh Chuyển luân thánh vương Sư tử hống(Cakkavatti-SìhanàdaSutta)(27) Kinh Khởi thế nhân bổn (Agganana Sutta)(28) Kinh Tự hoan hỷ (Sampasàdaniya Sutta)(29) Kinh Thanh tịnh (Pàsàdika Sutta)(30) Kinh Tướng (Lakkhana Sutta)(31) Kinh Giáo thọ Thi-ca-la-việt (Singàlovàda Sutta)(32) Kinh A-sá-nang-chi (Atànàtiya Sutta)(33) Kinh Phúng tụng (Sangiti Sutta)(34) Kinh Thập thượng (Dasuttara Sutta)The program helps see34Buddhist texts in the Digha Nikaya (can view offline)If the internet can be read online and hear texts.--------------------Introduction:School of Business (长 部 经 zh., sa. Dirghagama, pi.Digha-Nikaya)is the first of the year in the Canon Nikaya(Sutta-Pitaka pi.)Pali literature. Where the texts of TheravadaPali includes 34texts.School sutras divided into 3 product (vagga), including34manuscripts; Scriptures for each content rather long comparedwiththe other scriptures, should be entitled to practice undertheBusiness School.Digha Nikaya Most Venerable Thich Minh Chau as Dr. BuddhismatNalanda Buddhist Institute, India, is currently the VicePresidentand Secretary General of the Central Executive Council oftheVietnam Buddhist Sangha, Director of the Institute VietnamBuddhistResearch, Chairman of the Steering Council andpublishedTranslating Canon of Vietnam, translated. In 1991,Venerablepersonally vetted before making translationspublished.Volume I (Economics No. 1-16)(01) Brahma Net Sutra (Sutta Brahmajâla)(02) Business monk fruit (Samanna-Phala Sutta)(03) Doing A-ma-stay (Ambattha Sutta)(04) Doing Race Germany (Sonadanda Sutta)(05) Business Rescue-la-men-first (Kūṭadanta Sutta)(06) Business Ma-ha-li (Mahali Sutta)(07) Doing the Cha-li-da (Jaliya Sutta)(08) Business Ca-lettuce Lion amalgams (Kassapa Sutta-Sihanada)-The Great Lion amalgams (Maha-Sihanada Sutta)(09) Doing Daddy-long-Sheba (Potthapada Sutta)(10) Doing Tu-three (Subha Sutta)(11) Business consolidation (Kevaddha Sutta)(12) Business-hi-Lo Country (Lohicca Sutta)(13) Business Sanming (Tevijja Sutta)(14) Economic four (Maha-Padana Sutta)(15) General Economics coast (Maha-Nidana Sutta)(16) Doing Great Bat-nirvana (Maha-parinibbana Sutta)Volume II (Economics No. 17-34)(17) King is Doing Great Compassion (Maha-Sudassana Sutta)(18) Business Soap-ni-sa (Janavasabha Sutta)(19) Business-religious representatives (Maha-Govinda Sutta)(20) Business Meeting (Maha-Samaya Sutta)(21) Doing God-like basis problem (panha-Sakka Sutta)(22) Beijing University of mindfulness(Maha-SatipatthānaSutta)(23) economic-sufficiency (Payasi Sutta)(24) Doing Ballet (Patika Sutta)(25) Economic Pros-talks-she-lion amalgams(Udumbarika-SihanadaSutta)(26) Business cakkavatti Lion amalgams(Cakkavatti-SihanadaSutta)(27) Business Aggañña Sutta (Sutta Agganana)(28) Doing joy Self (Sampasadaniya Sutta)(29) Net Bible (Pasadika Sutta)(30) General Business (Lakkhana Sutta)(31) Business Education Examination life-ca-la-Vietnam(SingalovadaSutta)(32) Doing A-SA-follicle-chi (Atanatiya Sutta)(33) Business Phung chant (Sangiti Sutta)(34) Business Upper Cross (Dasuttara Sutta)
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Format NL 2013 1
Новый Format-2013 – это 260страницистории и географии, итогов и планов,бизнесаи жизни компании NL International. В этомномере –новые персоны, эксклюзивные интервью, впервые поднятыетемы.• В чем секрет команды Корпоративного совета?Читайтесерию интервью с КС в разделе «Рабочаявстречапо личным вопросам».• Что такое событие и с чем его едят?Впервыев журнале – тренингот премьер-лидеров Еленыи Петра Чубаровых.• Чего ждут от жизни и бизнеса участники клубаPremium?Что их вдохновляет и изумляет?Чтопредставители 13-тисамых успешных контрактов NLсразузамечают в незнакомом городе, какой совет дают чащевсегои о чем их лучшене спрашивать?Материал «Коды жизни» отвечаетна эти и многиедругие вопросы.• Что нужно, чтобы открыть новую страну и почемунедостаточнособранного чемодана и сильного желания?Читайтев материале «География бизнеса. Стираяграницы».• Как выглядит дом, который построил Жан-МариБланше,и почему в жизни создателя Energy Diet нет рабочихдней?Читайте отчет о визите на производствои интервьюс человеком, который знает всео технологиях созданияобыкновенного чуда.• Семь ошибок, которые совершают начинающиепереговорщики.Новая статья ЛюдмилыАстафьевой из серии«Коммуникативный ликбез для жизнии бизнеса».• Что общего у телеведущих с солонкой,перечницейи джинами? Почему свободный бизнесв России – этоне «благодаря», а «вопреки»?И чему русская женщинаможет научить американскогобизнесмена? Интервьюс Дмитрием Дибровым, Ириной Хакамадойи МаринойКовалевой – специально для журнала FormatNL.• Что такое «фактор основы» и почему не всякосметикаодинаково эффективна? 4 правила качественногокрема –в статье о Be Loved.New Format-2013 - is260pages of history and geography, the results and plans, businessandlife of NL International. In this issue - the new person,exclusiveinterviews, first raised the topic.• What is the secret team of the Corporate Council? Read aseriesof interviews with the COP in the "Workshop onpersonalmatters."• What is an event and what it eats? For the first time inthemagazine - the training of the prime leaders of Helen andPeterChubarova.• What is expected of life and business club members Premium?Whatamazes and inspires them? That representatives of the13-tisamyhsuccessful contracts NL immediately notice a strangecity, whatadvice would give the most and what it is better not toask?Material "codes of life" answers these questions andmore.• What you need to discover a new country, and why not packtheirbags and strong desire? Read the article "Geography. Blurringtheboundaries. "• What is the house that built by Jean-Marie Blanchet, and whyinthe life of the creator of Energy Diet not working days? Readthereport on the visit to the production and interviews with themanwho knows all about the technologies to create anordinarymiracle.• Seven mistakes that novice negotiators. New articleLudmilaAstafyeva a series of "Communicative Course for lifeandbusiness."• What do the presenters from the salt shaker, pepper shakerandgin? Why free business in Russia - this is not a "thanks"and"contrary"? And what Russian woman can teach Americanbusinessman?Interview with Dmitry Dibrov, Irina Khakamada andMarina Kovalyov -especially for magazine Format NL.• What is a "factor basis," and why not all cosmetics areequallyeffective? 4 rules of quality cream - in an article aboutBeLoved.
Scorpio Facts 1.2
A simple app with facts about peoplebornunderthe Zodiac astrology sign Scorpio (Oct 23'rd and Nov22'nd).Scorpio is the eighth astrological sign intheZodiac.Anindividual born under the influence of Scorpio maybecalled aScorpio or a Scorpion. The symbol of the scorpion isbasedonScorpius, a giant scorpion sent by Gaia to kill Orion."All Scorpios' gifts and insights were given to themforoneimportant reason - to serve life and to increase the joyoflivingfor others."Scorpio men can lead by example and set high standardsforpeoplearound them.""Scorpio's truthful and shocking sense of humor ifdifferentthanthat of any other zodiac sign and the Scorpio makesanamazing,powerful interesting friend that can be trusted."
Tung Wah 3.2.0
Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
BaZi 1.4.1
Q&L Soft
Ba Zi means Eight Characters in Chinese.Theseeight characters are translated from our birth information(Year,Month, Day and Hour) into four pairs of distinctChineseCharacters. Four pairs make Eight Characters and each pairis knownas pillar, hence sometimes it is know as "Four Pillar ofDestiny".Through just this eight characters, the potential, themysteries,the ups and downs of life are revealed. By decoding aperson's BaZi, we can unlock and reveal everything there is to knowabout aperson's life and destiny.To know what's in store for you at the time of your birth,youneed to first plot your Bazi chart. Unfortunately, decodingsecretsof Heaven from your Destiny Code is not easy. This BaZi Appis tohelp Ba Zi beginners and Ba Zi enthusiasts to easily plot theBa Zichart and the Luck cycles without referring to the TenThousandsYear Calendar.Features:1. Store, Backup and Restore Profiles2. Show profiles summary3. Plot Ba Zi Charts4. Plot Luck Cycles5. Show Annual, Monthly and Daily Pillars.6. Include Ten Gods(十神) reference for each Day Master.7. Include 12 Growth and Birth Phase based on Day Master foreachEarthly Branch in the Ba Zi Chart.8. Build for Android phones and tablets.9. Mini Tung Shu to quickly check on pillars for current, pastandfuture dates.10. Reference section for beginner.Keywords : Ba Zi, Chinese Astrology,zodiac, Four PillarsofDestiny, Fortune Telling, birth chart, BaZi Calculator, 八字,生辰八字,四柱命理學, 天干, 地支