Top 3 Apps Similar to 抢红包神器

Red packet for WeChat 1.9.5
Automatically grab a red packet onWeChatFeatures:- welfare red envelopes- to improve the probability of robbing big bag - Raise the best probability of luck- Increases the probability of red envelopes for specialauspiciousnumbers- to improve the probability of avoiding the minimum package- red envelopes to speed up grab- delay to grab red envelopes- open screen to grab red envelopes- automatic response- do not grab the specified group or message red envelope
红包助手 0.1.2
安全可靠的抢红包助手还在懊悔红包个数不够,自己抢不到的尴尬情况?没关系,使用红包助手,懒人式的抢法,不落空任何一个红包使用方式1、安装应用后启动点击启动抢红包服务2、进入辅助功能,开启[红包助手(懒人专用)]的辅助功能服务然后就静静的等待红包到来入你裤兜应用中包含轻微的广告,用户可直接进入设置的辅助服务开启[红包助手(懒人专用)]即可,就会包含抢红包的功能(后续会增加广告开关的功能,目前敬请谅解)本红包助手目前支持微信、qq(支持部分功能),后续会把主流的红包app都尽可能的支持,如有意见和问题,可以发我邮箱:[email protected],或直接在应用市场评论。我会尽快回复和处理Safe andreliableassistant to grab a red envelopeStill regret the number of red packets is not enough, grabyourselfthe embarrassment?It does not matter, the use of envelopes assistant, lazy stylegrablaw does not fall any redUse1, after installing the application service starts Click Startgraba red envelope2, into the auxiliary function, open the [red envelopesassistant(lazy dedicated)] Accessibility ServicesAnd then quietly wait for the arrival of the red envelope intoyourtrouser pocketApp contains slight ads, users can set up direct access toancillaryservices open [red envelopes assistant (lazy dedicated)]can, grab ared envelope will contain features (follow-up willincrease theadvertising function of the switch, currentlyupdating)The red Assistant currently supports micro letter, qq (supportsomefunctions), will follow the mainstream red app allpossiblesupport,For comments and questions, you can send memail:[email protected], or directly in the applicationmarketcommentary. I will reply as soon as possible and
RedPacket Assistant for wechat 30.0
Open the app and simple settings to achieve the second grabredpacket, or red packet reminder Note: After you open the redpacketplug, you need to open WeChat message notification, otherwisethered packet can not be detected Grab the red packet principle:Bythe android system of accessbilityServices, simulationofautomatically clicks for automatic grab red packet. ✔ Autograbwechat red packet ✔ Random delay open wechat redpacket ✔Specifydelay open redpacket ✔ Open own redpacket ✔ Redpacket logs ✔Autoreply (only support android version 5.0 or above) ✔ Free to setthereply keyword ✔ @ redpacket sender when auto reply ✔ Notsupportthe phone standby auto open redpacket ✔ No root permissionrequired