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Game Cheats 1.8
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Bible, Stories
A free android book with 116 Bible Storiesand153 images: to the Flood- God Begins to Make Things- A Beautiful Garden- The First Man and Woman- Why They Lost Their Home- A Hard Life Begins- A Good Son, and a Bad One- A Brave Man- Giants in the Earth- Noah Builds an Ark- The Great FloodThe Flood to the Deliverance from Egypt- The First Rainbow- Men Build a Big Tower- Abraham—A Friend of God- God Tests Abraham’s Faith- Lot’s Wife Looked Back- Isaac Gets a Good Wife- Twins Who Were Different- Jacob Goes to Haran- Jacob Has a Big Family- Dinah Gets into Trouble- Joseph’s Brothers Hate Him- Joseph Is Put into Prison- Pharaoh’s Dreams- Joseph Tests His Brothers- The Family Moves to Egypt- Job Is Faithful to God- A Bad King Rules Egypt- How Baby Moses Was Saved- Why Moses Ran Away- The Burning Bush- Moses and Aaron See Pharaoh- The 10 Plagues- Crossing the Red SeaDeliverance from Egypt to Israel’s First King- A New Kind of Food- Jehovah Gives His Laws- The Golden Calf- A Tent for Worship- The 12 Spies- Aaron’s Rod Grows Flowers- Moses Strikes the Rock- The Copper Serpent- A Donkey Talks- Joshua Becomes Leader- Rahab Hides the Spies- Crossing the Jordan River- The Walls of Jericho- A Thief in Israel- The Wise Gibeonites- The Sun Stands Still- Two Brave Women- Ruth and Naomi- Gideon and His 300 Men- Jephthah’s Promise- The Strongest Man- A Little Boy Serves GodIsrael’s First King to Captivity in Babylon- Saul—Israel’s First King- God Chooses David- David and Goliath- Why David Must Run Away- Abigail and David- David Is Made King- Trouble in David’s House- Wise King Solomon- Solomon Builds the Temple- The Kingdom Is Divided- Jezebel—A Wicked Queen- Jehoshaphat Trusts Jehovah- Two Boys Who Live Again- A Girl Helps a Mighty Man- Jonah and the Big Fish- God Promises a Paradise- God Helps King Hezekiah- Israel’s Last Good King- A Man Who Is Not Afraid- Four Boys in Babylon- Jerusalem Is DestroyedCaptivity in Babylon to Rebuilding of Jerusalem’s Walls- They Would Not Bow Down- Handwriting on the Wall- Daniel in the Lions’ Pit- God’s People Leave Babylon- Trusting in God’s Help- Mordecai and Esther- The Walls of JerusalemBirth of Jesus to His Death- An Angel Visits Mary- Jesus Born in a Stable- Men Guided by a Star- Young Jesus in the Temple- John Baptizes Jesus- Jesus Cleans Out the Temple- With the Woman at the Well- Jesus Teaches on a Mountain- Jesus Raises the Dead- Jesus Feeds Many People- He Loves Little Children- The Way Jesus Teaches- Jesus Heals the Sick- Jesus Comes as King- On the Mount of Olives- In an Upstairs Room- Jesus in the Garden- Jesus Is KilledJesus’ Resurrection to Paul’s Imprisonment- Jesus Is Alive- Into a Locked Room- Jesus Returns to Heaven- Waiting in Jerusalem- Set Free from Prison- Stephen Is Stoned- On the Road to Damascus- Peter Visits Cornelius- Timothy—Paul’s New Helper- A Boy Who Fell Asleep- Shipwrecked on an Island- Paul in RomeWhat the Bible Foretells Comes True- The End of All Badness- A New Paradise on Earth- How We Can Live Forever――――――― ――――――― ――――――― ――――――― ―――――――Development of Android application by Automon:http://[email protected]:// Apps by Automon: Books by Automon: Games by Automon:
Тысяча и одна ночь (1001 ночь) 1.01.2251
Книга сказок и историй 1001 ночи некогда поразилаевропейцевнеменьше, чем разноцветье восточных тканей,мерцаниесталибеспощадных мусульманских клинков, таинственныйблескразноцветныхарабских чаш. Собрание рассказов, обрамленноеисториейо персидскомцаре Шахрияре и его жене по имениШахразада(Шахерезада). Название"Тысяча и одна ночь" сформированноподвлиянием тюркской культуры,так как первоначальноеназваниеперсидского цикла было "Тысячасказок". В тюркской средедобавлениеединицы к тысяче несло оттенокбессчетного количества. -арабскиесказки - сказки на ночь -русские народные сказки - сказкиАладина -про Али Бабу и 40разбойников - про Синдбада мореходаВопрос опроисхождении иразвитии «1001 ночи» не выяснен полностьюдонастоящего времени.Попытки искать прародину этого сборника вИндии,делавшиеся егопервыми исследователями, пока неполучилидостаточного обоснования.Прообразом «Ночей» на арабскойпочве был,вероятно, сделанный в Xвеке перевод персидскогосборника«Хезар-Эфсане» (Тысяча сказок).Перевод этот, носившийназвание«Тысяча ночей» или «Тысяча однаночь», был, каксвидетельствуютарабские писатели того времени,очень популярен встолице восточногохалифата, в Багдаде. Судить охарактере его мы неможем, так как донас дошёл лишь обрамляющийего рассказ, совпадающийс рамкой «1001ночи». В эту удобную рамкувставлялись в разное времяразличныерассказы, иногда — целые циклырассказов, в своюочередьобрамленные, как например «Сказка огорбуне», «Носильщик итридевушки» и другие. Отдельные сказкисборника, до включения ихвписанный текст, существовали частосамостоятельно, иногда вболеераспространенной форме. Можно сбольшим основаниемпредполагать, чтопервыми редакторами текстасказок былипрофессиональные рассказчики,заимствовавшие свойматериал прямо изустных источников; поддиктовку рассказчиковсказки записывалиськнигопродавцами,стремившимися удовлетворитьспрос на рукописи «1001ночи».
Manzil Plus 1.2.1
Rasul Allah SallAllahu Alihi wasallam did not leave anyworldlyaffliction for which he did not teach us a dua. Recitingspecificayahs of the Quran for specific circumstances is provenfrom thesunnah and the practice of our pious predecessors.This Manzil is a proven remedy against jinn attacks, black magicandother worldly evil. These aayahs are also written in "Al QaulAlJameel" and "Beheshti Zewar".In "Al Qaul Al Jameel", Hazrat Sheikh Shah Wali AllahMuhadithDehelwi writes:"These are 33 ayaahs protects against black magic, shyateen,robbersand wild animals".And in "Beheshti Zewar", Sheikh Thanwi writes:"If there is a doubt that some one has been overtaken by ajinn,then these ayaahs should be worn by the patient and water onwhichthese ayaahs are recited should be sprinkled on patient and ifahome is haunted, then the water should be sprinkled in allcornerson the home.This app also includes a number of other Surahs from theQuranwhose regular recitation is recommended for the Muslims.TheseSurahs include:1. Surah Al-Kahf2. Surah Al-Baqarah3. Surah As-Sajda4. Surah Yaseen5. Surah Al-Fath6. Surah Ar-Rehmaan7. Surah Al-Waqia8. Surah Al-MulkFeatures of this app:-Dynamic and intuitive interface-Audio playback with word by word highlighting andrepetition.-Translation in English in Urdu-Ability to share the snapshot image of a verse ontwitter,facebook, sms and email-Ability to save verses as favorites-Daily reminders as push notification-Translation font size adjustmentSHL Info Systems is committed to bring you qualityapps.Suggestions for improvements are welcome.Website: http://www.shlinfosystems.comEmail: [email protected]:
Strategy Guide for Coc 0.1
craft games
Tips and Tricks for New Clash of Clan Players1) Upgrade Gold Mines & Elixir Pumps first!2) Upgrade Gold & Elixir Storages second!3) Farm and attack all the loot you can!4) Plan upgrades and keep builders busy!5) Upgrade Troops & Army Camps!6) Don't rush your Town hall (after Town Hall 4 mainly)7) Build new structures before upgrading old ones8) Clear that debris for Gems & XP!9) Attack for loot & use farming strategy