Top 35 Apps Similar to Credit Card Detector

Gift & Credit Card Wallet 1.5.4
Virtual debit & loyalty cards in Mobile Wallet. Barcodescannerand Secure hub
Credit Card Manager Pro
The most complete and easy to use credit card manager on the planet
Pro Credit Card Reader NFC 4.2.5
This app was made to read public data on anNFCbanking card compliant with EMV norm.★★★★★ Pro version ★★★★★✔ Read multiple cards✔ Store cards✔ Read applications✔ Track 1&2 data✔ Extended history✔ Export data✔ Disable application launch with NFCInfos• This application is an analysis tool for reading contactlessNFCEMV credit cards data.• In some new EMV card, holder name and the transaction historyhavebeen removed by issuer to protect privacy.• Be sure your card is NFC compliant (NFC logo printedonthem).• This app is not a payment app and does not contain ads.SecurityThis app doesn't access to Internet (No Internet permission).Sources available onGithub EMV cards★ Visa★ American Express★ MasterCard★ LINK (UK) ATM network★ CB (France)★ JCB★ Dankort (Denmark)★ CoGeBan (Italy)★ Banrisul (Brazil)★ Saudi Payments Network (Saudi Arabia)★ Interac (Canada)★ Discover Card★ UnionPay★ Zentraler Kreditausschuss (Germany)★ Euro Alliance of Payment Schemes (Italy)★ Verve (Nigeria)★ The Exchange Network ATM Network★ RuPay (India)★ ПРО100 (Russia)Banking card reader, credit card reader, NFC card, EMV
Credit Card Wallet 2.1.5
With the Credit Card Wallet you have access to all yourcreditcards, wherever you are. You know that credit card cake youkeep inyour wallet? Keep them all in one place. On here! • SafetyAll datastored on your device and in the database is encrypted! Youcanalso enable biometrics to authenticate entry to theapplication.That way, only you have access to the app! •Personalized cardsCreate the cards your way! You can choose thecolor, the flag and aname for the registered credit card. Didn'tfind your desired coloror flag? Send an email to support and askfor your inclusion in theapp! • Theme Do you prefer the light ordark theme? Use whicheveryou want! Both are available. • LanguageYour device is in English,but would you like to use the app inanother language? Use another!Here we have 3 languages ​​available:English, Spanish andPortuguese. Didn't find your language in theapp? A translation canbe entered using the good old GoogleTranslator :)
Mastercard Airport Experiences 6.22.0
Locate and access airport lounges and airport offers availabletoMastercard...
Credit Card Payoff 1.4.24
Get out of debts before you can save. Credit Card Payoff canhelpyoudefine your payoff goals, calculate monthly payment,savingsininterest, and reduction in time of your debts. Find outhowamazingit is with some little extra payment, you can get outofdebts in ashort time and save money. KEY FEATURES 1. Calculatenewmonthlypayment, total payment, saving in interest, and reductionintime,given a payoff goal in months. 2. Payment schedule tablesforbothnew monthly payment and current monthlypayment,detailingprincipal, interest, monthly charges and remainingbalancefor eachpayment. 3. Various graphs show new monthly paymentplanvs. thecurrent situation, cumulative interest over payment,anddifferentpayoff scenarios to help you analyze your payoff goal.4.Abilityto save your debts for future reference. 5. Ability tosendcreditcard debt information. 6. Extra payment feature allowsyoutoestimate additional savings and reduction in time whenanextrapayment is made. 7. Many more features plus elegant designyouneedto check out to see.
Credit Card Reader NFC (EMV) 5.5.0
Read and extract public data on an Contactless banking card(VISA,MasterCard ..
Bin Checker Pro
Check Credit/Debit BIN Details
Stripe Payments, Stripe Payment Processing PayNow 7.2
Joe Carpenter’s Plumbing and Heating services is asmallindependentbusiness. Their story may sound all too familiartoyou... Providingan essential service to members of thecommunityis not always atask that goes smoothly. In the past fewyears ofservicing hiscommunity, Mr. Carpenter has found that a lotofcustomers areeither late to pay or avoid payments altogether.Ifyou’ve been inthis situation before, you know of all theimpactslate payments canhave. It affects daily cash flow, wastesprecioustime, your salarysuffers and ultimately it is verystressful. Wefound that a lot ofcomplaints from small businessesnot receivingpayments wasattributed to the fact that theircustomers were notdealing withcash; the prime method to quick, easypayment forhouseholdservices. This is where we come in. FacilePaymakes iteasy fortradespeople and other small business owners tocollectcredit/debitcard payment right on the spot with theirsmartphone!In anincreasingly cash-less world, FacilePay is a greatresourceforthose who are keeping up with the mobile paymentadvancementsintoday’s society. Credit card processing on mobile hasneverbeeneasier. Don’t let your business get left behind - saygoodbyetolate payments by downloading the free FacilePay app todayandgetstarted to "accept credit card payments instantly"FacilePay:❖Multi-currency support with ability to accept all majordebitandcredit cards - Visa, MasterCard, American Express ❖Takepaymentsin 135+ currencies! ❖ No cumbersome paymentprocessingterminals ❖Stay organized while keeping track of paymentsin asleek,user-friendly interface ❖ Save time by not having todealwithfinicky magnetic stripes or chip readers ❖ Multiple waysofonlinepayment processing    ➢ Quickly capturecreditcarddetails by taking a picture through yoursmartphone’scamera   ➢ PayWave/PayPass with tap and payfeature isalsoavailable on NFC-enabled/capable smartphones   ➢Youalso have the option of entering credit carddetails manually❖Very small 1.25% fees is on every charge + Stripefees ❖Takecomfort in knowing your finances are safe with us  ➢ Wenever store credit card information on our servers  ➢For security and PCI-Compliances please’swebsite ❖ Issue refunds from your device. ❖ Checkallyourtransactions. To know more what makes FacilePay app betterthanitscompetitors?Visitat on what makes Stripe better than itscompetitors?Visitat you can use and accept credit card payment appFulldetails andFAQs on our website at is anunofficial app made byusers and fans ofStripe.EULA: company names are trademarks™ or registered®trademarksoftheir respective holders. Use of them in thisapplication doesnotimply any affiliation with or endorsement bythem. To stopthesubscription on your device, you have to followbelow steps.Launchthe Google Play Store app. Tap Menu -> MyApps->Subscriptions and tap on the app of the subscriptionyou'dlike tocancel. Alternatively, tap Menu -> My Apps -> Taptheapp ofthe subscription you'd like to cancel -> Tap theapp'sdetailspage.
Cards Developers 1.1
Easily connect with Cards. Build Mini Apps™. Connect NFC&Barcode devices.
SAS EuroBonus World Mastercard
The app shows your balance, rewards, transactions andinvoices.Atool for smarter handling of everyday life: • Getnotificationsofimportant events, purchases or if you have reachedyourspendinglimit. You can also get notifications of updatedexchangesrates,when traveling. • Log in to see your PIN. • Blockand order anewcard. • Activate features such as flexible paymentsandsaferonline purchases. • With "Installment payment" you canquicklyseewhat a larger purchase costs to split up in severalmonths ifyouuse your SAS EuroBonus Mastercard as a means ofpayment.
Priceless Specials MEA 8.3
Priceless Specials MEA offers exclusive 2-for-1 savings,discountsand more!
PayQin 3.3.6
PayQin, Ltd.
PayQin is an e-wallet designed for emerging countries.ThePayQinwallet comes with a built-in virtual/physical debit cardandallowsusers to buy online all around the world. PayQinalsoprovidesmerchant tools for local SMEs to accept paymentonline&offline. PayQin Visa or Mastercard can be rechargedusingMobilemoney. Instant Money transfer between users indifferentcountries.
VIABUY 3.0.0
The VIABUY account with prepaid Mastercard card isanindependentalternative to traditional bank accounts with debitorcredit card.Join more than one million happy customers andtakefull controlover your funds and financial data. Opening yourVIABUYaccount isfast and easy. Simply enter your data, verify yourmobilephonenumber and your card will be personalised and shippedthenextbusiness day. •No bank account required, no credit check•Noproofof income, no salary slips •Online verification withnearly100%acceptance rate for EU residents •Premium card designwithnodifference to conventional credit cards Whether you arelookingforan alternative to a traditional bank account or creditcard,wantto safeguard your personal bank details with aseparatepaymentcard, or just aim for managing personal budgets –VIABUYcomes witha lot of benefits and uses: •Manage your financeswithouthassleand without borders. •Shop online and pay worldwide atover40million merchants accepting Mastercard – alwaysmonitoringyourspending with our instant notifications. •Manage yourmoney onthego using secure in-app data access with authenticationviapasswordor fingerprint. •Load your account via domestic/SEPAbanktransferor choose one of many alternative payment methodsincl.instantloading options. •Load and pay 100% secure – we’ve gotyoucoveredwith zero liability in case of card fraud. •Use VIABUYasafully-functional account for receiving your salary,withanaccount-specific IBAN for SEPA transfers. •Minimise theriskoflosing cash while traveling or studying abroad byloadingtheVIABUY account safely and securely from the app. •Planyourtravelbudget in advance and take advantage of favorableexchangeratesand secure online bookings. •Play online games andpaydiscreetly,assured in the knowledge that you are protectedfromabuse. •Stopworrying about overspending, credit fees ordebtculture – yourprepaid account comes without any form of loanorcredit. •Sendmoney from VIABUY account to VIABUY accountinreal-time and forfree. •In case of any questions our emailandphone support serviceis available, in addition to ourcustomerself-service. Downloadyour VIABUY app today and make sureto keepyour personal financesat your own fingertips. Who we areVIABUY, abrand of CrosscardS.A., is one of Europe's most popularconsumerprepaid cardsolutions. As a fast-growing Europeanfintech,Crosscard offersinnovative e-money and payment cardsolutions forcustomers andbusinesses. With an e-money accountincluding assignedIBAN forincoming and outgoing bank transfers,online bankingfeatures andan acceptance rate of nearly 100% for EUresidents,VIABUY is notonly a well-established prepaid cardsolution but areal bankaccount and credit card alternative forunbanked peopleandconsumers with bad credit history, too. ©CrosscardS.A.(Crosscard). All rights reserved. Crosscard S.A.,26-28, RueEdwardSteichen, L-2540 Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Crosscardisauthorisedfor the issuing of electronic money by theCommissiondeSurveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF),Luxembourg(B215831).VIABUY® is a registered trademark of Crosscard.VIABUYMastercardprepaid credit cards are issued by Crosscardpursuant tolicense byMastercard International Incorporated.Mastercard® andtheMastercard symbol are registered trademarksofMastercardInternational Incorporated.
Charge for Stripe Card Payment 3.6
Platinum Apps
Accept Payments Directly On Your Phone With Low Fees.StripeVerified Partner!
Cash Passport
The new updated design of the Cash Passportappallows cardholders to manage their multi-currency cardaccount,check balances, view transactions and move money betweencurrencieson their Android device. The new screens will make theapp easierand quicker to use.This app is designed to give you an easy way of managingyourMulti-currency Cash Passport card.If you are not currently a Multi-currency Cash Passportcardholder,please visit formoreinformation.For single-currency cards, please use your existing portalthroughyour browser, or contact your branch.UK customers can top-up their currency balances through themobileapp up to the equivalent of £250 per transaction.
Spend Mgmt 213.0
Visa Inc.
Save time and money by managing your expenses on the go.Getexpensemanagement at your fingertips by using the VisaIntelliLinkSpendManagement app to view, code and approve expenses-anytime,anywhere. Access all of Visa IntelliLinkSpendManagement’spowerful expense management functionality on thegofrom youriPhone/iPad. From receipt capture to approvals,whetherit’s cashor card expenses, it’s easy for users and managerstocomplete alltheir expense tasks on the go. You’ll havevisibilityof all yourcard purchases and out-of-pocket expenses, aswell asthe abilityto view policy or approval rules associated withyourexpenses –all on the same screen. Simply download now andcreateyour mobilePIN to enjoy all the functionality you’re alreadyusingwith VisaIntelliLink Spend Management. With the VisaIntelliLinkSpendManagement mobile app, you can say goodbyetopaperwork,spreadsheets and paper receipts, and say hello tomoretime,freeing you up to get on with your day job.EasyExpenseManagement: + Capture expense data from your VisaCommercialCardpurchases + Take photos of your receipts using yourdevice andlinkthem to expenses + Keep track of receipts using theimagelibrary +Code and submit expenses + Approve expenses +Theapplication isgoverned by Visa Global Security standards. *Thisappis accessibleto existing users of the Visa IntelliLinkSpendManagementsolution*
Money Transfer, Card to Bank & IMPS Fund Transfer 2.4
Transfer money instantly to your Bank Account Cashout is amoneytransfer app which allows you to transfer money online, fromyourdebit or credit cards to any bank account. You can transfermoneyfrom debit cards or credit cards of ICICI, HDFC, Citibank, SBIandmore to any bank account and the transferred amount will reflectinyour bank account instantly. Cashout ensures a seamlessprocedurefor online money transfer service thus making your moneytransfersfrom credit cards to bank account, quick and hassle free.With thehelp of Cashout, you can also pay your bills, such as youcreditcard bills, from your credit card. Putting in a nutshell,Cashoutaims to make online money transfers from credit cards tobankaccount simple, instant and hassle free. How willMobiKwik’sCashout benefit you with instant money transfer? - Withthe help ofCashout, a user can make online money transfer to anybank accountwith the help of debit or credit card of any bankaccount, which isotherwise a difficult and long process, instantly.For example, auser can use ICICI credit card or debit card totransfer money toHDFC bank account. - The online money transfer toservice providedby Cashout aims to ensure instant and easytransaction. UsingCashout and transferring money from debit cardsor credit cards tobank accounts online is more flexible, easier andinstantaneous ascompared to bank services. - With Cashout, the userdoes not needto worry about the huge cost of online transfer ofmoney fromdebit/credit cards to bank accounts. - To avail theservice ofonline money transfer to any bank account, KYC ismandatory.Cashout ensures that the KYC process is simple andseamless. KYCrequired for online transfer of money from creditcards to bankaccounts can be done instantly within minutes, on theapp itself. -With the help of Cashout, you can also pay your creditcard billthrough a credit card. With Cashout, you no longer need tospendyour time on exhaustingly long bank procedures when you cansavetime and effort with the ‘online money transfers’. With thehelp ofCashout, you can make use of your credit card to transfermoney toany bank account, instantly. Cashout allows you to availtheservice of online money transfers by using credit cards ordebitcards of all the banks including: Dena Bank, Federal Bank,HDFCBank, HSBC Bank, ICICI Bank, IDBI Bank, IDFC Bank, IndusindBank,Indian Bank, Indian Overseas Bank, Karur Vyasa Bank,KarnatakaBank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Laxmi Vilas Bank, Oriental BankofCommerce, Punjab National Bank (PNB), YES Bank, AllahabadBank,Andhra Bank, Axis Bank, Bank of Baroda (BOB), Bank ofMaharashtra,Bank of India, Canara Bank, Catholic Syrian Bank,Central Bank ofIndia, Citibank, City Union Bank, Corporation Bank,DCB Bank,Punjab and Sindh Bank, Ratnakar Bank (RBL), State Bank ofIndia(SBI), South Indian Bank (SIB), Standard Chartered Bank (SCB),TJSBSahakari Bank, UCO Bank, United Bank of India, Union Bank ofIndia,Vijaya Bank and many more. Thus, no matter which bank serviceyouwish to avail, Cashout will help you in your instantmoneytransfers. How to transfer money from debit or credit cards toanybank account in a few simple steps with our seamless MoneyTransferApp: 1. Download the Cashout app and sign up with yourMobilenumber. 2. In order to avail the service of transferringmoney fromcredit cards to bank account, KYC is mandatory. Completeyour KYCin a few simple steps. 3. Enter the amount your want totransferonline from your credit card to bank account. 4. Providethedetails of the bank to which amount is required to betransferred.5. Enter your credit card details and click on submit.6. Transferthe entered amount and it will automatically reflect inyour bankaccount.
ePayService is a multifunctional payment solutionforindividualbusinesses and IT-professionals. It's userfriendlyinterface andstylish layout meet the highest standards ofthe newgeneration ofelectronic payment systems and make thefundsmanagement simple andeffective. – Multi currency wallet fordigitalera. Store funds inUSD, EUR and 15 more currencies. –Receivepayments from employersand partners by bank transfer,digitalcurrency and more. – Maketransfers to employees andrelatives bybank transfer, to localbank cards, by cash and more. –Withdrawcash at ATMs worldwide.Your money are always with you. –Pay foronline and in-storepurchases. Great shopping experiencewithePayService debit andvirtual cards. ePayService cards foryouremployees and partners: –Daily limit for ATM withdrawal andPOSpurchases up to USD 10.000;– Instant free-of-charge load; –ATMwithdrawal fixed charge of USD2.4 only; – Possibility tomanagecard account using mobile device.Mobile-friendly versionallows youto: - Replenish your ePayServicecard using Androiddevice; -Initiate outbound and accept inboundtransfers fromotherePayService users; - Pay for mobile, internetand hostingservices;- Check current balance of your ePayServiceaccount in USDand EURas well as the balance of your debit/virtualcard account; -Benefitfrom MasterCard live currency rates; -Create a ticket incase ifSupport Team assistance is required.
Cards - Mobile Wallet 4.1.3
Your digital mobile wallet - Cards, Tickets, Passes and Keys.
Charge - Stripe Card Payments 1.0.50
Accept credit card payments using Stripe. You can eitherloginwithan existing account or create an account right from theapp.Justconnect your account, type an amount, type or scan thecard&you're done! Supports Stripe subscriptions too andallcurrencies.Please note there is a 1% fee when using Charge.
ProPay – Accept Credit Cards 5.3.0
Securely accept credit card payments on your phone or tabletusingProPay’s credit card processing app. Accept payments from allmajorcredit card brands (Visa, MasterCard, Discover andAmericanExpress) at rates as low as 1.99% per transaction and nohiddenfees. Card Processing Solutions • Quickly process creditcardpayments at low rates with a mobile card reader • Manuallyentercard numbers if you aren’t near your card reader • Securelystore acustomer’s payment information to be charged for futurepurchases •Accept a credit card payment when you don’t have datacoverage andprocess it as soon as you get back into coverage • Evenmoreprocessing options are available with your ProPay accountonline: • Access your funds with a ProPay Prepaid debitMasterCard •Quickly transfer funds to your bank account within themobile appMonitor Your Business • Check your available and pendingaccountbalances • Review pending, completed and declinedtransactions •Refund or cancel transactions • Manage transfers toyour bankaccount. Additional Features: • Include sales tax andallowcustomers to add a tip to their order • Capture yourcustomer’ssignature and then e-mail them a receipt. The ProPay Appallows youto access all these features from any compatiblesmartphone ortablet and is available for all ProPay Merchants.Compatibility andRequirements: - ProPay account required. If you donot have anaccount, sign up at - Certain features ofthe ProPayApp require an active ProtectPay Online subscription. -The ProPayJAK is currently compatible with the majority ofAndroid/iOSsmartphones and tablets. For a complete list ofcompatible devices,please visit the following websitelink: or sign up for an account today at www.propay.comBydownloading this application, you agree to ProPay’s Terms ofUsefound on the followingwebsite
Jasper Cash Back Mastercard® 2.2.1
Jasper Card
Welcome to Jasper Cash Back Mastercard®, the cardthatgivescustomers what they actually want: more cash back, andtoolstomaintain a financially healthy lifestyle. As a JasperCashBackMastercard® cardholder, you will enjoy a premium Mastercardandaunique rewards program that offers one of the highestcashbackrates available in the country You’ll earn onmosteverydaypurchases — all with no annual fee. Download the appnowtoactivate and manage your new Jasper Mastercard®. Ouruniqueautopaysettings, push notifications, and utilization alertswillhelp youmanage your account and build strong credit. You’ll beabletotrack your charges and payments from anywhere. Ever needtoreportyour card lost or stolen? Do it in one click.Visitjaspercard.comto read more.
ePayments: wallet & bank card 7.0.4
ePayments – a convenient electronic wallet for those whoearnmoneyon the internet. Receive payments from partners andemployers,payfor services, withdraw cash using the ePaymentsPrepaidMastercard®card. Open the multi-currency, e-Walletdirectly from our application.HOW CAN IRECEIVE MONEY FROMPARTNERS AND EMPLOYERS? ✔️ Transfer toyourePayments e-Wallet; ✔️Transfer from Europe via personalvirtualIBAN issued by ePayments;✔️ Transfer to your ePaymentsPrepaidMastercard® card; ✔️ Transferby bank details, available intheePayments application. HOW CAN IUSE MY MONEY? ✔️ Cash withdrawalatATMs with the ePayments PrepaidMastercard® card; ✔️ Paymentforgoods in stores and on theinternet with the ePaymentsPrepaidMastercard® card; ✔️ Moneytransfer to any of yourVISA,Mastercard®, Maestro and MIR bankcards; ✔️ Money transfertoYooMoney and WebMoney wallets; ✔️ Sendmoney to your openbankaccount; ✔️ Instant currency exchange toUSD, EUR and RUB insidetheapp. ADVANTAGES OF THE EPAYMENTSPREPAID MASTERCARD® ✔️ The cardcanbe ordered in two currencies:USD and EUR; ✔️ The card issue costisjust $5.95 for USD and €4.95for a EUR card; ✔️ Cash withdrawalatATM; ✔️ Secure payments withMastercard SecureCode®; ✔️ Paymentforpurchases with one touchwith Mastercard Contactless; ✔️ Set upandchange the card’s PINcode.
PayCruiser® 34.0.1
PayCruiser enables businesses and individuals to access,acceptandsend money anywhere, anytime. We enable businessesandindividualsto securely pay, get paid, buy or sell goodsandserviceseverywhere, and receive funds in near real-time,withoutexposingbank accounts or credit card information. Throughourmobile moneytechnology, we also connect businesses with theworld’s2.7 billionunbanked and underbanked population, previouslyexcludedfrom theglobal financial ecosystem. This enables yourservices tobeaccessible by everyone, anywhere, anytime.PayCruiserInstantlyturns your phone into a credit card paymentsystem toacceptpayments on the go, starting at only 10 centspertransaction. Ittakes less than 5 minutes to sign up andstartaccepting creditcard and mobile money payments right fromyourphone. Works withVisa, Mastercard, Discover, Amex, OrangeMoney,and more. Downloadthe app and start accepting paymentsworldwide onall mobile andsmart devices, social media pages,websites, ande-commerce sites.Flexible same-day payouts We securelydeposit yourmoney every dayto your Bank account or Mobile wallet.We can evensend instantpayouts whenever needed Simple Ouraffordablecontactless PCI andEMV2 certified credit card &mobile moneyterminals allow youto accept payments from Visa,Mastercard,Discover, AMEX, andMobile Money anywhere in the worldSmartReal-time Dashboard thatgives you powerful insights aboutyourbusiness's strengths andweaknesses. The more you use it, themoreit helps you find ways toincrease your sales and make moremoney.PayCruiser offerscustomers the ability to track their salesdaily,weekly, andmonthly, offering valuable real-time analysis oftheirbest-sellingproducts, top clients, most profitablegeographicareas, –and more–helping them further increase theirbusiness andstay ahead oftheir competition Secured? Yep, you'recovered Yougetstate-of-the-art multi-level security withreal-timemonitoring,PCI DSS, and EMV2 compliance out of the boxFree orLowest-Priced.You're in good hands! Process more than$50,000 permonth? yourterminals are on us. Not there yet? Don’tworry, ourcard readersstart at $25. That’s half the price of ourcompetitor’sreaderDistributed Got lots of customers wanting to paywith creditcardsor mobile money? no worries, with PayCruiser, youcan have asmanypoints of sale stations as needed. Just download theapp on anewmobile device, securely log in with a one-time passcode,andvoilà– for your convenience, all your sales are still visibleinyourcentralized real-time dashboard PayCruiser is suitableforeverycommercial customer, from the small corner barbershoptothelarge-scale franchise business. Dial Through ourmobilemoneytechnology, your customers can securely make paymentsdirectlyfromtheir phone, no matter where they are in the world. Alltheyneedis a mobile-connected device with an active mobilemoneyaccountvia their cellular network provider Tap The choice isyours:Swipecards, use the chip reader, or tap with NFC technology.Ourcreditcard reader does it all, enabling you to securelyacceptpaymentsfrom all major credit and debit cards (Visa, Master,AMEX,andmore) through our EMV2 certified card readers, online orviaAPISwipe Our all-in-one credit card reader securelyreadsmagneticstripes from all major credit cards and securelytransmitstheencrypted information to XoomTap to securelyprocessyourtransactions, very fast Insert Once the card is insertedintoourall-in-one credit card reader, it securely reads datafromthecredit card chip and processes transactionswithadvancedencryption
WestStein 2.6.7
WestStein makes it easy for you to open an onlineaccountwithoutcredit history check and annoying paperwork.InstallWestStein app-> Sign Up -> Access account instantlyPrepaidcontactlessMastercard will be sent via post Top-up accountwithSEPA banktransfers Make instant payments to otherWestSteinaccounts +Security with Mastercard 3D Secure system + IBANopenedwith IrishAllied Banks, p.l.c., registered in Ireland +3additional cardsfor verified card holders + Friendly feesGetstarted easily now!
Paid: Card payments via Stripe 1.2-b220524-stripeProd
Accept credit card payments from your mobile device today
Payanywhere - Point of Sale 6.4 [Penguin - 14378]
Payanywhere’s free point of sale (POS) app lets you accept alltypesof payments
Bitsa is the new way to buy without being tied to a bankaccount,noworries, no strings attached! 👉Create your free virtualcardororder your plastic card directly from the App. EnjoyarechargeableVISA prepaid card with which you can safely buyonlineor at anystore, withdraw cash at ATMs, make transfers, getcashbackandexclusive benefits, and control all your expenses fromthe sameAppat the click of a button. And as if this were notenough,financialfreedom is also a thing for young people. Withinthe Appyou canalso request a Bitsa young: the prepaid card foryoungpeople from14 to 17 years old. ADVANTAGES OF HAVING A BITSACARD?❌🏦 NO BANKACCOUNT It doesn't matter if you don't have abankaccount. Anyonecan request Bitsa. We are the alternativetotraditional financialinstitutions. No ties, no maintenancecosts.💳🌟 CONTACTLESS Takeadvantage of contactless technology(paymentwithout contact) tobuy and pay for all kinds of everydaypurchases,instantly andsecurely, in millions of stores around theworld. 🔒SECURE ONLINESHOPPING Enjoy an unrivaled advance inpaymentsecurity in onlinepurchases with Verified by Visa, thefastest,safest and mostguaranteed way to make your purchasesonline. 🤳CONTROL YOUREXPENSES AND RECHARGE EASILY With the BitsaCardprepaid card youonly spend what you recharge, alwayscontrollingeverything fromyour App. Gain peace of mind when youtravel abroador when youhave to recharge your daughter's Bitsayoung forunforeseen events.And as we have already mentioned, youhave amultitude ofrecharging methods at your disposal. 👫 SEPATRANSFERSAND BETWEENBITZERS Make any type of payment to anyfinancial entitybelongingto the European Single Market area, withthe same ease,speed andsecurity as national payments. Furthermore,transfersbetween Bitsaclients are instantaneous. Very comfortablewhenpaying for adinner with friends or a common gift. 📲💸 BUY FROMFROMTHE CAMERAON YOUR MOBILE PHONE Pay with our innovativepaymentmethod called"Bitsa Pay". You simply have to click on theBitsa Paybutton inthe app, scan the QR code provided by the sellerand yourpaymentwill automatically be made! In addition to beingmorecomfortable,it is much safer, since you will not need toprovideanyinformation on your card. 📞📩 PERSONALIZED ATTENTIONBitsa'ssupportteam will be happy to answer any questions orconcerns. Weoffercustomer service 7 days a week in Spanish, EnglishandItalian. HOWDOES THE BITSA APP WORK? 1⃣ Request your virtualorplastic BITSAdirectly from the App; 2⃣ If you already have aBITSA,add andactivate the card from the App and start enjoyingitsadvantages.3⃣ Control the expenses and the details of allthetransactions youcarry out each month. Set budgets, spend onlywhatyou plan tospend. 4⃣ Withdraw cash at ATMs or in thousandsofstores using acashout pin. Find the closest points on the map.5⃣Recharge BITSAwith vouchers, cryptocurrencies or transfers .Findthe nearestvouchers points of sale or add other cards totransfermoney fromone to another, all from the same App. 🤔 What areyouwaiting for?Join the community of people who already use Bitsatotravel, buy,send or receive money from anywhere in the world! 🤝🌎
Business Card Holder 7.75
Business Card Holder - friendly organizer for your business cards.
Soldo 4.1.0
Soldo Ltd
Soldo connects smart company cards to intuitivesoftware,helpingbusinesses to manage spending and automateexpensemanagement. Payin store with prepaid Mastercard® cards andgetvirtual cards forhassle-free online payments. Capture receipts,VATrates and noteswith the employee mobile app, right at the pointofpurchase. Andconnect everything to the administrative webconsoleand mobileapp, to manage your team’s expenses effortlessly.Withthe Soldomobile app, employees can: • Access Soldo card details•See theiravailable balance • Track transactions in real time •Getinstantnotifications • Find company information • ManagePINsettings •Report a card as lost or stolen • Lock and unlockcards •Capturereceipts in a snap (Pro and Premium only)• Categorisepurchases asthey happen (Pro and Premium only) Whileadministratorscan:• Transfer money to cards • Send PIN reminders tousers• Resetlogin access for employees • Manage spendingcontrolsEmpowercontrolled employee spending Help your team to buythethings theyneed for work. Soldo gives employees controlledaccessto companymoney, helping them to get the job done.Instantlytransfer fundsfrom the business’ Soldo account toprepaidMastercard® cards.Allocate and reallocate funds in coupleofclicks, for completecontrol over your cash flow. On Pro andPremiumplans: Setautomatic top-ups, to make sure your team alwayshas thefunds theyneed. Make expense management effortless Trackspendingwith a liveview of all transactions. Administrators cancheck in onspendingusing the web console or mobile app. And Soldomakesbookkeepingeasy. Generate a wide variety of data-richexpensereports informats compatible with your accounting software.Orconnect Soldoto Xero and QuickBooks, sending data straight toyouraccounts. OnPro and Premium plans: Forget end-of-month chaosandconstantreceipt chasing. Soldo streamlines the expensemanagementprocesswith on-the-spot reporting. Employees get anotification,themoment a payment is made. They can then captureexpenses atthepoint of purchase, snapping a photograph of receiptsand addingVATrates, categories and more. It’s all visibleimmediately intheSoldo web console. Get a grip on spendingProactivelycontrolexactly who spends what, and where. Soldo allowsyou to setupdaily, weekly, and monthly budgets – as well asspending rules–for complete peace of mind. You can even preventspendingwithspecific vendors, such as gambling companies, to reducetherisk offraud. On Pro and Premium plans: Set custom rolesandpermissionsfor individual users, so admins, managers and usersseeexactlywhat they need to see, and nothing more. What ourcustomerssay“The control and flexibility with the product is idealforscalingbusinesses” – Kevin Fisher, Head of Finance atGoCardless“Soldo isa product that really delivers. Delivers onvalue anddelivers onits promises” – Dennis Koehler, Global Head ofPayment& Fraud,Get Your Guide “Soldo has given us more freedom.One ofthe bestthings about Soldo is the customer service.”– MartynSexton,Finance Manager, Secret Escapes
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