Top 39 Apps Similar to NFC Tracker

Smart NFC Pro 2.5
Smart NFC Pro automate tasks by just tapping smart phone onNFCtags.
NFC Tools - Pro Edition 8.9
NFC Tools can read and write NFC tags.
NFC ReTag PRO 2.24.01-PRO
Be smart and use any NFC tag to trigger multiple settingsandfunctions!
NFC Tools 8.9
NFC Tools can read and write NFC tags.
NFC Easy Connect
The NFC Easy Connect app allows yoursmartphoneto connect easily with NFC-compatible Sony devices(speakers,headphones, etc.).Just touch your smartphone to the N mark on an NFC-compatibleSonydevice to register (pair) the devices and connect themthroughBluetooth (one-touch connection).For details on smartphones on which the NFC Easy Connect appneedsto be installed, check “Compatible smartphones” below.You do not need to install the NFC Easy Connect app if you areusingan NFC-compatible smartphone with Android OS 4.1 orlaterinstalled.- Compatible smartphonesNFC-compatible smartphones with Android 2.3.3 or later (priortoAndroid 4.1) installedSome smartphones may already have an app installed withsimilarfunctions. In this case, the NFC Easy Connect app isnotneeded.See the manual of your smartphone for details.See the following website for details on NFC-compatibleSonydevices. Making a one-touch connection with your smartphone1. Unlock the screen.2. Touch the NFC detection area of your smartphone that has thisappinstalled to the N mark on an NFC-compatible Sony device.3. The smartphone vibrates when a connection to theNFC-compatibleSony device is established.(You do not need to activate the NFC Easy Connect app.)- Main functions1. Simple device registration (pairing) and connection by onetouch.(NFC Bluetooth Handover)Touching your smartphone to an NFC-compatible Sony device turnsthepower of the device on and establishes a Bluetooth connectionatthe same time.Even when connecting to an NFC-compatible Sony device for thefirsttime, both device registration and Bluetooth connection canbecompleted with this one-touch operation.2. Simple disconnection by one touch.To disconnect the connection, simply touch the smartphone totheNFC-compatible Sony device.3. Simple switching of connected devices by one touch.If you have multiple NFC-compatible Sony devices, just touchthesmartphone to a different device to disconnect from thecurrentdevice and connect to the new one.For example, if your smartphone is connected withNFC-compatibleheadphones through a Bluetooth connection and youwant to connectto an NFC-compatible speaker instead, just touch thesmartphone tothe speaker to establish a Bluetooth connection tothespeaker.4. Operation at your fingertipsYou can turn the Bluetooth function on and off, and connectordisconnect easily using the app screen.- Check the following if a connection cannot be established.1.Make sure the NFC Easy Connect app is activated or theNFCfunction of your smartphone is turned on.2.Make sure the screen of your smartphone is unlocked.3.Depending on the smartphone you are using, it may not bepossibleto make a one-touch connection while the smartphone isbeingcharged. Finish charging first, then perform theone-touchoperation.4.If the smartphone is in a case, the listening device may notreactto one-touch; remove the smartphone from the casefirst.* The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the BluetoothSIG,Inc. and any use of such marks by Sony Corporation isunderlicense.* The N mark is a trademark or registered trademark of NFCForum,Inc. in the United States and in other countries.
NFC ReTag 2.24.01-FREE
The perfect NFC tool for your device automation ideas.
Smart NFC 4.3
Smart NFC is an app to automate tasks by just tapping smart phoneonNFC tags.
External NFC 1.04b
Service for external NFC reader connection.
NFC TagInfo by NXP 4.27.0
The “Swiss Army knife” for NFC! Value checker, content viewerandanalysis tool
NFC Reader 1.0.6
NFC Reader can read contactless IC card use NFC hardware.
NFC TagInfo 1.12a
Ever wanted to know what is stored on your NFC tags? Here istheanswer!
NFC Check by Tapkey
Does your smartphone support NearFieldCommunication ("NFC")? Is it enabled and ready to use?The NFC Check App is provided by the Tapkey team to quicklyandcomprehensibly tell you whether your smartphone hasNFCfunctionality built in and activated.If you're interested in more technical details, we alsotellyou:* Is Android Beam active?* Does your device support hosted card emulation (HCE mode)?* Does your device support Android Application Records (AAR)?* Does your device support reading and writing Mifare ClassicandMifare Ultralight cards?* What are all these technologies about?And of course we tell you, whether your smartphone can be usedwiththe revolutionary Tapkey solution.test NFC. enable NFC. detect NFC. check NFC. find NFC. NFC. android beam NFC.NFC test. NFC enabled. NFC detect. NFC check. NFC find. NFC use.NFCsupport. NFC android beam. Mifare.
NFC Writer by Trigger 2.0.2
Trigger Writer allows you to simply and quickly program multipleNFCtags.
NFC Tasks 5.5
NFC Tasks : Create your tasks, simplify your life.
NFC Enabled? 1.2
You launch it, it tells you if your phone supports NFC(accordingtothe Android operating system). Nothing fancier thanthat.
Easy NFC transfer & share 2.1
Tech Tool
★ Easy and fast NFC File transfer and sharing Tool !
NFC Verificador 1.0
Crazy Nerds
Esta pequeña aplicación permiteidentificarsiel dispositivo posee NFC o no.Esperamos les sea útil. :) Cualquierrecomendaciónserabienvenida.Thissmallapplicationallows you to identify whether the device has NFCornot.We hope you find it useful. :) Any recommendationwillbewelcome.
NFC Tag Cloner 1.3.1
Clone NFC tags to another tag or to your phone
The NfC App 1.0
It is a simple Application, that helpsyoureadand write to an NFC tag, which can be helpful instoringimportantdata, keeping them well secure and when neededeasilyread....
Advanced NFC System 1.5
Keeps configured settings only when the NFC tag is connected tothephone
RFID NFC Tool 0.5.4
Read and Write *ANYTHING* to your NFC and RFID tags, bestforadvanced users!
NFC Wallet Agent
CardsMobile Wallet Agent (CMWA) is anAndroidservice to support all type of Secure Element (SE) basedmobile NFCservices. CMWA manages the protocol with CardsMobilecertifiedTrusted Service Manager platform (TSM) & Cloud BasedPaymentplatform (CBP). CMWA forwards commands from TSM & CBPtoAndroid client applications (Wallets). CMWA is used forinterfacesbetween client applications & TSM and CBP & alltypes ofSEs. TSM & CBP are considered as a HTTPS/TCP Servers,whileCMWA is working as a HTTPS/TCP Client.
NFC Manager 1.0
NFC tags management application
NFC Tools Plugin : Reuse Tag 2.0
Re-use / Re-tag your NFC tags with NFC Tools
NFC Sniffer 14.0
Reads NFC tags and smart-cards anddisplaysinformation on the screen.For an ad-free version of this app, and to supportfurtherdevelopment, upgrade to the NFC Sniffer Pro.This app allows you to explore the contents of the RFID/NFCenabledsmart card transponders. This is very useful for anyoneprogrammingNFC applications, or for anyone who wants to see whattranspondersthey are carrying around in their purse orwallet.To scan a smart-card or NFC tag, start the app, then holdthecard/tag within a few millimeters of the back of your device(youmay have to swipe around a bit to find where the NCF reader isinyour device).The app displays:* The transponder ID* RF technologies used* Type of transponder* ATQA code* SAK* Target tech classes* Number of times this transponder has been scannedNot all android devices support NFC. If your phone or tabletdoesnot support NFC, a message appears on the screen to notify you,andthe app closes.By default, NFC is disabled in most handsets. To use this app,andto use NFC on your device, you must enable NFC in yourdevicesettings. If NFC is not enabled on your device, this appdisplays amessage and exits.This app is no better than the NFC scanner and the RFID tag youareusing. Not all phone chips can read all tags. If the phonecannotread the tag, there is nothing the software can do. This appshowswhatever NFC contacts the hardware reports to the OS.
NFC Data Reader/Writer 1.1
Use the app to write and then read a tag with your custom data.
Identa NFC 0.0.1
Control de acceso a empleadosmedianteNFCAccesscontrolemployeesthrough NFC
NFC Transmission 1.0
Kavin Zhao
This app is intended totransmitcontentsbetween NFC-Capable devices (only tested withAndroid.)withoutlimitation. The device receiving the transmissiondoes notneed toinstall this app.To transmit, simply turn on NFC(Settings ->Connections->NFC) on both devices and place themclosetogether(usuallyback-to-back), and tap on "Touch to beam"whenprompted. And you'llsee your contents transmitted.This app requires a device with a NFC adapter. It willnotifyyouif your device doesn't have one.
NFC Tagmatic 1.2.0
NFC Tagmatic makes your life more innovative and convenient byusingNFC tags.
Crafty Apps EU
Total Automation, From Settings to SMS.* Triggers: App, Time, Day, Location, Hard/Soft State,Event,Shortcut, Widget, Timer, Plugins* Actions: 200+ built-in, plugin support* Tasks: loops, variables, conditions* Scenes: design your own screen overlays* App Creation: create your own standalone apps to share orsell!(Android 2.3+)Trial: Guides:, Problems: see Menu / Info / Support in-appIt's not possible to fix problems reported via PlayStoreComments...****** Actions By Category ******[not all actions available on all devices]* ALERT: Flash, Notify LED/Sound/Vibrate, Cancel Notification,PopupTimed/WithTaskIcons/Names, Torch, Vibrate, VibratePattern* APP: Calendar Insert, Go Home, Kill App, Load App, OpenMap(/StreetView/Nav)* AUDIO: Alarm/Call/DTMF/Media/Notif./Ringer/System Volume,HapticFeedback Toggle, Mic Mute, NotificationPulse,Notification(<4.1)/Ringer Vibrate (<4.2 or root),SilentMode, Speakerphone, Sound Effects toggle* DIALOG: 28 System Settings dialogs* DISPLAY: Auto-Brightness, Close System Dialogs, Keyguard,KeyguardPattern, Display Brightness, Display Off Timeout, DisplayRotation,Set Wallpaper, Stay On, Status Bar (expand/collapse),SystemLock* FILE: Browse Files, Directory Create/Delete/Move,FileCopy/Delete/Move/Open, Write To File, Read Line, ReadParagraph,Zip/Unzip File* INPUT: Button, Dpad (root only), Type (root only), InputMethodSelect, Soft Keyboard (show)* MEDIA: Media Button Events (grab), Media Player Control,MusicFile/Dir, Play/Forward/Back/Stop, Photo/Series/TimeSeries,RecordAudio, Record Audio Stop, Ringtone, Scan Card* MISC: (Broadcast) Action Intent, Component Intent, GetLocation,GPS Status (<2.3 or Cyanogen/submod), Run (ASE) Script,Say, SayTo File, Shut Up, Search For, Set Clipboard, Reboot (rootonly),Set CPU (root only) Set Timezone* NETWORK: Airplane Mode (<4.1 or root), Autosync, BT, BTID,Compose Email, Browse URL, HTTP GET, HTTP POST, MobileData(on/off), Mobile Data 2G/3G (Cyanogen only), USB Tether,WiFiToggle, Wifi Disconnect/Reassociate/Reconnect, Wifi Sleep,WifiTether, Wimax Toggle* PHONE: Call, Call Log, Call Block/Divert/Revert, ComposeMMS/SMS,Contacts, End Call, Radio, Send SMS, Send Data SMS, SilenceRinger,Take Call* TASKER: Change Icon Set, If, End If, Goto Action, PerformTask,Profile Toggle, Query Action, Set Widget Icon, Set WidgetLabel,Stop, Wait, Wait Until* VARIABLES: Set, Clear, Inc, Dec, Query, Randomize, Split,Join,List* 3RD PARTY: Android Notifier, Astrid, BeyondPod,JuiceDefenderData/Toggle, Gentle Alarm, NewsRob, OfficeTalk,SleepBot, SMSBackup+, TeslaLED, WidgetLocker****** States ******Airplane Mode, BT Connected, Calendar Entry, Docked,HeadsetPlugged, Incoming Call, Keyboard Out, Light Level, MediaButton,Missed Call, Mobile Network, Device Orientation, Power,VariousSensors, Signal Strength, Unread Text, Variable Value,WifiNetwork, Wifi Near****** Events ******Alarm Clock/Done, Date Set, Time/Date Set, Timezone Set,Display:Off/On/Unlocked,FileClosed/Deleted/Modified/Moved/Opened/AttributesChanged,Camera/Search Button Long-Press, CardMounted/Removed/Unmounted,Gesture,Missed Call, Phone Changes,Received Text, SMS SendSuccess/Failure, BatteryChanged/Full/Low/Overheating, Device Boot,Device Shutdown, StorageLow, Locale Changed, New/Removed/UpdatedPackage, Wallpaper Changed,Button Gadget Clicked, New Window,Notification, NotificationClicked, Zoom Click, VariableCleared/Set, K9 Email Received, GentleAlarm, Kaloer Clock,OpenWatch, Reddit Notify, Screebl, WidgetLockerNote: Tasker uses the BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN permission in ordertoprovide the System Lock functionality.
Mediante esta aplicación se puedeconfigurar,leer y registrar, a través del móvil, la gama deconvertidores deseñal con tecnología RFID / NFC. La configuraciónse realiza muyfácilmente, acercando el teléfono al dispositivo, sinnecesidad decalibradores y conexiones. Se pueden enviar los datosentre móvilesmediante correo electrónico, lo cual permite un accesoremoto a lainstalación, muy útil para mantenimiento y asistenciaremota.Using this applicationyoucan configure, read and record, through mobile, the range ofsignalconverters with RFID / NFC technology. The configuration isveryeasily performed, bringing the telephone device withoutcalibratorsand connections. You can send data between mobile viaEmail, whichallows very useful for remote maintenance and remotesupport accessto the facility.
Octopus 5.8.4
"Octopus" App is the upgraded versionof"OctoCheck". It is an official application developed byOctopusCards Limited and is a free application for NFC (NearFieldCommunication) enabled Android mobile devices and applicabletoOctopus with 9-digit Octopus number (including eight digitsplusone single digit inside the bracket). This application allowsyouto use the following services via the Internet onyourOctopus:• Check Octopus' remaining value, latest transaction recordsandother information• Make Octopus Online Payment at designated online merchants• Online Payment Refund (Only applicable tospecificmerchants)• Conduct Incomplete transaction refund enquiry andcollection• Activate Octopus Automatic Add Value Service (AAVS)•Receive refund and AAVS activation notificationYou can check the latest list of tested mobile device modelsthatsupport online payment, checking remaining value andtransactionsof your Octopus, and Octopus Mobile SIMat improve service, we have updated the use anonymoususagestatistics. You can disable the sending of information undertheSettings menu by unchecking “Send usage Info”. Nopersonallyidentifiable data will be collected by OCL inthisapplication.To understand how to use “Octopus” App for online payment,pleasevisit can choose if "Octopus" App should start automaticallyupondetecting an Octopus at the "Settings" menu intheapplication.When using Octopus Mobile SIM, you can enjoy the convenienceofchecking the remaining value using the Home Screen widget.Pleasevisit for moredetails.
NFC Manager 2.3.4
Application to read, write, erase and lock your NFC tagsFeatures•Determining the presence of NFC on the device • Open NFCsettings•Read , Write, Erase and Lock operations • Save data to SDcard•Sharing data • NFC information • Support Android PSupportedtags(short list) IsoDep, NfcA, NfcB, NfcF, NfcV,Ndef,NdefFormatable,MifareClassic, MifareUltralight
Badge NFC 3.36
Store on local (or online) database any type ofcustomlogs/actionsusing NFC actions! Badge NFC for Android is anewapplication thatallow you to manage your own badge system(clockin/out), using theNFC chip of your phone and every NFC tagyou canfind on themarket. You can buy tags from many stores, googlefor"tag nfc" tofind some. Since version 3.0 you can use it tostoreany customlogs, with custom action and custom fields. ItrequiresTrigger (exNFC Task Launcher) in order to work with NFCchip. UseHelp page toconfigure it. You can also use it without NFCchip(though theapplication was designed to work with NFC), in thatcaseyou shouldmanually register In/Out actions using dedicatedbuttons.Placeyour own NFC tag wherever you want and touch the tagwithyoursmartphone. The application will register alternatively InandOutactions (or custom logs in version 3.0) on a localdatabase,savingdate, time and also GPS location. Data can be easilyexportedto anExcel file. On PRO version you can setup theapplication toloadyour entries to an online database and share themwith ausergroup. Do you have a small company or a gym with afriendsgroupand do you want to save clock IN/OUT and share themwith allyourusers? Well, Badge NFC Pro is your solution!
NFC Tag Wallet 2.0
Keep NFC tags in mobile phone, copy and beam them from themobilephone.
NFC Status Widget 1.0
Darko Gredelj
A simple widget-only app for your home screen which showscurrentstatus of NFC.
Application for collect, view and share information and chartfromLoggers NFC
NFC Reader/Writer 1.8
Levente Kusai
NFC Reader/Writer allows to read and write to NFC Tags or Stickers.
NFC Shell 1.0
Terminal-style app that sends raw commands to ISO14443-A NFCtagsand shows log of sent and received data. Can send one ormultiplecommands in a single NFC session ("tap"). To sendmultiplecommands, separate them with a newline. CRC bytes do notneed to beincluded. Useful for NFC tag application debugging, NFChardwareinterface testng, NFC emulator development, NFC tag backup,etc.