Top 19 Games Similar to 我的女僕有點壞

女僕美少女撲克 1.0.0
打發無聊的空虛時光,享受如賭神般華麗的發牌特效及女僕的服侍。比賽結束後,俏女僕還會給您特殊”獎勵”喔!喜歡美少女的玩家們,千萬不能錯過與女僕的另類約會唷!Boredom emptiness oftime,such as Gamblers like to enjoy the gorgeous special effectsand maidlicensing ministry. After the game, pretty maid will giveyouspecial "reward" Oh! Like girl gamers, do not miss themaidalternative dating yo!
Princess*Solitaire: Cute Games 3.7.8
We bring happy times to all women! You can also play outsidenoWi-Fi / offline!
妖精的尾巴--最强梅比斯 0.0.17
最好玩的二次元卡牌手游《妖精的尾巴》,激烈的战斗,热血的友情,绚丽的魔法!感受最真实的魔法二次元《FairyTail》世界,感受妖尾最神秘的羈绊,最好玩的二次元动漫手游期待妳的加入!If you need the English Version,you can search 'DragonMage-GuildBattle' in Google Play store!《妖精的尾巴》是壹款精心研发的二次元动作卡牌游戏,最真实的还原《FairyTail》动漫的世界观、人物形象以及战斗效果,热爱动漫《FairyTail》的手机游戏玩家们不容错过哦!在《妖精的尾巴》中需要招募魔导士,完成任务,养成最强小队!近300位人物,超过100种道具装备,让玩家充满了乐趣和惊喜。剧情忠实《妖精的尾巴》原著,畅玩游戏过程中重温原著的精髓,找到记忆中那壹段段热血温馨的画面!最热血的动漫手游震撼出击!【游戏介绍】二次元战斗手游《妖精的尾巴》震撼来袭!原汁原味动漫手游,300+主角人物悉数登场,缘分羈绊丰富玩法,绚丽的魔法,世界BOSS全新登场,超SSS级魔导士和妳壹起组建自己的最强小队!全面丰富的公会系统,激情3V3真PK,超级Boss每天等妳来战,大魔斗演武激情碰撞,无限掠夺彰显梟雄本色,最棒的二次元魔导世界,妳还在等待什么!每天登入更有超级好礼放松,金币、鉆石、五星卡牌、装备送不停,快来壹起冒险吧!【游戏特色】--原汁原味 丰富多彩--二次元形象真实还原、故事情节尊重原著,犹如身临其境300位风格迥异的魔导士,总会有妳钟爱的壹位--自由控制 热血战斗--半自动的战斗系统,告别看游戏时代,手动释放最强必杀热血的PVP战斗,最强的小队亲手缔造--壹击必杀 天赋羈绊--华丽的魔法必杀特效、丰富的天赋羈绊系统天赋技能破封而战、神秘羈绊超强加成--农场锻造 激情公会--独创农场系统,战斗之余享受恬静生活,锻造梦幻装备丰富的公会内容,让妳找到自己的家--第二魔法 协力共战--第二魔法源开啟,强就一个字公会协力,共闯无限可能【游戏支持】如果队长在游戏中遇到问题请通过以下方式获取帮助:官方line id:3734895QQ群:376069840EnglishVersion: page: https: //
激闘X次元 ACG本命集合 4.0.0
dan guiliang
◎史上最具特色同人手遊,本命亂入,暴走來襲,港台全線引爆!◎吾王歸來,數百位超人氣主角,覺醒助你制霸競技場!◎千種動漫經典技能,華麗特效打造最強主人公,引爆二次元的本命大亂鬥!【遊戲特色】《COS大亂鬥の混闘二次元》史上最具特色卡牌手遊!一款以未來都市為背景的COS橫版戰鬥卡牌遊戲融合了卡牌養成和橫版動作戰鬥的元素以崩壞的二次元世界為背景數百位動漫英雄化身貓娘,上千種技能任你搭配!◆動漫英雄齊聚大亂鬥◆數百動漫英雄化身貓娘亂入,你的本命總能找到!紫卡、橙卡,進階、覺醒,全新骨骼動畫技術,表情隨戰鬥而變化攜手一起主宰這個世界!◆千種動漫技能 華麗萌戰打造頂級戰鬥體驗◆全新動作卡牌玩法,主動技、被動技,爆發、BUFF、回復、重生…千種動漫技能、華麗特效打造比肩原著動漫的視覺性享受!◆英雄覺醒 橫版對決 打造最強羈絆◆首創英雄覺醒系統,英雄二次覺醒形象更加華麗、技能更加炫酷!本命間的羈絆與奧義,數百位英雄技能混搭結合考驗策略的時候到了!◆點燃公會熱血與榮耀 創新養成競技手遊◆天梯爭霸,十二星座聖域闖關!幫手助陣,打不贏找幫手,你不是獨自在戰鬥!創新海賊寶藏玩法,打破古板運鏢方式公會跨服戰、魔強統一戰,更多精彩玩法還將陸續登場!【創新系統】●覺醒系統使徒成長至一定階段,需要收集材料進行覺醒儀式覺醒後的使徒,不僅技能更為強力,天賦持續開發還將變身為更華麗的形象!●勇闖聖域12星座宮,最熱血的爬塔爭鬥!從所有玩家中精選出的聖域守衛、亂入的神鬥士史詩級突破戰役經典重現!誰能沖至教皇殿!●海賊寶藏創新運送系統,各方海賊一同挑戰偉大航路!誰能到達新世界?搶奪最多的海上寶藏?我把一切都留在終點了!去找吧!●碎片搶奪強力技能,分解為碎片四散各處為求讓技能重新被喚醒,需要收集滿所有的碎片強者們盡情爭奪吧!●競技場所有英雄聚集之處,誰人登頂!每日前十名的英雄,還可以撒下豪情紅包讓眾生感受你的霸氣!●探索副本特殊翻牌式副本,考驗人品,也考驗戰力!覺醒素材、成長材料、技能碎片,各式探索副本分日開放●公會建設告別口號式公會!卡牌遊戲首見最緊密的公會系統降臨!公會建設、公會食堂、公會技能、以及即將開放的公會跨服戰可別再當獨行俠了喔!《COS大亂鬥の混闘二次元》正式登場!歡迎大家一起加入,體驗二次元卡牌神作的魅力!facebook粉絲團:客服郵箱:[email protected]
星工場-當奇跡來臨時!Love偶像祭 2.0.0
少年劍心-動漫人物大亂鬥 1.0.300
【遊戲介紹】Q版超萌風格角色手遊《少年劍心》獨創多夥伴出戰,集夥伴收集進化豎式卡牌模式,以著名動漫《浪客劍心》中緋村劍心的人物原型爲題材,完美融入浪客劍心故事情節,原汁原味的劇情,精致的人物造型設計,華麗的連鎖技,配上各種玩法,如探秘,爭奪藥田,Boss大戰等層出不窮探索,召喚神龍,副本全自動戰鬥方式,讓玩家全程用手指點擊屏劃即可完成遊戲操作.【遊戲特色】Q版超呆萌,唯美動漫風由著名動漫《浪客劍心》中緋村劍心的人物原型改編而成,漫畫中的人物保留原汁原味,讓人沈醉故事情節創新玩法系統,全自動激戰多變的英雄策略組合,激發英雄的緣分,組建屬于自己的團隊 讓戰鬥發揮更強大神秘仙境,各種各樣的奇遇,神劍秘籍,陰深老井讓你在召喚神龍路上不發愁豎式卡牌回合玩法,創新使用多英雄出陣全自動戰鬥模式,每個英雄擁有爆屏節奏連鎖技能,讓你感受到《少年劍心》的獨特樂趣打造掌上玩遊戲及看漫畫兩不誤玩法官網地址:粉絲頁:客服信箱:Email:[email protected]
Pyramid Maids Edition 2.2
It is a solitaire of cards. Maid girl image is displayed on thegamescreen.
Fightlandlord-boss 1.0
Fightlandlord-boss, is a game of playingcardswith containing boss and skill. This game contain rich voiceandbackground music, allowing you to enjoy the pleasure ofthegame.        Game roomcontainingfour kinds, easy room, common room, hard room andpurgatory roomhouse,.When you enter purgatory room,you should be careful,It'sverydifficult to win the game.If you are not good at the game,youcanchoose esay room instead,else you will loss all scoreyouearn.When you challenge boss ,you will be careful,too. But when youwinthe boss,you can get the skill of boss.         So goodgameis here,quickly download and enjoy it.         Here, youarethe main character, you're Landlords king!
Card Maker - Yugioh! 4.0
Create your own Yu-Gi-Oh - Card!
Chinese Version Available Only FEATURE HIGHLIGHTS ●AbsolutelyUniqueMahjong Game The game uses 13 tiles of Mahjongwith noflowers. Ourrule combines the characteristics of China,Taiwan andJapanese rule.A new era of Mahjong game playing nowbegins. Wecreated a brand newstyle of game-play thinking not onlylimited tothe tedious handslike "Mixed One Suit", "All Triplets".With therevolutionized rule,you now have totally 47 types ofwinninghands. You may pick the mostefficient one(s) using yourwisdom tocreate the best, fastest andmost flexible way to beat thecomputeropponents. ※ Some playersreported that they cannot win.Pleaseread our rules first.Insufficient point of the hand cannotclaimto win. For details,check out the whole listat version only)●Statistics & Levels The game recordsevery results of thegame.You are always ready to show your friendshow greatyourachievements. You can easily tell how many times yougot"GrandFour Happiness", "Superior Nine Chain", "EighteenLohan",etc. Youcan also gain experience to level up! ●ElegantIllustration &Easy Control You'll be blown away bythetraditional Chinese styleof graphics. We've designed the gametomake it simple and userfriendly. When you hold down on a tile,youcan see the enlargedview and with just a gentle push forward,thetile is played. Otherfrequently used actions are placed inthecenter of the screen asbig buttons. So you will never takeanunexpected move withregrets.
UNO ™ & Friends
UNO™ & Friends: Fast FunforEveryone!UNO™, the world's most beloved card game, introduces a newfreesocial experience!Playing UNO™ with friends, family, and the millions offansworldwide has never been easier! Join one of the largestmobilegaming communities and enjoy a free multiplayerexperience,brand-new game modes and tournaments that let you shout""UNO!"" ona whole new level!GAME FEATURES:√ Easy to learn, difficult to put down!√ Play in Tournaments and become an UNO champion!√ Team up for the win in 2vs2 UNO!√ Use Boosts & Companions to diversify your strategy!√ Level up your UNO Companions and unleash their powers!√ Create custom games and invite your friends to play!√ Challenge millions of UNO fans worldwide!_____________________________________________You can download and play this game for free. Please beinformedthat it also allows you to play using virtual currency,which canbe acquired as you progress through the game, or bydeciding towatch certain advertisements, or by paying with realmoney.Purchases of virtual currency using real money are performedusinga credit card, or other form of payment associated withyouraccount, and are activated when you input your Google Playaccountpassword, without the need to re-enter your credit cardnumber orPIN.In-app purchases can be restricted by adjusting theauthenticationsettings within your Play Store settings (Google PlayStore Home> Settings > Require authentication for purchases)andsetting up a password for each purchase / Every 30 minutesorNever.Disabling password protection may result in unauthorizedpurchases.We strongly encourage you to keep password protectionturned on ifyou have children or if others could have access toyourdevice.This game contains advertising for Gameloft’s products or somethirdparties which will redirect you to a third-party site. Youcandisable your device’s ad identifier being used forinterest-basedadvertising in the settings menu of your device.This option can befound in the Settings app > Accounts(Personal) > Google >Ads (Settings and Privacy) > Opt outof interest-based ads.Certain aspects of this game will require the player to connecttothe Internet.___________________________________Visit our official site at http://www.gameloft.comFollow us on Twitter at or likeuson Facebook at to get more infoaboutall our upcoming titles.Check out our videos and game trailerson our blog at fortheinside scoop on everything Gameloft.Privacy Policy: of Use: LicenseAgreement:
機甲少女 1.0.0
數碼寶貝:聖十字軍 2.2.2
■■■首款正版《數碼寶貝》手機遊戲,萬代南夢宮娛樂公司開發、官方授權■■■■■■回憶的數碼寶貝 包括來自歷代《數碼寶貝》的角色■■■■■■《數碼寶貝》十五周年重要紀念作品,重要設定補全之作■■■■■■最有愛的二次元發行商通耀(Shanghai Access Bright Co.,Ltd)發行■■■------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------年度雙料媒體大獎得主:■■■年度“金拇指獎”最佳遊戲IP獎■■■■■■年度CGWR新浪中國遊戲排行榜“最佳IP改編獎” ■■■------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------【遊戲背景】維持數碼世界秩序的主電腦“世界樹”突然消失了,失去了支配者的數碼寶貝們為了成為“下一任世界的支配者”而展開了紛爭。被戰亂席捲成旋渦的數碼世界越來越荒蕪,即將走向崩潰的邊緣。Hi,正拿著手機的你,已經被對現狀感到憂慮的天女獸召喚成為受選戰士“十字軍”。你將會在天女獸的託付之下用數碼寶貝們的“能源之卡”,展開一統爭執不斷的《檔案島》上數碼寶貝們的使命之戰!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------【遊戲特色】1、十五周年重要紀念作品,里程碑級巨作值得收藏《數碼寶貝:聖十字軍》是日本萬代南夢宮娛樂公司在移動平臺上推出的一款經典動漫改編遊戲,是官方所推出的為紀念《數碼寶貝》系列十五周年而策劃的首款手機遊戲。2、再現部分歷代《數碼寶貝》遊戲及TV動畫經典劇情眾多遊戲及TV動畫六部(《數碼寶貝大冒險》《數碼寶貝大冒險02》《數碼寶貝馴獸師之王》《數碼寶貝無限地帶》《數碼寶貝拯救者》《數碼寶貝合體戰爭》)、電視特別篇《數碼暴龍X進化第十三號的皇家騎士》、劇場版十部、漫畫五部,大量原作劇情內容將被植入到遊戲中。3、會有來自歷代數碼寶貝系列中的數碼寶貝登場有多少個數碼寶貝,就有多少個故事。戰鬥暴龍獸、鋼鐵加魯魯獸、天使獸、天女獸!超千張數碼寶貝卡牌將會登場,與你一起拯救數碼寶貝世界!4、唯一數碼寶貝圖鑒設定僅在遊戲內呈現為《數碼寶貝:聖十字軍》專門繪製的全新數碼寶貝插畫,將首次呈現在國人眼前,給回憶插上全新的翅膀。後續《數碼寶貝》作品中的形象,也將在後續版本中逐一登場。5、首創“Chain”消除玩法只需通過簡單的點擊操作來選擇卡牌,湊齊三張同樣顏色的卡片,即有機會觸發絢麗的“Chain”式攻擊,擊潰一個又一個強大的邪惡敵人。-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------【推薦系統版本】Android 2.3以上-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------©AkiyoshiHongo, Toei Animation©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------【聯繫我們】官方網站:客詢郵箱:[email protected]
Solitaire Free Pack 17.0.1.RC-Android-Super(1603091)
How many ways can you play solitaire? 💯The Solitaire Free Pack has over 100 great solitaire games. Allthebest games with all the best features!The most popular solitaire is called “Klondike”, though you mayknowit as Patience or Windows Solitaire. Single or double deck,draw 1,2 or 3, Vegas scoring & many more! Find them all underthe“Klondike” category.Plus we have all the popular games, like FreeCell, Spider, 3Towersand Pyramid, all together here in 1 app! If you like thosegames,you'll find even more games to love by exploring the variousgamecategories in our “Change Game” screen. Our app makes it easytofind the perfect game for you!You'll discover unique games like Poker Square, King'sCorner,Bowling and Church, the game famously played by WinstonChurchill.These games are nothing like classic solitaire!Fortunately, ourapp has in-game hints and instructions that make iteasy to learnnew games.We also have rare and unusual games like Accordion, Grandma'sGame,Fission, Crazy Quilt and Alternations. These arecustomerfavorites, requested because they could not be foundanywhere elseon Android!We are passionate about making great solitaire gameswithtop-of-the-line features!♠ Smart hints♥ Smooth “one tap” game movements♣ The best intuitive autoplay available in any solitaire game♦ Well-designed game layouts and concise instructions make iteasyto learn new games♠ Interactive fireworks display when you win♥ Lots of options to customize your game's look and play♣ Permissions are for custom backgrounds and card backsEach game is meticulously created to bring you the bestexperienceimaginable. Download now and experience it foryourself!Check out our website at foracomplete list of our solitaire games with rulesandscreenshots.For solitaire tips, strategy articles, and an inside lookatupcoming features:♣ Like us on Facebook♦ Follow us onInstagram♠ And don't forget to leave a rating for our freesolitairecollection!
Solitaire by MobilityWare is the original Solitaire game forAndroiddevices! Klondike Patience has never been better! Join over100million users playing our Solitaire for Android! Our versionofSolitaire is free and is the most popular in the Play Store!Trainyour brain with our Daily Challenges for a new Solitaireexperienceeach & every day. Download now to play the bestclassicSolitaire card game on Android now! SOLITAIRE BYMOBILITYWAREFEATURES: Fun Addicting Games of Classic Klondike &PatienceSolitaire ♠ Play different versions of Klondikesolitaire,including draw 1 card Klondike Solitaire or classic draw3 cardKlondike Solitaire! ♠ Winning Deals: Never let the challengeof thegame get too great! But beware, you will still have to findtheright moves to beat the challenge! ♠Try all the addictinguniqueways to train your brain with the classic game of Klondike!PlayChallenging Games & Unlock New Challenges Each Day ♥Challengeskeep the classic game of Klondike solitaire new everytime. Neverrun out of new puzzles and ways to train your brain! ♥Always Free- Play unlimited games every day for a unique,challenging game!Classic Games, Modern Options ♣ Statisticstracker: track yourprogress across several games of Klondike, andstudy your playstyle to get even better at solving puzzles! ♣Customize the cards& tables to play with your own style! ♣ Playonline or take thechallenge offline with random deals. No WIFIrequired to playanywhere for free! ♣ Remove the Menu and Status barto makenavigation easier on Devices which utilize Android’sNavigation Bar(requires Android 4.4 or above) Multiplayer &Leaderboards ♥Brag about your scores and show off to your friendswith theleaderboards included in game! ♥ Race against the worldwhen youplay with others in multiplayer! Train your brain and solveeachDaily Challenge to receive a crown for that day. Earn trophieseachmonth by winning more crowns! Play our Daily ChallengesandSolitaire free! The game is ad-supported, but only betweendeals.We don’t put ads on your playfield. LIKE US onFacebook
Order & Chaos Duels 1.7.5o
Gameloft SE
Rediscover the Order & Chaos universe in thisFREEcollectibletrading card game (TCG) that lets you battle withevilforces inmany adventures or fight against real playersforleaderboardsupremacy. The ancient demonic spirit Zepar andhisCorruption havereturned to use the world as their twisted,wickedplayground onceagain. Create your great hero, the CardDueler, andembody theworld’s only hope! ✔ Nearly 300 gorgeous cardstocollect, with allthe heroic fantasy art style of the Order&Chaos games (MMORPG& MOBA) ✔ Fast & accessible duelson thego withspectacular special magic effects for the cards ✔Deepcontent& strategy with the game mechanics of atraditionaltradingcard game (TCG) ✔ Epic live and asynchronousonlinemultiplayergames ✔ Quests & adventures to fight againsteviland free theworld of Haradon ✔ Optimize your deck for battleinsolo &online multiplayer PvP modes Order & Chaos Duels isafreetrading card game (TCG) in a magical fantasy universethatfeaturesonline mulitplayer battles (PvP). This free multiplayerTCGgamewill allow you to manage your deck, battle with yourdeck,playgames online and more. Download now for free and get onboardformany exciting multiplayer games (PvP). ---- Visit ourofficialsiteat Follow us onTwitterat or like us onFacebookat to get more info aboutallourupcoming titles. Check out our videos and gametrailerson Discover ourblogat for the insidescooponeverything Gameloft. Certain apps allow you topurchasevirtualitems within the app and may contain thirdpartyadvertisementsthat may redirect you to a third party site.PrivacyPolicy : Terms ofUse: End User LicenseAgreement: "
激鬪‧猛將撞 1.1.1
日本Ateam在台正式授權,策略卡牌大作《激鬪‧猛將撞》堂堂登場!!——黃巾之亂 群雄割據 只有你才是亂世的救星——東漢末年,群雄並起,魏蜀吳三國人才濟濟:‧英雄大會戰:桃園三結義-劉備、關羽、張飛;亂世奸雄-曹操;江東小霸王-孫權;臥龍鳳雛-孔明龐統;戰神-呂布,與你並肩打天下!‧亂世出美女:閉月羞花-貂蟬;沉魚落雁-大喬小喬;洛神仙子-甄宓;弓腰姬-孫尚香;龍之妻-黃月英,等你一一收服!==========遊戲特色==========★高清精美人物卡牌:各式人物卡牌齊聚一堂,性感辣妹、帥氣型男潮度破表!★奧義大招爽快戰鬥:人物各式絕招精彩戰鬥,合體奧義發動,爽快度破表!★好友同屏競技激鬥:獨家彈珠PVP人人對戰、排名競技場,最熱血的好友PK模式邀您來戰!★海量獎勵天天領取:超值福利每日拿到手軟,登入龍玉、武將、海量金幣天天領!
三國戰戰戰 1.0
《三國戰戰戰》遊戲背景為大家耳熟能詳的魏蜀吳三分天下故事,超過百位史詩名將揮灑出的成王敗寇的壯闊歷史。為了體現三國英雄運用計謀,智略一統天下,遊戲內獨樹一格的三軍佈陣系統,以及武將羈絆、神兵技能等特色功能,讓喜愛三國故事的玩家,只要動動手指,就能輕鬆駕馭三國百位名將,稱霸三國。●首創三軍卡牌策略 超硬派手遊前、中、後排三軍佈陣,考驗全能的策略性玩法,只有真正的謀略家才能指揮若定,一統天下!●高階武將免課金,癡漢也能變硬漢獨特的武將升階系統,讓你打造高階武將,再也不用煩惱抽不到6星卡牌,想要極品武將,自己輕鬆養成!●夥伴強力奧援,共組軍團實力才夠硬!廣交志同道合的好友,共組三國軍團,享有更多更豐富的軍團資源,實力才能一躍千里!●自己的裝備自己刷,全身金裝我最硬!超實用的奪寶系統,自己就能刷出超強神裝,沒有最硬,只有更硬!●跨服約戰,群雄逐鹿誰能比我硬別還在伺服器內得意自滿自以為是天下第一了,跨服挑戰其他伺服器霸主,讓他們看看誰讓誰硬到叫爸爸~遊戲官網:官方Facebook粉絲團:※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。"Three war war war"gamefamiliar background of Wei, Shu and Wu-third of the worldstory,magnificent epic history of more than one hundred famous swaythewinner takes all. In order to reflect the three heroesusestrategy, Veda dominate the world, a unique style of gamesystemslineup armed forces, as well as generals fetters, magicskills andother features, make love three stories of the players,as long asfingertips, you can easily manage Three one hundredfamous,dominate the three countries.● Cards armed forces first hand travel policyultrahardcoreFront, middle and rear three services lineup, testall-aroundstrategic play, the only real strategist to commanding,dominatingthe world!● Higher Order generals Free lesson gold, GEEK can become atoughguyAscending Order generals unique system that allows you tocreatehigh-end generals, no longer have to worry about pumping lessthan6 Star card, you want the best generals, easy to developyourown!● strong Austrian partner aid, total group strength legionhardenough!Make like-minded friends, co-group three corps, have moreresourcesand more abundant corps, the strength to leap a thousandmiles!● brush their own equipment, systemic Gold my most hard!Indiana Super practical system, God himself will be able tobrushout the super loaded, not the hardest, only harder!● inter-service gathers, who crowded harder than IDo also complacent self-righteous world inside the server first,theinter-service hegemony challenged by other servers, so thattheylook hard to call my dad who Who ~Games official website: http: // official Facebook fan group: https: //※ This game is free to use, another offer to buy virtualgamecurrency, items such as paid service game※ Please note that the game time, avoid indulging.
Kung Fu Panda: BattleOfDestiny 1.2.18
Ludia Inc.
Woah! These Cards Know Kung Fu!Legend tells of an ancient card battle game, whose hundredsofcards and strategic kung fu card battles were the stuffof…legends. In this game based on Dreamworks ""Kung Fu Panda""bothbeginner and bodacious kung fu warriors will train to mastertheirskills and achieve PURE AWESOMENESS!Get your kung fu on and go head-to-head with friends andotherplayers as you battle for card fu supremacy! Hone yourskillsagainst the Practice Dummy or face off against liveopponents. Witheach skadoosh, rise in the ranks and become theultimate kung fumaster!This Kung Fu is easy to learn:PLAY AS YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS: Master your kung fu as Poandthe Furious Five!KUNG FU-NESS MADE EASY: Train to learn the basics and quicklylevelup into some serious kung fu action!STACK THE DECK: Build awesome decks as you collect and createcards.Features hundreds of new characters, weapons, and movesnever beforeseen in ""Kung Fu Panda""!THE STUFF OF LEGENDS: Make super cool STUFF by transformingcardsyou don’t need into cards that you totally need!QUESTS FOR GOLD: Master your Kung Fu by completing daily Quests-Conquer each challenge to win Gold and earn the respect ofyouropponents.CLIMB THE RANKS: Compete in head-to-head battles to improveyourrank and win exclusive cards and bonuses!--Got feedback? Tell us about your experience at [email protected] to helpusmake the game better!