Top 3 Apps Similar to Career Mirror

Careerkhojj 1.24
"CareerKhojj" means "A platform that willhelpa student to find (Khoj) a perfect career according toinnertalent." We have a team of experts who will help you inchoosing anaccurate career path and hence we proves to be aComplete pathFinder! We act as a mirror and help the students inrealizing theirunique abilities (by careerkhoj ONLINE ASSESSMENTTOOL) & guidethem by providing all the available options interms of selectionof branches, search 256 + careers, and collegeselection etc.Here, this unique platform careerkhoj provides studentsanopportunity To,> make their own career path and khoj careers> watch live review videos of experts> choose career expert> schedule careerkhoj counselling> Take DR.RR online assistance in your interested category> online assessment career test to assess your talent> Live career discussion with experts of entire IndiaHOW WE CAN HELP ?For STUDENTSThrough self-discovery, students find a career pathway thatismost suited to their specific skill sets.Students partner with mentors for one-on-one career guidanceorget a personalized career mentor to guide them through theyear,irrespective of location constraints.Students learn more about their personality traits, skillsandinterests, and explore career options based on those traits.Theythen filter and search for colleges and apply forscholarshipsaccordingly.For PARENTSParents are able to help their child make the rightcareerdecisions based on psychometric career assessment testinstead ofsocial influences.Parents get a neutral, outside perspective on thecareerselection process of their children by career khoj.Parents gain all the right information about various careerstofacilitate the admission processes.For SCHOOLSSchool administrators can further extend their reach bymoreefficiently managing college and career goals for each oftheirstudents.CAREER Khojj online platform gives schools, acentralisedlocation to track the progress, and measure outcomesacross theirentire student population.SUCCESS = TALENT + PLATFORMSchools can provide a career khoj platform to studentsforenlightening inner talents and convert it into a reality.For COUNSELORSCounselors get access to many reliable career assessmenttoolssuited to Indian demographic split, thereby, enabling focusedandcareer mentoring.Counselors get a dedicated online login which enables trackingofstudents profile, assessment results, comment posting,synopsiscreation for each mentoring session, mentoring sessionscheduleretc.Counselors get access to career exploration , career pathandcollege directories online.Also they can do career khoj and can do career planning,careerassessment test, college search tool, career selection toolforstudents and many more..CAREERKHOJ SERVICESCAREERKHOJ ASSESSMENT CENTERExplore your inner talent via our Aptitude, Interest,Personalityand Core Knowledge Test series.KHOJ YOUR CAREERDiscover best suitable Career Options with our largeCAREEREncyclopedia !CAREER COUNSELING SESSIONSGet help of our expert Career Counsellors to satisfy yourcareerdoubts.Thus, we want to bring revolution in education industry, bygivingone stop solution for CAREERKHOJJ..!
Career 108 2.1
CAREER 108 is Social EnterprisewhichprovidesCareer Education in Saurashtra and Gujarat. We arerunningone ofthe largest Career Education Program of its kindinGujaratproviding 8 different medias to access careerresourcesnamely (1)Career Education Tabloid (2) Career Help Line(3)CareerCounselling (4) Career Education Seminars (5)PsychometricAnalysis(6) Career Anchor Analysis (7) Career EducationPortal (8)MobileApplication.Features of this Application:1. You can read articles published in CAREER 108 tabloid.2. You can give Psychometric Test and downloadyourPsychometricAnalysis Report in PDF File Format.3. You can also give Career Anchor Test and downloadyourCareerAnchor Report in PDF file format.4. This app lets you decide best career for you and alsoprovidesallneeded information regarding your career choice.If you see any trouble in this app please DO NOT Review orRateusLOW, Rather ask us anything on our Helplinenumber+91-7383337596 ormail us on [email protected] we will bemorethan happy to help you.Also visit www.career108.comYour valuable inputs to increase our app performancearewelcomedalways.Thank YouTEAM 108
Career Recommend/Matching Test 2.2.7
Psychometric Test or PersonalityandInterestTest, a next generation educational test toprovidestudents with areliable method of selecting the mostsuitablecareer and job basedon their interest, personality,aptitude, andabilities.'easyuni Psychometric Test' is focused onmeasuringattributeslike interests, aptitude and personality. Itprovides youwithinsight of what career or profession you shouldtake; based onwhatinterests you, how well you work with others, howwell youhandlestress, and whether you are be able to cope withtheintellectualdemands of a specific job.'easyuni Psychometric Test' are developed by professionalsinthisfield to provide valid and reliable tests. The questionsandtheresults of this test is obtained from well acceptedandacclaimedmethodology.Featuresa) Features two methods of evaluating thesuitablecareer(Personality& Interest Test) for you.b) Explanation on your personality (personalandinter-personalskill, communication skill, leadershipsskill,behaviors,attitudes)c) Explanation on your interest (hobbies, activities,likesanddislikes)d) Recommend the most ideal career for you basedonyouranswer.e) Provides extensive career into for each recommendationf) Allows you to find college / university that offercoursesthatmatch your recommended career.g) Provide function to ask your friends opinionintherecommendations given to you and check theirfeedbackonwww.easyuni.comh) Easy to use layout for psychometric test.How it works1. Answer all the questions (each test will take between 5 to10minsto complete. The first thing on your mind after readingthequestionis usually the accurate answer)2. Based on your result – check out thematchingcareerrecommended to you3. You can find and apply suitable courses availableincollegesworldwide for each career recommendation4. You can ask your friends' opinion and invite your friendstodothe test