Top 16 Apps Similar to My Cellar - Wine App

Kellermeister - Wine cellar 23.07.1
The search is over. Use Kellermeister to manage your wine cellar.
My Cellar 3.0.1
Record, find and share all your wines
Just Wine
Discover new wines, refine your taste and learn all about winewithJust Wine
Wine-Oh! 1.0
If you're a wine enthusiast who loves totrynewwines, whether from the bargain bin or top shelf, Wine-Oh!isthe appfor you! Simply input the data from the wines you drinkandgive thema rating from 1 to 5 stars and never forget whichwinesyou've triedand how you liked them.
Wine Manager (Managing cellar) 1.6.1
Manage your wine cellar everywhere !
ラベルを撮るだけ簡単記録 - ワインアプリVinica 3.4.2
Concerning Copyrights of free that you can easily manage thewinedrinking You just take a picture of the label, the wine namesareentered Vinica
ワインダイアリー for Android 1.8
Wine Catalog 1.0
WineCatalog is a small app that helps you keep track of winesyou'vetaste.
Wineries of Spain - Wines 2.0.8
Directory of wineries and wines with denomination of origin inSpain
Corkz - Wine Info App -Reviews 5.14.26
Search ratings & reviews, compare wines, scan labels,manageyour cellar & more!
WINK+ Singapore Map & Rewards 3.2.0a
Eat, Play, Explore and Earn Rewards with Singapore MRT MapandRewards App
Cute Baby Images 3.0
Have you ever wondered how infants learn?Well,most parents will tell you how they constantly spoke to andplayedwith their child during the initial years. Studies haveproven thatplaying is one of the best ways to promote overalldevelopment inbabies. They learn to move, communicate, andunderstand the thingsaround them when they play different games.As a parent, it isimportant that you learn to play with a newbornso that you can helphim develop his latent skills and abilities.After the first one month, when the baby spends most of histimeseeming drowsy and sleeping, he will slowly start seemingmoreawake and will also start responding to stimuli. Infants tendto bemore receptive after the first month and this is the perfecttimeto start playing with your kid. While playing with yournewbornchild, it is important to understand when the child isreceptive toyou and when it would be right to allow the baby torest. Quiet andalert babies are more receptive and responsive thanbabies who areawake, active and overstimulated. Playing with yourbaby is one wayto start his learning process and help him in hisoveralldevelopment. With time your child will become more receptivetoyour touch, your sound, and your appearance. There aremanydifferent games that you can play with your newborn tostimulatehim. Given below is a list of many different games thatyou canplay with your child.Above your child's crib, hang a mobile with colorful extensions.Youcould also choose mobiles that have songs fed in. These couldhelpin both visual and auditory development for your child.Most infants are very receptive to sounds. In fact, severalstudieshave been conducted on the benefits of music for babies.Pick CDswith soothing music or sing to your baby while swaying him.Thiscan have a soothing effect on your kid.All of us are familiar with the game of peekaboo. This is agreatgame to play with your child. Hide your face behind your handsandthen show your baby your face again. Soon your baby willstartresponding when you show him your face.If your baby is old enough to crawl, then place him at adistancefrom you and get him to crawl to you or to the sound ofhisfavorite rattle. This is a great way of improving his skillsatdirection and also helping him develop his motor skills.Give your babies different safe toys and objects to play with.Helphim identify and explore things by touching them. This is agreatway of making them more aware of their surroundings.If you want to make your baby laugh with you or fascinateyourinfant, then try to make funny faces at your baby. Roll youreyes,stick out your tongue, wink, or just smile at your baby andsee howamused he will look. In fact, he may also try to imitateyou.Other than this, ensure that you talk with your baby. This wayyouwill make your child familiar with your voice. If he responds,thenstop talking, listen to the baby, and then start talkingagain.This ensures that the baby knows that you are responding tohim.Any toy that you use for the baby should be simple and easy toplaywith. Pick out toys in bright primary colors and excitingpatterns.You could also choose to pick out options from the manyeducationaltoys for babies that are available in the market.
Wine-Link(ワインリンク)-ワイン情報&ワイン検索 4.1.13
It is an information magazine & wine searchapplicationspecialized in wine. More than 20,000 articles!Information on over2,000 wines and about 500 wineries!
Wine Quiz - ソムリエ試験過去問題 1.8
Yea & Stichs
◆2011年から2014年までのソムリエ試験過去問を中心に、800問以上の問題を収録◆10分野を自由に組み合わせて出題内容を設定可能<分野>・公衆衛生、酒類概論・フランス・イタリア・ドイツ・スペイン、その他の欧州諸国・北米・オセアニア・新世界・ワインの管理・鑑賞・ワインと料理◆出題する問題を自由にカスタマイズ回答した問題は全て記録され、「記録・出題設定」より出題回数と正答率を確認できます。正答率の高い問題は、チェックボックスを外すことで、出題対象から外すことが可能です。今後も皆様のニーズに合わせて機能を変更できればと考えています。「こんな機能があれば・・・」というご要望があれば、ご意見ください。なお、問題及び解説の作成には細心の注意を払っておりますが、もし誤りを発見したら遠慮なくご連絡ください。調査した上で迅速に修正いたします。【免責事項】アプリ内の問題は十分確認を行っていますが、ワイン関連の法律や規制、格付けなどは日々変化しています。掲載している問題の解答・解説が最新の情報を反映していない場合もありますので、最新情報については日本ソムリエ協会の教本を必ず確認してください。たとえ問題に不備があったとしても責任を負うことはできません。◆ around thesommeliertestpast questions of 2011-2014, recorded 800 questionsor more oftheproblems◆ in any combination of 10 fields can be set theguidelinesforthe content likely toAnd Public Health, liquor IntroductionFranceItalyGermanySpain, other European countriesNorth americaAnd Oceania· New WorldWine management and appreciation ofWine and cuisine◆ freely customize the problem to questionsAnswer the problems are all recorded, you can see the numberoftimesthan questions and the correct answer rate "recordingandquestionsSettings".High percentage of correct answers problem, by removingthecheckbox, it is possible to remove from the target quiz.We also believe that if you can change the function to meettheneedsof everyone in the future.If you have any desire to "... if there is such afunction",pleaseopinions.In addition, we pay close attention to the creation oftheproblemand commentary, but if, please feel free to contact usifyou findan error. I quickly corrected on thatwereinvestigated.[Disclaimer]Problem in the app is doing enough tests, but wine-relatedlawsandregulations, such as the rating is changing every day.Sincetheanswer and explanation of issues that have posted youmightnotreflect the most up-to-date information, please be suretocheckthe textbooks of Japan Sommelier Association forthelatestinformation. Even if you can not be responsible if thereisadefect in the problem.
Wine Pad 1.3
Wine Pad helps you remember the wines you liked, and the onesyoudidn't.
Gorge Wine 1.4
This app provides listings,descriptions,mapsand local events for wineries and tasting rooms intheColumbiaGorge, including wineries on both sides of theColumbiaRiver fromHood River to Goldendale.Information includes Winery name, address (withaccuratemaplinks), phone numbers, hours and description.This app is not optimized for Tablets, but it doesrunonthem.If you have any question, comments or problems,pleasecontactus.GeoTours:This application is a showcase of theGeoToursapplicationframework. The GeoTours framework allows foreasycreation oflocation based learning and tour creation. See moreatourwebsite.Information on The Columbia River Gorge AVA:The Columbia River Gorge AVA is located less than an hourEastofPortland/Vancouver!Straddling the mighty Columbia River, the ColumbiaGorgeGrowingRegion includes the fertile soils of bothWashingtonandOregon!From the marine influenced climate of Underwood Mountaintothearid dryland of the Eastern Gorge, from Albarino toZinfandel,thegrapes and wines of the Columbia River are aspectacularselectionof sweet whites and luscious reds.This app contains all of the great, casual tasting roomsintheGorge. Discover why they say its 'a World of WineinFortyMiles'.Wineries in this app include:Ascendente Winery, Aniche Cellars, Cascade CliffsTastingRoom,Cathedral Ridge Winery, Cerulean Wine, CORCellars,DomainePouillon, Dry Hollow Vineyards, Garnier Vineyards,The GorgeWhiteHouse, Hood Crest Winery, Hood River Vineyards andWinery,JacobWilliams Winery, Major Creek Cellars, MarchesiVineyards,MaryhillWinery, Memaloose Winery, Mt. Hood Winery, NakedWinery,Ovino Wine& Cider Company, Pheasant Valley Vineyard&Winery, PhelpsCreek Vineyards, The Pines 1852 Tasting Room,PourMoore Wines,Springhouse Cellar, Stoltz Vineyards, SunshineMillWinery,Syncline Wine Cellars, Viento, Waving Tree Winery,WhiteBuffaloWine Bar & Bistro, White Salmon Vineyard, WindRiverCellars,Wy'East VineyardsApp Instructions:Home Page:From the home page, select either Map, List or Events.Winery Map:A map of the area and all of the Gorge Wine wineriesshownasicons on the map.Move/zoom around for more detail. Select an icon to findoutthewinery name and address.Select the Information button to go to the WineryDescriptionpagefor that winery.Use the menu to show your current location, go back to theHomePage,get additional help, or go to the Winery List Page.Winery List:Presents a list of all the Gorge Wineries andtastingrooms.Select a winery to see that winery's "WineryDescriptionpage".Use the menu to go back to the Home Page, go to the WineryMapPage,or get help about this page.Events:Provides a live listing of winery related events inthearea.Launch Maps to see where the event is, or add the eventtoyourcalendar (Requires separate mappingandcalendarapplication).Winery Description page:This page contains detailed information aboutaselectedwinery:Address: Allows you to launch your mapping applicationatthelocation of the winery.Use this to get directions and search nearby.Website: Launch your browser and take you tothatwinery'swebsite.Email: Send an email to the winery.Phone Number: Call the winery.Hours: the winery's open hours.Description: a detailed description of the wineryortastingroom.Menu: From the Winery Description Page menu, you can spawn aspawnamapping application of this winery(same as clicking on the address link), searchfornearbyrestaurants, call the winery,go back to the previous page or get help about this page.Please contact us with any questions, comments or problems!Do you know of a winery/tasting room that is notlisted?Emailus!Thank you.