Top 22 Apps Similar to Yasin

Surat Yasin Dan Dzikir 1.0.3
Download aplikasi ini dan mendengarkan surah yasindariDzikir.Anda tidak perlu untuk men-download mp3, hanya menginstalaplikasiini.Aplikasi ini di isi dengan Audio MP3.Jika Anda ingin membaca dan mendengarkan lantunan Yasin,silahkandownloadSebagai tambahan kami berikan surat-surat pendek seperti :1. Surat yasin2. Surat Al-fatihah3. Surat Al alaq4. Surat An nas5. Surat Al ikhlasMohon maaf jika ada kekurangan dalam aplikasi ini..Downloadthis app and listen to sura yasin of Dhikr.You do not need to download the mp3, just installthisapplication.This application is filled with Audio MP3.If you want to read and listen to the chant Yasin, please downloadIn addition we give short letters like:1. Letter yasin2. Surah Al-Fatihah3. Surah Al alaq4. Letter An nas5. Surat Al sincereWe are sorry if there are flaws in this application ..
Surah Yaseen Audio and Tahlil 1.8.8
Surah Yaseen and Tahlil with audio and translation.
Surah Yasin Dan Terjemahan 1.0.1
This application provide Surah YasinwithArabic text for recitation along with its Malay translationforunderstanding the Holy verses of Surah Yasin.Surah Yasin ini mengandungi terjemahan Bahasa Melayu padasetiapayat. Semoga kita dapat menghayati setiap maksud ayat-ayatSurahYasin dan semoga mendapat keberkatan.
Surat Yasin 8
Yasin letter to be read and understood wherever and whenever.
Quran:Yasin Rahman Waqia Mulk
This application contains fivemeritorioussuras of the Koran (sura 36: Ya-sin, sura 55: Ar-Rahman,sura 56:Al-Waqia, sura 67: Al-Mulk), with the possibility to heareachverse recited by different reciters.You can repeat the displayed Surah, or play a number of timeaselection of ayat so as to help memorization.
Yasin Dan Tahlil "LENGKAP" 5.0
Surat Yasin Dan BacaanTahlilBesertaTerjemahanTeks Arab Dan Teks Latinnya LengkapDenganBahasaIndonesianyaUpdate Versi 5.0 :- Penambahan Audio Di Setiap Surat- Memperbaiki Semua Bacaan Yasin BaikArabTulisanMaupunTerjemahannya- Penambahan Doa Tahlil- Penambahan Doa Selamat- Penambahan Doa Ayat Kursi- Penambahan Doa Ziarah Kubur- Penambahan Doa Khusus Mayit- Penambahan Surat Al-Fatihah- Penambahan Surat Al-Ikhlas- Penambahan Surat Al-Falaq- Penambahan Surat An-Nas- Penambahan Surat Al-Baqarah : Ayat 1 - 5- Penambahan Doa Selamat- Bug Fix Error DLL------------------------------------------------------------- Tulisan Font Arab Besar Dan Juga DapatDiZoomSesuaiKeinginan- 100% Aplikasi SUPER RINGAN- Aplikasi 100% Bisa Dibaca TanpaMenggunakanKoneksiInternet.- 100% Insya Allah Bermanfaat :)SurahYasinandTahlilReading Text Translation Along with Arab andLatinTextCompleteWith Indonesian languageUpdate Version 5.0:- Addition Audio On Any Letter- Improve Reading Yasin Good All Posts Nor Arabic translation- Addition of Prayer Tahlil- Addition of Prayer Welcome- Addition of Prayer Ayat Kursi- Addition of Prayer Pilgrimage Kubur- Addition of Special Prayer Mayit- Addition of Surat Al-Fatihah- Addition of Surat Al-Ikhlas- Addition of Surat Al-Falaq- Addition of Surat An-Nas- Addition of Surat Al-Baqarah: Verse 1-5- Addition of Prayer Welcome- Bug Fix DLL Error------------------------------------------------------------- Writing Arabic Font Large And Can Also Be InZoomInaccordanceDesire- 100% Applications SUPER LIGHTWEIGHT- 100% Applications Can Read WithoutUsingInternetConnection.- 100% Inshallah Helpful :)
Surah Yasin 1.0
Surah Yasin dan doa ..Yasin and prayers..
Surat Yasin dan Terjemahannya 1.0
Surat Yasin Arab dan LatinBesertaTerjemahannya .- Dilengkapi dengan Tulisan Latin- Tulisan Arab sangat jelas- Aplikasi ringan dan tidak memakan banyak memori- dan masih banyak lagi fitur fitur yang keren :DAyo sebarkan aplikasi iniBarangsiapa mengajarkan suatu ilmu, maka ia akanmendapatkanpahala orang yg mengamalkannya, tanpa mengurangi pahalaorang ygmengamalkannya :DYasin Arabic andLatinletters Along with translation.- Equipped with Latin Writing- Arabic script is very clear- Application of light and does not take up much memory- And many more features that are cool: DLet's spread this appWhoever teaches a science, then he will get reward thosewhopractice it, without prejudice to reward those who practiceit:D
Yasin dan Doa Tahlil 5.0.2
Yasin letter and a series of dhikr / tahlil complete that youmusthave.
Surat Yasin Dan Tahlil Lengkap 7.0
sonny jaya
Aplikasi ini berisi Tentang bacaansuratyasin,tahlil dan Ziarah Kubur dimana berisi teks bacaanbahasaarab, indonesia dan artinyaSurat Al-FatihahSurat Al-IkhlasSurat Al-FalaqSurat An-NasSurat Al-Baqarah : 1 - 5Ayat KursiSurat YASINBacaan TAHLILDoa TAHLILDoa Ziarah KuburThis applicationcontainsOn reading the letter Yasin, tahlil and Pilgrimage tombwhichcontains the text reading Arabic, Indonesian and meansSurat Al-FatihahSurat Al-IkhlasSurat Al-FalaqSurat An-NasSurat Al-Baqarah: 1-5The Throne VerseLetters YASINReading TahlilDoa TahlilPrayer Pilgrimage Bury
Yassin 2.5
Read Yaasin in your smartphone
Surat Yasin dan Terjemahan 1.0
Surah Ya Sin (bahasa Arab:يس) adalah surah ke-36dalamal-Qur'an.Surah ini terdiri atas 83 ayat, termasukgolongansurah-surahMakkiyah serta diturunkan sesudah surah Al-Jinn.DinamaiYa Sinkarena dimulai dengan huruf Ya Sin. Sebagaimanahalnyaartihuruf-huruf abjad yang terletak pada permulaanbeberapasuratAl-Quran, maka demikian pula arti Ya Sin yang terdapatpadaayatpermulaan surah ini, yaitu Allah mengisyaratkan bahwasesudahhuruftersebut akan dikemukakan hal-hal yang penting antaralain:Allahbersumpah dengan Al-Quran bahwa Muhammad SAWbenar-benarseorangrasul yang diutus-Nya kepada kaum yang belumpernah diutuskepadamereka rasul-rasul. Pokok-pokok isi : -Keimanan:Bukti-buktiadanya hari berbangkit; Al Quran bukanlahsyair; ilmu,kekuasaandan rahmat Allah; syurga dan sifat-sifat-Nyayangdisediakan bagiorang-orang mukmin; mensucikan Allahdarisifat-sifat yang tidaklayak bagi-Nya; anggota badan manusiamenjadisaksi pada harikiamat atas segala perbuatannya di dunia. -Kisah:Kisahutusan-utusan Nabi Isa a.s dengan penduduk Anthakiyah.-Danlain-lain: Tidak ada faedah peringatan bagiorang-orangmusyrik;Allah menciptakan segala sesuatuberpasang-pasangan; semuabintang-bintang di cakrawala berjalan padagaris edar yang telahditetapkanAllah; ajal dan hari kiamatdatangnya secara tiba- tiba;Allahmenghibur hati Rasulullah SAWterhadap sikap kaum musyrikinyangmenyakitkan hatinya. Semoga denganadanya aplikasi inidapatmenambah keimanan kita dan mendekatkan dirikita kepada AllahS.W.TDownload sekarang juga secara GRATIS. Kamitunggu rate danreviewuntuk aplikasi ini. Terima Kasih.
Surah Yasin | Arabic 1.0
iQra Apps
Surah Ya-seen, an easy to use application is being provided toyouto get the blessings of Allah Almighty by reciting the heartofQuran on your devices. This is a beautifully designedapplication.What are some of the benefits of reading Surah Yaseen?1. ReadingSurah Yaseen at the beginning of the day causes Allah tofulfil allyour needs for that day. 2. it is equivalent to readingthe wholeQuran 10 times 3. Reading Surah Yaseen and memorizingSurah Yaseeninvokes the blessings of Allah. 5. Reading Surah Yaseenbenefitsthe reader in this life as well as in the Hereafter. AndMore AboutSurah Yasin: Yā Sīn (Arabic: سورة يس‎) is the 36thchapter of theQur'an with 83 ayat, and is one of the Meccan suras,although somescholars maintain that verse 12 is from the Madinanperiod. Thename of the chapter comes from the two letters of thefirst verseof the chapter. It has been proposed that Sura Yā Sīn isthe "heartof the Qur'an." This comes from the idea that everythinghas aheart, and that sura Yā Sīn is the “heart of the Qur’an. Appby
Surah Yaasin & Tahlil Arwah 6
Surah Yassin & Tahlil Arwah with audio
Bacaan Yasin Lengkap 2.0
Bacaan Yasin Lengkap merupakan aplikasi ringan yanghadiruntukmemudahkan Anda yang ingin mengamalkan tilawah suratyasindalamkesehariannya. Aplikasi ini tidak hanya memuat kontenSuratYasindan terjemahannya dalam bahasa Indonesia, melainkanadapulabeberapa surah dan konten-konten seperti: - surat al-fatihah-ayatkursi - surah yasin dan tahlil terjemahan bahasa indonesia-doayasin - surat al-anbiya, dan - doa-doa pilihanAplikasiinidikembangkan oleh iMajlis Mobile selaku pengembang lokalyanglebihconcern pada pengembangan aplikasi berbasis kontenIslami.Kamisangat mengharapkan peran rekan-rekan semua untukselalusenantiasamemberikan saran dan kritik bagi kebaikan aplikasiinidan aplikasikami lainnya. Rekan-rekan dapat mengirimkannyamelaluiemail [email protected].
Prayers and Surat Voice 1.0.16
Of prayer and is available in both Arabic and meaning of time .
Surat Yasin 0.0.1
Aplikasi Surat Yasin ini merupakanaplikasiringan yang cukup bagus diinstall pada perangkat smartphonemaupuntablet Anda. Aplikasi ini berisi rangkaian bacaan suratYasin,serta dzikir dan doa yang biasa diamalkan oleh kaummusliminApplication LetterYasinis a lightweight application that was quite nice installedonsmartphones and tablet devices. This application contains aseriesof reading the letter Yasin, as well as the usual devotionsandprayer practiced by the Muslims
Namaaz Times for Mumineen 3.3
'Namaaz Times for Mumineen' is a NamaazTimescalculator and full Hijri calendar for Mumineen worldwide(DawoodiBohra Muslims)Features include:- Namaaz and Sihori times calculator- Accurate Hijri (i.e. Misri) calendar with completeDeeniMiqaats- Static Miqaats + Dynamic Miqaat calculation: Ayyamul BeezRozasthroughout the year, Nabi Na Naam in last week ofShehrullah,etc.- Qibla direction using built-in Compass (adjusted formagneticdeclination), along with Sun/Moon indicators for referenceandQibla pointers using Google Maps- Quick access to Fatemi Dawat website- Daily Namaaz and Miqaat Notifications (enabledthroughsettings)- Push notifications from official Fatemi Dawatadministration(enabled through settings)- Location can be set using: Phone network, GPS,City/Country(requires data connection), Latitude/Longitude, GoogleMaps(through Qibla tab, also requires data connection)- Auto track location and timezone changes, when location setusingeither phone network or GPS. This does not cause extrabatterydrain as it does not attempt to discover a new locationevery time,rather simply track the last location as recorded byAndroid.- No need for active data connectionFor users having issues with incorrect Namaaz Times orQibladirections, please try to "Clear Data" in Settings->Applications -> "Namaaz Times" and restart the app. Ifyoucontinue to have problems, please contact us. For allquestions,comments or feedback, we can be reached [email protected] note that we are not able to respondto Android Marketcomments.-Abde Syedna (TUS)
Yasin Tahlil dan Istighosah 1.7
Reading Surah Yasin, Tahlil and Istighosah(Arab-Latin-Translations)
Surah Yasin MP3 & Wazaif 1.6
UApps Studio
Surah Yasin All in one. Multi Language, Audio, Benefits, TafseerandWazfia.
Surah Yaasin audio | Quran MP3 1.6
Are you in search of Surah Yaasin AudioMP3version? Well download this app and listen to Surat Yasin.“QuranMP3” is a series of Quranic Surahs in MP3 Audio version. Wearetrying our best to provide all the Muslim word community withbestIslamic literature, articles, resource, Holy Quran Audio, textwithMultiple Language support. It is our very first effort toprovideall important and famous Quranic Surah (Yaseen, Rahman,Muzamil,Yasiin, Surah Al-Mulk, Yaseen, Maryum, Younas etc) withHighQuality MP3 audio for listening Holy Quran, and Arabic textforreading, reciting, memorizing Holy Quran where ever youare.Finally it does not need you to browse internet for findinganaudio version of Surat Yaseen, just install this Islamic appandyou will get a High Quality Audio of Any surat u maywantlisten.“Surah Yaseen Audio” has following key features.Improved quality of audioBest Recitation by Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais (Imam-e-Kabba)Best Recitation by Saud Al-Shuraim (Imam-e-Kabba)Available for free downloadEasy to navigate between these two RecitersPlay, Pause, Stop, Next, Previous Buttons for navigation throughtheaudioNote: If you want to recite Text of these Surahs, check out myotherapps.Includes the following rectors:Qari Abdul Basit Abdul Sammad-(English-Maly-Urdu)TranslationsOther Islamic apps (play store link) are added with this app umayfind any of app developed by visitgamelab easily.********Audio for following Reciters are comingsoon*********mishary rashid alafasySaad Al-GhamdiMohammed Siddiq Al Minshawi Maher Al-MuaiqlyMuhammad al-Luhaidanadded Maher Moagely****Here is some importance of Reciting Surah Yaseen****1 Anas (RA) reported Allah’s Messenger (saw) saying,"Everythinghas a heart and the heart of the Holy Qur’an is Yasin.Allah willrecord anyone who recites Yasin as having recited theHoly Qur’anten times." Tirmidhi, Darimi2. Ata ibn Abi Rabah (RA) told of hearing that Allah’sMessenger(saw) said, "If anyone recites Yasin at the beginning ofthe day,his needs will be fulfilled." Darimi3. Maqal ibn Yasaar Muzani (RA) reported the Holy Prophet(saw)saying, "If anyone recites Yasin for Allah’s pleasure, hispastsins will be forgiven; so recite it on those who aredying."Baihaqi4. Anas (RA) reported Rasulullah (saw) saying, "Whoever goes tothegraveyard and reads Surah Yain Allah gives them (thegravedwellers) ease that day, and the reciter receivesspiritualblessings equivalent to the amount of letters of SurahYasin.”Qurtubi5. Maqal ibn Yasaar (RA) reports that the Holy Prophet (saw)hassaid, "Recite Surah Yasin on those who are dying." AbuDawud6. Ummud Darda (RA) reports the Noble Prophet (saw) saying, "Overnoperson who is about to die and Surah Yasin is read upon thembutAllah lightens the difficulties of death for him." Qurtubi7. Abu Hurairah (RA) says that the Messenger of Allah hassaid,"Whoever recites Surah Yasin at night seeking the pleasure ofAllah, that night he will be forgiven." Abu Nuaym.We (game lab) are trying our best to provide the approvedandauthentic Islam based literature and material by means ofmobilemedium pls feel free to contact us if you u have any kindofsuggestionRegards and [email protected]
Khajoori 2.0
Khajoori Team
Khajoori allows you to access a multitude of Duas, Marsiyahsandmore with a few simple clicks on the go. No longer do you havetocarry around several Haftis. Khajoori has it all in on place,andeven includes audios. Khajoori also offers Namaaz Timingsandnotifies you so you don't miss your Faraz.We hope that our efforts will aid Mumineen and Attain theKhushiMubarak of His Holiness.Features:- Audio Collection- Kitabs- Quick Links- Akhbar- Namaaz Times