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Hadits Qudsi Indonesia Lengkap 1.0
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Kumpulan 40 Hadits Qudsi
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Translation of 40 Hadith Qudsi
حكم وأقوال علي بن أبي طالب 1.0
Ichou Apps
تطبيق حكم وأقوال علي بن أبي طالب يجمع لكأجملوأكثر أقوال علي بن أبي طالب تأثيرا و حكمة..علي بن أبي طالب بن عبد المطلب الهاشمي القُرشي (13 رجب 23قهـ/17مارس 599م - 21 رمضان 40 هـ/ 27 يناير 661 م) ابن عم محمدبنعبداللهنبي الإسلام وصهره، من آل بيته، وكافله حين توفيوالديهوجده،وأحد أصحابه، هو رابع الخلفاء الراشدين عند السنةوأحدالعشرةالمبشرين بالجنة وأوّل الأئمّة عند الشيعة.ولد في مكة وتشير مصادر التاريخ بأن ولادته كانت في جوفالكعبة،وأُمّهفاطمة بنت أسد الهاشميّة. أسلم قبل الهجرة النبويّة، وهوثانيأو ثالثالناس دخولا في الإسلام، وأوّل من أسلم من الصبيان. هاجرإلىالمدينةالمنوّرة بعد هجرة محمد بثلاثة أيّام وآخاه محمد مع نفسهحينآخى بينالمسلمين، وزوجه ابنته فاطمة في السنة الثانيةمنالهجرة.شارك علي في كل غزوات الرسول عدا غزوة تبوك حيث خلّفه فيهامحمدعلىالمدينة. وعُرف بشدّته وبراعته في القتال فكان عاملاً مهماًفينصرالمسلمين في مختلف المعارك وابرزها غزوة الخندق ومعركة خيبر.لقدكانعلي موضع ثقة الرسول محمد فكان أحد كتاب الوحي وأحدأهمسفرائهووزرائه.كان من أشد الصحابة حبًا للإسلام ودفاعًا عنه وعن أهله،ومنأكثرهمإخلاصًا له.اشتهر علي عند المسلمين بالفصاحة والحكمة، فينسب له الكثيرمنالأشعاروالأقوال المأثورة. كما يُعدّ رمزاً للشجاعة والقوّةويتّصفبالعدلوالزُهد حسب الروايات الواردة في كتب الحديث والتاريخ.كمايُعتبر منأكبر علماء في عصره علماً وفقهاً إنْ لم يكن أكبرهمعلىالإطلاق كمايعتقد الشيعة وبعض السنة، بما فيه عدد منالفرقالصوفيّة.يجمع هذا التطبيق الكثير من هذه الأقوال و الحكم العظيمة.من بين مميزات التطبيق :يعمل بدون إنترنت.يوجد به العديد من الحكم و الأقوال.سهل الإستعمال و الواجهة بسيطة و نظيفة.يمكنك حفظ جميع أقوالك المفضلة.يمكنك مشاركة الأقوال مع أصدقائك.و من اقوال علي بن ابي طالب رضى الله عنه:الناس أعداء ماجَهلوا.و من اقوال علي ابن ابي طالب رضى الله عنه:إن النعمـة موصولـة بالشكــر , والشكــر متعلـق بالمزيـدولنينقطـعالمزيـد من الله حتى ينقطـع الشكـر من العبـد .من ينصب نفسـه للنـاس إمامـاً ,فليبـدأ بتعليـم نفسـه قبلتعليمغيــرهوليكـن تأديبـه بسـيرته قبل تأديبـه بلسـانهكُنْ فِي الْفِتْنَةِ كَابْنِ اللَّبُونِ، لاَ ظَهْرٌفَيُرْكَبَ،وَلاَضَرْعٌ فَيُحْلَبَ.ما مزح امرؤ مزحة إلا مج من عقله مجة.ما ضاع امرؤ عرف قدره .و من اقوال علي بن ابي طالب رضى الله عنه:ما رأيت ظالما أشبه بمظلوم من الحاسد نفس دائم و قلب هائم وحزنلازم.و من اقوال علي بن ابي طالب رضى الله عنه:ما هدم الدين مثل البدع و لا أفسد الرجال مثل الطمع إياكوالأمانيفإنها بضائع النوكى.أضْرِبْ بعْضَ الرّأْيِ بِبَعْضٍ يَتَوَلَّدْ مِنْهُالصَّوَابُ.إنما أَزْهَدَ الناسَ في طلب العلم ما يرون من قلة انتفاع منعلمبماعلم.خالف نفسك تسترح.يغطى عيوب المرء كثرة ماله ... يصدق فيما قال وهو كذوبصديقك من صَدَقَكَ لا من صَدَّقَك.أعجز الناس من عجز عن اكتساب الإخوان، وأعجز منه من ضيع منظفربهمنهم.الناس نيام فإذا ماتوا انتبهوا.أتمنى أن يعجبكم التطبيق و لا تنسوا تقييمه .The application oftheruleand the sayings of Ali bin Abi Talib brings you themostbeautifuland the sayings of Ali bin Abi Talib, influenceandwisdom ..Ali bin Abi Talib bin Abdul Muttalib al-Hashimial-Qurashi(13Rajab 23 s e / March 17 599 m - 21 Ramadan 40 AH /January 27661m) cousin of Muhammad ibn Abd Alhinba Islam and hisbrother inlaw,from each home, and foster when he died and hisparentsandgrandfather, and a his companions, is the fourth caliphin theyearand one of the ten missionaries heaven and thefirstimamsShi'ites.Born in Mecca, sources indicate that his birth date was inthemiddleof the Kaaba, and his mother Fatima girl lionHashemite.Aslam beforethe Prophet's migration, a second or a thirdof peopleentering intoIslam, and the first of the safest of theboys.Migrated to Medinaafter the migration of Mohammed three daysandhis brother Mohammedwith himself while brotherhood amongMuslims,and his daughter Fatimain the second year ofmigration.Ali participated in the invasions of each apostle excepttheBattleof Tabuk, where Muhammad was succeeded where the city.HeknewBhdth and his proficiency in the fighting was animportantfactorin the victory of Muslims in various battles,notably theBattle ofthe Trench and the Battle of Khaybar. I was ontheposition of theProphet Muhammad was one of the confidence oftheBook ofRevelation, and one of the most importantambassadorsandministers.It was one of the most loving companions of Islam andindefenseof him and his family, and most of them loyal tohim.Ali became famous when Muslims Balvsahh and wisdom, isattributedtohim a lot of poems and aphorisms. It is also a symbolof courageandstrength and is characterized by justice andasceticism, bysomeaccounts contained in the books of modernhistory. As one ofthegreatest scholars of his day note accordinglyif not the oldesteveras the Shiites and some Sunnis believed,including a numberofSufis.This application combines a lot of these words,andgreatjudgment.Among the features of the application:It works without the Internet.It has its many government and words.Easy to use and simple interface and clean.You can save all your words favorite.You can share your words with your friends.And sayings of Ali bin Abi Talib may Allah bepleasedwithhim:Majhluwa enemies of the people.And sayings of Ali Ibn Abi Taleb, may Allah bepleasedwithhim:The grace connected thanks, and thanks related more will becutofffrom God even more cut off from Thanksgiving slave.The focus is the same for people imam, let himstarteducatinghimself by teaching others and not disciplinedbiographybydisciplined tongueBe in the sedition Allpon as the son, not the back of Verb,norudderFaihlb.What a joke, but joked Imru mg of mind Mjh.What is lost Imru knew of.And sayings of Ali bin Abi Talib may Allah be pleasedwithhim:I never saw the unjust like Bmazlom envious of the samepermanentandthe heart of the nomad and melancholy necessary.And sayings of Ali bin Abi Talib may Allah be pleasedwithhim:What the demolition of religion such as fads and not spoilthemenlike beware of greed and aspirations they gnocchigoods.Give some opinion generated some of it is right.But the most ascetic people to seek knowledge of what they seeasalack of benefit from the knowledge, including science.Bucking yourself resting.One frequent covers defects money ... believe in what hesaid,aliarFriend of honesty rather than honesty.Helpless people unable to acquire the Brotherhood, andincapableofit missed from the fingernail by them.If people are asleep died beware.I hope that the application and do not forget Rated Wonders.
40 Hadits Qudsi (English) 1.2
40 Hadith Qudsi in English And Arabic
Bukhari in English, full Book 2.0
"1. Revelation","2. Belief","3. Knowledge","4. Ablution (Wudu')","5. Bathing (Ghusl)","6. Menstrual Periods","7. Ablution with dust","8. Prayer (Salat)","9. Prayer Hall (Sutra)","10. Times of the Prayer","11. Call to Prayer","12. Characteristics of Prayer","13. Friday Prayer","14. Fear Prayer","15. The Two Festivals (Eids)","16. Witr Prayer","17. Dua' for Rain (Istisqaa)","18. Eclipses","19. Prostration","20. Shortening Prayers","21. Night Prayer (Tahajjud)","22. Actions while Praying","23. Funerals (Al-Janaa'iz)","24. Tax (Zakat)","25. Tax (Zakat ul Fitr)","26. Pilgrimmage (Hajj)","27. Minor Pilgrimmage","28. Pilgrims Prevented","29. Prilgrims Hunting Penalty","30. Virtues of Madinah","31. Fasting","32. Ramadan Prayer","33. Stay in Mosque (I'tikaf)","34. Sales and Trade","35. Paid in Advance","36. Hiring","37. Debt Transfer","38. Business by Proxy","39. Agriculture","40. Distributing Water","41. Loans, Bankruptcy","42. Lost & Found","43. Oppressions","44. Partnership","45. Mortgaging","46. Freeing Slaves","47. Gifts","48. Witnesses","49. Peacemaking","50. Conditions","51. Wills","52. Jihaad","53. One-fifth of Booty","54. Begining of Creation","55. Prophets","56. Merits of Sunnah","57. The Companions","58. Merits of Al-Ansaar","59. Expeditions","60. Prophetic Commentary","61. Virtues of the Qur'an","62. Marriage","63. Divorce","64. Supporting Family","65. Food, Meals","66. Sacrifice on Birth","67. Hunting, Slaughter","68. Al-Adha Sacrifice","69. Drinks","70. Patients","71. Medicine","72. Dress","73. Good Manners","74. Asking Permission","75. Invocations","76. Softening the Heart","77. Divine Will (Qadar)","78. Oaths and Vows","79. Unfulfilled Oaths","80. Inheritance Laws","81. Punishment Laws","82. Disbelievers (war)","83. Blood Money","84. Dealing with Apostates","85. Under Duress","86. Tricks","87. Interpretations of Dreams","88. End of the World","89. Judgments","90. Wishes","91. Truthfull Word","92. Holding Steadfast","93. Oneness of Allah",