Top 2 Apps Similar to MRKAlarmEX (Donate)

Power Alarm Clock - Free 2.5p6
Set alarms to repeat by powerful daterules,which no other apps could do the same.This app is exactly the same as Power Alarm Clock. NO AD, NO INAPPCHARGE.----------Recently there are reports that this app did not work insomeAndroid 5.0 devices. But unfortunately I don't have timetomaintain this app for now. Please find another apps if thisdidn'twork for you.Or if you are willing to help, I have publish all source codeingithub in BSD license here: Alarm Clock main features:1. Define alarm and workday in complex date repeat rules.For example, "last Saturday of every month", "12, 16 and 23 ofeverymonth". See details in below section.2. Combine two or more complex date rules to get morepowerfulresult.For example, "from Monday to Friday of every week", plus"lastSaturday of every month", then subtract "date range from25/12/2012to 28/12/2012".3. Disable alarm of single time.For example, you set an alarm to ring at 7:30 every morning.It'spossible to just disable the alarm of tomorrow morning, whileallother alarms will still went off.4. Disable alarms of selected date range.5. Select any music in your device as alarm ringtone.6. Ringtone & vibrate fade in when alarm went off.7. Set an alarm to only ring or only vibrate.8. Very large snooze button (turn on in preference).9. Lock "Dismiss" and "Snooze" button for 2 seconds after alarmwentoff to prevent misoperation.10. Lock "Dismiss" and "Snooze" button when device was in pockettoprevent misoperation.11. Snooze time is configurable.12. Show next alarm time and remaining time in status bar foreasyaccess (can be disabled in preference).13. Snoozed alarm will shown in status bar, you can dismissitimmediately.14. If you don't response the alarm for sometime, itwillautomatically snooze for 3 times, then dismiss to savebatterypower. An notification message will leave in status bar soyou knowyou miss it.15. Speak alarm's name when rings (turn on in preference,currentlyonly English supported).Date repeat rules supported:1. Selected Dates.2. Everyday.3. Day of Week (Monday and Friday of every week).4. Day of Week in Month (Second Monday and Tuesday ofeverymonth).5. Last Day of Week in Month (Last Friday of every month).6. Day of Month (3, 10 and 18 of every month).7. Day Month Range (from 10 February to 15 March ofeveryyear).8. Day Month Year Range (From 12/25/2012 to 12/28/2012).9. Alarm X Off Y Days (Start from 12/24/2011, alarm 21 days thenoff7 days in cycle).With these powerful date repeat rules, it is possible tosetalarms just once, then it will went off on time so you don'thaveto worry about it everyday!Feel free to send me mail if you have any ideas, suggestionsorneeds any help for this app.(C) InfiniteSpace Studio, 2013Jimmy F. Klarke, For Real Life
Funny & Noisy Alarm Clock 2.4.4
Alarm clock with 70 funny and noisy sounds and several functionstostop it.