Top 1 Apps Similar to WWI PROPAGANDA

Many different types of propagandaposterswereused in World War I, not only as a means ofjustifyinginvolvementto their own populace, but also as a means ofprocuringmen, moneyand resources to sustain the militarycampaign.There was posters for: convincing people to go towar,convincingpeople that they were winning the war, toshowsuperiority againstthe enemies, buying bonds and more. Theenemywas very important inpropaganda, it was the easiest meansofdiverting public attentionfrom genuine social andpoliticalproblems at home.Lubok is a Russian popular print, and some of thepictureswereserialized, predecessors of the modern comic strip.DuringWorldWar I, lubok informed Russians about events onthefrontlines,bolstered morale, and served as propagandaagainstenemycombatants.World War,One, 1914-1918 - Posters, Caricatures,CartoonsandSatiricdrawingsApp works offline. No internet connection needed.