Top 17 Apps Similar to Orações Virgem Maria

Orações Poderosas 1
As melhores Orações para aquelas pessoas que precisam de ajudaemalgum momento para lutar contra as forças do mal. Estaaplicaçãodá-lhe a possibilidade de encontrar sua paz interior,confira ! Sevocê acha bom nosso aplicativo e quer ajudar, porfavor, deixe-nosuma avaliação e uma opinião. Será muito útil paraque possamosoferecer melhores atualizações ! Muito obrigado ! Esteaplicativo é100 % GRATIS !!
DezPray: Catholic Prayer/Bible 18.9
Prayers, Songs, Bible, Rosary, Gospel. Liturgy, Novenas,Breviary& Lectionary.
Audio Prayers
Read and listen to most popular catholic prayers.
Orador seu parceiro de todas a 3.2.29
This app will help you pray, your partner will be in thedarkesthours of life
Oracoes 1.2
Prayers for all believers are in this App.
Virgin Mary Wallpaper 2.5
bluewater dev
Virgin Mary Wallpaper new HD is Saint Mary, Mother Mary,theVirginMary wallpaper,the Blessed Virgin Mary pictBeautifulpictures ofOur Holy Mother Mary, it is a FREE App forMother MaryWallpapersFor Android Phone , you can share any imagewith yourfriends oryou can set it as wallpaper for your phone.Maryvariously calledSaint Mary, Mother Mary, the Virgin Mary,theTheotokos, theBlessed Virgin Mary, Mary, Mother of God, and,inIslam, as Maryam,mother of Isa', was an Israelite Jewish womanofNazareth inGalilee who lived in the late 1st century BC andearly1st centuryAD, and is considered by Christians to be thefirstproselyte toChristianity. She is identified in the NewTestamentand in theQur'an as the mother of Jesus throughdivineintervention.Christians hold her son Jesus to be "Christ" andGodthe SonIncarnate , whereas Muslims regard Jesus as the messiahandthemost important prophet of God sent to the people of Israel(andthesecond-most-important prophet of all, afterMuhammad).Thecanonical gospels of Matthew and Luke describe Mary asavirgin.Traditionally, Christians believe that she conceivedhersonmiraculously by the agency of the Holy Spirit. Muslimsbelievethatshe conceived by the command of God. This took placewhen shewasalready betrothed to Saint Joseph and was awaitingtheconcludingrite of marriage, the formal home-taking ceremony.ShemarriedJoseph and accompanied him to Bethlehem, where Jesuswasborn. Inkeeping with Jewish custom, the betrothal would havetakenplacewhen she was around 12, and the birth of Jesus about ayearlaterThe Mother, of God, Mother of Jesus, wife of St. Joseph,andthegreatest of all Christian saints. The Virgin Mother was,afterherSon, exalted by divine grace above all angels andmen,andvenerated as the highest of God’s creatures. She wasdeclaredthedaughter of St. Joachim and St. Anne. Born in Jerusalem,Marywaspresented in the Temple and took a vow of virginity.LivinginNazareth, Mary was visited by the archangel Gabriel,whoannouncedto her that she would become the Mother of Jesus, bytheHolySpirit. When Emperor Augustus declared a census throughoutthevastRoman Empire, Mary and St. Joseph went to Bethlehem, hiscityoflineage, as he belonged to the House of David. ThereMarygavebirth to Jesus and was visited by the Three Kings. MaryandJosephpresented Jesus in the Temple, where St. Simeonrejoiced.Nothingis known of Mary’s life during the next yearsexcept for avisit tothe Temple of Jerusalem, at which time Mary andJosephsought theyoung Jesus, who was in the Temple with thelearnedelders. Thefirst recorded miracle of Jesus was performed atawedding in Cana,and Mary was instrumental in callingChrist’sattention to theneed. Mary was present at the CrucifixioninJerusalem. She wasalso with the disciples in the days beforethePentecost, and it isbelieved that she was present attheresurrection and AscensionMother Mary Phone Wallpapersinclude*Virgin Mary HD graphics alikethe live wallpaper forAndroid.*Mother Mary wallpapers iscompatible with most of mobilephonedevices. *Beautiful images ofVirgin Mary.
El Nono
Want to know how to pray ?? Teachings on Basic Prayers oftheCatholic Church.
Oração do Dia - Faça sua Prece 14.4
AS2 Sistemas
Beautiful prayers and powerful prayers for you to pray andsharedaily.
Rosary Virgin Mary 8.0
Jose A.
Youth live the Rosary of the Virgin Mary!
Digital Chaplet
Pray Catholics Chaplets practice andcontagiousway, anytime and anywhere. Strengthen your faith, recordyour bestmoments and share with your friends!Pray:- Chaplet of Rosary (Marian Chaplet)- Chaplet of Divine Mercy- Byzantine Chaplet- Chaplet of LiberationExtras:- Prayers in three languages ​​(Portuguese, EnglishandSpanish)- Daily Alerts- Frequent UpdatesAll in one app.
Sou Católico
Este aplicativo foi desenvolvido paratodososcatólicos que querem rezar em qualquer lugar eaqualquermomento.Thisapplicationisintended for all Catholics who want to pray anywhereand atanytime.
My Pray List 1.1
Luiz Zabuscka
This application was made for you to organize your prayers andhavea history of them in your smartphone.
Consultoria Natura
Natura &Co
All you need for a successful Beauty Consulting is here!
Jesus Speaks 6.3
Then you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.GodBless you!
Deus Te Fala 3.1.0
Words that will direct your life for your life.
Escola Bíblica Dominical EBD 2.6
PlannerUP APP
complementary Theological subsidies to assist in SundaySchoolclasses.
Estudos Bíblicos e Devocionais 3.3
PlannerUP APP
Bible studies and Devotional free for you to study the Word of God.