Top 14 Apps Similar to Test de Amor y Desamor

Test Del Amor Verdadero 1.0
Descarga el Test Del Amor que teayudaráaencontrar tu camino en el amor!Entra y responde son sinceridad a todas las preguntas,larespuestano te defraudará.¡Disfrútala!Tags: test amor, love test, calculadora, amorverdadero,trueloveDownload the LoveTestthatwill help you find your way in love!Enter and answers are all questions honestly, the answerwillnotdisappoint.Enjoy it!Tags: love test, love test, calculator, true love, true love
Name Love Test - Prank App 1.0
The name compatibility test for lovers and those who want to fallinlove!
Love Test Fingerprint Prank 10.0
You can calculate love score using 5 different love test &hasnew love meter
36 Questions to Love Game Test 1.0.2
Fall in love. This simple test of 36 questions withsociologicalbasis, aims to create a temporary connection betweenpeople who arenot too familiar. The two people to open gradually insentiemientosand his way of seeing life. The questions focused ontrivial beginto cycle more intimate affairs issues. Use thisapplication at yourown risk! This app is based on Dr. Aron's study.You can try itwith your partner or you can test it by yourself.Your love iswaiting for you. And remember: Use this app at your ownrisk! Goodluck! 36 Questions on the Way to Love The psychologistDr. ArthurAron succeeded in making two strangers fall in love inhislaboratory. The 36 questions in the study are broken up intothreesets, with each set intended to be more probing than thepreviousone. You need to play in face-to-face. The idea is thatmutualvulnerability fosters closeness. Can 36 Questions Make You ToFallin Love With Anyone? Based on the work of Dr. ArthurAron,popularized by article on NY Times. This 36 Questions Test tofallin love is an app which allows you to carry out the samescientificstudy conducted by psychologist Dr. Arthur Aron todetermine ifhumans could, given a few commonalities, scientificallyfall inlove. Allows two people to fall in love with 36differentquestions. The Questions were created by Dr. Arthur Aaron.Thisapplication was inspired also by the New York Time. Takesomewhereto do this exercise. Inspired by the recent New York Timesarticleby Mandy LenCatron questions are from a 1997 psychology study “TheExperimentalGeneration of Interpersonal Closeness: A Procedure andSomePreliminary Findings” by Arthur Anon and others. They believedthatthe best way to get close to your partner is for you to sharewiththem and for them to share with you. This is not anotherlovecalculator or a dating app. Experimentinfo: Thisexperiment isa series of 36 questions followed by a 4-minuteactivity that isintended to spark an attraction between itsparticipants. Thequestions and method come with scientific prooffrom psychologistArthur Aron and yes 2 strangers did fall in lovein his lab 20years ago because of this exact set of questions.While we cannotoffer any gurantees nor do we recommended for afirst date. This isas close to a shortcut to love as we could find.Try it for a datenight with your partner choice or even maybe thatfriend that wishwas more. The app is simple, tap to go through thequestion and inthe end look into each other's eyes for 4 mins. Theapp will buzzwhen 4 mins are up. Enjoy lovers and please share withyourfriends. Search terms: Questions, 36, Intimacy, Scientific,Love,Matching, Dating, game, date, flirt, test, fall, I loveyou,lovers,
Mega Love Test Calculator - Pr 1.0
Combines 5 advanced Love Tests, which may* reveal your true love!
Calculadora amor test
Game Calculation love for names and Test love compatibility
Calculator love test how to know if he likes you 3.3
🥰 Love test calculator love test Love test with names writeyournameand the name of the person you like, to see thecompatibilityyouhave, it is very simple and easy to use. Also, ifyou want toknow ifthe boy you love likes you with our lovecalculator, youcan take alove test to find out your compatibility,in which youmust answersome simple multiple choice questions, withphysicaland personaltastes, once both you have completed the lovetest,the result willbe shown in a graph which will indicateyourcompatibility as acouple, it also has two more graphs toseeseparately if you like itmore physically or personally. 🖩💘Lovecalculator You will be able totry different love testfunctions,in which we have included thesefunctions: ❤️ Love testwith namesWhich uses an algorithm of chance,can be used as a jokeor game,but it must be taken into account thatthe result does notindicatethat it is true. 💑 Couple compatibilitytest Although thealgorithmis based on the tastes and personality ofboth people, itdoes notindicate that it is a totally true result.🤔❓ How to knowif helikes you Love test in which it can give a realresult,although itis not 100% reliable and should not be taken atfacevalue. 🐾 Loveproof with footprint This feature is totally ajoke,and shouldnever be taken seriously, as it is not possible todo afingerprintdetector love test. 😍 Tips on how to flirt Wehaveincluded a listwith some tips to learn how to flirt with thepersonyou like. Wehope you enjoy the Love Test calculator, and ifyouhave anyquestions or suggestions you can contact us throughouremail.
Test del Amor ¿Será infiel? 1.0
Test de Infidelidad o también llamado TestdelAmor.¿Quieres saber si tu novio te engaña?¿Eres muy celosa?¡Haz el Test de Infidelidad y compruébalo!Es un cuestionario divertido que puedes hacer con tus amigas oasolas.Cuando acabes puedes compartir los resultados por Whatsapp oporemail o como quieras...Infidelity Testalsocalled Test of LoveWant to know if your boyfriend is cheating? Are you jealous?Do the Test Infidelity and check it!It's a fun questionnaire that you can do with your friendsoralone.When you're done you can share the results by email or Whatsapporwhatever ...
Photo Love Test for Fun 1.0
Smart Photo Love Test for those looking for love.
Compatibility Test for Lovers 1.0
Do you know if the person you love is compatible with you? Youwantto know if you are going to have an affair with the personyoulike, but do not dare to show your love. Would you like to knowtheodds of being matched or matched? Have you found your truelove?Here is the ultimate application that calculates theprobability ofa successful relationship. You will know how muchthat specialperson likes you. Doing this Test of Love get resultsimmediatelyand you will see how well you will do in love matters.Alluncertainties are over, stop for defoliate daisies. TheLoveCompatibility Test will tell you quickly and visually if thepersonyou want is your soul mate. Soul mates are made one for eachother,their affinity is very high and they can be understoodperfectly.Never before it was measured the same way the percentageofsimilarity between two kindred spirits. Be brave and try, dothetest of love with everyone you want and as many times as youneedand totally free. Invite your friends to take the test orevenencourages the person you like to do the test on the mobile toseeif the result given is identical for both of you. If theresultsare repeated in both mobile, compatibility would behighlycontrasted. It has never been so easy and fast, just enterthe twonames you want to know the compatibility and the applicationwillcalculate and give you the results automatically. Remember thatifyou enter the names with the name and surname you will getmuchmore personalized results! Make the Test of Love and sharetheresults on your social networks so that compatible person youknowyou are his soul mate. Many couples do not knowtheircompatibility, but if you perform the test, the securitywillincrease substantially in the relationship and love may be pureanddurable. It is time to know how loved you are. It may alsopossiblefor you to know what compatible is your platonic love withyou. Youcan see your affinity with that actor or singer you like,you canknow which of your platonic loves is more compatible withyou. Ifcompatibility is 100% means that you are made one for eachother.
Girl Boy Love Test Calculator 1.4
Girl Boy Love Test CalculatorWant to check the level of love compatibility with yourpartner?Then go with Girl Boy Love Test Calculator app. This funfree appwill tell you about your compatibility level with yourlovedone.You have a funny application to prank your friends andfamily.• This application have fingerprint scanning pad.• You and your partner can gently put your finger on this andwaitfor analysis.• Your fake result is going to be shown automaticallyaftercalculation.• This funny application lets you know you about yourlovecompatibility, if it is really right or totally false but looklikea real.Disclaimer:-• This application is not supported and not affiliated any typeofagency or organization.• Girl Boy Love Test Calculator is the totally fakeapplication.This application only made for enjoyment.• Not use any type of name, trademark and other structure oftheapplication and owned by their respective owners.
Love %: Compatibility Test 1.4.1
Robla Apps
Evaluates the compatibility of a couple, based on AstrologyandNumerology.
Love Fingerprint Test
Elur Apps
This application is for people who want to know what is theirlovecompatibility
Calculadora de Amor 1.5
Calculadora de Amor es una aplicaciónquepermite a sus usuarios realizar un test del amor para comprobarelgrado de compatibilidad, determinado mediante un algoritmodeanálisis de dos nombres determinados.Mediante esta calculadora de amor sabrás si la otra personapodrállegar a ser tu amor verdadero y alma gemela. Tanto el test deamorcomo el test para compatibilidad se basan en el principioaplicadoen la prueba de amor.¿Te sientes enamorado y buscas un amor de verdad? Este tipoderelaciones se basan en diferentes factores, como la confianza,lapersonalidad, la forma de ser, el respeto y sobretodo, lafelicidadindividual. La Calculadora del Amor cuantificará en untanto porciento, el valor de afinidad entre dos personas ylasprobabilidades de tener una buena relación (tanto de noviazgocomode amistad o afinidad), mediante la introducción de los nombresdelos dos sujetos.Calcula si tu novio o novia es el amor perfecto y lacombinaciónperfecta. Calculad vuestro valor con el test de amor queosproponemos en la aplicación y: ¡ponedlo a prueba!Además de esto, el calculador de afecto agrupa en una secciónunmontón de frases de amor, frases de amistad, frases decumpleaños,frases de felicitación y frases para el día de SanValentín, lascuales serán actualizadas todos los meses en exclusivaparanuestros usuarios.Estas frases de amor podrán ser compartidas en tusredessociales; las puedes enviar a cualquiera de tus amigosporWhatsapp, Twitter, Facebook, SMS y muchas plataformas más.Si no estás seguro que la compatibilidad con tu pareja sea laideal,descárgate esta app “love test calculator” y soluciona tusdudas,averigua así si tu novio, novia, pareja, romance o amor esel idealpara el momento.En un futuro añadiremos consejos de amor e imágenes para enviaratu amante, así como la posibilidad de guardar tus favoritos ylaevolución de los resultados de la prueba romántica. Estosrecursosson ideales para, por ejemplo, el Día de los Enamorados, esdecir,el Día de San Valentín, seguro que la persona a la que se loenvíesse alegrará!Recuerda, esta aplicación está realizada para pasar unratodivertido! ¿Te atreves a empezar la aventura utilizandolaCalculadora de Amor?- Calculadora amor- Test amor- Prueba de amor- Test de compatibilidad- Frases de amor- Frases de San ValentínLove Calculator isanapplication that allows users to perform a test of love tocheckthe degree of compatibility, as determined by an analysisalgorithmtwo given names.Through this love calculator know if the other person canbecomeyour true love and soulmate. Both the test of love as thetest forcompatibility is based on the principle applied in theproof oflove.Do you feel love and looking for a true love? Suchrelationshipsare based on different factors, such as confidence,personality,way of being, respect and above all, individualhappiness. The LoveCalculator quantified as a percentage, the valueof affinitybetween two people and the chances of having a goodrelationship(both dating and friendship or marriage), by enteringthe names ofthe two subjects.Calculates if your boyfriend or girlfriend is perfect loveandperfect combination. Calculator test your courage with lovewesuggest the application and: put it to the test!In addition, the calculator affection grouped in a section alotof words of love, friendship phrases, birthday phrases,sentencesand phrases Cards for Valentine's Day, which will beupdated everymonth exclusively for our users.These words of love can be shared on your social networks;thosecan send to any of your friends by WhatsApp, Twitter,Facebook, SMSand many more platforms.If you are not sure compatibility with your partner isideal,download this app "love test calculator" and answers toyourquestions, and see if your boyfriend, girlfriend, dating,romanceor love is the ideal time.In a future love advice and add images to send to your loveraswell as the ability to save your favorites and evolution oftheresults of the romantic test. These resources are ideal for,eg,Valentine's Day, ie Valentine's Day, surely the person youwouldsend rejoice!Remember, this application is made for a fun time! Do you daretostart the adventure using the Love Calculator?- Love Calculator- Test Love- Proof of Love- Compatibility Test- Phrases of love- Phrases Valentine