Top 11 Apps Similar to Works of Thomas Jefferson

St. Thomas Aquinas 1.0
Thomas Aquinas, OP (/əˈkwaɪnəs/; 1225 – 7March1274), also Thomas of Aquin or Aquino, was an ItalianDominicanfriar and priest and an immensely influential philosopherandtheologian in the tradition of scholasticism, within which heisalso known as the "Doctor Angelicus" and "DoctorCommunis"."Aquinas" is from the county of Aquino, an area hisfamily heldland in until 1137. He was born in Roccasecca, Italy.He was the foremost classical proponent of natural theology,andthe father of Thomism. His influence on Western thoughtisconsiderable, and much of modern philosophy was conceivedindevelopment or opposition of his ideas, particularly in theareasof ethics, natural law, metaphysics, and political theory.Unlikemany currents in the Church of the time, Thomas embracedseveralideas put forward by Aristotle — whom he referred to as"thePhilosopher" — and attempted to synthesize Aristotelianphilosophywith the principles of Christianity. The works for whichhe is bestknown are the Summa Theologica and the Summa contraGentiles. Hiscommentaries on Sacred Scripture and on Aristotle arean importantpart of his body of work. Furthermore, Thomas isdistinguished forhis eucharistic hymns, which form a part of theChurch'sliturgy.Thomas is honored as a saint by the Catholic Church and isheldto be the model teacher for those studying for the priesthood,andindeed the highest expression of both natural reasonandspeculative theology. In modern times, under papal directives,thestudy of his works was long used as a core of the requiredprogramof study for those seeking ordination as priests or deacons,aswell as for those in religious formation and for other studentsofthe sacred disciplines (philosophy, Catholic theology,churchhistory, liturgy, canon law).Also honored as a Doctor of the Church, Thomas is consideredtheChurch's greatest theologian and philosopher. Pope BenedictXVdeclared: "This (Dominican) Order ... acquired new luster whentheChurch declared the teaching of Thomas to be her own andthatDoctor, honored with the special praises of the Pontiffs,themaster and patron of Catholic schools."
Thomas Sixt kocht vor 1.0
+++ Jetzt neu zum Einführungspreis! +++Headcam Cooking: Mit der Kamera am Kopf steht Thomas Sixt inseinerKüche, er kocht vor und filmt sich dabei selbst. DieumfangreicheApp des charmant unkonventionellen Kamera-Kochsbeschreitet neueWege abseits des üblichen Rezepte-Einheitsbreis.Dabei ist Thomas Sixt ein hoch gelobter Spitzenkoch, derdasHandwerk des Kochs beim Sterne-Koch Alfons Schuhbeck gelernthat.Die völlig neue App „Thomas Sixt kocht vor“ isteinerseitsaufgebaut wie ein klassisches Kochbuch, darüber hinausaber auchinteraktiver Kochkurs mit 89 witzigen wie lehrreichenKochvideosaus der Ego-Perspektive.Thomas Sixt steht Ihnen persönlich bei Fragen und AnregungenzurSeite: Sie können sich direkt aus der App heraus an ThomasSixtwenden, er beantwortet Ihre Fragen gerne!Die Küche von Thomas Sixt ist alltagstauglich und verzaubertauchzu Festtagen. Die Rezepte sind für Einsteiger, HobbyköchewieFortgeschrittene gleichermaßen nachvollziehbar. Thomas Sixtkochtmitten aus dem Leben: eine bodenständige, junge undeffektvolleKüche, die auch Ihrer Familie und Ihren Gästen schmeckenwird.Entdecken Sie einfach nachzukochende Kreationen, die in20Minuten auf den Tisch kommen. „In Thomas Sixt kocht vor“ zeigterdarüber hinaus auch anspruchsvolle Festtagsküche wie dieperfekteWeihnachtsgans.Thomas Sixt absolvierte nationale und internationale Stationeninder Top-Gastronomie, er kochte zusammen mit mehr als12.000begeisterten Hobbyköchinnen und -Köchen bei KochkursenundEvents.„Bild am Sonntag" kommentierte seine Kunst mit„Endlichschlemmen", die Zeitschrift „News" erkennt darin „DasHaubenmenüfür zu Hause". Thomas Sixt ist bekannt durchTV-Auftritte, sokochte er unter anderem beim deutschen Fernsehpreis„Bambi".Thomas Sixt ist zudem zertifizierter Ernährungstrainerundbeschäftigt sich seit mehr als fünf Jahren mitglutenfreierErnährung.+ + + New features foranintroductory price! + + +Cooking HeadCam: Using the camera on the head Thomas Sixt standsinhis kitchen, he cooks before filming and thereby itselfTheextensive application of unconventional camera charming chefbreaksnew ground away from the usual recipes-pabulum.This Thomas Sixt is a highly acclaimed chef who has learnedthecraft of the chef's star chef Alfons Beck. The completely newapp"Thomas Sixt seething" is a hand built like a classic cookbook,butalso interactive cooking class with 89 fun and instructivecookingvideos from a first person perspective.Thomas Sixt is you personally with questions and suggestionsto:You may contact directly from the app to Thomas Sixt, heansweredyour questions!The kitchen of Thomas Sixt is suitable for everyday useandenchants even on holidays. The recipes are equallyunderstandablefor beginners, and advanced home cooks. Thomas Sixtcooks right outof life: a down to earth, young and strikingkitchen, the taste isalso your family and your guests.Simply discover nachzukochende creations that come in 20minutesfor a table. "In Thomas Sixt seething" he table alsodemandingfestive dishes like the perfect Christmas goose.Thomas graduated from Sixt stations in the nationalandinternational top restaurants, he cooked together with morethan12,000 enthusiastic amateur chefs and chefs at cooking classesandevents."Bild am Sonntag" commented his art with "Finally feast,"theJournal "News" is acknowledges "The Hood menu at home." ThomasSixtis known through TV appearances, so he cooked including theGermanTelevision Award "Bambi".Thomas Sixt is also a certified nutrition coach and has beenmorethan five years with a gluten-free diet.
Thomas Troward Collection 1.0
Thomas Troward Collection - 6 books -TheEdinburgh Lectures on Mental Science, Dore Lectures onMentalScience, The Creative Process in the Individual, BibleMystery andBible Meaning, The Law and the Word and The Hidden PowerAnd OtherPapers upon Mental ScienceThe Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science - is requiredreadingfor anyone wishing to understand and control the power ofthemindthese Lectures deal with the questions of spirit and matter,thenature of intelligence , the unity of spirit, and therelationshipbetween the conscious and subconscious mind.Dore Lectures on Mental Science - the clearest explanationofspiritual principles and the power of thoughts to createthereality we desire.The Creative Process in the Individual - this is ThomasTroward'streatment on the law of attraction. in this book he givesus theprinciples behind the law and not just the application.Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning - Offers here aconcisecommentary on major biblical principles, all the whilestressingthat faith and accepted scientific conventions arenotcontradictory but are, in fact, in tandum. In doing this,heprovides a thorough analytical exploration of majorbiblicalconcepts, explaining "mystery" and the "meaning of thewords in thebibleThe Law and the Word - thinks deeply and seeks to bringthereader into an understanding of "cause and effect" . heexplainshow things start and the law of principle by which theyoriginateand translate into their intended purposes. He usessciencefrequently as in all his books to show that all things thatwe havebeen able to use to our advantage, are by certain discoveredlawson how they work. Once we find the laws we have been able tounfolda myriad of uses and applications of the laws for a vastnumber ofthings. The Law and the Word is his premise for theexplanation ofhow things originate and produce their effects.The Hidden Power And Other Papers upon Mental Science -assemblesThomas Troward's essays on new thought and other areas ofmentalscience with wisdom and clarity. It is one of the mostprofoundspiritual books of all time because it explores the depthsofspirituality as no other book has ever done.App Features:1. Day/Night mode- Day (black on white), Night (white on black)2. Change font colour3. Change font size4. Change Text padding5. Auto bookmarks the last read position6. Move to previous and next chapter7. Bookmarks last read position in each chapter and book8. Enable full screen mode from MENU9. Screen capture10. Options menu11. Clickable table of contents12. Contents rotate automatically (portrait/landscape)EXCLUSIVE FEATURES:1. App for Phones AND Tablets2. SD Card Support3. Toolbar (Fast Access to Common Tasks)4. Flip pages
ThomasAR World 1.0.7
Celebrate the 70th anniversary of Thomas and his friends withthisfantastic App
Gospel of Thomas FREE 1.1
Spirit Apps
These are the secret sayings thatthelivingJesus spoke and Didymos Judas Thomas recorded.* Fullscreen mode.* Full version of the Gospel of Thomas in Englishtranslation.* Easy and simple to use layout with page animations.* Choose from a wide variety of customisable themes.* Small lightweight size.* Contains advertisements, see non-free version for no ads.
Blind Bag Helper Thomas Minis 1.28
Apps by Kalli
Blind Bag Helper for Thomas andFriendsMinisseries is to help you identify blind bag contents andkeeptrack ofyour collection.This software is for informational purposes only and isintendedtoassist the collecting community.This app is supported by ads.This software is not affiliated with Fisher-Price orMattel,andtheir distinctive likenesses are trademarks ofFisher-Price&Mattel, Inc.All rights reserved worldwide.Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Created byBrittAllcroft.Based on the Railway Series by the Reverend WAwdry.CopyrightGullane (Thomas) Limited. Thomas the Tank Engine&Friends andThomas & Friends are trademarks of Gullane(Thomas)Limited.
Thomas Jefferson Quotes 1.0.0
Thomas Jefferson (1743 – 1826)American Founding Father.The Author of the Declaration of Independence (1776) .Third President of the United States (1801–1809).Features of this Application :- User friendly User Interface (Clean UI)- Social Integration ( One tap share on Social Media Sites)- Share as Image on Social media's like Instagram- Share with Friends and Family via SMS or Email- Widget for your Home Screen.- Quote of the Day (Set Daily notifications)- and much more ..
Thomas Edison Quotes Pro 1.0.0
Thomas Edison Quotes Pro
Thomas Crane Library (Quincy) 4.7.2
Boopsie, Inc.
Avoid waiting in line: check out withyourmobile device.Manage your account - place holds, check due dates, renewitems,and more. Search for books, DVDs, audiobooks, CDs andmore.Be the first to know about what’s new at your library.Learnabout the latest staff picks, read our newsletter, stay on topofthe latest library events, follow our Facebook updates, tweets,orcontact us. We are here for you.Use Smart Search to quickly find what you’re looking forwithouthaving to select a search field, enter full words or waitforresults.At a friend’s house (or a bookstore) and see something you’dliketo borrow from the library? Use the Barcode Scanner to easilylookit up and place a hold. Didn’t find it? Easily suggestapurchase.Reserve a museum pass for free or reduced rate access tofabulouslocal attractions.This application also makes it easy to start streamingmusic,audiobooks, movies, and television immediately, no holdsrequired,with no late fees. New content is being added all thetime! You canalso easily find electronic books and magazines, anduse valuableresearch tools like Consumer Reports.
Thomas og Emma 1.3
Thomas- og Emma-bøkene henter sinehistorierfra smårollingenes egen verden og virkelighet. Debeskriverdagligdagse situasjoner og hendelser barna lett kan kjennesegigjen i.I applikasjonen får du "Thomas går til doktoren" gratis.Helt siden 70-tallet har Gunilla Wolde, med enkleillustrasjonerog treffende tekst, beskrevet hverdagsligesituasjonene som barnmøter. Å begynne i barnehagen eller å gå tildoktoren er ikkealltid like lett. Herlig befriende bøker med klartbudskap og tobarn i hovedrollen.I applikasjonen kan du skru av og på tekst, og ta oppegenstemme.Bøkene blir lest av Jan Gunnar Røise.For spørsmål, problemer eller tips, kontakt [email protected] andEmma-booksdraws its stories from toddlers own world and reality.Theydescribe everyday situations, and events children caneasilyrecognize themselves in.In the application, you get "Thomas goes to the doctor"forfree.Ever since the 70s has Gunilla Wolde, with simpleillustrationsand apposite text, described everyday situations thatchildrenencounter. Starting in kindergarten or going to the doctoris notalways easy. Lovely liberating books with clear message andtwochildren in the lead role.In the application, you can turn on and off text, andrecordingyour own voice.The books are read by Jan Gunnar Røise.For questions, problems or tips, contact [email protected].
Thomas Aquinas Quotes 1.0
We have collected some special quotes saidbyThomas Aquinas during his life journey.This app has some of the best features such as:• 100% Free and Offline• Quote of the day• Top 20 Selected Quotes• Search You Quote• Set quote as favorite and quickly browse throughthefavorites.• Change Font Face, Color, Size• Paginated list for quick access• Quick Sharing Feature that enables to share via sms, Facebookandother sharing apps.• Home Widget that changes the quote every day.