Top 13 Apps Similar to 7 Habits of Highly Effective..

7 Habits Planner App 1.1
Inspired by Dr. Stephen Covey's SevenHabitsofHighly Effective People. This App provides a convenientwayforpeople who wish to improve their lives to plantheirweeklyschedules.1. Be Proactive2. Begin With the End in Mind3. Put First Things First4. Think Win/Win5. Seek First to Understand, Then Be Understood6. Synergize7. Sharpen the Saw
7 Weeks - Simplest Habit and G 4.0.2
7 Weeks
Championing positive habits, one day at a time.
Business Calendar Pro
This is the Pro Version of BusinessCalendar:an all-round, complete calendar app for higheststandards,customizable and with perfect Google sync.★ "Our favorite calendar app on Android, due to its flexibilityandease of use." - Lifehacker 01/2014 ★★ "One of the best Calendar Apps for 2014" - FastCompany ★FeaturesFOR A CLEARER VIEW ON EVENTS & APPOINTMENTS▪ Quick Day View: For a fast overview to all events of theday▪ Favorite Bar: For direct access to all your calendars▪ Smooth Scroll and Zoom: For better, intuitive interactionCUSTOMIZABLE DOWN TO THE LAST DETAIL▪ Custom Views & Widgets▪ Individual reminders with vibration, sounds,repetitions,intervals, LED▪ Adjustable font sizes for the app & widgetsDetails● graphical and textual presentation● scroll- and zoomable multi-day view (1-14 days)● month, agenda, day and event view● color-coded year view● search function● configurable widgets in different sizes for month, week,agendaand day view● easy switching between timeline bars and event titles inmonthview● intuitive handling: just move your finger over some daysofinterest in month view to open them in the multi-day view● many options for recurrent events (e.g. an event that takesplaceevery other week on Tuesday and Thursday)● birthday calendar● context-sensitive help system to optimizeyourworkflow Features in this Pro Version+ Manage Contacts: Link your events and appointmentswithyour contacts+ Customizable Templates: Create your own templates fornewevents+ Multi-Select: For deleting, moving, or copyingmultipleevents+ Import & Export: Quickly import all yourcalendars,export them in .ics format+ Drag’n’drop: Move and copy events easily in themulti-dayview+ Tasks Add-On: Use the integrated task-management toolforsyncing with Google Tasks & Toodledo+ App Theming: Light and dark theme for the app+ Advanced Widgets: Set colors, font sizesandcalendarsWe also offer a free, ad-supported version of BusinessCalendar,which we kindly advise you to test for the functionalityand thegeneral workflow of the app! We hope that, in the long term,thePro Version result as indispensable for you, if you use yourmobilecalendar regularly.
25th Anniv highly effl( Video) 1.5.25
Mobifusion, Inc
*****The Official, Authorized VersionofStephenCovey's 25th Anniversary 7 Habits of HighlySuccessfulPeople*****This is one of the rare books that hasinfluencedpresidents,CEOs, educators, and individuals all over theworld notonly toimprove their businesses and careers but to livewithintegrity,service, dignity, and success in all areas of life.Ithas had anundeniable impact for the past 25 years--and willnodoubt continueto be influential for many more."Twenty-five years after it first appeared, the wisdom ofThe7Habits is more relevant than ever. On an individuallevelpeopleare burning out, and on a collective level we areburning uptheplanet. So Dr. Covey's emphasis on self-renewal,andhisunderstanding that leadership and creativity require us totapintoour own physical, mental, and spiritual resources, areexactlywhatwe need now." --Arianna HuffingtonFeatures:- Clean, easy to use navigation and user interface- Search and browse functions- Create flashcards of your favorite quotes for easyreferenceandsharing- Share insights with friends, coworkers, and family viasocialmediaand emailExperience and learn from one of the greatest guidestosuccessever written today!
Planner Pro - Daily Calendar 6.2
Beesoft Apps
A daily organizer app to sync with google calendar andsupportstasks & notes.
My To-Do: Lists & Tasks, Goals 0.28.1
My Effectiveness Habits - To-Do, Goals, Tasks, Notes
Goal Tracker Workout Calendar
Change your habits, achieve your goals, track your progress forabetter life.
TimeTune - Schedule Planner 4.11
Schedule planner for your agenda. Daily planner and routineplannerto save time
Life Organizer 2.1.3
LIFE ORGANIZER HAS A 30 DAY FREETRIAL,WHEREUPON USERS WILL BE PROMPTED TO UPGRADE TO PRO FOR $.99/MONTHor $9.99/ year.Life Organizer™ is a powerful all-in-one app to help yougaincomplete control of your life. This unique app includes ahighlyfunctional Calendar, To-Do, Notes, Weekly Planner, and aRoles andGoals tracker. Not only do you get these incredible toolsinsideone app, you'll be amazed how easy it is to navigate!Life Organizer™ is the only app of its kind. It isspeciallydesigned to help you Lead, Manage, and Grow your life. Andnow youhave the tools to do just that!Features:To-Do:• Assign priorities on tasks (Low-Medium-High).• View items by priority, date, recently modified, and more.• Create single To-Do events or checklists—perfect forshoppinglists!• Highly customizable reminders.• Assign tasks or To-Dos to others.• Share your To-Do tasks via social media or email.Calendar:• Elegant look and feel with simple anduser-friendlynavigation.• Sync with gmail.• Multiple Views: Day, Week, Month, Year and List.• Get a daily inspirational quote available on the iPad.• Highly customizable settings (day, start/end time, timezones,reminders, event defaults, etc.).• Over 20+ options when scheduling repeating events.• Easily share and print your events.Notes:• Instantly record important thoughts and ideas the second theycometo you.• Type or draw using various fonts and colors.• Record voice memos inside personalized notebooks.• Share notes via Facebook, Twitter, or Email.• Organize notes into notebooks and store your collections onthein-app bookshelf.• Password protect your notes.• Attach notes to your calendar.Weekly Planner:• Plan your week around your personal priorities so you canfulfillthe week’s most important tasks.• “Drag and Drop” your plans directly into your calendar.Manage Your LifePersonal Vision Statement:• Simple instructions and an easy-to-use feature that allows youtodevelop your own vision.• Share your vision with family and friends via social mediaoremail.Roles and Goals:• Robust role and goal setting feature to help you set annualrolesand goals.• Establish annual goals for each area of your life and trackyourprogress.• Select an accountability date to monitor your progress andupdateyour goals.Upgrades to the Pro Version unlock access to theworld-classNotes section of the app. The Pro version also ensuresyourinformation will be safely stored on a secure server so thatyoucan sleep comfortably knowing that your information won't belost.In the Pro version, your information is automatically syncedacrossmultiple android devices. Syncing with iOS devices alsopossible byupgrading in Apple App Store as well.There are 2 In app purchase available in the app:1. Life Organizer Yearly Subscription - Duration will be 1 Yearandprice will be $ 9.99.2. Life Organizer Monthly Subscription - Duration will be 1Monthand price will be $ 0.99.Terms of Use: Website:
Four Quadrant Planner 1.1
Four Quadrant Planner (4Q Planner) providesaway for you to organise your life based on the recommendationsinStephen R. Covey's influential book "The 7 Habits ofHighlyEffective People©". He recommends that we should alwaysstrive todo our work when it is in Quadrant 2 (top right) - it isimportantwork but we still have time to do it properly.People have a tendency to work in Quadrant 1 - tasks that areurgentand important. This deadline-driven approach to work meansthat wecram work at the last minute and deliver something that islowquality.Working in Quadrant 2 - important but not yet urgent - means thatwewill do high quality work that is in line with ouroverallgoals.Use 4Q Planner to help you organise your todo items in order tomakeyour work high-quality and low-stress!
7 Habits of Highly Effective 1.0.1
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People isaremarkable book that changed my live. This app is tributetoStephen R. Covey who contributed to change lives by applyingtheprinciples described on the book.With this app you have a summary of the seven habits near you,atyour finger tips, in your phone or your tablet. We hope it canhelpyou to succeed in live according to your principles andgoals.IndependenceThe First Three Habits surround moving from dependencetoindependence1 - Be ProactiveTake initiative in life by realizing that your decisions (andhowthey align with life's principles) are the primarydeterminingfactor for effectiveness in your life. Takeresponsibility for yourchoices and the consequences thatfollow.2 - Begin with the End in MindSelf-discover and clarify your deeply important character valuesandlife goals. Envision the ideal characteristics for each ofyourvarious roles and relationships in life.3 - Put First Things FirstA manager must manage his own person. Personally. Andmanagersshould implement activities that aim to reach the secondhabit.Covey says that rule two is the mental creation; rule threeis thephysical creation.InterdependenceThe next three habits talk about Interdependence4 - Think Win-WinGenuine feelings for mutually beneficial solutions or agreementsinyour relationships. Value and respect people by understandinga"win" for all is ultimately a better long-term resolution thanifonly one person in the situation had gotten his way.5 - Seek First to Understand, Then to be UnderstoodUse empathic listening to be genuinely influenced by a person,whichcompels them to reciprocate the listening and take an openmind tobeing influenced by you. This creates an atmosphere ofcaring, andpositive problem solving.6 - SynergizeCombine the strengths of people through positive teamwork, so astoachieve goals that no one could have done alone.Continuous ImprovementsThe final habit is that of continuous improvement in boththepersonal and interpersonal spheres of influence.7 - Sharpen the SawBalance and renew your resources, energy, and health to createasustainable, long-term, effective lifestyle. Itprimarilyemphasizes exercise for physical renewal, prayer(meditation, yoga,etc.) and good reading for mental renewal. Italso mentions serviceto society for spiritual renewal.
PlanPlus Online Shortcut 1.0
Improve your experience withFranklinCovey’sPlanPlus Online by installing this Mobile shortcutand passwordkeeper.-Easy 1 button access to your PlanPlus OnlineMobileEdition.-Access Calendar, Tasks, Contacts, Organizations.-New Planning Features: Mission, Compass, Roles, Goals-Sales Opportunities (w/ Sales or Business Account)-Requires PlanPlus Online Account. This app will not work withoutanonline account.Requires: PlanPlus Online subscription. for details
Weekly Calendar 2.3.7
Week-view of your calendar events