Top 18 Games Similar to 疯狂猜歌 新歌版

疯狂猜歌 老歌版 11.9
作者精心设计木制风格界面,超炫动画设计,精选经典耳熟能详,余音绕梁的流行怀旧220首歌曲,供大家来欣赏,挑战和追忆。软件功能:1、精心设计舞台效果,绝对的精彩,绝对的好猜歌!2、自由畅听,呼朋唤友,大家一起来猜歌!3、分享和智能提示功能,让大家来帮你猜歌!如果您不喜欢猜老歌,欢迎去下载 疯狂猜歌 新歌版精心挑选耳熟能详,余音绕梁的流行怀旧220首歌曲,供大家来欣赏和追忆。疯猜猜歌,是作者继疯狂猜成语、疯狂猜图后,又一疯狂猜类作品。如果您喜欢本应用,欢迎给我们好评。您的肯定,让我们有动力做得更好!
疯狂答题(官方) 1.3
2013年最好玩的益智答题对战游戏《疯狂答题》重磅上线,全新的玩法,百万真人在线对战,练就战神的神级秘诀,这里将是智慧的最高巅峰对决,你还在等什么呢?快点来体验吧!这里有最绚丽的舞台效果、最紧张刺激的答题过程,丰富的题库系统,具有8000多道题,让你体验答题的乐趣!游戏玩法:1)练习模式:和机器人进行对战,进行闯关答题练习2)快速模式:快速匹配一个在线的玩家进行PVP对战3)好友对战:不仅可以邀请你的QQ好友来进行答题对战,还可以和已经加入的QQ好友进行答题PK,一决高下!产品特色:★最绚丽的舞台效果,有身临现场挑战的幻觉★最动听的背景音乐★最紧张刺激的在线真人之间的智慧挑战★丰富的题库系统,具有8000多道题覆盖各个行业的常识★每周进行题库的更新,实时热点、娱乐新闻等各种行业的题库★集娱乐、益智、教育于一体的老少皆宜的益智答题游戏★想不再面对冷冰冰的机器对战了吗?★想体验激情与激情的碰撞吗?★想通过自己的庞大知识储备来决战巅峰吗?★这一切,尽在'疯狂答题'联系方式:邮箱:[email protected]商务QQ: 17667342682013 the most funpuzzleanswer battle game "crazy answer" heavy on-line, the newplay,millions of online real battle, he learned the secret of ArestheGod level, here will be the highest wisdom of match-ups, youWhatare you waiting? Hurry to experience it! Here are themostbrilliant stage effects, the most exciting answer process, thebanksystem, with more than 8,000 questions, let you experience thefunof answer!How to play:1) practice mode: and robotics Battle checkpointsanswerexercise2) Quick Mode: quickly match online players PVP Battle3) Friends Battle: not only can invite your QQ friends toanswerVersus carried out answer PK and QQ friends have joinedashowdown!Product Features:★ most brilliant stage effects, and proximity to the scenetochallenge the illusion of★ most pleasant background music★ most exciting online real wisdom challenge★ rich bank system, with more than 8,000 questions coveringvarioussectors of common sense★ exam updates, real-time hotspots, entertainment news, andotherindustry exam weekThe ages puzzle answer game ★ entertainment, educational,educationin one of the★ no longer face the dead machine Versus?★ want to experience the passion and passion of thecollision?★ decisive pinnacle own huge stock of knowledge?★ all this, all in the 'crazy answer'Contact:E-mail: [email protected] QQ: 1766734268
guesser 2.3
Guesser of your thoughts.1. Imagine two-figure number (f.e. 79).2. Substract its component figures (f.e. 79-7-9=63).3. Find this number in the table and notethecorrespondedletter.4. Imagine this letter and press "guess".Keywords: telepathy, mind reading, quessing.
就爱猜字 1.71
“就爱猜字”在汉字文化中发现炫酷乐趣,猜象形字、猜字谜、猜成语、猜诗词、猜字音、猜字形、猜字义……精心设计十几种玩法,各种猜,覆盖4000个汉语常用字。和“有才”一起进书院、考状元、斗同僚、抱得美人归吧!游戏特色:1.轻松刺激的闯关故事情节:屌丝书生如何追上白富美公主?2.11种玩法,玩法轻松有趣,从不同纬度诠释汉字。3.故事情景模式—情节乐翻天4.挑战汉字模式—闯关爽到爆5.语文成绩不好的同学可以多玩两把,期末会让你老爸老妈大吃一惊的。6.玩起来带劲,游戏内容是从容易到难度递增的,想要打通关可是很难的。玩法介绍:1.古今识字:追根溯源,猜猜游戏中的古象形文字在现代是什么字。2.线索猜字:根据游戏中提供的5条线索,猜出线索说的是哪个字。3.字谜大师:根据谜面猜出谜底是哪个字,有点小难度,不过,这哪能难倒您呢?4.诗词填字:补全诗句中空出来的是什么字,都是经典诗词喔~5.火眼金睛:遮挡掉字的一部分,你还能猜出这是什么字吗?6.就爱找茬:找茬其实就是找出错别字啦,告别错别字全靠它了。7.别说你认识:经常见到的字,你也不一定认识它哦!选出它的读音吧。8.翰林考场:根据释义或文化常识等线索,选出对应的一个字。9.成语填字:在空格中填上正确的字,使横向和纵向都能构成成语10.成语接龙:用上一个成语最后一个字,作为下一个成语的第一个字接出的成语长龙。玩法规则/提示:1.情景闯关太容易了? 嘿嘿,某关后,候选答案会增加到3行滴。2:情景闯关1到20关是向导模式,只有5种基本玩法。,3:告诉您一个小秘密,在情景闯关中重新玩关卡可以获得威望喔~4:古今识字和火眼金睛都有4000关呐,这下您可以玩个痛快了。5:小提示:游戏内容是从容易到难度递增的,想要打通关可是很难的。6:不要小看了喔,游戏难度是逐渐递增的。7:情景闯关一共27个故事场景,一共810关。8:通过一个关卡,可得到10个金币,答错1次,本关就少拿2个金币啦,注意,这可是递增的,还是想想再选答案吧,错的太多会赔钱的。9:重玩一个关卡,可得到10威望,答错1次,本关只能少拿2威望了10:关卡星值获得规则:完全答对3星,错1-4次,得2星,错5次以上,得1星。11:每次使用提示可以得到威望。12:每关第1次使用提示花费30金币,之后每次使用花费50金币。13:玩家级别一共有8个等级,只要经常玩,大儒级别迟早是您的盘中餐。14:金币不够用了怎么办? 威望可以自动兑换成金币的啦, 兑换比率是100:1呢。15:金币不够用了,要花钱? 不用啦, 可以免费获取金币滴。,16:哈哈,发现了没有,玩挑战汉字有额外的金币奖励呢,当然还得您答的足够快!17:连续答错可是很不爽的,不但少拿金币,还很容易倒贴金币。18:挑战汉字中每个玩法通关后,都可以重新玩的,可是有几个人真能打通关呢?19:实在答不出来,可以点题板中的下一关按钮,跳过本关卡。
0到100猜數字 1.0.22
Boredom waiting time
鬼話連篇之禁忌猜謎 1.0.2
七月一到,鬼門一開,所有駭人驚悚的禁忌全湧出來!周圍處處充滿著看不見的阿飄,您能保佑自己不被糾纏嗎?本遊戲提供上百題阿飄禁忌問答,遊戲中還有可愛的小倩,教您如何驅邪避凶、逢凶化吉,避免招惹阿飄纏身,讓您晉升為一流的阿飄知識王哦!July to ghost dooropened,all taboos terrifying thriller full gushed!Around everywhere filled with invisible A floating, you canblessthemselves from being entangled it?The game offers hundreds of floating taboo topic A quizgamethere are lovely Xiaoqian, teach you how to drive away evil,goodluck, avoid provoke A floating-ridden, so you promoted to classAfloating knowledge king Oh!
輕鬆猜數字 1.0.20
"Easy Guess" game to help you pass the boring time and exerciseyourlogic skills Oh!
Guess The Shadow Quiz
★★★ Quiz hundreds of icons from thestunningshadow cartoons – Guess The Shadow Quiz! ★★★Shadow Quiz - Guess The Shadows! Can you recognize the icon fromanimaginative, handcrafted shadow cartoon? There are hundredsofshadow cartoon for you to quiz! It's free!A man and a girl ride on a deer in an ice and snow world, what'sthemovie? -- It's Frozen!There are so many lego toys there, what's the movie? -- It'sTheLego Movie!An old man and his grandson met a giant and broke robot intheseaside, what's this movie? -- It's Pacific Rim!What's the character which is a little and yellow creature in abluejean with little hair? -- It's Minion in Despicable Me!...As the creator of logo quiz, icomania, 4 pics 1 word, now wearepresenting you the new puzzle adventure - Guess The Shadow -LogoQuiz!There are much more shadow icons for you to quiz! The iconsincludesTV & Movies, Characters, Famous People, Country,Cities, andBrands. Download the top trending game on the marketfor free andbegin the icon mania right now!Playing 'Guess The Shadow - Shadow Quiz' is pretty simple: youseean icon and you're shown a series of 14 or 16 scrambledletters,out of which you have to make a word that you associatewith theicon.We now present you the new puzzle adventure - Guess The ShadowQuiz!Download the top trending game on the market for free andbegin theShadow Quiz journey right now!Update:1.2.0 - Add new levels in this Shadow Mania Game!1.1.0 - Add new levels in this Shadow Mania Game!
疯狂猜图 7.3
4 Pics 1 Song
4 PICS 1 SONG gives you the pictures, youguessthe song! Guess songs from your favorite artists like KatyPerry,Britney Spears, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, and more!From Game Circus, the creators of popular android game Coin Dozer,4PICS 1 SONG will keep you coming back for more musictrivia!With four pictures to give you hints, solve the puzzle byfiguringout the song title! From Katy's "Roar" to Britney's "Toxic"4 PICS1 SONG has all of your favorite music!4 PICS 1 SONG combines the fun everyone loves from games like 4Pics1 Word and SongPop to bring you a new challenge!Packed with popular music from a wide variety of artists,genres,and decades, 4 PICS 1 SONG tests your musicalknowledge!The more song puzzles you complete, the more coins you get! Ifyouget stuck trying to name the song, use powerups to give youmorehints!Can you name all the songs??Fun, Simple, Addictive - 4 PICS 1 SONG takes picture andsongquizzes to a whole new level!Look for updates that include tons of new songs andnewfeatures!Be sure to check out other Game Circus games such as PaplinkoandPrize Claw 2!
도기셰프 for Kakao 1.4.4
YongTrim Inc.
도기셰프에 어서오세요~경영게임 매니아도 퍼즐게임 매니아도 어서오세요~퍼즐과 경영 게임을 동시에 즐길수 있는 게임이 출시!!도기셰프와 함께 가게를 오픈해봐요~[스토리]엄마를 여읜 불쌍한 도기셰프. 그런데 딸린 동생이 13마리나!동생들이 배가 고프다며 울어요 ToT 점장님, 우리 어떡하죠?!가게 운영을 잘 해야 도기가 돈을 벌 수 있어요.[게임방법]퍼즐을 맞추어서 손님에게 음식을 판매해보세요.여러가지 음식과 아이템으로 손님들의 마음을 들었다 놨다~목표 매출을 달성하면 스테이지 통과~ 더 높은 점수로 통과하면 크레이지 모드 오픈이 가까워져요.분식점,햄버거,커피숍 등등 질리지 않고 메뉴도 다양 레시피는 더 다양해요~[여러가지 모드]다양한 퀘스트로 매 스테이지 다른 즐거움이 기다리는 스테이지모드, 무한경쟁하는 크레이지모드로골라하는재미가있쟈냐~추후 전체유저랭킹도 업데이트 될거예요![친구와 함께 가게 경영]친구들과 매출 경쟁도 하고 서로 돕기도 해요.친구들과 특별 고객인 개(犬)스트를 주고 받아 스테이지 달성을 도와요![다양한 깨알재미]직원을 고용해서 더 쉽고 빠르게 게임을 즐겨봐요.사이드메뉴를 팔아서 매출을 더 올려보아요~커스튬을 착용해 여러가지 효과를 누려보아요~업적을 통해 성취감 업업! 보상도 업업![공략]개발자 연락처 :경기도 부천시 원미구 소향로37번길 13-20 602(상동, 로데오타운)070-7789-8952Welcome toDoggyChef~Also mania management game puzzle game enthusiastsevenWELCOME~This puzzle game to enjoy and at the same timemanagementgamereleased!Try to open a shop with pottery Chef ~[Story]The poor mother bereft Doggy Chef. Well over 13Marinabrother!I have doubled my brother said gopeuda wool ToTjeomjangnim,Whatshould we ?!You can be a good pottery shop operating money.[How to play]Try the puzzle conformity sell food to the guests.Various food items nwatda heard of guests in mind -When you achieve the sales goal by passing to the stage passed-thehigher the score Crazy mode is open cIoser.Bunsikjeom, hamburgers, various recipes also include acoffeeshopwithout getting tired so I'm more diverse menu -- Various modes;Other pleasures are awaiting every stage Stage mode in avarietyofquests, there is fun to pick out a crazy modeforunlimitedcompetition jyanya ~It's also going to be updated later full user rankings![Shop with a friend Management]I'm also friends with each other and also tohelpsalescompetition.Take the dog to give friends and special customers (犬) hostJohntohelp achieve the stage![Fisheye variety of fun;Look to hire employees more quickly and easily enjoy thegame.Spy raise more revenue by selling side menu -Costume to wear spy enjoyed a variety of effects -Eopeop fulfillment through accomplishments! Compensationeopeop![Strategy]
1A2B_numberguessing 1.0.25
"1A2B_numberguessing" games come out!
疯狂的方言 10.0
腦筋急轉彎猜成語 1.5
盡收最好玩,最啟發大腦又有趣的腦筋急轉彎猜成語,讓你獨處時獨樂、與朋友聚會交流及旅行坐車中、或是困擾時解愁等,都是最好的遊戲,來吧,朋友,一齊瘋狂吧Collect all of themostfun, most inspiring and fun brain teasers brain guess idioms,letalone when you are alone music, communicate with friends andtravelin the car, or when troubled drowned their sorrows, are thebest ofthe game, come on , friends, together crazy, right
Famous Singer Quiz Music Game 1.0
Ladies and gentlemen, music fans andaddicts,singers and artists, fans of pop, hip hop, rap, rock, andoldschoolmusic! Are you ready to play Famous Singer Quiz MusicGame, a gameonly for addicts and musicaholics? YES WE ARE! FamousSinger QuizMusic Game is an app that lets you guess the name of asinger fromhis song name! A lot of songs to guess, and a lot ofmusic todiscover.- We made Famous Singer Quiz Music Game just for you musicfan!To let you guess the names of your favourite singers, and enjoyourmusic game.- Many levels of music singer guessing are available inourquiz!- Different styles of music are featured in Music Singer Quiz!Famous Singer Quiz Music Game Features:- Pop music- Rock music- R'n'b music- Rap music- Classical music- Love songs- Old music- Unlimited quiz- Female and male singers- 2000's Pop Hits,- 2000's Rock List,- 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s Hits,- Fancy graphics- Easy use- Free app--------------------------Enjoy playing our 100% free Famous Singer Quiz Music Gameandearn coins by guessing the names of singers from their songs.Areyou ready to break the record and finish our quiz? Are youachallenger? Are you a god of music songs? Can you remember allthenames of singers and songs? Looks like you can! Well, you're intheright place!You can also share the fun and invite friends to playMusicSinger Quiz and make it more social with your friends, justlikethe way you share music and songs with them!Reviews by friends:- I played music singer quiz and guessed 10 names, it'sreallyfun!- You all should play music singer quiz because it's differentthanother quizes and more fun!Don't forget to share Famous Singer Quiz Music Game with usyourreview you too!Enjoy,Music Singer Quiz Team.
Candy Crush Jelly Saga 3.20.0
A fun jellylicous match 3 game, solve the puzzles & defeattheJelly Queen!
Guess That Capital 1.0.3
Welcome to Guess That Capital! In this gameyouwill be able to discover the amazing capitals of the world andyoucan name the capitals of the hidden countries. You will be abletoreveal lots of capitals that you did not even knew existed. Fromthesmall city of Vatican to the huge Empire of Russia, fromtheenormous island of Australia to the tiny country ofSanMarino.In order to uncover all the hidden capitals you need to removethestickers and then guess the correct answer from a set of 4possibleanswers. Also if you have a hard time guessing the correctcapitalyou can activate a hint that can guide you to the correctanswer.This game is for both boys or girls. It's an excellent gameto playin order to expand your knowledge about the capitals oftheworld.Also this game has a higher difficulty rate than the others!Be the first to know when the next application is launchedbyaccessing our facebook page: Images are properties of their respective owners. Anycontentwill be removed if asked by legal owners.
Bat Chu - Duoi Nhac Bat Chu 2.9
OU Games VN
ĐUỔI NHẠC BẮT CHỮ - ĐUỔI NHẠC BẮT BÀI HÁTTHÔNG BÁO:- Mình xin thông báo đáp án bài nhạc số 4 là "PROUD OF YOU"nhacác bạn.- Nơi giao lưu hỏi đáp cho cácbạn: LƯU Ý: Game yêu cầu kết nối Internet để tải bài hát.- Ứng dụng "Đuổi Nhạc Bắt Chữ" được phát triển từ trò chơi"ĐuổiHình Bắt Chữ" đang gây sốt cộng đồng mạng hiện nay, với cáchchơihoàn toàn tương tự. nhưng thay vì chúng ta phải suy nghĩ vềcáchình vẽ để tìm nên đáp án.Trong ứng dụng này bạn chỉ cần trang bị cho mình một kho tàngkiếnthức âm nhạc thì các bạn có thể thử sức mình cùng vớichúngtôi.- Các Bạn sẽ được nghe những đoạn nhạc từ 15 - 30 giây cùng cáctừngữ & hình ảnh gợi ý. Chọn Ô chữ thích hợp điền vào ô trốngđểtìm ra tên bài hát.- Gồm nhiều thể loại nhạc như: Nhạc Tiền Chiến, Nhạc Cách Mạng,NhạcTrẻ, Trữ Tình, Nước Ngoài, Nhạc Không Lời,....- Game hoàn toàn miễn phí.- Hãy giảm bớt căng thẳng & mệt mỏi sau những giờ làm việccăngthẳng bằng cách hòa mình vào các tình khúc lãng mạn, êm đềm&không kém phần sôi động.- Còn chờ gì nữa hãy bắt đầu thử thách ngay bây giờ.==== CHỨC NĂNG BONUS =====- Chia sẻ game nhận 50 Ruby/ngày.- Đánh giá ứng dụng nhận 100 Ruby.SUSPENSION GETTINGLETTERSMUSIC - MUSIC STARTS SUSPENSION SONGSNOTIFICATION:- I would like to announce the answer is No. 4 tracks "PROUDOFYOU" decent of you.- Delivery to your inquirynote: NOTE: Game requires Internet connection to downloadthesong.- Applications "Chasing Musical Getting word" was developedfromthe game "Chasing Pictures Getting word" fever online communityisnow, with a completely similar play. but instead we mustthinkabout the drawings to look up the answers.In this application you only need to equip yourself with a wealthofknowledge of music, then you can challenge yourself withus.- The You will hear the music segment from 15-30 seconds withthewords & pictures suggest. Select appropriate Crossword fillinthe blanks to find the name of the song.- Includes multiple genres like: Music Pre-War, RevolutionMusic,Musical Youth, Erotic, Foreign, Music No word, ....- The game is completely free.- Reduce stress & fatigue after hours of work stress bylovesongs immersed in the romantic, peaceful & nolessexciting.- What are you waiting to start the challenge right now.===== ==== FUNCTIONS BONUS- Share game get 50 Ruby / day.- Evaluation of applications received 100 Ruby.