Top 24 Apps Similar to Misteri Hari Kiamat

Primbon Paling Lengkap 2.1
zaman dahulu masyarakatindonesiasangatmenggantungkan hidupnya pada alam untukbertahanhidup.merekapunterdorong dan mendalami,mencermati danmempelajarigejala-gejalaalam agar mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baikdanterhindar darikegagalan.Ingatan-ingatan itu kemudian di catat ketika orangjawamulaimengenal tulisan.dahulu tulisan-tulisan tersebutdicatanmenggunkan daun tal(siwalan).nah ,karena tulisandauntaltersebut,maka sering di sebut tulisan ron tal(dalambahasajawa,ron berarti daun) atau sering dipelesetkanmenjadilontar.Lama-kelamaan,catatan-catatan tersebut di tulis puladiataskertas tradisional dari kulit kayu( dluwang gedong)kertascinaatau kertas eropa.Catatan-catatan fenomena alam yang polanya telahdiujiberulang-ulang secara empiris tersebut,sebagian mulaiditatamenjadi sistem penanggalan,sistem musim, dansisirasibintang.sebagian lagi di pakemkan menjadicatatantanda-tandaalam,seperti letak tahilalat,kedutan,mimpi,dlsb.Selain utu pengetahuan obat-obatan dari alampunmulaidicatatkan.begitu juga dengan ilmu kesaktian serta dongandanceritakarangan kuno.Pada ahirnya karangan-karangan tersebut di kumpulkanmenjadisatubuku induk tempat menyimpan pengetahuan penting yangdisebutdenganprimbon.primbon berasal dari kata bahasa jawa bon(mbon ataumpon)yang berarti induk,lalu kata tersebut mendapat awalanpriatau periyang berfungsi meluaskan kata dasar.buku primbon dapat di artikan sebagai indukdarikumpilan-kumpulancatatan pemikiran orang jawa.catatan-catatanyangmemuat pengetahuanpenting itu lalu di kumpulkan mejadi sebuahbukuprimbon yang menjadisumber rujukan orang-orang jawa sejakzamandahulu.untuk panduanmenjalani kehidupan sehari-hari
Salwar Kameez Design Ideas 1.0
What is a Salwar Kameez?Salwar Kameez is a traditional dress used by variouspeopleofSouth–Central Asia. It is a very popular outfit amongIndianwomenand it is also the national dress for both men andwomenofPakistan and Afghanistan.Salwar Kameez is a combination of three pieces-Salwar,KameezandDupatta. A salwar resembles a loose pyjama and it isdrawntightlyat the waist and it tapers at the ankles whereas akameezforms theupper part of the dress and it is worn above thesalwarand it is ofknee-length. Some women even use a long scrafwithsalwar kameez andthis scarf is called a Dupatta. A dupattaisgenerally used aroundthe neck or the head. Some women usedupattaas a stylish accessoryand some women use it to cover theirhead inthe presence of eldersor while visiting temples.The exact origin of the salwar kameez is not known butitisbelieved that it was introduced by the Muslim rulers anditwasbrought into India by the Central Asian invaders.Eventually,itbecame popular and is now used by a number of women,especiallybythe Indian women.The salwar kameez has transformed with the time and thelookhaschanged from traditional to more contemporary. Anumberofvariations have been introduced and these includevariations inthefabric used, the kind of work done and the cuts aswell. Eventhelength of the kameez can vary as it can be of shortlength,kneelength and it can even flow down to the ankle. Thedesign workcanalso vary and so, you can find salwar kameez withheavyembroiderywork on it which makes it suitable for formalevents. Thesalwarkameez is famous among Indian women as it is averycomfortableoutfit which can also be used in differentweatherconditions. Itis also a very graceful outfit which can beused atformal events,work place, dinner or even parties.Salwar kammez is also considered as an alternative to sariasitis easier to run and walk while wearing a salwarkameezwhencompared to a sari. So, a salwar kameez is acomfortable,gracefuloutfit can be worn by anyone on anyoccasion.
Misteri Nabi Khidir As 1.0
Al-Khadir (Arab:الخضر, Khadr,Khader)adalahnama yang diberikan kepada seorang nabi misteriusdalamSurahAl-Kahfi ayat 65-82. Selain kisah tentang NabiKhadiryangmengajarkan tentang ilmu dan kebijaksanaan kepada NabiMusa,asalusul dan kisah lainnya tentang Nabi Khadir tidakbanyakdisebutkan.Dalam bukunya yang berjudul “Mystical Dimensions ofIslam”,olehpenulis Annemarie Schimmel, Khadir dianggap sebagaisalah satunabidari empat nabi dalam kisah Islam dikenal sebagai‘Sosok yangtetapHidup’ atau ‘Abadi’. Tiga lainnya adalah Idris,Ilyas, danIsa.[1]Khadir abadi karena ia dianggap telah meminumairkehidupan,dikatakan bahwa Khadir telah berusia lebih dari enamributahun.[2]Ada beberapa pendapat yang menyatakan bahwa Khadiradalahmasihsama dengan seseorang yang bernama Elia.[3]Iajugadiidentifikasikan sebagai St. George.[4] Di antarapendapatawalpara cendikiawan Barat, Rodwell menyatakan bahwa“KarakterKhadirdibentuk dari Yitro.”[5]Dalam kisah literatur Islam, satu orangbisabermacam-macamsebutan nama dan julukan yang telah disandangolehKhadir. Beberapaorang mengatakan Khadir adalah gelarnya;yanglainnya menganggapnyasebagai nama julukan.[6] Khadirtelahdisamakan dengan St. George,dikenal sebagai “Elia versiMuslim” danjuga dihubungkan denganPengembara abadi.[7] Paracendikiawan telahmenganggapnya danmengkarakterkan sosoknya sebagaiorang suci, nabi,pembimbing nabiyang misterius dan lain lain.
Biografi 4 Imam Mazhab 1.0
Mazhab (bahasa Arab: مذهب,madzhab)adalahistilah dari bahasa Arab, yang berarti jalan yangdilaluidandilewati, sesuatu yang menjadi tujuan seseorang baikkonkritmaupunabstrak. Sesuatu dikatakan mazhab bagi seseorang jikacaraataujalan tersebut menjadi ciri khasnya. Menurut para ulamadanahliagama Islam, yang dinamakan mazhab adalah metode(manhaj)yangdibentuk setelah melalui pemikiran dan penelitian,kemudianorangyang menjalaninya menjadikannya sebagai pedomanyangjelasbatasan-batasannya, bagian-bagiannya, dibangundiatasprinsip-prinsip dan kaidah-kaidah
Wedding Rings Ideas 1.0
Today I found out the historyandsymbolismbehind the tradition of wearing a wedding ring and why,inmostwestern cultures, it’s worn on the fourth finger of thelefthand,otherwise known as the ring finger.Wedding rings today are a billion dollar sentiment of love,butnoone can really say for sure when this age oldtraditionactuallystarted. Some believe that the oldest recordedexchange ofweddingrings comes from ancient Egypt, about 4800 yearsago.Sedges,rushes and reeds, growing alongside the well-knownpapyrusweretwisted and braided into rings for fingers anotherdecorativeornaments worn by the women in those days.The circle was the symbol of eternity, with no beginningorend,not only to the Egyptians, but many other ancientcultures.Thehole in the center of the ring also had significance.Itwasn’tjust considered a space, but rather a gateway, ordoor;leading tothings and events both known and unknown. To give awomana ringsignifies never-ending and immortal love.The materials these rings were made of didn’t last verylongandsoon were substituted with rings made of leather, boneorivory.The more expensive the material, the more love showntothereceiver; the value of the ring also demonstrated the wealthofthegiver.
Fences Modern Design Ideas 1.0
10 Things to Know Before You Build a FenceKnow What You WantBefore you install a fence, ask yourself what your reasonisforinstalling it. If it's strictly utilitarian -- keeping thedoginthe yard -- you can probably get by with a basicchain-linkfence.If you're looking to block noise or add privacy,you willwantsomething tall and solid. Chances are your wishes arecomplex:Youwant to protect pets, but you also want to add adecorativeelementto your home's exterior. Whatever its purpose, afence canfunctionin many ways, but the first step is deciding whatyou'relookingfor to choose one that works for you.Choose Your MaterialsA white picket fence is quintessential, but before youbuywoodposts and whitewash, think about the commitment you'remaking.Woodfences may require occasional staining or sealing andcan warpandrot over time. Consider a low-maintenance material, suchasvinyl,that offers the look of wood without the elbowgrease.Othermaterial options include aluminum, steel, wroughtiron,andbamboo.Mix It UpIf cost is an issue, mix different types of fences.Woodpicketfencing could be placed at the front of the home,forexample,connecting to chain link fencing in the back. No onlywillthiscombination fence potentially save installation costs, butitalsowill reduce the amount of fence thatmightrequirerepainting.Do Your ResearchInquire with homeowners or neighborhood associationsandmunicipalbuilding code officials regarding covenants thatdictatefencinglook, height, and material. City and neighborhoodrules mayspecifythe better-looking side of a fence (the side thatdoesn'tshow postsand rails) be placed toward the public face oftheproperty. Ask howfar a fence has to be set back from sidewalksandproperty lines, andfind out if your fence project will requireabuilding permit.Think GreenLandscaping can be used to protect your home fromweatherandviews and to mark property lines. Remember, localbuildingcodesand neighborhood fence rules may cover suchlivingwalls.Additionally, you'll need to ensure that plantedmaterialsdon'tovergrow such restrictions in the future.Hire ProfessionalsFence installation is harder than it looks, but theAmericanFenceAssociation makes it easy to find a localfencecontractor.Visit If you decide to hire apro,askto see examples of fences they have installed. Thismayevengenerate ideas for your own fence.Be a Good NeighborBe open and up front with neighbors about your fencingplans,andtry not to block their views unnecessarily. A party fencecanbebuilt and shared by two or more neighbors, butsuchagreementsshould be made in writing and only after thepropertyboundarieshave been professionally determined.Consider ClimateIn cold northern climates that experience frost,concreteanchorsare necessary for fence posts. Post should besecured 36inches deepto avoid cracking in a cold snap. For warmer,damperclimates, vinylis your best material choice, as woodissusceptible to waterdamage.Create EntrancesFor safety and convenience, plan at least two paths intoafencedarea. Ensure that one of these is large enough toaccommodatebulkyoutdoor equipment such as a lawn mower, largegarbage cans, andthelike. Stepping stones and pergolas can helpindicate thelocationsof gates, as can finials or otherdecorativeelements.Dress It UpOnce your fence is in place, customize it with decorativepostsorfinials. Depending on your home's style, you may want topaintthefence a contemporary color. Consider planting a row offlowersinfront of it for a truly welcoming facade.
Modern Kebaya For Wedding 1.0
There is much speculation as to wherethekebayacould have originated from. There are some who say thatthekebayaoriginated in the Middle East, while others argue thatitmay havecome from nearby China. Derived from the Arabic wordkabameaning“clothing” and introduced to Indonesia via thePortugueselanguage,the term kebaya has come to refer to a garmentwhoseorigins appearto be a blouse. It was first worn in Indonesiaatsome time duringthe 15th and 16th centuries. This garmentissimilar to what isdescribed as a “long, fitted, flaredkebayaknown as kebaya panjang6,worn in the 16th century byPortuguesewomen arriving on thesouth-western coast of Malaysia,situatedacross the Malacca Straitsfrom Sumatra, in northwesternIndonesia.Many sources also cite Chinese influences on clothing ofthetime,one source comparing the kebaya to anopen-frontedlong-sleeved tunicworn by women of the Ming Dynasty.Theintroduction of this kind ofdress were accredited to twomajoroccurrences of this time; theemerging influence of Islam andthearrival of the Europeans to thearchipelago. Whether it wasArabiaor China that brought us thewonderful kebaya, there is nodenyinghow quick the use of thisgarment was made uniquelyIndonesian andspread from one island andethnic group to anotherwhich its ownregional variations. This quickdiffusion of the useof the kebayawas also linked to the spice tradethat was happeningduring thistime in history.
3D Graffiti Design 1.0
Graffiti (plural of graffito: "agraffito",but"these graffiti") are writing or drawings that havebeenscribbled,scratched, or painted illicitly on a wall orothersurface, oftenwithin public view.[1] Graffiti range fromsimplewritten words toelaborate wall paintings, and they haveexistedsince ancient times,with examples dating back to AncientEgypt,Ancient Greece, and theRoman Empire.[2]In modern times, paint (particularly spray paint) andmarkerpenshave become the most commonly used graffiti materials.Inmostcountries, marking or painting property withoutthepropertyowner's permission is considered defacement andvandalism,which isa punishable crime.Graffiti may also express underlying social andpoliticalmessagesand a whole genre of artistic expression is baseduponspray paintgraffiti styles. Within hip hop culture, graffitohasevolvedalongside Turntablism , b-boying, and MCing.[3]Unrelatedto hip-hopgraffiti, gangs use their own form of graffitito markterritory orto serve as an indicator ofgang-relatedactivities.[citationneeded]Controversies that surround graffiti continuetocreatedisagreement amongst city officials, law enforcement,andwriterswho wish to display and appreciate work in publiclocations.Thereare many different types and styles of graffiti; itis arapidlydeveloping art form whose value is highly contestedandreviled bymany authorities while also subject toprotection,sometimes withinthe same jurisdiction.
Door Design Ideas 1.0
Doors" redirects here. For the band,seeTheDoors. For other uses, see Door (disambiguation).Door in GeorgiaA door is a moving structure used to block off, andallowaccessto, an entrance to or within an enclosed space, such asabuildingor vehicle. Doors normally consist of a panel thatswingson hingeson the edge, but there are also doors that slide orspininside ofa space. Similar exterior structures to doors arecalledgates.Typically, doors have an interior side that faces the insideofaspace and an exterior side that faces the outside of thatspace.Inmany cases the interior side of a door mostly matchesitsexteriorside, but in some other cases there are sharpcontrastsbetween thetwo sides, such as in the case of the vehicledoor.When open, doors admit people, animals, ventilation orlight.Thedoor is used to control the physical atmosphere within aspacebyenclosing the air drafts, so that interiors may bemoreeffectivelyheated or cooled. Doors are significant inpreventingthe spread offire. They also act as a barrier to noise.Many doorsare equippedwith locking mechanisms to allow entrance tocertainpeople and keepout others. As a form of courtesy andcivility,people often knockbefore opening a door and entering aroom.Doors are used to screen areas of a buildingforaesthetics,keeping formal and utility areas separate. Doorsalsohave anaesthetic role in creating an impression of whatliesbeyond. Doorsare often symbolically endowed with ritualpurposes,and theguarding or receiving of the keys to a door, orbeinggrantedaccess to a door can have specialsignificance.[1]Similarly, doorsand doorways frequently appear inmetaphorical orallegoricalsituations, literature and the arts,often as a portentofchange.
Ceiling Design Ideas 1.0
It is often that people decide todesignordecorate a room in their house and somehow they forgetabouttheceiling. The fact is that the ceiling designs with moldingisanintegral part of the home interior and a decorationelementthatshould not be overlooked.We have collected 50 examples of coffered ceilings to showyouhowa decorative ceiling completely transforms the room and canaddastyle, elegance and a whole different twist. Such ceilingscanbeconstructed to fit to different design styles – modern,classicortraditional.
swimming pools Design Ideas 1.0
Great family fun. A swimming pool has awayofencouraging families to get together. A pool isavailablevirtuallyany time of the day as long as the weather iscooperating.Thatmeans there’s plenty of time for family members toswim,exercise,soak up the sun or just goof off.Parties and events. Birthday parties and other eventsworkwellaround swimming pools. The pool gives people something todoandthe outside venue means there is no mess or spillsinsidethehouse. A swimming pool is just as attractive for aneventinvolvingyoung kids as it is for adults having aprivateget-together.A reason to go outside. For the family members who tendtostayinside the house, getting little fresh air, sunshineorexercise, aswimming pool is a wonderful attraction. Only afewsteps outsidein the backyard, time spent in a swimming poolisn’ttoo far fromthe sofa, but it still can encourage familymembers toget up andenjoy the outdoors.A more elegant home. Pools can help homeowners make astatement.Withso many options for both pool design andlandscaping, thebackyardcan add a special touch to the overalldécor of thehome.A more valuable home. In-ground pools also add to the value ofahomeand can make it easier to sell a home. Real estate agentssaypoolsincrease the market for a home and allow a seller to askfor5 to 10percent more for the house.Put away the lawnmower. Unless the backyard is reallysubstantial,apool – particularly in tandem with a pool house – willtake upmostof the room in a backyard, between the pool itself andthepool deckand landscaping. That allows for a tradeoff – thepoolserviceinstead of the gardener.Teach your kids to swim at an early age. One of themostdifficultparts of teaching your kids to swim is getting toaqualifiedinstructor with access to a pool. You can bring inaninstructor toteach your kids to swim at an early age so theycanspend more timeenjoying the pool.Encourage the sport of swimming. If someone in yourfamilyisconsidering the sport of swimming, having a pool inthebackyardcan be a tremendous advantage. Even if the swimmer goestoanotherpool for lessons and practice, there’s always time – andaplace –to put in more work on stroke and technique.Have a healthier family. Exercise experts all agree thatswimmingisa great exercise for people of all ages. The pool putslesspressureon the joints, making light swimming a form ofexercisefor manypeople who are older or dealing with limitationsbecauseofinjuries.Don’t avoid the summer heat. Instead of hiding insidewhenthetemperatures near 100 degrees, a swimming pool is a greatwaytoencourage normal outdoor activities. Of course, you wanttoremainhydrated and take in easy in extreme heat, butknowingthere’s apool to dive in when you’re through weeding orexercisingorgardening is a huge plus.
Hair Style Korea Woman 2.1
Hair Model Korean women who Longer Trend1. shoulder-length hair and bangs will make you look morecuteandyoung2. Short hair wavy for you who want to look more mature3. Want to look more feminine and elegant Long wavy hairisreallysuitable for you4. Straight hair without bangs really suitable for youwholikethe simple appearance5. Korean bun, guaranteed to make you look more sexy6. Hair ombre make will make you look contemporary really
333 Puisi Cinta Kahlil Gilbran 1.0
Bicara Wanita: Bila dua orangwanitaberbicara,mereka tidak mengatakan apa-apa, tetapi jikaseorangsaja yangberbicara, dia akan membuka semua tabirkehidupannya.“Kasih sayang dan kekerasan selalu berperang di hatimanusiasepertimalapetaka yang berperang di langit malam yang pekatini.Tetapikasih sayang selalu dapat mengalahkan kekerasan. Karenaiaadalahanugerah Tuhan. Dan ketakutan-ketakutan malam iniakanberlaludengan datangnya siang”“Saya akan memberitahukan kepada anda sesuatu yang tidakbisaandaketahui, makhluk seksual tertinggi di planet iniadalahparapecinta, penyair, pematung, pelukis, pemusik, yangdemikian iniadasejak dulu. Dan bagi mereka seks selalu indahdansenantiasamalu”“Kita hanyalah makhluk hidup, partikel-partikel debuyangbeterbanganberputar-putar di dalam kehampaan abadi dantakterhingga. Diri kitahanya untuk menyerah dan patuh. Jikakitamencintai, cinta kita jugatidak berasal dari kita, jugabukankepunyaan kita. Sekiranya kitabahagia, kebahagiaan kitatidaklahdalam diri kita, tapi dalamkehidupan itu sendiri”“Di kesunyian ini, kita bisa mengutarakan kerinduankita,sampaikerinduan itu membawa kita lebih dekat kepada hatiTuhan. Disinikita bisa mencinta umat manusia sampai umatmanusiamembukakanhatinya kepada kita”
600 Cerpen Cinta Terbaru 1.0
Pastikan aplikasi cerpen cinta initetapadadidalam smartphone kamu untuk mendapatkan updatevolumecerpencerpen romantis, seru dan penuh haru lainnyaSejarah CerpencerpenAsal cerita pendek adalah dari anekdot yaitusebuahsituasiyang menggambarkan secara singkat yang berjalandengantiba-tibapada tujuannya, dengan unsur-unsur parallel padatradisipenceritaanlisan. Atau bisa disebutkan bahwa cerita pendekbermuladari suatutradisi penceritaan lisan yang menciptakansebuahkisah-kisahterkenal seperti cerita Odyssey karya Homer,dimana didalampenceritaan tersebut disampaikan dalam bentukpuisi-puisiyangberirama.Adapun irama-irama tersebut mempunyai fungsi sebagaimediauntukmenolong orang agar bisa mengingat lebih jelasjalanceritanya. Danbagian-bagian singat dari kisah-kisah tersebutiniakan dipusatkanpada naratif-naratif individu yang setidaknyadapatdisampaikanpada satu kesempatan yang sangat pendek. Dankeseluruhankisahnyabaru akan terlihat apabila keseluruhanpenceritaan tersebutsetelahdisampaikan. Berbeda dengan novel, bahwacerita pendek,bahasanyatidak bertele-tele dan fokus pada tema.
101 Resep Jamu Tradisional 2.1
Obat tradisional adalah obat-obatan yangdiolahsecara tradisional, turun-temurun, berdasarkan resep nenekmoyang,adat-istiadat, kepercayaan, atau kebiasaan setempat, baikbersifatmagic maupun pengetahuan tradisional. Menurut penelitianmasa kini,obat-obatan tradisional memang bermanfaat bagikesehatan, dan kinidigencarkan penggunaannya karena lebih mudahdijangkau masyarakat,baik harga maupun ketersediaannya. Obattradisional pada saat inibanyak digunakan karena menurut beberapapenelitian tidak terlalumenyebabkab efek samping, karena masihbisa dicerna oleh tubuh.Beberapa perusahaan mengolah obat-obatan tradisionalyangdimodifikasi lebih lanjut. Bagian dari Obat tradisional yangbisadimanfaatkan adalah akar, rimpang, batang, buah, daun danbunga.Bentuk obat tradisional yang banyak dijual dipasar dalambentukkapsul, serbuk, cair, simplisia dan tablet.Jamu adalah sebutan untuk obat tradisional dariIndonesia.Belakangan populer dengan sebutan herba atau herbal.Jamu dibuat dari bahan-bahan alami, berupa bagian daritumbuhanseperti rimpang (akar-akaran), daun-daunan, kulit batang,dan buah.Ada juga menggunakan bahan dari tubuh hewan, sepertiempedukambing, empedu ular, atau tangkur buaya. Seringkali kuningtelurayam kampung juga dipergunakan untuk tambahan campuran padajamugendong.Jamu biasanya terasa pahit sehingga perlu ditambah madusebagaipemanis agar rasanya lebih dapat ditoleransi peminumnya.Bahkan adapula jamu yang ditambah dengan anggur. Selain sebagaipengurangrasa pahit, anggur juga berfungsi untuk menghangatkantubuh.
Tutorial Hijab 2017 1.0
Manfaat Menggunakan Jilbab1. Menaati Perintah Agama2. Terhindari dari godaan untuk centil dan tidak sopan3. Laki laki akan merasa segan mengganggu/mengoda anda4. Menutupi Aurat5. Mencegah sengatan sinar matahari6. Mencegah Kanker Kulit7. Menjaga kesehatan rambut8. Mendidik untuk berperilaku baik9. Menutupi masalah rambut10. Mengurangi biaya perawatan rambut11. Menyusui ? Memberikan asi di tempat umum dengan mudah12. Membuka lapangan kerja13. Cantik dengan berjilbab
Sofa Design Ideas 1.0
Sofa components consisting of:Frame, usually made of wood, type of wood used as a framesofaamongothers: Dutch identity, tote wood, meranti, mahogany,pine,etc.During its development, the use of the iron frame sofa /steeliswidely used to gain power and the mechanical power of asofaSpring system, serves as a barrier power to press onthesofaseat. Spring system is usually made of springs, but canalsousewebbing / gum as a replacement.Stand, serves to provide comfort in a sofa. The levelofsoftnessvary holder on the tastes of each individual. The useofseat toosoft will cause covber become loose, while the holderistoo hardwill cause sofa comfort level to be reduced. The standismade offoam, sometimes used as an ingredient per crutch tosavethe use offoam.Backrest. Backrest can be made of foam, dacron, anddowncomforters.Their use depends on the model of the sofa ismade.Backrest madefrom goose feather has a high value.Upholstery. Key to the beauty of a sofa located onitsupholstery.Upholstery fabric cloth can be used, can also usetheskin (naturalor synthetic / oscar). Selection upholstery shouldbeadjusted to theuser's taste theme of the room and sofa.
DIY Home Decor Ideas 1.0
Do it yourself, also known as DIY, isthemethodof building, modifying, or repairing things withoutthedirect aid ofexperts or professionals. Academic researchdescribesDIY asbehaviors where "individuals engage raw andsemi-rawmaterials andcomponent parts to produce, transform, orreconstructmaterialpossessions, including those drawn from thenaturalenvironment (e.g.landscaping)"DIY behavior can be triggered by variousmotivationspreviouslycategorized as marketplace motivations(economicbenefits, lack ofproduct availability, lack of productquality,need forcustomization), and identityenhancement(craftsmanship,empowerment, community seeking,uniqueness).The term "do-it-yourself" has been associated withconsumerssinceat least 1912 primarily in the domain of homeimprovementandmaintenance activities.The phrase "do it yourself" had come into commonusage(instandard English) by the 1950s,in reference to the emergence of a trend ofpeopleundertakinghome improvement and various other small craftandconstructionprojects as both a creative-recreationalandcost-savingactivity.Subsequently, the term DIY has taken on a broadermeaningthatcovers a wide range of skill sets. DIY is associatedwiththeinternational alternative rock, punk rock, and indierockmusicscenes; indymedia networks, pirate radio stations, andthezinecommunity. In this context, DIY is related to the ArtsandCraftsmovement, in that it offers an alternative tomodernconsumerculture's emphasis on relying on others to satisfyneeds.Theabbreviation DIY is also widely used in the military as awaytoteach commanders or other types of units to takeresponsibility,sothat they'd be able to do things themselves justas apreparationfor their own future.
Mehndi Design 2017 1.0
Mehndi holds plenty of culturalsignificanceinIndian traditions. Be it weddings, Karva Chauth orotheroccasions,mehndi plays an critical role in all of theceremoniesas well asfestivals of India. In today’s era ofmodernization, thefreshstyles as well as designs of mehndi arecoming up, addingglamour aswell as enjoyable to it.Weddings becoming the a lot of critical day in one’slife,mehndihas turn into an ornament for the soon to be brides.Thereiscertainly, in reality, 1 entire ceremony dedicatedtoit’scelebration popularly called ‘Mehndi Ceremony’ or ‘MehndiKiRaat’.Besides this, the phrase ‘Haath Peele Karna’ astypicallyheardfrom elders of the loved ones can be a rasam ofmehndidirectlysynonymous to marriage. This significancepossiblyattributed tosymbolic meaning of mehndi i.e. fertility.Mehndi Ceremony is between the pre marrying ritualsinIndianweddings performed each day prior to the marriage. SimplyasHaldiceremony symbolizes cleanliness, mehndisignifiesbeautification.Mehndi-Ki-Raat is often a private affairalong withcloserelatives, buddies as well as loved ones members,celebratedamidstlot of dancing as well as feasting. This ritualistypicallycombined along with Sangeet ceremony as well as soisprimarily awomen’s function. The atmosphere is imbued alongwithdholak beatsas well as singing of standard songs even thoughmehndiis appliedon bride’s hands as well as legs by mehndiprofessionals.Thebride’s mehndi interweaves the name of her wouldcertainlybehusband as well as he is expected to discover his nameinsidethepattern. The female relatives of the loved ones alsoapplymehndion their palms to take component inside thecelebrations.Thisceremony is performed by families of both theIndian bride aswellas the Indian groom.Even the color of mehndi is given high significanceinIndianculture since the darkness of the color signifies thedegreeofhusband’s as well as mother-in-law’s really like. Itdepictsreallylike as well as affection between the couple as ittrulyisbelieved which the longer it retains, the far moreauspiciousittruly is. The bride is traditionally not allowed towork inherhusband’s residence until her mehndi’s color fadesawayfully.
100 Funny Cat 1.0
35 jenis kucing ras yang digemariolehkucinglovers1. Persia2. Persia himalayan3. Russian blue4. Domestik / kampung indonesia5. Turkish Anggora6. American shorthair7. Siamese8. Norwegian forest9. Maine coon10. Sphynx11. Scotish fold12. Manx13. Peter bald14. Savannah15. Bengal16. Ashera17. Toyger18. Chausie19. British shorthair20. Abyssinian21. Japanese bobtail22. Egyptian mau23. Cheetoh24. Ocicat25. California spangled26. Sailan27. Chausie28. American curl29. American ringtail30. Anatolian31. Aphrodite32. Balinese33. Cornish rex34. Devon rex35. Nebelung36. Nagamuffin
Misteri S. Abd. Qadir Jaelani 1.0
Wahai Allah…Dzat yang mengetahui Kelemahanku dari memuji-Mu,Aku memohon kehadirat-Musesempurna orang yang memujimu,engkau bukakan haqeqat-haqeqat Asmamu & Sifat-Mu,dan kenalkan melalui Kesempurnaan-Mu yang Maha lembut,Ketika itu…Engkau ilhamkan kepadanya pujian-pujian-Mu,sesuatu yang tidak engkau ilhamkan hal itu kepada-Nya,pada hari jelasNya Ke-EsaanMu,Untuk Melimpahkan Shalawat(rahmat)dan Salam atas Nabi Muhammad SAWdengan Rahmat KesejahteraanNyaYang sesuai dengan Kesempurna-anMu yang Maha Suci,Semoga Engkau ratakan kemulian Shalawat dan salamMumeliputi perwujudan yang Hissi(dapat di indara)dan perwujudan ma’nawi (tidak dapat di Indara)beserta sesuatu yang bergantung dengan Keduanya,dari Ke Alaman Mahluk dan Perintah,Sehingga Engkau tidak meninggalkanKu,Wahai Tuhanku..akan seseorangpun dari jajaran para Nabimu,para utusanMu,dan Hamba-hambaMu yang Shaleh,Melainkan telah dikenakanJubah dengan Keutamaandan Keagungan yang sebesar ini..Sayyid Syeikh Abd. Qadir Jaelani r.a
Aquarium Uniq Design 1.0
aquarium (plural: aquariums or aquaria)isavivarium of any size having at least one transparent sideinwhichwater-dwelling plants or animals are keptanddisplayed.Fishkeepers use aquaria to keep fish,invertebrates,amphibians,aquatic reptiles such as turtles, andaquatic plants.The term,coined by English naturalist Philip HenryGosse, combinesthe Latinroot aqua, meaning water, with the suffix-arium, meaning"a placefor relating to".[1] The aquarium principlewas fullydeveloped in1850 by the chemist Robert Warington, whoexplainedthat plantsadded to water in a container would give offenoughoxygen tosupport animals, so long as their numbers do notgrow toolarge.[2]The aquarium craze was launched in early VictorianEnglandbyGosse, who created and stocked the first public aquariumattheLondon Zoo in 1853, and published the first manual,TheAquarium:An Unveiling of the Wonders of the Deep Sea in 1854.[2]An aquarist owns fish or maintains anaquarium,typicallyconstructed of glass or high-strength acrylic.Cuboidaquaria arealso known as fish tanks or simply tanks,whilebowl-shaped aquariaare also known as fish bowls. Size canrangefrom a small glassbowl to immense public aquaria.Specializedequipment maintainsappropriate water quality andothercharacteristics suitable forthe aquarium's residents.
Minimalist Home Design 1.0
3 Benefits of Minimalism in Interior Design1. Reduced clutter and more peace of mind. Minimalism isallabouttrimming the fat of the often excessive modern designtrends.Afully minimalist room will naturally be clutter-free, asclutterishidden by chunky cabinets and concealed closets. Alongwithlessclutter, a minimalist room will give you a subtle peaceofmind, asyou survey complete Zen in your surroundings.2. Minimalism is money-saving. Depending on howyouincorporateminimalism into your home, you can save hundredsofdollars on thelittle accent pieces that you don’t buy. Nomorethrows, pillows,or wall art that you love and then leave afewweeks later.3. Simply space. Minimalism will free up the space inyourhome,making it look larger and more inviting. You’ll lovewalkingintoyour living room and taking a sweeping look acrossawide-openspace.
garden design ideas 1.0
The Benefits Of GardeningCustomers may wonder "Why should I start to gardenorlandscape?"The real question at hand should be, why shouldn'tyougarden?Schulte's greenhouse has the plants and resources foranycustomerto be a successful gardener and develop thatdesired"green thumb."Gardening can provide much more than addingbeautyto your yard. LetSchulte's show you the numerous benefitsofgardening.1) Gardening is good for your mind and bodyGardening is a great form of exercise. Besides obviousweightlosebenefits gardening has been proven to reduce stress,lowerbloodpressure, lower cholesterol, and decrease depression.(EvaShaw, PhD,author of Shovel It: Nature’s Health Plan) Infact,studies show thatmerely looking at a garden or plants cangeneratechanges in suchthings as blood pressure, heart activity,muscletension, and brainelectrical activity. Through colors andtexturesgardeners can invokeemotions of calm, tranquility, andhappiness.Gardening is more thana feel good pastime; it hasevolved into aform of therapy for ourbody and soul.2) Impact the environmentWe always hear about the negative impact humans haveontheenvironment, but by gardening we can truly "go green"tobenefitthe earth. Plants act as highly effective aircleaners,absorbingcarbon dioxide, plus many air pollutants, whilereleasingcleanoxygen and fragrance. Also, a dense cover of plantsand mulchholdssoil in place, reducing erosion and keeping sedimentoutofstreams, storm drains and roads.By planting new gardens, such as rain gardens, we can makeuseofthe rain water run-off and help prevent harmfulpollutantsfrommaking it in our streams and lakes. Native gardens,likeraingardens, are not only good for the environment theyarelowmaintenance, beautiful, and easy on the wallet!Besides being good for the environment gardenshaveenvironmentalgains for us. It has been proven that aneffective,environmentallandscape design can cool your home insummer andwarm it in winter.Energy efficient landscaping canactually reduceyour energy costsby up to 20%, according to thePlants for CleanAir Council.3) Increase property valueA garden/landscaping design can be considered aninvestmentforthe future. A tastefully designed yard can add"curb-appeal"toyour house and in turn increase the overall value ofoneshome.Besides adding monetary value a garden can help oneselltheirhouse faster than the average home owner.4) Growing greenA vegetable garden will ensure customers of thefreshnessandquality of what they are eating. In this day andagewherepesticides and fertilizers are overused consider thecomfortyouwill have when you know exactly what has touched yourfruitsandveggies! Plus a vegetable garden is a great waytogainresponsibility and personal satisfaction.5) Self satisfactionGardening and landscaping is truly becoming an artform.Planning,planting and watching your own garden grow can fillaperson withsatisfaction and pride. Gardening is truly alife-timehobby. Themore you learn the more proficient one gets andthepossibilitiesbecome endless.So what's stopping you from starting your own gardenandlandscapedesign? Schulte's Greenhouse will provide you withallthe necessarytools to succeed. Start reaping the manybenefitsthat a garden canadd to your life. Now is the time to findyourown reason why youshould garden!