Top 13 Apps Similar to Charles Baudelaire Aforismi

Famous Quotes 1.4.5
A collection of the most famousphrases,utteredby politicians, actors, celebrities or not, thatyou canshare withyou friends and use as ringtone.Sorted and cataloged by type, with periodic updatesAmaze your friends by entering in your chats, as directedbyaradio, quotes and audio draw their exclamationsfromourarchive.Share with those who want the catchphrases that you like.A special thanks to Martin Luther King, Robert DeNiro,JackNicholson, Steve Jobs, Arnold Schwarzenegger,SylvesterStallone,for their contribution to making thisapplication.Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For YouDarth Vader BreathDo Or Do Not There Is No TryElementary My Dear WatsonE.T. Phone HomeEver Dance With The Devil In The Pale Moon LightFear Is The Path To The Dark SideFrankly My Dear I Don'T Give A DamnFrau BrucherGentlemen, It Has Been A Privilege Playing With You TonightGo Ahead, Make My DayGood Afternoon, Good Evening, And Good NightHappy Birthday Mr. PresidentHe Didn T KnowHeeeeere'S JohnnyHelp MeHighlightsHi I'M Chucky Wanna Play?Horror MoviesHouse'S House Of Whining. State Your ComplaintI Am PainI Am The Devil And I'M Here To Do The Devil'S WorkI Am Your FatherI Ate His LiverI Can Hear You CaringI Cast You Out!I Command YouI Have A DreamI Have Come Here To Chew Bubblegum And Kick AssI'M Afraid ... My Mind Is GoingI'M Gonna Make Him An Offer He Can'T RefuseI M Sorry Dave I'M Afraid I Can'T Do ThatI'M The King Of The World!I Must Break YouI M Your Number One FanI See Dead PeopleIt Burns! It Burns!It Could Work!!It'S Alive ... It'S AliveI'Ve Seen Things ... Time To DieI'Ve Seen Things You People Wouldn'T BelieveLife Was Like A Box Of ChocolatesMoviesMy Name Is BondMy PreciousObama- Yes We CanOne Small Step For Man, One Giant Leap For MankindOur Deepest Fear Is ...PoliticiansScruffy-Looking Nerf HerderSeven DaysShe Just Goes A Little Mad SometimesShow Me The MoneySmokey, My Friend, You Are Entering A World Of PainState Of The Union Whatever You Wanna Call ItStay Hungry Stay FoolishSurely You Can'T Be Serious!TelevisionThe Boogie Man Is Real And You Found HimThe Force Will Be With You ... AlwaysThe Path Of The Righteous Man Is BesetThere Can Be Only OneThere'S No More Room In HellThey Are HereThey Are Not Men, They Are Dead Bodies – Zombies!They'Re Coming, The BirdsThey'Re Coming To Get You BarbaraThis Isn'T A Democracy AnymoreWatchoo Talkin' Bout, Willis!?We'Re Not In Kansas AnymoreWhoever Saves One Life, Saves The World EntireWith Great Power, Comes Great ResponsibilityYou Clinking Clanking Clattering Collection OfColigienousJunkYou Complete MeYou Don'T Know The Power Of The Dark SideYou Eunuch Jelly ThouYou Have Failed Me For The Last TimeYou Have Failed Me For The Last Time, AdmiralYou Pompous, Stuck-Up, Snot-Nosed ,,,You'Re Gonna Need A Bigger BoatYou Shit-Kicking, Stinky ...You Talking To Me?
Frasi Celebri 1.4
L'audio di alcune frasi celebri di film.Basta cliccare su uno dei pulsanti per ascoltare le frasi.The sound ofsomefamousphrases from the movie.Just click on one of the buttons to hear the sentences.
Motivational Quotes – Messages and Sayings 1110
We've collected the best selected popular shortphrases,sentencesand messages about life, love and positivethinking in 6differentlanguages. If you want to share thesemessages with yourfriends orfamily, you can use our latest quotesfor your status onsocialmedia. Download now and discover hundredsofhand-pickedinspirational sayings. You can; • Find quotesinEnglish, Spanish,German, French, Italian and Portuguese. •Enjoyour motivationalcards or create your own • Choose backgroundfromour templates •Write your message using our text editor •Generateyour ownmotivational card Famous quotations withbeautifulbackgroundimages are also perfect for sharing your messageapicture on yourstories. Use them as wallpaper on the backgroundofyour phone toremember. If you like our app, please rate andcommentto help usimprove!
GomorraLive 2.2
GomorraLive è l’applicazione che ti permettediparlare con i personaggi di Gomorra ed essere risposto da unodiloro con una frase presa direttamente dal film.Esempio:Tocca il tasto del microfono e pronuncia "canta", sarai rispostodaCiruzz o Pietro Savastano.In più c’è una raccolta delle frasi famose diviseperpersonaggio, basta toccare sulla foto di uno di loro per averneunalista e poterle ascoltare!Possibilità di condividere gli audio tramite WhatsApp!Le frasi prese dal film saranno aggiunte man mano neltempo.Controlla nelle raccolte per personaggio la presenza dinuovefrasi!...Cosa aspetti? Scarica l’app e parla con i personaggidiGomorra!!! ;)GomorraLive istheapplication that lets you talk to the people of Gomorrah andbeanswered by one of them with a sentence taken directly fromthefilm.Example:Tap the microphone button and say "sings", you will be answeredbyCiruzz or Peter Savastano.In addition there is a collection of famous quotes dividedbycharacter, just tap on the photo of one of them to have a listandto hear them!Ability to share audio via WhatsApp!Phrases taken from the movie will be added gradually overtime.Check in collections for the presence of new phrasescharacter!...What are you waiting for? Download the app and talk tothecharacters of Gomorrah !!! ;)
VociVip - Ascolta audio famosi
Listen and share the most famous phrases and fun of famous people!
Encourage and motivate spanish 15.3.10
If you are feeling down, tired orunmotivatedand you need to raise your spirit or a shot of positiveenergy,download this app for free in order to motivate you! This isthebest compilation of motivational quotes for every situationthatyou have to face in life, either at work, or in your personallife,and both your relationship with friends and yourpartner.The most positive motivational quotes, positivethinking,self-improvement, personal growth, cheer up quotes andevenmotivational advices and successful thinking.It is perfect to cheer up someone who is having a bad timeShare the app with relatives and friends, coworkers or withyourpartner. They are going to love it and it will make their day.Youcan do it via Twitter or Facebook or any program onyourphone.Some pictures were drawn especially for this application andholdall rights reserved. We have also used Internet images ofpublicdomain because they are not identified with symbols or anyotherinformation which indicates the existence ofreservedcopyrights.The natural or legal person who owns any of the pictures canconfirmsending an e-mail to the developer, we commit to removeinstantlysaid picture after having verified the property ofcopyrightedpicture.
Sergente Maggiore Hartman 1.12
The most beautiful phrases Sergeant Hartman to share withyourfriends
Pierino 2.0
Alcune delle più belle battute diAlvaroVitaliin vari film.E' possibile impostare come suoneria i brani tenendopremutopercirca 2-3 secondi.Giggi er bulloPierino Medico della SaubGianburrascaPierinoPierino torna a scuola
Movie quotes 2.0
Spartan apps
The greatest Movie Quotes in the palmofyourhand. With a wide collection of over 200+ moviescenesIt'sgaranteed for a lot of fun. Enjoy this great movieapp.Quotes from Casablanca and When Harry met Sally, butalsotheTerminator and Aliens are all under your finger tips.
Toto' Aforismi 1.2
Centinaia di aforismi e frasi celebridiTotò(Antonio De Curtis), con l'indicazione dell'opera chelecontiene.Una selezione nella produzione cinematograficateatraleeletteraria del Principe della risata, le frasi provengonodafilm,piece teatrali e dalle sue poesie.Si puo' scorrere tra i vari aforismi (precedente e successivo)conunsemplice swipe.Un doppio tap invece permette di condividere l'aforismaconleprincipali app. (sms, fb, whatsapp, etc)L'app sara' aggiornata periodicamente e gratuitamenteconnuoviaforismi.Hundreds offamousphrasesand aphorisms of Totò (Antonio De Curtis), indicatingthatthe workcontains.A selection of theater and literature in film productionofthePrince of Laughter, the phrases come from film, theaterpiecesandfrom his poems.You can 'scroll through the various aphorisms (before andafter)witha simple swipe.A double tap on the other hand allows you to share theaphorismwiththe main app. (Sms, fb, whatsapp, etc)The app will be 'free and regularly updatedwithnewaphorisms.
Made In Sud 1.0
i comici di Made in Sud inunaapplicazionesemplice, con un'interfaccia pulita per poter averelefrasi famosedei rappresentanti del celebre programmacomicotelevisivo di raitre dedicato al pubblico Partenopeo!Made in Southcomediansina simple app with a clean interface in order to get thequotesofthe representatives of the famous TV comedy program ofthreeraidedicated to the public Partenopeo!
Frasi, Citazioni e Aforismi 3.0.1
Centinaia di citazioni divertentichequalchevolta fanno anche riflettere. Inserisci il widget nellatuahome,imposta ogni quanto la tua citazione cambierà..esorridi!E' possibile condividere le tue citazioni preferite.Se volete delle implementazioni particolari oppurevorrestecifossero le citazioni di qualche autorespecifico...scrivetemisenza problemi! ;)Hundreds offunnyquotesthat sometimes they also reflect. Include the widget onyourhome,set how often your quote will change .. and smile!E 'can share your favorite quotes.If you want specific implementations or would liketherewerequotes from some specific author please email me ...noproblems!;)
Mandrake 1.0
App che contiene alcuni spezzoni difilmebarzellette di Gigi proietti.DuvalLa signora delle camelieUn estate al mareLe BarzelletteFebbre da Cavallo