Top 20 Apps Similar to iAEDtrainer

Staying Alive 6.9.9
Staying Alive AED global mapping & Citizen Respondersmanagement
AED Alert System 2.1.9
Tot nu toe werden deze vrijwilligersvoorHartveilig wonen altijd per SMS opgeroepen. Deze methode ismindernauwkeurig omdat niet bekend is of deze vrijwilligers ookecht inde buurt zijn. Tegelijkertijd kan het ook voorkomen datmensen dienormaal gesproken niet in de buurt van het slachtofferverblijven,dat op dat moment toevallig wel zijn. Hartveilig wonenheeft daaromde Bij een melding van een hartstilstand zoekt ditsysteem via denavigatie op de smartphone automatisch uit wie van devrijwilligersdicht in de buurt van het slachtoffer zijn. Debijbehorende Appzorgt voor de melding.Hartveilig wonen is georganiseerde burenhulp,waarmeevrijwilligers binnen enkele minuten met een defibrillator(AED)aanwezig zijn bij een slachtoffer; vaak veel sneller daneenambulance. Daardoor kan eerder begonnen worden met reanimerenenwordt de overlevingkans bij een acute circulatiestilstandsterkverbeterd. Nadat de meldkamer Ambulancezorg een meldingheeftgekregen van een acute circulatiestilstand, in de volksmondook welhartstilstand genoemd, worden deze vrijwilligersonmiddellijkingeschakeld.Hartveilig wonen verwacht door deze nieuwe App nog betere hulptekunnen bieden aan de slachtoffers van een hartstilstand.Daarnaastblijft het bestaande alarmeringssysteem bestaan.Indien de vrijwilliger 'beschikbaar' is kan hijwordengealarmeerd voor een reanimatie in een gebied van 0 tot 1000meterrondom de calamiteit. Het aantal vrijwilligers wat kanwordenopgeroepen rondom de calamiteit is afhankelijk vandebeschikbaarheid. Bij een oproep ontvangt de vrijwilligereenbericht met een herkenbaar geluid op de smartphone. Hetsysteembepaalt of de vrijwilliger een AED op moet gaan halen of dateropgeroepen wordt direct naar het slachtoffer te gaanvoorreanimatie. Wanneer de vrijwilliger beschikbaar is, moetdevrijwilliger de oproep met een bericht beantwoorden. Zowordtbijgehouden hoeveel vrijwilligers naar decalamiteitvertrekken.Until now,thesevolunteers were to live forever summoned by SMS. Hartford SafeThismethod is less accurate because it is not known whetherthesevolunteers really are nearby. At the same time it can alsopreventpeople who do not normally reside in the vicinity of thevictim,who happens to be at that time. Heart Safe living thereforethecase of a report of a cardiac arrest this system searches usingthenavigation to the smartphone automatically which of thevolunteersare close to the victim. The accompanying app creates themessage.Heart Safe living is organized neighborly help whichvolunteersare within minutes with a defibrillator (AED) is presentin avictim; often much faster than an ambulance. This may bestartedearlier CPR and survival improved significantly from asuddencardiac arrest. After the ARC Ambulance has received asuddencardiac arrest, popularly known as cardiac arrest called, amessagethat volunteers are enabled immediately.Heart Safe living expects to provide to victims ofcardiacarrest. Better help this new App In addition, the existingalarmsystem continues to exist.If the volunteer 'available', he can be alerted to a CPR inarange of 0 to 1000 meters around the calamity. The numberofvolunteers what can be called up around the disaster isdependenton the availability. When a call the volunteer receives amessagewith a recognizable sound on the smartphone. The systemdetermineswhether the volunteer an AED should go out if it iscalled upon togo for resuscitation. Directly to the victim If thevolunteer isavailable, the volunteer must be a message to answerthe call. Forexample, track how many volunteers leave for thedisaster.
Nippon AED Map 2.1
Allm Inc.
"Outline of functions" It is an application to find AED quicklyincase of emergency by utilizing "Japan nationwide AEDmap" which collects AED location informationthroughoutJapan. Get the GPS information of the terminal anddisplayneighboring AED on the map. "Notes" The AED posting dataissupported by general posts. If you have found an unpublished AEDorerroneous data, please tap the AED marker and correct it. (Youcanalso edit it on PC.) Also, due to such circumstances, there isapossibility that the information published may be incorrect,pleaseuse on your understanding. ※ Please turn on thepositioninformation function such as the GPS of the terminal anduse it.
ACLS MegaCodes Review 2015 1.15
ACLS MegaCodes Review reflects the updated 2015AmericanHeartAdvanced Cardiovascular Life Support Guidelines andprovidesacomplete review of advanced cardiovascular lifesupport,includingthe new 2015 ICOR update. ACLS MegaCodes Reviewsimulatorlet youtest your skills in real-life situations. You canpracticemakinglife-or-death decisions and learn acute ACLSinterventions.Choosedefibrillation levels and pharmacologictreatments foreverypossible resuscitation situation. Take actualpractice testsusedfor ACLS certification. ACLS MegaCodes Reviewcoverseverythingfrom airway management and rhythms to electricaltherapy,acutecoronary syndromes, and acute stroke. ACLS MegaCodesReviewhelpsEMTs, nurses, students, and physicians successfullycompletetheAmerican Heart Association Advanced Cardiac LifeSupport(ACLS)course and certification exam. Experienced providerscanchoosemore challenging Place in Correct Order questions.
全民急救AED 1.1.1
根據衛生福利部近年國人十大死因統計,心臟疾病皆高居十大死因的前三名。心臟疾病所造成的死亡,許多是以突發性心跳停止的形式發生,而電擊正是可以使心臟恢復正常心跳的方式。文獻指出,因突發性心律不整而導致心跳停止的個案,如能在一分鐘內給予電擊,急救成功率可高達90%,每延遲一分鐘,成功率將遞減7-10%。希望透過此App能讓全民多一個管道瞭解與學習CPR+AED。此 App 包含以下功能1.一鍵撥號119: 快速撥號求救 (iPad不支援此功能)2.CPR+AED教學: "叫叫壓電" 急救教學3.AED搜尋: 快速找到最近的AED
ShockLink 2.3.1
An app for controlling the Laerdal ShockLink unit
PulsePoint AED 2.6.1
PulsePoint AED lets you report and update AED locationsforemergency responders
심장제세동기 1.21
'심장제세동기(자동제세동기, AED) 찾기' Android 모바일 애플리케이션 출시- 위급상황 발생시 가장 가까운 심장제세동기(자동제세동기, AED)는 어디에?정부와 지자체는 2012년 8월부터는 관련법에 따라 공공보건의료기관, 구급차, 공항 등 다중이용시설과 500세대이상의공동주택에 AED를 의무적으로 설치하도록 하고 있습니다.(2013년 3월 기준으로 전국7600여대, 서울시에는 3200여대가 설치)※자료제공: 국립중앙의료원 중앙응급의료센터전국 주소기반의 검색, 현위치 기반 검색을 지원하고 담당기관 혹은 담당자 연락처로 바로 전화를 걸수있습니다.라이프시맨틱스의 '심장제세동기' 모바일 애플리케이션을 통해 꼭 필요한 순간 도움이 되길 바랍니다.※응급 의료에 관한 법률보건복지부(응급의료과)제 47조의 2(심폐소생을 위한 응급장비의 구비의무)① 다음 각 호의 어느 하나에 해당하는 시설 등에는 자동제세동기 등 심폐소생술을 할 수 있는 응급장비를갖추어야한다.1.“공공보건의료에 관한 법률” 제 2조에 따른 공공보건의료기관2.“119구조,구급에 관한 법률” 제 10조에 따른 구급대에서 운용 중인 구급차3.“항공법” 제 2조 제 1호에 따른 항공기 중 항공운송사업에 사용되는 여객 항공기 및 같은 법 제2조 제 7호에따른공항4.“철도산업발전 기본법” 제 3조 제 4조에 따른 철도차량 중 객차5.“선박법” 제 1조의 2에 따른 선박 중 총통수 20통 이상인 선박6. 대통령령으로 정하는 규모 이상의 “건축법” 제 12조 제2항 제 2호에 따른 공동주택7. 그 밖에 대통령령으로 정하는 다중이용시설② 제 1항에 따라 갖추어야 하는 응급장비의 관리 등에 필요한 사항은 보건복지부령으로 정한다.[본조신설2007.12.14][시행일 2012.8.5] 제 47조의 2 제 1항Keyword - AED, Automated External Defibrillator, 자동제세동기,심장제시세동기,응급상황, 응급, 응급환자, 환자, 구급차, 119, 심장, 마사지, 심장마사지, 심근경색, 심장마비,MI,Myocardial Infarction, 급성심근경색, 질병, 질환, 건강, Disease, 사고,라이프시맨틱스,LifeSemantics, Life Semantics.Cardiacdefibrillator(Automated External Defibrillator, AED) Find 'Androidmobileapplication market- Emergency calls the nearest automated externaldefibrillator,cardiac defibrillator (AED) Where?Starting in August 2012, the central and local governmentsinaccordance with applicable laws and mandatory installation AEDformulti-use facilities such as public health, hospitals,ambulances,airports and more than 500 households in the House ofCommons isto.(March 2013 based on a 3200 nationwide 7600 WomansUniversity,Seoul Women's University installed)※ Source: National Medical Center Central EmergencyMedicalCenter's Nationwide address based current location-based searchandretrieval, responsible agencies or contacts as you can makeacall.Cardiac defibrillator 'Life' Semantic Mobile Applicationsthroughthe necessary moment I hope this helps.※ Emergency Medical Service Act Department of Health and Human Services(Emergencyuiryogwa)Paragraph 2 of Article 47 (obligations) the emergencyequipmentrequired for resuscitation  ① should be equipped with the followingemergencyequipment that falls under any of the facilities, theautomatedexternal defibrillator, CPR can revision 09/06/2009,08/03/2011,04/08/2011>    On public health. "Law" in Article 2ofpublic healthcare institutions   "Law" pursuant to Article 10 of theparamedicsfrom Ambulance on 119 structures, operating anambulance   "Aviation Act" Article 2, paragraph 1inaccordance with the aircraft used in the airtransportationbusiness of passenger aircraft and the same law,Article 2,Paragraph No. 7 according to the airport.   "Railroad Industry Development Act Article3pursuant to Article 4 of railway vehicles carriages   "Seonbakbeop" according to Article 1 of 2vesselsof the Presidential Office through more than 20vessels   6 Than the size prescribed by thePresidentialDecree "Building Code," the House of Commons inaccordance withArticle 12, paragraph 2 No. 2   7 Other multi-use facilities as prescribed bythePresidential Decree ② in accordance with paragraph 1 of matters necessary forthemanagement of emergency equipment to be provided shallbedetermined by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health andWelfare.[This Article Newly Inserted by Presidential Decree12/14/2007] [Effective Date 08/05/2012] Article 47 paragraph 1   Keyword AED, Automated External Defibrillator, AutomatedExternalDefibrillator, Heart my quotes motivation, emergency,emergencysituation, emergency patients, patients, Ambulance, 119,,cardiacmassage, heart massage, myocardial infarction, heartfailure, MI,Myocardial Infarction, acute myocardial infarction,disease,diseases, health, Disease, accidents, Life SemanticLifeSemantics,Life Semantics.
AEDどこ? 1.2
現在地に近いAEDをマップ上に表示します。↓AED情報はこちらのAPIより取得しています。AEDオープンデータAPI  It will display onamapthe close AED to the current location.↓ AED information we're getting from this API.AED Open Data API
中興保全集團 AED World 1.01.000
Taiwan SECOM
中興保全 AED World App 新上架! 救人近在咫尺! 你一定要下載以備不時之需!使用AED (自動體外心臟電擊去顫器)來進行心臟病症突發之病患,將可顯著提昇病患之存活率此 App 包含了以下功能1.AED 地圖:快速找到最近的 AED 位址,急救分秒必爭!2.最新消息:提供 AED 的第一手相關資訊3.急救新知:學習如何使用 AED ,以及猝死等等相關資訊,不要讓遺憾發生在你身邊!4.聯絡我們:若有 AED 的任何問題,可直接聯繫我們進行服務5.急救搶先看:掃描 AED 的 DM ,透過互動影片立即學習如何正確的使用 AED!SECOMAEDWorld App New Products! Save close at hand! You must downloadarainy day!Use AED (automated external defibrillator defibrillator)forpatients with heart disease are sudden, will be abletosignificantly improve the survival rate of patientsThis App contains the following features1.AED Map: Quickly find the nearest AED address, emergencyeverysecond counts!(2) Latest news: providing first-hand information about AED3 first aid knowledge: learning how to use AED, anddeathinformation, etc., do not let regret going on aroundyou!4 Contact us: If AED any questions, you can contact us directlyforservice5 First Aid Behind the Scenes: Scan the AED DM, throughinteractivevideo to learn how to immediately correct use ofAED!
Nippon AED Map (Contribute) 1.5
Allm Inc.
Map application to discover the nearestAEDinJapan.
PulsePoint Respond 4.16.5
Download the PulsePoint app and use your CPR skills to save a life!
Defibrillatori 2.1
L'obiettivo dell'applicazione, ora inversioneBeta, è di fornire una mappa dei defibrillatori automaticiesemiautomatici (DAE) presenti sul territorio italiano.Ognidefibrillatore segnalato sulla mappa offreinformazionisull'ubicazione, il telefono e gli orari didisponibilità.I dati sono forniti dalle associazioni aderenti alCoordinamentoNazionale del Cuore (Conacuore).Conacuore è un’organizzazione Onlus che attualmente riunisceoltrecento associazioni di volontariato in tutta Italia impegnatenellalotta alle malattie cardiovascolari.The goal oftheapplication, now in Beta, is to provide a map of the automaticandsemiautomatic defibrillators (AEDs) on the Italian territory.Eachdefibrillator indicated on the map provides information onthelocation, telephone and hours of availability.The data are supplied by the associations participating intheNational Coordinating Committee of the Heart (Conacuore).Conacuore non-profit organization is an organization thatcurrentlybrings together more than one hundred voluntaryassociationsthroughout Italy engaged in the fight againstcardiovasculardisease.
Rädda Hjärtat 12.5
With the app "Save the Heart", you can save lives with yourmobilephone.
ShowNearby™ AED 1.1
ShowNearby AED Plus is acrowdsourcingplatformwhich complements your CPR training session,and at thesame timeprovides a way for others who have not beentrained toexperiencethe action of Hands-only CPR, this iscollaborationeffort betGlobal ShowNearby and First Aid Corps. Ourapp learnsthe movementsof your hands during Hands-only CPRtraining, andreplicates itlater on at your convenience. The appalso allows youto refreshyour own CPR training using everyday itemsat home or atworkinstead of the manikin, eg pillow, sofa, mattressetc.
HPCP Defibrillator Locator 0.0.3
Atholl Road
There are an increasing numberofdefibrillators in Highland Perthshire and this App is designedtoallow users to find the location of all defibrillators and tofindthe one nearest to their location.This App was made with funding provided by the FriendsOfPitlochry Hospital and assistance and sponsorship from HPCPandMichella Samy Freedom Personal Assistance who facilitatedtheproject, and a great deal of guidance and support from theScottishAmbulance Service.The Pitlochry High School computer and Art classes designedallof the icons used in this app, with guidance from anna FordofAtholl Road Design, and some of the pupils formed a sub-grouptoincorporate the GPS mapping co-ordinates into theapp'sdatabase.WarningsPlease do not leave this app open when you put your phone away-there is a danger you might call 999 by accident.Using the GPS function on most phones will drain yourbatteryvery quickly so use with caution.In Highland Perthshire the GPS satellite readings varyinaccuracy up to 30 metres or more so the map locations are aguideNOT a precise location.Using This AppYou can use this App to familiarise yourself with the locationofDefibrillators in Highland Perthshire by using it withoutthelocation finder. You can choose to browse a list ofdefibrillatorlocations or see them on a map.List ViewThe defibrillators are grouped into town or village locationsandlisted in alphabetical order of the town or village. If alocationonly has one defibrillator that is named otherwise thenumber ofdefibrillators in that location is displayed.Defibrillators that have 24hour access have a green border.If your phone's location permissions are set to allow itthedistance from your location to the defibrillator locationisdisplayed in metric measurements and the nearest defibrillatorwillbe at the top of the list with the details open.N.B. These distances are as the crow flies and are only accuratetoabout 30 metres. Please check the map before decidingwhichdefibrillator to head to.To see the details of a defibrillator tap the yellow block.Thedetails will display including a link to a map view ofthatdefibrillator. To hide the details tap the top of theyellowblock.Map ViewDefibrillators that have 24hour access have a green icon,othershave a yellow icon.Tap on the icon for details of that defibrillator and a "zoomto"link.Tapping the "Locate Me" button will display your location asablue icon, with a blue circle indicating the level of accuracy,andthe two nearest defibrillators.Tapping the + and - signs allows you to zoom in and out ofthemap. The scale is shown in the bottom left of the page inbothimperial and metric measurements.In an emergencyThe best way to save a life is to do the following inthisorder:Call 999Start CPRFind a Defibrillator
救命ナビ 1.3.1
MySOS 3.3.0
Allm Inc.
"MySOS" is life-saving and emergency services.
DAEdove 4.1.0
DAEdove provides a map of semi-automatic defibrillators (AEDs)inItaly