Top 6 Apps Similar to 普門品(唱誦)

普門品 1.3
CY Peng
觀世音菩薩普門品姚秦三藏法師鳩摩羅什譯長行隋北天竺沙門闍那崛多譯重頌佛教經典以中文直式閱讀的方式顯示內容(Traditional Chinese only)版本更新資訊:V1.3:V1.3版開始改以CBETA「中華電子佛典協會」的大藏經為依據重新製作。經文資料說明:*經文取自CBETA「中華電子佛典協會」資料庫。*【經文資訊】大正新脩大藏經 第九冊 No. 262《妙法蓮華經》:妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品第二十五*【版本記錄】CBETA 電子佛典 V1.38 普及版*此電子書與原CBETA資料庫差異說明:一、原文不含開頭與結尾的儀軌。二、原資料庫經文以「[目*侯]」代表「睺」字。考量易讀性,製作電子書時直接以「睺」字取代之,惟部份手機無法顯示此字,請見諒。三、因手機畫面大小限制,不適合原本編排呈現方式,故斷句處不同,基本上無分段。四、空白行與連續空格數可能不同。五、成對的偈子可能會特別編排呈現方式。六、部份標點符號因配合直讀方式顯示而有移動或旋轉調整。*CBETA經文連結:
Sutra of the Universal Doors 1.12
Let's chant the Sutra of the Universal Doors
The Great Compassion Mantra 1.5.2
The Great Compassion Mantra (female voice) and Picture GalleryThis application provides a mantra of the great compassionprayersung by a woman.The picture gallery contains 88 beautiful pictures. Bothpicturesand music are synced by default, or you can manuallycontrol byswiping the screen.Facebook: Compassion Dharani Sutra:Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva then said to the Buddha: ""Bhagavan,ifhumans or gods recite and hold the phrases of the GreatCompassionDharani, when they are about to die, all the Buddhas ofthe tendirections will come to receive them with their hands, andtheywill be reborn in whichever Buddha-World according totheirwishes.""Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva continued to say to theBuddha:""Bhagavan, Should any living being who recites and holdsthe holymantra of Great Compassion fall into the three evil paths,I vownot to achieved the Correct-Awakening.Should any living being who recites and holds the holy mantraofGreat Compassion not be reborn in any Buddha-World, I vow nottoachieve the Correct-Awakening.Should any living being who recites and holds the holy mantraofGreat Compassion not obtain unlimited Samadhis and eloquence, Ivownot to achieve the Correct-Awakening.Should any living being who recites and holds the holy mantraofGreat Compassion not obtain whatever he seeks in his presentlife,then it cannot be called the Dharani of the GreatCompassionateHeart, unless it is used by those who are not virtuousor notcompletely sincere.If a woman dislikes her female body and wishes to become a male,ifshe recites the phrases of the Great Compassion Dharani but cannotchange from a female to a male, I vow not to achievetheCorrect-Awakening. However, if she arouses even a slightestdoubt,her wish will not be satisfied.If any living being usurps the drinks, foods, or possessionsofSanghas (group of monks), even though one thousand Buddhasappearin the world, he will not get to repent and reform. Even ifherepents, his sins will not be eliminated. But now, by recitingthisGreat Compassion holy mantra, his sins will be eliminated.Ifanyone usurps, eats, or uses the drinks, foods, or possessionsofSanghas, he must repent to teachers of the ten directionstoeliminate his sins. Now, when he reties this GreatCompassionDharani, the teachers of the ten directions will come tobearwitness, and then all his weighty sins and hindrances willbeeliminated.All evil karma and weighty sins such as the ten evil deeds, thefiverebellious sins, slandering people, slandering the Dharmas,breakingthe Abstinent-precepts, breaking other precepts,destroying stupas(holy towers), wrecking temples, stealingproperties of Sanghas, andprofaning Brahma (pure) practices, canbe completely eliminated (byreciting this Dharani), except this:if one has doubts about thisDharani, then even his small sins andlight karma cannot beeliminated, not to mention the weighty sins.Although the weightysins do not disappear immediately, thereciting can still be thecause of Bodhi in the future.
福慧鈔經 1.2
如何安定身心呢?除了打坐、拜懺、持咒、誦經之外,鈔經亦是安定身心的好方法。透過書寫經文,一筆一劃間,慢慢地沈澱各種情緒,讓身心處在一個安定的氛圍中。「福慧鈔經」由法鼓山製作,以簡單的介面,專屬行動網路工具設計,讓您隨時隨地皆可鈔經。鈔寫的方式包含了圓滿鈔經儀軌以及單篇鈔經,而鈔寫的內容則分成經文、經名、佛號等,供使用者對應各自需求而選擇。鈔寫完成亦可選擇迴向祝福親朋好友。「福慧鈔經」的特色:1. 鈔寫完成透過mail傳達給迴向祝福的對象。2.可儲存個人鈔經記綠,包含圓滿鈔寫、未完成鈔寫及已完成鈔寫但未迴向祝福的記錄各50筆。3.錯字偵查,系統將主動偵查錯字,並提醒「有寫錯誤」。 法鼓山全球資訊網  
般若心經 (心定智慧生) 1.0
幫助自己或朋友戒除壞習慣, 最有效的法門---唸誦或抄寫 般若心經,迴向給那個人。念誦心經可以開發腦細胞。原來每個人只能使用的大腦細胞只有百分之7。如何能夠使自己比別人強的,最簡單的方法 開發多一些腦細胞,而修心經就是開發腦細胞最直接的方法。當你禪定,不斷誦讀心經,心經的咒音就會刺激調整"大腦的腦細胞",通過開發腦細胞,令你頭腦保持在很清醒的狀態。這時你不但 輕而易舉 戒除壞習慣,而且擁有有好的運氣和有超乎常人的能力
散仙(台語)的法寶 免費版V1.0
已經出門在半路上才想到...忘了帶 oxoxo?沈浸在旅途歡樂的氣氛時,突然想起忘了帶 oxoxo?曾經因為忘了帶 oxoxo 而讓重要的約會泡湯?下載 "散仙的法寶" ,從此遠離這些尷尬的問題。使用說明:A.建立適合各種情況用的範本1.在 範本 欄位輸入範本名稱,按+按鈕2.在 清單欄位 輸入要帶的東西,按+按鈕3.重覆步驟2B.刪除範本或清單項目1.點選要刪的那行,按-按鈕C.實際派上用場1.點選適合的範本2.按 套用範本 按鈕3.按 確定,再按 是D.看看該帶的都帶了沒?1.按螢幕右下方 "開始清點"2.逐一點選項目,按 "備妥"E.不小心點錯了1.點選清點畫面的右上方 "備妥"2.點選要還原的項目3.按 "缺少"卡多電腦有限公司電話:04-8333949網站:信箱:[email protected] to go halfwaytothink about ... forgot oxoxo?When immersed in the atmosphere of joy journey,suddenlyrememberedforgot oxoxo?Because once forgot oxoxo important appointments and let bathing?Download "Sanxian magic," stay away fromtheseembarrassingproblems.Instructions for use:A. establish a template for a variety of situations with 1 Enter the template name in this field range, pressthe+button Enter the list of things to bring the field, pressthe+button 3 Repeat steps 2B. delete templates or list items 1 Click on the line you want to delete and pressthe-buttonC. Actual come in handy 1 Click the appropriate template 2 Press the Apply button template 3 Press OK, then yesD. to see the band have brought not? 1 Press the bottom right of the screen, "begantocount." 2 Click each item, press the "ready"E. careless wrong point 1 Click on the top right of the screen inventory"ready" 2 Tap the item you want to restore Press the "missing"Caddo Computer Co., Ltd.Tel: 04-8333949Website: http: // [email protected]