Top 2 Apps Similar to Guadalajara Tram Map

Guadalajara 1.2
Intermark IT
The department of tourism of the city of Guadalajara offersvisitorsand citizens a mobile application with the aim ofproviding athorough understanding of Guadalajara tourism services.With thisapplication, visitors and citizens could: - Get adetaileddescription of the various tourist services (accommodation, shops ,restaurants , etcetera) with access to allinformation of use to thevisitor: address, telephone, e- mailaddress , website, etcetera. -Geoposition of monuments and touristservices with directions to getto each of them through integrationwith Google Maps. - Displaymonuments and tourist services in anAugmented Reality space, withaccess to information from each ofthem, through integration withWikitude. - Get information oncultural events taking place inGuadalajara, with the possibilityof incorporating the user'spersonal calendar. - Discoverexperiences, a guide to the besttourist routes so that visitorswill not miss anything. - Check allthe information of interest anduseful for visitors. - Be able tosearch, mark items as favoritesand share information with otherapplications and services . - Beinformed whenever there are newdata available in the application,by using notifications.
Viajes Guadalajara 1.399
¡Con la aplicación móvil deViajesGuadalajaraLimitada tienes asegurado tu próximo destinonacionalointernacional!Al descargar la aplicación de ViajesGuadalajaraLimitadaencuentras una forma ágil y cómoda de conocernuestrosservicios einstalaciones, reservar, cotizar, interactuarconnosotros ymejorar tu experiencia en el destino. A través delasdiversasherramientas que vienen en la aplicación te damos aconocerlasactividades y eventos próximos, información sobrepuntosdeinterés, tips y la guía turística del Eje Cafetero contodaslasalternativas de restaurantes y atractivos turísticos delaregióncafetera; puedes encontrar tu carro en el destino conlaopción¿Dónde dejé mi carro?, compartir tus fotos de viaje,comentaryenviar esta aplicación a familiares y amigos.Disponible para teléfonos inteligentes Android y Apple.With themobileapplicationGuadalajara Travel Limited have secured yournextdomestic orinternational destination!By downloading the application Guadalajara Travel Limitedfindanagile and comfortable to learn about our servicesandfacilities,book, quote, interact with us and improveyourexperience at thedestination. Through the various tools thatcomein the applicationwill give to know the activities andupcomingevents, information onpoints of interest, tips and touristguideof the coffee with allalternative restaurants and attractionsinthe coffee region, canfind your car in the destination withtheoption Where did I leavemy car?, share your travel photos,commentand send this applicationto family and friends.Available for Android and Apple smartphones.