Top 20 Apps Similar to X1 Wallpapers - BMW

EGMA France
Votre concessionnaire BMW-MINI BY MY CARBacàChennevières-sur-Marne & Paris 12ème plus proche devoussurvotre smartphone.Retrouvez à tous moments les coordonnées denosconcessions,horaires d'ouverture des différents services etlapossibilité denous contacter par téléphone ou par email.Prenez rendez-vous auprès de notre service après-ventepourtousvos travaux d'entretiens ou de réparations BMW - MINI.Vouspouvezégalement prendre rendez-vous pour essayer unvéhicule.Un espace eNews vous permet de connaître en permanencelesoffrescommerciales BMW - MINI ainsi que les offresexceptionnellesà nepas rater.Soyez informé en priorité des offres exceptionnellessurnosVéhicules neuf mais aussi et surtout sur notre parcdeVéhiculesd’occasion !Your BMW MINIdealershipBYMY CAR tray Chennevières-sur-Marne and Paris 12thclosest to youonyour smartphone.Find contact information at all times of ourconcessions,openingdifferent services and can contact us by phoneoremailschedules.Make an appointment with our after-sales service forallyourinterviews or repairs BMW - MINI. You can also makeanappointmentto try a vehicle.A eNews space allows you to always know the commercialoffersBMW- MINI and special offers not to be missed.Be informed prioritization of our great deals on new carsbutalsoand especially on our fleet of Vehicles!
BMW Visions 1.0.3
Immerse yourself in the visionary worldof BMW: Experience the fascinating BMW VISION NEXT 100onyoursmartphone or tablet in Augmented and Virtual Reality.Augmented Reality:See the BMW VISION NEXT 100 in an impressive 360° viewandlearnabout a variety of elements like the Alive Geometry.Inadditionyou can take photos of the BMW VISION NEXT 100, forexamplein yourliving room or on your desk, and share it with yourfriendsandcolleagues.Virtual Reality:Please take a seat: Experience the interior of the BMWVISIONNEXT100 with an incredible 360° view and exploreinterestingdetails.The 3D Virtual Reality experience is possiblewith eitherVirtualReality Glasses or Cardboard.Please note: This app uses at least 1GB RAM. The appiscurrentlynot supported by tablets.
Me@BMW i 2.0.0
Be part of your favorite car brand!Me@BMW i is an innovative and easy-to-use way to stay uptodatewith us where and when you want it.An unprecedented innovation that has since receivedcriticalacclaimby numerous industry experts.Magazine- Latest updates on the newest models,technologyandinnovations- Upcoming events- Personalised articled based on your interestsLifestyle- All official available lifestyle products- Easy-to-useShowroom- All currently available models- Detailed information of all models- Official brochures available for downloadPre-owned vehicles- Detailed information of all vehicles- Contact the dealer straight from the app if you’re interestedinaspecific vehicles- Easy-to-useMy Garage- Park your own vehicles virtually- Fitted accessories for your vehiclesMy Dealer- Schedule your next appointment with your dealer- All contact information and opening hours
Ocean BMW 1.4
The free app for you and your car! Whetheryouwant to be reminded when your MOT, Insurance or Tax need toberenewed, or whether you are always forgetting where you parkedyourcar and need help relocating it this App from Ocean BMW hasloadson offer.There is also a GPS Mileage logger so that you can trackyourbusiness mileage through GPS and email a log to your accounts.Oryou can find out more on the latest models available from BMWandcurrent used car offers. There is also a finance calculator sothatyou can work out the likely costs of buying a new car!IMPORTANT - the Business Mileage Tool requires the use ofGPS.Continued use of GPS in the background can dramaticallyeffectbattery life.
BMW Brochures 32.2.1
Digital BMW brochures –multimedia,interactiveand fascinating.Experience your new BMW – digitally on your tablet.Downloadthedigital brochure for the model of your choice or allotherBMWhighlights to your device and enjoy all the productinformationyouneed along with videos and high-resolutionimages.Individualbrochures from the BMW Brochure app are, ofcourse, freeof charge.Information includes all technicalhighlights, enginevariants andequipment for the BMW models.Get on board – and enter a new world of BMW drivingpleasureanddynamism.
McCarthy BMW 2.3
CBR Marketing
McCarthy BMW Mobile ApplicationOur functional, innovative and exciting new mobileapplicationisnow available to all Smartphone users. The value-addoftheapplication is its assistance in acquiring the vehiclebestsuitedto your needs. Users gain access to the massive databaseofnew andused vehicles, can contact the closest dealership andapplyforfinance directly through the application, 24 hours aday.McCarthy BMW Application offers other excitingfeaturesthatinclude a login to the McCarthy Club profile, GPSfunctionalitytoassist in locating your desired vehicle, a financecalculatortohelp you compute your monthly instalments as well aslinkstoGoodfellas and social media platforms. In addition tothis,userscan give customer feedback, apply for insuranceandreportaccidents instantaneously.Download the McCarthy BMW Mobile App at the GooglePlaystore.Start enjoying these amazing features now.
BMW Brussels 4.2
Be part of your favorite car brand! BMW Brussels is aninnovativeand easy-to-use way to stay up to date with us where andwhen youwant it. An unprecedented innovation that has sincereceivedcritical acclaim by numerous industry experts. Magazine -Latestupdates on the newest models, technology and innovations -Upcomingevents - Personalised articled based on your interestsShowroom -All currently available models Stock & used vehicles- Detailedinformation of all cars - Contact the dealer straightfrom the appif you’re interested in a specific car My History - Seeall yourvehicle service history records
BMW Equation 1.01
EGMA France
Au milieu des années 50, René SOULIEestnommédans les toutes premières concessions automobiles BMWenFrance,transférant son garage qui avait une activité moto.En 1972, la distribution de BMW qui été réaliséepardesimportateurs est reprise par une filiale d’importation:BMWFrance. L’activité SOULIE est transformée en SAsousladénomination de SOULIE SA, propriétaire des locaux situésrueStMichel en centre ville de Toulouse.En 1989, après le décès de René SOULIE, la totalité desactionsdela société SOULIE SA est reprise par Martin MEILHANetChristianPASCAL.La société SOULIE SA est locataire des murs qui restentlapropriétéde la famille SOULIE.En 1993, l’activité du concessionnaire du Tarns’arrête.Ledépartement est coupé en deux et le sud du départementestaffectéà la société SOULIE SA, qui exerce son activitésousformed’annexe.Etant un établissement secondaire de la société SOULIE SA, ilalamême entité juridique et financière, et est locatairedesmurs.En 1995, la société SOULIE SA change de nom : EQUATIONSAetdéménage au 101 route de Revel en acquérant unterrainetconstruisant un bâtiment.En 1999, le groupe BMW qui avait auparavant rachetélegroupeROVER, modifie la composition du réseau ROVER, et proposeàlaconcession EQUATION SA le panneau des marques ROVERetLANDROVER.Les actionnaires d’EQUATION SA décident de créerdeuxsociétés:•Une dédiée à l’activité BMW sous le nomd’EQUATIONAUTOMOBILESSA•Une dédiée à l’activité ROVER et LAND ROVER sous le nomdeMARTIN’S& CO SAPour exercer l’activité ROVER et LAND ROVER, lasociétéMARTIN’S& CO SA crée une concession située 59 routedeLabège,locataire des murs.La société EQUATION SA devient alors Holding, gèrel’immobiliersis101 route de Revel, et régule les besoins et lesressourcesdesdeux sociétés filiales.En 2001, le groupe BMW, qui s’est séparé de la marqueROVERetLAND ROVER, décide de commercialiser la marque MINI,propriétédugroupe.La société MARTIN’S & CO SA qui n’aplusd’activitécommerciale est mise en sommeil, et sa structureestcédée à lasociété EQUATION AUTOMOBILES SA pour la distributiondela marqueMINI, dont le lancement date du 13 septembre 2001.L’annexe de Castres qui n’exerce plus d’activité ROVERetLANDROVER, exerce l’activité MINI.•Le site situé 101 route de Revel est exclusivement dédié àlaventedes BMW neuves, l’entretien et la réparation.•Le site situé 59 route de Labège, est dédié à la ventedeMINIneuves, entretien et réparation, ainsi que l’activitéVO.•Le site de Castres, route de Toulouse, est dédié àlavente,entretien et réparation des deux marques ainsi quedesvéhiculesd’occasion.En 2003, Rachat de la société Equation Automobiles parlaHoldingKoala située à Nîmes (directeur : M. RAGUIN).Le nom commercial reste Equation, la sociétéjuridiques’appelledésormais Equation Premium Auto Distribution, ledirecteurde laconcession est M. ASTIER.En 2005, des travaux d’agrandissement ont été faits surlesiteroute de Revel, les deux marques sont donc regroupéesenjanvier2007 route de Revel et le site Route de Labège aétéfermé.En 2009, de nouveaux investissements sont faits, et enmaic’estl’ouverture de deux nouveaux sites. Un site dédié à MINI le«MINISTORE » et un site dédié aux occasions, « L’espaceEquation».In the mid 50s,RenéSOULIEnamed in the very first BMW car dealerships inFrance,transferringhis garage that had a motorcycle business.In 1972, the distribution of BMW which was carriedoutbyimporters is taken by an importing subsidiary BMWFrance.TheSOULIE activity is transformed into SA under the nameSOULIESA,owner of the premises located rue St Michel inToulousecitycenter.In 1989, after the death of René SOULIE, all the sharesofthecompany is taken over by SA SOULIE MEILHAN MartinandChristianPASCAL.The company SOULIE SA tenant walls which remain the propertyoftheSOULIE family.In 1993, the activity of dealer Tarn stops. Thedepartmentissplit into two and the southern department is assignedtothecompany SOULIE SA, which operates as an annex.As a secondary school in the company SOULIE SA, it has thesamelegaland financial entity and tenant walls.In 1995, the company changed its name SOULIE SA: EQUATIONSAandmoved to Revel 101 road acquiring land andconstructingabuilding.In 1999, the BMW group had earlier bought the RoverGroup,altersthe composition of the ROVER system, and proposesthattheconcession EQUATION SA panel marks ROVER LAND ROVER.Shareholders EQUATION SA decided to create two companies:• A dedicated activity under the BMW nameEQUATIONAUTOMOBILESSA• A dedicated and the ROVER LAND ROVER activity underthenameMARTIN'S & CO SATo exercise ROVER LAND ROVER activity, MARTIN'S &COSAcreates concession located 59 road Labège tenant walls.Society becomes EQUATION SA Holding, manages thepropertysituated101 road Revel, and regulates the needs andresources ofthe twosubsidiaries.In 2001, the BMW group, which is separated from theROVERLANDROVER brand, decided to market the MINI brand, ownedbythegroup.The company MARTIN'S & CO SA that has morebusinessismothballed, and its structure is transferred tothecompanyEQUATION AUTOMOBILES SA for the distribution of theMINIbrand, thelaunch date of 13 September 2001.Annex Castres no longer carry on business ROVER LANDROVER,MINIactivity exercises.• The site is located 101 road Revel is exclusively dedicatedtothesale of BMWs, maintenance and repair.• The site is located 59 road Labège, is dedicated to the saleofnewMINI, maintenance and repair, as well as VO activity.• The site Castres, Toulouse road, is dedicated tothesale,maintenance and repair of both brands as well asusedvehicles.In 2003, Takeover of Equation Cars by Holding KoalalocatedinNîmes (Director: Mr RAGUIN).The commercial name is Equation, the law firm is nowcalledEquationPremium Auto Distribution, director of the concessionisMr.ASTIER.In 2005, expansion work has been done on the site RoadRevel,thetwo marks are therefore grouped in January 2007 route deRevelandthe site Labège Road has been closed.In 2009, new investments are made, and May is the openingoftwonew sites. A site dedicated to the MINI "MINI STORE" andawebsitededicated to opportunities, "Space Equation."
GS-911 Bluetooth 1.31
HEX Innovate
A diagnostic tool for BMW motorcycles. View live data andfaultcodes etc.
EGMA France
By My Car, votre concessionnaireBMW-MinietMotorrad à Paris, Noisy-Le-Sec et Ivry-sur-Seineaccessibledepuisvotre Smartphone.Découvrez les offres exclusives By My Car et optimisezvosprisesde rendez-vous avec l’après-vente en un clic oufaites-vousrappelerdirectement quand vous le désirez par un denosconseillers.Retrouvez nos coordonnées ainsi que tous noshorairesd’ouverture,sans oublier nos offres sur les véhiculesneufs etd’occasions.By My Car,yourBMWMotorrad dealer Mini and Paris, Noisy-Le-SecandIvry-sur-Seineaccessible from your smart phone.Discover exclusive offers By My Car and optimizeyourintakeappointment with the aftermarket in one click or doyourememberwhen you want directly by one of our consultants.Find our contact information as well as our hours, nottomentiongreat deals on new vehicles and opportunities.
BMW Inchcape 1.3.1
BMW Inchcape.Doświadcz unikalnej obsługi Inchcape na miarę marki BMW.Korzystaj z mobilnych rozwiązań, zarządzaj serwisem idokumentacjątwojego BMW. Kontaktuj się mobilnie z salonami iserwisami BMWInchcape w Warszawie i we Wrocławiu. BMW Inchcape jestzawsze doTwojej dyspozycji.Aplikacja mobilna BMW Inchcape umożliwi Państwu:- komunikację z naszymi salonami- umawianie wizyt w naszych serwisach- przeglądanie aktualnej oferty samochodów nowych i używanych- dostęp do naszych stron www i Facebook’a- zgłaszanie szkód komunikacyjnych- możliwość prowadzenia książki serwisowej- przypomnienie o upływie terminu ubezpieczenia i przegląduNarzędzia aplikacji to latarka, bezpośredniepołączeniez numerem 112, instrukcja postępowania przy kolizjilubwypadku, instrukcja udzielania pierwszej pomocy, pozycjaGPS- powiadomienia Push dotyczące aktualnych promocji wnaszychserwisachNiebawem możecie spodziewać się kolejnych funkcjonalności.Mamy nadzieję, że aplikacja przypadnie Państwu do gustu iułatwikontakt z nami.Inchcape Motor. Profesjonalizm połączony z pasją.Inchcape jest wiodącym niezależnym, międzynarodowymdystrybutoremsamochodów.Mamy ponad 250 punktów dealerskich w 18 krajach. Sprzedajemy26marek samochodów.W Polsce pracujemy dla BMW, BMW i, MINI i BMW Motorrad.Wybierając Inchcape, wybierają Państwo ponad 50 latmiędzynarodowegodoświadczenia w sprzedaży i serwisowaniusamochodów.W Inchcape dbamy o rozwój i szkolenia naszych pracowników.Dziękitemu w ciągu 10 lat działalności w Polsce otrzymaliśmy ponad15nagród od marki BMW.Jako jedyni w Polsce prowadzimy sprzedaż elektrycznychsamochodówBMW – BMWi.BMW Inchcape.Experience a unique service Inchcape made BMW.Use of mobile solutions, service management and documentationofyour BMW. Interact portably with lounges and BMW Inchcape sitesinWarsaw and Wroclaw. BMW Inchcape is always at your disposal.BMW Inchcape mobile application will allow you to:- Communication with our lounges- Arranging visits to our sites- Reviewing the current offer of new and used cars- Access to our web sites and Facebook'a- Reporting Claims- Ability to conduct the service book- A reminder of the expiry of the insurance and reviewThis application tools .: torch, Direct dial 112,operatinginstructions when a collision or accident, first-aidinstruction,GPS position- Push notifications on current promotion on our sitesSoon you can expect more functionality.We hope that the application will appeal to you and make iteasierto contact us.Inchcape Motor. Professionalism combined with passion.Inchcape is a leading independent international distributorofcars.We have over 250 dealerships in 18 countries. We sell 26 brandsofcars.In Poland we work for BMW, BMW and MINI and BMW Motorrad.Choosing Inchcape, they choose you over 50 years ofinternationalexperience in selling and servicing cars.In Inchcape we care about development and training of ouremployees.Thanks to over 10 years in Poland have received over 15awards fromBMW.As the only company in Poland we sell electric cars BMW - BMWi.
BMW Automotive Technology 1.0
BMW Automotive Technologies - Runs on all Phones &Tabletsby Mandy ConcepcionThis book, of which there's also a companion DVD by thesametitle, makes for an extensive work on what BMW has done inlatemodel cars. Various new technologies are covered here. Allthetechnical explanations are done using the latest in CG animationtoshow the concepts, inner workings and operation. It is a mustseefor anyone interested in auto repair, automotiveinstructors,technicians or simply DIY aficionados.Table of Contents* BMW Multi-Butterfly Throttle Control* BMW 8 Cylinder Engine* BMW Gasoline Direct Injection* BMW Flex Ray Module Communication* BMW X-Drive Servo-Motor Operation* BMW X-Drive Electrical Operation* BMW X-Drive 4X4 System* BMW Injector Cut Off Circuit* BMW (DME) Digital Motor Electronics* BMW (EPS) Electric Power Steering* BMW VANOS Valve CAM timing* BMW VANOS Replacement* BMW Valvetronic Variable Valve Lift* BMW Air Vent Control* BMW Electro-mechanical Parking Brakes* BMW High Precision Direct Injection* Automotive PDK Style Dual Clutch TransmissionsThe technology that BMW employs makes for a durable andexceptionaldriving experience. These systems also trickle down toothermanufacturers and both end up at either your local repair shoporyour own home garage in need of repairs. At the very least asaconsumer, this video and companion book, will make you much moreaconnoisseur of these complex technologies.
Me@BMW Financial Services 2.0.0
Me@BMW Financial Services is an innovativeandeasy-to-use way to stay up to date with us where and when youwantit.An unprecedented innovation that has since received criticalacclaimby numerous industry experts.Magazine- Latest updates on the newest models, technologyandinnovations- Upcoming events- Personalised articles based on your interestsProducts- All available products- Detailed information of all products- Official brochures available for download
BMW Kataloge AT 31.0.3
Die BMW Kataloge App – multimedial,interaktivund faszinierend.Entdecken Sie Highlights digitaler BMWProduktinformationen,Videos, beeindruckende Bilder und weitereInformationen rund um dasjeweilige Modell – digital auf IhremSmartphone oder Tablet. Dieeinzelnen Inhalte sind natürlichkostenlos.The BMW Catalogs app-multimedia, interactive and fascinating.Discover highlights digital BMW product information,videos,impressive images and other information about the device -digitalon your smartphone or tablet. The individual contents arefree ofcharge.
Classic BMW 0.1
Подробный каталог Классических моделейBMWсфото и видео, технические статьи, каталог дилеров BMW,книгипоремонту и эксплуатации автомобилей. Бортовой журналBMW735iHighline E23. И множество другойполезнойинформации.A detailedcatalogofClassic BMW models with photos and videos,technicalarticles,directory of BMW dealers, book repair andmaintenance ofvehicles.Onboard BMW 735i Highline E23 magazine. Anda lot of otherusefulinformation.
BMW VIN Decoder 1.2.3
BMW VIN decoder tool willhelpretrieveinformation from VIN number about the equipmentandproductiondetails of your BMW.We are launching new service "BMW History Report" - Nowyoucantrack your BMW dealer visits and mileage !
Catalogues BMW 32.2.1
Catalogues BMW en format numérique–multimédia, interactifs et fascinants.Découvrez votre nouvelle BMW – en format numérique survotretablette. Téléchargez le catalogue numérique du modèle choisisurvotre périphérique et prenez connaissance des informationsvouluessur le produit, assorties de vidéos et d'images hauterésolution.Les catalogues destinés à l'App Catalogues BMW, sontbienévidemment gratuites. Les informations couvrent touteslescaractéristiques techniques, les différentes motorisations etleséquipements des modèles BMW.Bienvenue à bord – dans le nouveau monde du plaisir de conduireetde la dynamique de BMW.BMW catalogs indigitalformat - multimedia, interactive and fascinating. Discover your new BMW - in digital format on your tablet.Downloadthe digital catalog of the model selected on your deviceand readthe relevant information on the product, assorted video andhighresolution images. The catalogs for the App Catalog BMW, areofcourse free. The information covers all thetechnicalcharacteristics, different engines and equipment ofBMWmodels. Welcome aboard - in the new world of driving pleasure anddynamicsof BMW.
BMW India 0.1
Bavarian Motor Works, usually knownunderitsabbreviation BMW, is a German luxury automobile,motorcycle,andengine manufacturing company founded in 1916.HeadquarteredinMunich, Bavaria, Germany, it also owns and producesMini carsandserves as the parent company of Rolls-Royce MotorCars.BMWproduces motorcycles under BMW Motorrad, and plug-inelectriccarsunder the BMW i sub-brand. It is one of thebest-sellingluxuryautomakers in the world. this application willgive you alltheinformation about BMW in India.
BMW Individual 7 Series AR 1.1
The BMW Individual 7 Series AugmentedRealityapp enables you to generate a fascinating blend of realityandimagination that reflects your personal style.Select one of the many gemstone-inspired exterior paintfinishesfrom the BMW Individual Collection and add one of theluxuriousfull fine-grain Merino leather upholstery options.You can move freely around your vehicle, capture anyparticularperspective and share the captured image with your socialmedianetworks.
Q3 Wallpapers - Audi 1.0.2
Enjoy100+ Audi Q3 Wallpapers pictures.It'sfree ! :)If you have any questions please visit