Top 25 Apps Similar to McDelivery Nicaragua

CityXerpa - Food delivery 13500.5.6.4
Travel, Supermarket and more...
McHire 1.1.1
McHire is a recruiting tool to help McDonald’s recruitersandhiringmanagers hire and onboard restaurant talent. McHirehelpshiringmanagers engage and hire talent with ease withtheassistance ofOlivia, the AI recruiting assistant. WithMcHire,hiring managerscan: - Post and manage jobs - Managecandidateswith whom Olivia hascaptured, screened and engaged -Automateinterview scheduling byallowing Olivia to automaticallyschedulequalified candidates basedon available interview times -Receivereal-time notifications aboutcandidate activities -Communicatewith candidates via SMS or Web -Extend offers tocandidates -Onboard Candidates effortlessly withbuilt in onboardingNote:McHire is free to download but asubscription with Paradoxisrequired to usetheapplication________________________________________________________________________ABOUTMCHIREMcHire is a recruiting application developed forMcDonald’sbyParadox an AI company that believes recruiting is apeoplegame.Paradox’s flagship product is Olivia, arecruitingassistantobsessed with improving and reinventing thecandidateexperience.Olivia helps companies capture and screencandidates,improveconversions, and answer all candidate questions.Shedeliversone-to-one candidate experience at scale, and evenhandlesinterviewscheduling. At Paradox, we see a future wherehumans dothe thingsthey’re best at, and AI technology handles themundaneand simpletasks for us. Technology is a tool for us, andshould beused assuch. We never want to remove humans from therecruitingprocess. Wejust want to make it better. Our dream is abettercandidate andrecruiter experience for everyone. McHire isused inallcorporate-owned McDonald’s restaurants andrestaurantsofparticipating independent franchisees. If you work forafranchiseeorganization, please check with your franchisee, orthepersondesignated by your franchisee (for example, aGeneralManager), todetermine whether your franchisee has chosen touseMcHire.
Komida ! 4.5.3
Home delivery of the best restaurants in Las Terrenas
Pollo Campero, USA 2.4
Earn points with every dollar you spend!
Carbonara App for Restaurants 2.13.0
Easily manage virtual queues, online bookings, and reservationsfromall devices
PedidosYa - Partners Pics 1.3.15
PedidosYa S.A
It will allow you to take your own photos and easily manage theminyour menu.
mipromo 2.9.10
mipromo is the app by BAC Credomatic that brings alltheprivilegesand benefits of our credit and debit cards toyourfingertips. Youwill find the best offers on goods and servicesofyour interest.Additional features: - Check the top deals oftheweek according toyour interest. - Buy coupons online. -Discovernearby discountsusing the integrated GPS functionality. -Performsearch bycategories, subcategories or keywords.
Donesi - Food Delivery
Zero Click 3.0.0
Introducing the Domino’s Zero Click app.
HappyCow Find Vegan Food FREE 62.0.80-free-v2
Covering 180+ countries and online asafree-to-use website since 1999, this vegan food locator is thePlaystore’s #1 vegetarian and vegan restaurant guide which hasbeenfeatured on CNN and in the New York Times. Search HappyCow tofinda local café or restaurant near you or anywhere in the world.Alsoread reviews for vegan-friendly eateries and healthfoodstores.FEATURES:★ Search filters by location, vegan, vegetarian, health foodstores+ more★ Browse HappyCow to find a top-rated restaurant or cafe★ View interactive maps with restaurants and stores★ Get directions, phone numbers, reviews, website information★ Share what you find with your friends★ Upload photos of your delicious meals★ Submit reviews and advice for fellow users★ Language support for Chinese, Dutch, English, French,German,Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Polish, SpanishWith the FULL version you also get:1) SAVE listings to your device for offline viewing or whenyoudon't have Internet connection. Keep track of the places you’dliketo visit by saving to your Trips and Favorites lists.2) SYNC & Backup your Trips and Favorites lists with yourfreemember account.3) Filter display of businesses which are currently OPEN NOWonly,thus avoid results for businesses that aren’t open at thetimeyou’re hungry.4) Search by Keyword, i.e. Pizza, Organic, Japanese,Bakery,Mexican, Gluten-Free, Raw, etc... It’s especially useful inbigcities where you’ll want to narrow your searches..5) ALL Reviews. See all of our member reviews, not just thefirst3.6) No Ads.7) Good Karma for supporting this project and furthering thecause!Be happy with HappyCow.The FULL version is here: vegan, vegetarian, veg-friendly restaurants plus healthfoodmarkets and other vegetarian businesses nearby your locationwhiletraveling; or enter a location manually. This app provides alistor map of restaurants and stores in 180+ countries.Additionally,find related to veg businesses like a vegan bakery orvegan store,vegetarian B&B, vegan catering, food trucks andfarmers market.Featuring 150,000+ reviews by vegetarians and vegansyou cantrust.Latest features include:* Language support for Chinese, Dutch, English, French,German,Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Spanish* Improved photo browsing* General bug fixes and optimizations*********TROUBLE?Please see our support page, and/or contact us beforeleavingfeedback or rating -- we’d like to help you.Most issues resolved by uninstalling, restarting your device,thenre-installing.Screen shots / Q&A: & feedback- please email: [email protected] consider supporting HappyCow and this project bydownloadingthe PAID support version: does HappyCow need all of these permissions?Location:HappyCow apps use your device location to find restaurants nearyourcurrent location. We do not store your device location onourservers.Photos/Media/Files:HappyCow apps provide you with a way upload restaurant photosfromyour existing library on your device. We never access yourphotosuntil you choose to view them from within the app.Camera:HappyCow app allows you to take photos of your favoriterestaurants,which we encourage you to share with our users. Theapp stores thesephotos with your other pictures on your device soyou may admirethem whenever you please, or upload at a later date.We never accessyour camera or save photos until you perform thoseactions fromwithin the app.Other:We communicate with the HappyCow database to bring you thebestvegan and vegetarian restaurants in the world!---Vegan powered by
Hatcook recetas de cocina gratis 5.4.1
Si eres de los que se preguntan ¿Qué cocino hoy? pruebaHatcookybusca recetas por ingredientes, siempre encontrarás milesdeideasdeliciosas, fáciles, sencillas y rápidas decocinar.¿Tienesinvitados en casa y no sabes qué cocinar? Hatcook eslaappperfecta para ti, somos la red social de cocina con más de12milrecetas de cocina gratis para ti. Unete gratis anuestracomunidadde comida casera y guarda tus recetas favoritas,sigue aotroscocineros o envía tus propias creaciones. - Buscaporingredientes,dificultad, tiempo, temporada y ubicación. - Subetusmejoresplatos ¡Recibirás cientos de likes! - Descubrelascolecciones derecetas: Halloween, Navidad, Saludables,Caseras,Económicas,Rapidas, Vegetarianas, Veganas, Con niños...¡Haymuchísimas! -Tipos de recetas de cocina de Hatcook:Arroces,Carnes, Verduras,Pescados, Postres, Bebidas y Cóckteles,Tapas yPinchos etc.Aprende a cocinar como si estuvieses en unaclase decocina online,Hatcook será tu nuevo libro de cocina con másde12.000 recetas.¿Tienes problemas, dudas o sugerencias?Contá[email protected] ¡Volverás a cocinar! Másinformaciónen
Café Javas 1.1.3
Welcome, this is the official Café Javas app for Android. Usingthecafé Javas App, you can order food & beverages online fromouroutlets and have them delivered right at your doorstep, atthecomfort of your home. After you’ve chosen your order you willget areference number, select payment option and you can trackyourorder status. You can also be able to see your order historyandfeatured products. In addition to ordering online andreceivingfood fresh, fast and hot, we have a special reward andloyaltyprogram for all those who order through the Café JavasApp.Constant and attractive offers will be extended exclusivelyforthose who order from the mobile app. Café Javas is a fullyfledgedrestaurant specializing in delivering a relaxed andmemorabledining experience. We’re currently in 12 locations; 8 inKampala, 1in Entebbe and 3 in Nairobi. Each location features auniqueambience with tasteful décor, specially designed for yourcomfort.To make you feel more at home, we’ve carefully selected auniquetheme for each location. We have over 300 carefullyselected,mouthwatering menu items. Whatever your taste, it’s wellcateredfor. We value you. That’s why you’ll always be servedwithexcellence by each member of our highly skilled team members.Therich aroma of freshly ground coffee is the handiwork of ourskilledbaristas, adept in latte art. This ensures you get afreshlyprepared cup of coffee as the beans are roasted on site. Toensureyou always enjoy a special dining experience, we constantlyimproveour signature world-class innovations.
Promerica Banca Móvil 2.8.9
Banca Móvil de Banco Promerica El Salvador En Banca MóvildeBancoPromerica podrás: • Consultar saldos de tus cuentasyproductos •Transferir entre tus cuentas, a terceros y aotrosbancos • Pagarservicios • Consultar ubicaciones de ATM yagencias Ymucho más.Para usar la Banca Móvil de Banco Promerica,únicamentenecesitastener activo tu usuario y contraseña. Entératedemásfuncionalidades: • Accede a tu Banca Móvil con tu huelladigital•Reporta tus viajes • Retira efectivo sin tarjeta, creandouncódigotoken desde tu App
Domino’s Pizza Caribbean 4.2.0
Conveniently order Domino’s in Caribbean countries usingyourAndroid device
RappiAliado 6.0.1
It is a pleasure to be our ally!
Club Promerica 2.3.658
Promotions and discounts from the comfort of your device
Cupón Club 1.65
Cupon Club
Exclusive offers Guatemala and El Salvador. Manage your couponsfromyour cel.
McDonalds Prep Timer 2.4.9
McDonald's Prep Timer by Antunes for managing Prep TableCondiments.
Quiznos Toasty Points 1.8
Earn points with every purchase at Quiznos! Receive 1 point per$1spent.
Restaurant Guru 2.2.8
All the restaurants in one place!
PedidosYa - Delivery Online
PedidosYa S.A
1 in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Dominican RepublicandUruguay
Katoo for Restaurants 2.0.0
A free tool for restaurants to easily manage orders and chatwithsuppliers.
Si16: Inglés desde cero. Curso 2020.0501.1730.55
Choosing the application "Si16" is the easiest way to learnEnglish.
LAFISE Bancanet 4.0.7
Grupo Lafise
Con la nueva App LAFISE Bancanet realicesustransferencias,consultas, pagos y muchas otras funciones más,deforma segura,rápida y conveniente. Descargue la App LAFISEBancanetde acuerdo alas especificaciones de su dispositivo móvil otableta.LAFISEBancanet es un servicio gratuito disponible los 7días delasemana, las 24 horas del día para clientes de BancoLAFISEen:Nicaragua, Panamá, Costa Rica, Honduras y Rep.Dominicana.ConLAFISE Bancanet le facilitamos a nuestro cliente: -Appmultimoneda (Moneda local, Dólares y Euros) y multilenguaje(Esp-Ing).- Acceso con su huella digital o reconocimientofacial,siempre ycuando su dispositivo móvil lo permita. - Ubicarpuntos deinterésde Banco LAFISE como: sucursales, ATMs,Corresponsales NoBancariosy otros, más cercanos brindando ladirección, números deteléfonosy horarios de atención. - Consultarlos saldos y detalledemovimientos de sus cuentas, préstamos,certificados de depósitoytarjetas de crédito. - Visualizar saldosde forma consolidadaporcada tipo de producto. - Realizartransferencias entrecuentaspropias. - Realizar transferencias aterceros de formalibre, conLAFISEid o con Pre Registro debeneficiarios a: - ACuentas deterceros en bancos del Grupo LAFISE -A otros bancoslocales - Abancos en el exterior - A cajerosautomáticos de la RedATM LAFISE*(Envío Veloz) - Recarg@Cell (Comprade Tiempo aire paracelulares).(Nicaragua)* - LAFISErvicios (Pago deServicios PúblicosyPrivados). - Pagar Préstamos propios. - PagarTarjetas deCréditopropias y de terceros en Grupo LAFISE. -Consultar el tipodecambio. - Autorizar transacciones de formamancomunada,iniciadasen Bancanet 3.0 - Datos de contacto del bancoen Facebook,Twitter,Web, eMail y PBX. - Conocer las Novedades yBeneficios queel bancoofrece a sus clientes por país.