Top 19 Apps Similar to Math Equations

MalMath: Step by step solver 20.0.10
Solve and understand math problems
College Pre-Algebra 1.7
Need more than videos to learnmath?YourTeacher's College Pre-Algebra app is like having apersonalmath tutor in your pocket.**“It’s like a private school math classroom, but you are theonlystudent.”John"I just love YourTeacher and the way you explain things. Ifeltlike I was in a classroom instead of just lookingatexamples."Diane"Pre-Algebra and Introductory Algebra were required classesforme. I was completely lost because I have absolutely noAlgebrabackground. I was really struggling in my class. Then IfoundYourTeacher. The lessons were a tremendous help. I ended upmakingan A in the class and passed the exit test. Thank you foryourhelp."Catherine"I use the program for College Pre-Algebra. I have alwaysbeenhorrible at math and through my life been very frustrated withmymath teachers. Your teacher is the best math instruction Ihaveever had. I appreciate the videos, they definitely work fortherest of us non-math types."John******Need more than videos to learn College Pre-Algebra…YourTeacher’s College Pre-Algebra app replicates the entiremathclassroom experience with your own personal math teacher.Our lessons include:-Multiple video example problems(similar to how a teacher starts class at the board byexplainingthe examples from the textbook)-Interactive practice problems with built-in support(similar to how a teacher assigns practice and walks aroundtheclass providing help)-A Challenge Problem(similar to how a teacher assigns a higher level problemwhichstudents must work on their own to prove mastery)-Extra problem worksheets(similar to how a teacher assigns additional problemsforhomework)-Review notes(similar to how a teacher provides summary handouts or refers youtoyour textbook)******Scope and SequenceYourTeacher’s College Pre-Algebra app covers an entire yearofCollege Pre-Algebra.CHAPTER 1: WHOLE NUMBERSPlace ValueRoundingAdditionSubtractionEstimating Sums and DifferencesAddition and Subtraction Word ProblemsMultiplicationExponentsDivisionEstimating Products and QuotientsMultiplication and Division Word ProblemsProperties and RulesOrder of OperationsAddition PropertiesMultiplication PropertiesCHAPTER 2: INTEGERSCHAPTER 3: EXPRESSIONS AND EQUATIONSCHAPTER 4: FRACTIONSCHAPTER 5: DECIMALSCHAPTER 6: RATIO, PROPORTION & PERCENTCHAPTER 7: GEOMETRYCHAPTER 8: MEASUREMENTCHAPTER 9: GRAPHS, CENTRAL TENDENCY, & PROBABILITY(Wifi or 3G connection required)
Calculus Intro 1.03
### Master calculus *quick* and *easy*withthisfun CALCULUS GAME! ###" Many math concepts are covered in this colorful andfunbundleof electronic goodness! If you answer a questionincorrectlyittells you why you’re wrong rather than just lettingyou tryagain."TheWiredHomeSchool.comBestappsforkids: 4.5**** stars!!This app is PERFECT for the beginner calculus highschool,collegeor university math student. FUN games move you fromeasymathconcepts to algebra and tougher introductorycalculusconcepts.Practice your math, algebra and calculus skillswhileenjoyinghumour, graphics and an easy GAME!
FX Calculus Problem Solver 2.0
Euclidus Inc
Will guide you how to solve your homework math problems,anytime,anywhere!
FX Algebra Problem Solver 2.0
Euclidus Inc
Will guide you how to solve your homework math problems,anytime,anywhere!
ThUMP Ultimate Pre-Calculus 2.03
The TOP precalculus math game to helpyougetready for college calculus. Join thousands ofprecalculusstudentswho love to use games + learning to prepareforalgebra,trigonometry, geometry and calculus.Designed by expert educators, master mathematiciansandamazinggame designers, ThUMP is The Ultimate Math Practiceforhelping youimprove every skill in high school mathematics.Fromnumbers toexponents to equations and graphs, all precalculusmathtopics arecovered here.Mathtoons works closely with leading colleges anduniversitiestocombine cutting edge educational research withvibrant gamefeaturesto make precalculus practice hugelysuccessful.THEWIREDHOMESCHOOL.COM: "What a great app! Many mathconceptsarecovered in this colourful and fun bundleofelectronicgoodness!"APPSFORHOMESCHOOLING.COM: "A math practice app forolderchildren- a pre-calculus math game for high schoolers?Rarefind!"Students use ThUMP to achieve:* Faster recall of math facts* Increased understanding of algebra* Better preparation for college and university* Quick problem solving skillsKymmee12, "Such a great interactive tool forlearningmath!"Em Rivers, "I love using it!"CSogers, "I wish this app was around when I was in school!"We WON a Silver Medal at the Seriousgames Awards!!!Theme music, sound effects, settings ... there's LOTSmorefunstuff here to make practicing math feel like a GAME!We *love* our ThUMP Audience!! Thanks to you, we'vefoundandcorrected some math mistakes!!VISIT US: http://www.mathtoons.comFOLLOW US: US:
Math Course - calculus
Scimug Inc
Math Course - calculus gives you the ability towatchmathematicstraining videos, improve your skills, you canbookmarkyourfavorite videos and reach them quickly later when youneedthem,all watched videos will be marked as seen, so you cantrackyourprogress. Full tutorial for calculus concept inmathematics:1)Precalculus. 2) Differential calculus. 3) Integralcalculus.4)Multivariable calculus.Facebook: thanks to khanacademyorganization.
Formula Fun 1.0
Formula Fun application is one of thesimpleelegant mathematics and physics formulas for studentsscientistsengineers and analysts.this is one of the unique andcomprehensiveapplication designed for school grade college gradeand highergrade lists out the basic formulas inmathematics andphysics.MATHEMATICAL FORMULAS1.ALGEBRA2.GEOMETRY3.TRIGONOMETRY4.DIFFERENTIATION5.INTEGRATIONPHYSICS FORMULAS1.LINEAR2. ROTATIONAL3. THERMAL4.ELECTROMAGNETICThis particular application serves as a quick reference anditassures you the improvement of formulas in physicsandmathematics.
iTooch Les Bases des Maths 4.6
iTooch Les Bases des Maths est uneapplicationde soutien scolaire ludique, conçue par des enseignants,qui couvrele programme scolaire officiel du second degré.Utilisées par plus de 5.000.000 de personnes dans 146 pays,lesapplications iTooch sont nées de la rencontred'enseignantspassionnés, de pédagogues et de professionnels du jeuvidéo,eux-mêmes parents. L'union de ces savoir-faire a permisd’offriraux enfants un merveilleux complément scolaire qui leurdonne envied’apprendre et qui leur permet de s’entrainer sur toutle programmeofficiel de leur classe.♖ FONCTIONNALITES ♖• Une interface simple, claire et ludique• La synthèse vocale pour accompagner les enfants dans la lectureetla compréhension de texte• Une gestion multi-joueurs permettant la sauvegarde des scoresdeplusieurs enfants sur un même smartphone ou tablette• Réglage de la taille des textes• Tableau virtuel et calculatrice intégrés• Mode déconnecté disponible pour profiter de nos applicationsmêmesans connexion Internet• Synchronisation automatique des contenus• Des résumés de cours qui reprennent les notions fondamentalesàconnaître par les élèves• Power ups to increase motivation and give a little boost !★ App sélectionnée dans les tops du guide Lesmeilleuresapplications pour enfants 2015 - par la Souris Grise★☀ L'APPLICATION CONTIENT : ☀✓ 5 thèmes : Numération, Calcul, Mesures et Grandeurs,Géométrie,Gestion de données✓ 57 chapitres par titre, avec résumé de cours, exemplesetdessins✓ 4 800 questions par titre avec indices etréponsesdétaillées➡ iTooch Les Bases des Maths réunit de loin la plus grandebased'exercices pour le collège sur Google Play.Retrouvez également notre application iTooch Les Bases duFrançaissur Google Play. Les applications iTooch offrent unesolution desoutien scolaire mobile pour les classes de CP, CE1,CE2, CM1, CM2,6e, 5e, 4e et 3e en Mathématiques, Français, AnglaisetPhysique-Chimie.***A la demande de nombreux utilisateurs quisouhaitentbénéficier d'une application gratuite, nous mettons àdispositionune version gratuite intégrant de la publicité.Cette option nous permet de rendre accessible nos contenus auplusgrand nombre.La publicité peut être supprimée à tout moment très simplementautravers d'un achat dans l'app.Une version de l’application sans publicité et dédiéeauxenseignants et aux établissements scolaires est disponible.Nousvous invitons à découvrir cette version sur notre ***☎ CONTACT ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Site: http://edupad.comiTooch Basics Math isaplayful school support application designed by teachers,whichcovers the official curriculum of the second degree.Used by over 5,000,000 people in 146 countries,iToochapplications were born from the meeting of passionateteachers,educators and professionals of the video game, parentsthemselves.The union of these skills has to offer children awonderfullearning tool that want to learn and that allows them totrain themall on the official program of their class.♖ FEATURES ♖• A simple, clear and fun interface• Speech synthesis to accompany the children in reading andtextcomprehension• A multi-player for saving scores of several children onasmartphone or tablet even management• Adjust text size• Virtual Table and integrated calculator• Offline Mode available to enjoy our apps even without anInternetconnection• Automatic synchronization of content• Courses summaries that reflect the fundamentals to knowbystudents• Power ups pour augmenter motivation and give a little boost!★ App featured in the tops of the guide The best appsforchildren 2015 - by the Grey Mouse ★☀ CONTAINS THE APPLICATION: ☀✓ 5 themes: Count Calculation, Measurement and Sizes, Geometry,DataManagement✓ 57 chapters per title with abstract classes, examplesanddrawings✓ 4800 questions per title with clues and detailed answers➡ iTooch Basics Math meets by far the largest database ofexercisesfor college on Google Play.See also our application iTooch Bases of French on Google Play.TheiTooch mobile applications provide academic support solutionforclasses of CP, CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2, 6th, 5th, 4th and 3rdinMathematics, French, English and Physics and Chemistry.*** At the request of many users who want a free application,weoffer a free version incorporating advertising.This option allows us to make available our content toasmany.Advertising can be removed easily at any time through apurchasewithin the app.A version of the application without advertising anddedicatedteachers and schools is available. We invite you todiscover thisversion on our website: *** ☎ ☎‣ Facebook:‣ Twitter: @itooch‣ Website:
Pre-Calculus Guide 2.2
Calculus may not seem very important to youbutthe lessons and skills you learn will be with for yourwholelifetime!Calculus is the mathematical study of continuous change. Ithelpsyou practice and develop your logic/reasoning skills. Itthrowschallenging problems your way which make you think. Althoughyou maynever use calculus ever again after school or college, youwilldefinitely hold on to the lessons that calculus teachesyou.Things like time management, how to be organized, howtoaccomplish things on time, how to perform under pressure, how toberesponsible are just some of the things Calculus helps youbecomeproficient in. Traits that will help you succeed.Calculus plays a big role in most universities today asstudentsin the fields of economics, science, business,engineering,computer science, and so on are all required to takeCalculus asprerequisites.Our Pre-Calculus guide is a preliminary version ofCalculuscontaining over 300 rules, definitions, and examples thatprovidesyou with a broad and general introduction of this subject.Avaluable pocket reference to have on your phone.Topics include:1. Matrix Definition2. Matrix Addition, Subtraction and Scalar Multiplication3. Matrix Multiplication4. Matrix Multiplication Example5. Augmented Matrix for a System of Equations6. Solving Augmented Matrices7. Solving by Gauss-Jordan Elimination8. Gauss-Jordan Elimination (continued)9. Special Types of Matrices10. 2 x 2 Matrix Determinant11. 3 x 3 Matrix Determinant: Expansion by Minors12. Determinant of a 3 x 3 Diagonal Multiplication13. Cramer’s Rule for Solving 2 Linear Equations14. Cramer’s Rule - Example of solving 2 Equations15. Cramer’s Rule for 3 Equations in 3 Unknowns16. Cramer’s Rule - Example of solving three Equations17. Inverse of a 2 x 2 Matrix18. System of Equations by Inverse Matrices19. Area of a Triangle Using Matrices20. Test for Collinear Points Using Matrices21. Finding Equation of a Line Given Two Points22. Conic Sections23. Ellipses24. Ellipse Whose Center is at the Origin25. Ellipse with Center at the Origin Example26. Ellipse Translation27. Ellipse Translation Example28. Equation of an Ellipse in Standard Form29. Hyperbola30. Hyperbola Standard Form31. Hyperbola Standard Form (continued)32. Hyperbola Centered at the Origin Example33. Hyperbola Translation34. Hyperbola Centered at the Origin Example35. Parabolas36. Parabola Equation with Vertex at the Origin37. Diagrams of Previous Page Parabolas38. Parabola Equation with Vertex (h, k)39. Polar Coordinate Plane40. Polar Coordinate System - Plotting Points41. Multiple Representation of points42. Coordinate Conversion43. Examples of Conversion44. Equation Conversion45. Polar Equations Graphing46. Special Graphs – Limaçons47. Special Graphs - Rose Curves48. Special Graphs - Circles & Lemniscates49. About Pre-Calculus50. Support PageEven if you dont use Calculus, this app sure is a cool waytoshow-off some high IQ!Like all our 'phoneflips', this fast and lightweightapplicationnavigates quick, has NO Adverts, NO In-App purchasing,never needsan internet connection and will not take up much spaceon yourphone!Portrait & Landscape mode supported.Thank you!
Crazy Shifu Calculus 1.0
Test your Calculus with Crazy Shifu!A quiz game with carefully designed questions that helpyouunderstand the basics and improve your scores instandardizedtests, as well as high school exams. This app coversLimits &Continuity. More topics will be added soon.∞ Hints to each problem included∞ Improve your basics & your test scores∞ Works great on phones & tabletsSome problems are designed to strain your brain a little buttheycan all be solved without paper and pencil... if you knowyourbasics well!The Crazy Shifu is hard to please so be warned ...andcomeprepared to spill some (or a lot) of sweat and blood!
CLEP College Mathematics 5.5
Our Flashcard System is a fun and easywaytostudy important CLEP College Mathematicstopics,reinforcenecessary skills and practice mathematics problems.PREMIUM CONTENT- Hundreds of online flashcards written experts- Review of question types and formats- Review of important concepts and properties- In -depth math review- Refreshes you from the basics through complex functions- Constantly adding and updating content- Multiple practice questions on each topicwithanswerexplanationsSUPERIOR FEATURES- Flag flashcards you want to focus on more. Theywillbeautomatically added to a new deck for easyandefficientstudying.- Check off mastered cards to temporarily remove themfromthedeck.- Shuffle flashcards to randomize order or navigatebytopicthrough our index.- View questions on front side of card. Flip to revealanswerandexplanation.ABOUT THE TEST:The CLEP College Mathematics test is an exam thatcoversthemajority of mathematical concepts taught in anentry-levelmathcourse. If you pass this exam, you can place out of(and getcreditfor) college math courses, saving you time andmoney!CLEP is the world's most widelyacceptedcredit-by-examinationprogram and is accepted at almost3,000college anduniversities.Our products for the CLEP College Mathematicstestcovereverything, starting from the basics and building youupthroughfunctions, quadratics, word problems, trigonometry,andotherchallenging math topics presented on the exam.FOLLOW US @testsoupLIKE US ON FACEBOOK!
College Algebra 1.7
Need more than free videos to learnmath?YourTeacher's College Algebra app is like having a personalmathtutor in your pocket.******“It’s like a private math classroom, but you are theonlystudent.”John"I just love YourTeacher and the way you explain things. Ifeltlike I was in a classroom instead of just lookingatexamples."Diane"College Algebra was the only University core I neededtograduate. I would not have met my math competency without you.Ilove YourTeacher and matter of fact I am addicted to it.Ha!Ha!"Bud"Let me tell you that your program is fantastic. I am a49year-old attorney about to retire and decided to go back toschool.I had one year of algebra in high school over 30 years ago.Icannot say enough about how easy your program makesCollegeAlgebra."Bill******Need more than videos to learn College Algebra…YourTeacher’s College Algebra app replicates the entiremathclassroom experience with your own personal math teacher.Our lessons include:-Multiple video example problems(similar to how a teacher starts class at the board byexplainingthe examples from the textbook)-Interactive practice problems with built-in support(similar to how a teacher assigns practice and walks aroundtheclass providing help)-A Challenge Problem(similar to how a teacher assigns a higher level problemwhichstudents must work on their own to prove mastery)-Extra problem worksheets(similar to how a teacher assigns additional problemsforhomework)-Review notes(similar to how a teacher provides summary handouts or refers youtoyour textbook)******Scope and SequenceYourTeacher’s College Algebra app covers an entire yearofCollege Algebra.CHAPTER 1: BASIC CONCEPTS OF ALGEBRAAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionOrder of OperationsAddition and SubtractionMultiplication and DivisionThe Product RuleThe Power RuleThe Quotient RuleNumerical Bases and Exponents of ZeroDistributive / Like TermsF.O.I.L.Advanced ProblemsRules for Finding the G.C.F.Factoring Out the G.C.F.Special Trinomials with Positive ConstantSpecial Trinomials with Negative ConstantDifference of Two SquaresCoefficient on x^2 Term, Positive ConstantCoefficient on x^2 Term, Negative ConstantBasic TechniqueAdvanced StrategiesFactoring Out G.C.F. as First StepSimplifying Rational ExpressionsMultiplying and Dividing Rational ExpressionsAdding Rational ExpressionsSubtracting Rational ExpressionsComplex FractionsSimplifying RadicalsMultiplying RadicalsDividing RadicalsAddition and FOILingAdvanced DivisionBeginning Imaginary NumbersAdvanced Imaginary NumbersBeginning Complex NumbersAdvanced Complex NumbersCHAPTER 2: EQUATIONS & INEQUALITIESTwo-Step EquationsEquations with FractionsVariable on Both SidesVariable on Both Sides / FractionsVariable on Both Sides / DistributiveFractional SolutionsBeginning FormulasAdvanced FormulasConsecutive Integer ProblemsGeometry ProblemsInterest ProblemsMixture ProblemsIntroductory Motion ProblemsAdvanced Motion ProblemsBeginning EquationsIntermediate EquationsAdvanced EquationsBeginning Rational EquationsAdvanced Rational EquationsBeginning EquationsAdvanced EquationsSquare Rooting Both SidesBeginning Completing The SquareAdvanced Completing The SquareBeginning Quadratic FormulaAdvanced Quadratic FormulaUsing The Method of Your ChoiceSolving and Graphing InequalitiesCombined InequalitiesAdvanced Inequality ProblemsAbsolute Value EquationsAbsolute Value InequalitiesCHAPTER 3: GRAPHS & FUNCTIONSCHAPTER 4: QUADRATIC FUNCTIONSCHAPTER 5: SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS(Wifi or 3G connection required)
Hands-On Equations 1 1.8.2
The fun way to learn algebra for kids of ages 8 and up.
Math Formulae Lite 2.1
JD & Co
A must have app for students and learners
Formelsammlung Mathematik 3.0.26
Eines der leistungsfähigsten undunglaublichenSchöpfungen des menschlichen Geistes, von Galileo bisEinstein,steht jetzt auf Ihrem Smartphone zur Verfügung. Dankunserer App,der vollständigen Mathe Formelsammlung, werden Sie inIhren Händenalles haben, um jede mathematische Übung oder einProblem schnellund effektiv zu lösen.Diese Anwendung ist eine komplette mathematische Formelsammlung,mitallen erforderlichen mathematischen Formeln von der Grundschulebiszur Universität. Dank unseres App Designs ist die Anwendungsehreinfach zu bedienen und intuitiv. Wenn Sie studieren oder wennSieein Lehrer, ein Wissenschaftler oder ein professioneller ,dermitZahlen und mathematische Formeln umgeht, sind, haben Sie geradeeinleistungsfähiges Werkzeug entdeckt, das Ihnen helfen wird,dieMenge, die Qualität und die Effizienz Ihrer Arbeit zuzuverbessern.In der App werden Sie mathematischeSymbolerklärungen,Algebraformeln, Analyseformeln, analytischeGeometrieformeln,Trigonometrieformeln, Logikformeln undGrundrechenarten finden,umden jüngeren Schülern, diese erstaunlicheund geheimnisvolleWissenschaft zu besser zu erklären.★Die App ist in die folgende Bereiche unterteilt:- Grundrechenarten- Algebra- Analyse- Geometrie- Trigonometrie- Analytische Geometrie- LogikIn jedem Bereich finden Sie die entsprechendenmathematischenFormeln und eine vollständige Erklärung mit Grafiken,um Ihnen zuhelfen, die verschiedenen Themen zu verstehen. DievollständigeMathe Formelsammlung ist auch ein großes Werkzeug fürMathematikund Wissenschaftslehrer; alles was Sie brauchen, ist IhrSmartphoneoder Tablet, keine umständlichen Bücher mehr!Alles was Sie tun müssen, um loszulegen ist das HerunterladenderMathe Formelsammlung, dieser erstaunlichen Formel-App istKOSTENLOSim Google Play Store verfügbar. JETZT DOWNLOADEN!!!SD-Karteninstallation wird unterstützt. Fehlerberichte an denInhaltund die App sind mehr als willkommen. Vorschläge fürneueEigenschaften wären toll!Eigenschaften:★ Innovative Software★ HD Grafik★ SD-Karteninstallation unterstützt★ Intuitive und freundliche Schnittstelle★ Jahrhunderte von Wissen in der Tasche★ Benutzerkommentare: ★★★★★★ “Ich bin ein Mathelehrer seit 20 Jahren, und ich musssagen,dass dieses Werkzeug sehr nützlich ist, und es istkostenlos;vielen Dank!"★★★★★Peter - Köln★★★★★ “Ich hatte immer Probleme, mich an die mathematischeFormelnzu erinnern; Diese App hat mein Leben einfacher gemacht.NächstesJahr werde ich die Uni starten, und da ich Biologie wähle,habenwir auch viel Mathe!” ★★★★★Thomas – Wien★★★★★ “Ich hatte ein hartes Leben in der Hochschule mit Mathe,dasich es nicht mochte. Jetzt helfe ich meinen Kindern mitderHausaufgabe, und diese app hilft mir sehr.” ★★★★★Andi – Berlin★ ★ ★ Die komplette Formelsammlung Mathematik Pro JETZT ★★OHNEWERBUNG ★★ auf Google Play Store HERUNTERLADEN !!!★★ ★★ ★ Diese App ist auch in anderen Sprachen verfügbar. Sie könnendiefolgenden Versionen finden:Spanisch: Fórmulas MatemáticasFranzözisch: Formules mathématiquesEnglish: The complete Math Formulary*Anrufer-IDFormelsammlung Mathematik hat kostenlose Anrufer-ID.Sieidentifiziert Anrufer für Sie - auch die, die nicht inIhrerKontaktliste sind. Anrufer-IDs werden auch nach Anrufenangezeigtund ermöglichen es auch, Kontaktdetails direkt in IhrAdressbuch zuspeichern.Sie können die Anrufer-ID in Ihren Einstellungenjederzeit(after-call menu settings) anpassen oderdeaktivieren.One of the mostpowerfuland incredible creations of the human mind, from GalileotoEinstein, is now available on your smartphone available. Thankstoour app, complete math formulary, you will have in yourhandseverything to solve any mathematical exercise or problemquicklyand effectively.This application is a complete mathematical formula collection,withall the necessary mathematical formulas from primary schooltouniversity. Thanks to our app design, the application is veryeasyto use and intuitive. If you study or if you are a teacher,ascientist or a professional who deals with numbers andmathematicalformulas, you have just discovered a powerful tool thatwill helpyou determine the amount, the quality and efficiency ofyour workto improve.In the app you will mathematical explanation of symbols,formulasalgebra, analysis formulas, analytic geometryformulasTrigonometrieformeln, logic and basic arithmetic formulasfound tobetter explain to the younger students, this amazing andmysteriousscience. ★ The app is in the following areas divided:- Basic arithmetic- Algebra- analysis- geometry- Trigonometry- Analytic Geometry- logic In each section you will find the appropriate mathematicalformulasand a full explanation with graphics to help you understandthevarious issues. The complete math formula collection is alsoagreat tool for math and science teachers; all you need isyoursmartphone or tablet, no complicated books more!All you have to do to get started is to download the MathFormulary,this amazing formula app is available for FREE in theGoogle PlayStore. DOWNLOAD NOW !!! SD Card Installation is supported. Bug reports to the contentandthe app are more than welcome. Proposals for new features wouldbegreat! Characteristics:★ Innovative Software★ HD graphics★ SD card installation supported★ Intuitive and friendly interface★ centuries of knowledge in your pocket ★ User comments: ★★★★★★ "I am a math teacher for 20 years, and I have to say thatthistool is very useful, and it's free; thank you! "★★★★★Peter - Cologne★★★★★ "I always had problems to recall the mathematicalformulas;This app has made my life easier. Next year I'm going tostart theuniversity, and because I choose biology, we also have alot ofmath! "★★★★★Thomas - Vienna★★★★★ "I had a hard life in college with math, I did not likeit.Now I help my children with their homework, and this app helpsme alot. "★★★★★Andi - Berlin ★ ★ ★ The complete formulary mathematics Pro NOW ★★ ★★withoutadvertising on the Google Play store DOWNLOAD !!!★★ ★ ★ ★ This app is also available in other languages. You can findthefollowing versions:Spanish: Formulas MatemáticasFrench hissing: Formules mathématiquesEnglish: The Complete Math Formulary* Caller IDFormulary Mathematics has free caller ID. It identifies callersforyou - even those who are not in your contact list. Caller IDisdisplayed even after calls and also make it possible tostorecontact details directly into your address book.You can customize or disable the caller ID in your settings atanytime (after-call menu settings).
All Math Formulas 2.1
All Math Formulas with Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry&Calculus.
CLEP Exam Prep 2.16
The College-Level ExaminationProgram®(CLEP)helps you receive college credit for what you alreadyknow,for afraction of the cost of a college course. Developed bytheCollegeBoard, CLEP is the most widelyacceptedcredit-by-examinationprogram, available at more than 2,900collegesand universities.Pass any of the 33 CLEP exams and achieveyourcollege and careergoals.CLEP Exam Prep is designed with 11 categories, enjoy it.1. English Composition2. Humanities3. Introduction to Psychology4. College Mathematics5. Natural Sciences6. Principles of Macroeconomics7. Principles of Management8. Principles of Marketing9. Principles of Microeconomics10. Social Sciences and History11. American GovernmentCLEP Exam Prep application also has many flashcardsforyou.Practice them everyday to improve your vocabulary.
Brightstorm: Get Better Grades 1.0.4
5,300 HD videos cover every topic you need No moreboring,homemadestudy videos on the web. Our comprehensive videolibrarycoversevery topic you need in 21 subjects including ACT,SAT, andAPtests. - Mathematics: Pre-algebra, Algebra,Geometry,Trigonometry,Precalculus, Calculus, AP Calculus - Science:Physics,Chemistry,Biology - English: Literature, Writing, Grammar -TestPrep: APBiology, AP US Government, AP Calculus, US History,ACT,ACTRedbook, SAT - College Admissions Counseling:CollegeApplications,Financial Aid, High School, Grades,ExtracurricularsStudy withcrisp and clear movie-quality videos thatare filmed instudios byprofessional production crews. “Youexplained in 3 min.what myteacher couldn’t in 5 weeks!” Greatteachers make yourlearningeasy. All of our teachers have mastersdegrees or Ph.Ds andyearsof teaching experience. What does thatmean? They’re mastersoftheir subjects and know where students makemistakes. Plus,ourteachers are far from boring. They’re so fun anddynamic thatuserswatch the videos again even after they understandthe topic.Greatlearning starts with great teaching. Experience your“A-Ha!”momentwith our all-star teachers. Save time studying. You’vegototherthings to do You can get straight A’s if you haveaninfiniteamount of time. Like most students, however, you haveabusyschedule and balancing your time is difficultwithdemandingclasses. The easiest way to get better grades in ashortamount oftime is to have great teachers help you witheverysubject. Withover 5,300 study videos, you’ll always find helpforevery topicfrom the best teachers. Pre-algebra, Trigonometry,ACT,AP Biology,Probability, you name it. It’s like having aprivatetutor with youat all times. Get into your dream school withcollegeadmissionscounseling by an expert The college applicationprocesscan oftenbe very frustrating and time consuming. Getreliableadvice from arenowned college admissions counselor who hashelpedhundreds ofstudents get into their dream colleges.Admissionsexperts canoften charge more than $100/hour, but you canget itfrom ourCollege Counseling section. Want bettergrades?DownloadBrightstorm NOW!Google+:[email protected] Brightstorm on the Webat Pleasenote Sign up to create afreeaccount is required. Some videosrequire a BrightstormPromembership.