Top 5 Apps Similar to الأذكار

ادعية و اذكار المسلم بالصوت 13.0
Citation Muslim, and the most beautiful sounds from theInternetwithout the Sunnah
Azkar - Hisn Al-Mulsim, Audio 1.9.3
This is the book of Hisn Al-Muslim with manyfeatures:voicenarration (audio azkar), azkar explanation, searchtool,favorites,notifications of dawn and evening azkar. free,withoutads andwithout the need of internet connection.
Dua & Adkar for Muslim Kids 1.0
Do you want that your childbedisciplined,strict, well organized with a good attitude?Each one of us wants to have these values, but themeansaredifferent.Here ADKAR atfal (Azkar, adhkar, athkar), the best waytoteachyour child Adkar nabawya, Citation for morning andevening(ADKARmorning, evening ADKAR) and protect your little kidagainstallevil (Rokia charia, hisnul muslim). This applicationisdesignedspecifically for the small Muslim child to learn himandmemorizeadkar, daily practices and Islamic values.A collection of douaa children ( أطفال) دعاء) prayerforchildren,prayers to protect your children, prayersimmunization)Adkar formorning and evening mp3 for children (AdkarAssabah adhkaralMasaa) Adkar atfal mp3 and written, adkar beforesleepingwithvoice of Mishary al afassy Ahmed al ajami, alDosari,Saadal-Ghamdi and others "Dua sleep for children", you willindeedfindmemorization methods of Quran (al Quran Alkarim) andadkarRoukiafor children, without forget Islamic songs forchildren(Anachidatfal, Anachid islamia atfal) and religioussongs.How must we should admire those who learn theirchildrenQuran,adkar and prayers of sunnah (Douaa (douwa, dua, ordoaa دعاء)Adkaratfal is your best opportunity for you and yourchild.Adkar atfal is a complete app.Among the benefits to accustom your childrenrepeatingAdkar:Establish the true faith in them and the realIslamicEtiquette ofa true Muslim child (Etiquette honoringparents,etiquette tosleep, adkar nawm, the ethics talk) to thegreatsignificance ofTawhid and mandate and trust.Adkar atfal (islamic quotes) without internet, freeapp,accustomyour children to memorize the Quran, islamic quotesandprayers ofthe sunnah.So, Do you want that your child be disciplined,strict,wellorganized with a good attitude?*** Characteristics**** easy app, simple, fast. Adkar atfal withou internetand100%free.* Possibility to choose your favorite dihkr and douaaforchildrenand add to wishlist.* All adkar atfal MP3 sounds are in very high quality.* The player control buttons (play, pause, shuffle orrepeat).* Possibility to share the app via email, socialnetworks,ormessages.Thank you for using our applications. Don’t hesitate tocontactusfor any suggestion or observation.
السيرة النبوية بدون نت 3.0
السيرة النبوية الشريفة لغة : تطلق سيرةالرسولفياللغة على السنّة، والطريقة، والحالة التي يكون عليهاالإنسان،قالتعالى سنعيد سيرتها الأولى اصطلاحاً: هي ما نقل إلينا منوصاياالرسولو حياته منذ ولادته قبل البعثة وبعدها وما رافقها منأحداثووقائع حتىموته وتشتمل ميلاده ونسبه، ومكانة عشيرته، وطفولتهوشبابه،ووقائعبعثته، ونزول الوحي عليه، وأخلاقه، وطريقة حياته،ومعجزاتهالتيأجراها الله تعالى على يديه، ومراحل الدعوة المكيةوالمدنية،وجهادهوغزواته تشمل السيرة النبوية كاملة في نطاقها الزمانيمن ولادةالنبيصلى الله عليه وسلم عام الفيل وحتى وفاته في الثاني عشرمن شهرربيعالأول من السنة الحادية عشرة للهجرة، وهي في مجملها ثلاثوستون سنة.نسب النبي محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم و وولادته واخلاقهقبلالبعثةطفوله النبي محمد صلي الله عليه وسلمحياة الرسول محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم في الجاهليه قبل البعثهالوحي ونزولهحياة المسلمين الاوائل في مكه والصعوبات التي واجهوهاالهجره الاولي والثانيه للمسلمين الي الحبشههجره المسلمين الي المدينه المنورهحياه المسلمين الاوائل في المدينه المنورهزوجات النبي محمد صلي الله عليه والسلم امهات المؤمنينغزوات الرسول محمد صلي الله عليه وسلموفات النبي محمد صلي الله عليه وسلم* sira nabawiya* sira nabawiya en arabe* mohamed rassoul allah en arabe* asira anabawia* prophet muhammad* prophet muhammad story en Arab*prophet muhammad quotes- هذا التطبيق مجاني بالكامل ولا يحتاج إلى انترنت بعدالتحميلالاوللكي تتصفحهنشكر الجميع من قام بتحميل التطبيق, ونتمنى صادقين ان نكون فيحسنظنكموارجوكم لا تبخلو علينا بالتقييم الايجابي 5 نجوووم.Biography oftheProphetMuhammad language: Launches biography of the Prophetinthelanguage on the year, and the way, and the status of ahuman,hesays we will first her idiomatically: are what move usfromthecommandments of the Prophet and his life since he wasbornbeforeand after the mission and the accompanying events andfactsuntilhis death and include birth and lineage, and the place ofhisclan,and his childhood and youth, and the facts of his mission,andtherevelation of it, and morals, and the way his life,andmiraclesmade by God on his hands, and the stages of the callMeccanciviland struggle and conquests include the Prophet'sbiographyfull inscope temporal from the birth of the Prophet, peacebe uponhim inthe elephant and until his death on the second day ofthefirstmonth of spring of the eleventh year of migration, which isinitsentirety sixty-three years old.Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him lineage and hisbirthandmanners before the missionChildren of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon himLife of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him inignorancebeforethe missionRevelation and the comingThe life of the early Muslims in Mecca and thedifficultiestheyfacedImmigration first and second for the Muslims to AbyssiniaMuslim immigration to MedinaThe life of the early Muslims in MedinaWives of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon peace and mothersofthebelieversInvasions Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon himFat Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him* Sira nabawiya* Sira nabawiya en arabe* Mohamed rassoul allah en arabe* Asira anabawia* Prophet muhammad* Prophet muhammad story en Arab* Prophet muhammad quotes- Fully Free This application requires no Internetafterloadingthe first order're browsingWe thank everyone who has downloaded the application, and wehopetobe honest in your expectations and Tbouklo Please do not wehaveapositive assessment of 5 Njuouom.
الأذكار 2.1
برنامج لبعض الاذكار اليومية منالاذكارالواردةفي السنة النبوية الشريفة والتي يحتاج لها كلمسلمProgram for someofthedaily Azkar Azkar contained in the Sunnah, which requireshereveryMuslim