Top 14 Apps Similar to Tema Cinta BBM™

Ganti Tema BBM AndroidHai..! kami hadir kembali untuk kawan pecinta gadgetdanteknologi.Kali ini kami hadir dengan tips dan trik bagi kamuyanggemarchatting menggunakan aplikasi instant messenger palingpopulerdidunia. Yup! Benar sekali! Nah, jika kamu memang penggunaBBMuntukkeperluan kerja atau sekedar menjaga tali pertemanan, kaliinikamiakan berbagi tips dan cara ganti tema BBM Android agartampilanBBMdi ponsel pintarmu tidak tampil standar. Aplikasichattinginimasih tetap saja fenomenal dan menduduki salah satuaplikasimostdownloaded di Play Store. Salah satu keunggulan dariBBMadalah,layanan push messenger pada aplikasi ini berjalansangatcepat danditambah fitur-fitur terkini, seperti misalnyaBBMChannel. Agarchatting-mu dengan teman tidak membosankankarenatampilan BBM yangstandar, kami sudah menyiapkan tema BBMAndroidyang akan membuattampilan BBM kamu semakin menarik dantentunyachatting akansemakin seru.ChangeThemeAndroidBBMHi..! we are again to fellow lovers of gadgets andtechnology.Thistime we present you with tips and tricks for you wholike tochatusing instant messenger application most popular in theworld.Yup!So true! Well, if you are the fuel for the purposes ofwork orjustkeep the string of friendship, this time we will sharetips andhowto change the theme BBM BBM Android in order to look atthephonepintarmu not perform standard. This chat applicationisstillphenomenal and occupied one of the most downloaded apps inthePlayStore. One of the advantages of the fuel is, the pushmessengeronthis application runs very fast and pluscutting-edgefeatures,such as BBM Channel. In order to chat with afriend ofyours is notboring because the display of fuel standards,we haveprepared atheme BBM Android that will make you moreattractive fueland ofcourse chat will be more exciting.
Tema BBM™ Mod 1.1
Markas Blitz
Dapatkan kemudahandalamberkominikasimenggunakan BB Messenger.Tema lucu dengan background transparan dapat andadapatkansecaragratis disini.Get berkominikasieaseofuse BB Messenger.Funny scene with a transparent background you can getforfreehere.
Tema cupcakes free 3.0
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BBM Transparan 6.5
Arito Chanel
Oke BMM Trans Baru : Menggunakansebuahaplikasi BM Transparan kini menjadi trend di kalangan remajaditahun ini. Mudahnya memasang aplikasi tersebut disebuahsmartphone, menjadi alasan utama bagi para pecinta BMTransparanTersebut. Pada Oke BMM Trans Baru sudaj tersediafitur-fitur indahdan menarik di dalamnya yang akan memanjakananda.Okay BMM New Trans:Usinga BM Transparent application is now a trend among teenagers inthisyear. Easily install the application on a smartphone, themainreason for the lovers Transparent Such BM. In New Trans BMMOkaysudaj available features beautiful and interesting in it thatwillspoil you.
Double On for Tablet 4.1.1
This App give you tutorial step by step howtosetup dual on for your Tablet.With various theme, you can choose your favorite style.- Material Design- Transparent Themes- Simple and SmartYou need at least 20MB Internet Data to use it.
Dual BBM Android 3.0
Indigo Club
Fitur-fitur dari Dual BM Multi PinAndroidkinihadir lebih fresh untuk anda pengguna id bm yanginginmemilikilebih dari satu aplikasi di smartphone android anda.Andadapatmemasang lebih dari satu pin di dalam satu buahsmartphoneanda.Silahkan gunakan id bm bm lebih banyak lagisesuaikeinginananda.Features of DualBMMultiPin Android now comes more fresh to your user id bm whowanttohave more than one application on your android smartphone.Youcaninstall more than one pin in the fruit of yoursmartphone.Pleaseuse the id bm bm more according to yourwishes.
Tema Transparan BBM™ 1.0
aplikasi dengan lebih dari 25temaBBM™transparan gratisfitur :- multi PIN- pilihan tema lucu- dual BBM™applications withmorethan25 free theme BBM ™ transparentfeatures:- Multi PIN- Selection of funny theme- Dual Fuel ™
Dual BBM2 Transparan v2 - NEW 4.2.1
Rojak Betawi
1 aplikasi lengkap yang terdiri dariaplikaisDual BBM , BBM Transparan, BBM2 dan BBM3 dapat anda milikihanyadari 1 aplikasi ini. Anda bisa memiliki lebih dari 1 aplikasibbmdi 1 ponsel android anda.Anda tak perlu memiliki banyak ponsel untuk mempunyaibeberapaaplikasi bbm, cukup 1 ponsel dengan bantuan aplikasi inianda bisamemiliki banyak aplikasi sekaligus di ponsel anda.Cukup instal aplikais ini sekarang untuk mencobanya :)1 completeapplicationconsists of aplikais Dual Fuel, Fuel Transparent, BBM2and BBM3 youcan have only one of these applications. You can havemore than oneapplication of fuel in one of your android phone.You do not need to have a lot of mobile phones to havemultipleapplications in fuel, just one cell phone with the help ofthisapplication you can have many applications at once on yourmobilephone.Simply install this aplikais now to try it out :)
Private Messages for BBM™ 1.0
Private Messages for BBM allows users tosendand receive private messages protected by a password. Themessagesthat will be transferred over BBM are also encrypted.Users having Private Messages for BBM™ App can only readthesemessages. Locking this App with your Password providesfurtherenhances the security. It is a privacy protection app thatoffers asecure way to send secure messages to your BBM™ contacts.All themessages sent over BBM are encrypted by AES-128.The private messages self-destruct from device foradditionalprivacy so that no one can access this message withoutyour PrivateMessages for BBM password. You can only view thissecured messagefrom this App by logging in with your password. Itprotects yourBBM communications from intrusions and unauthorizedaccess.
Pins For BBM - BBM Finder 3.0
BBM Finder is a simple application tofindBBMfriends form allover the world!Features:*New App Version2*-Online users.-Settings.-Last seen.-Premium users.-Search by country and gender.-See who added you to favorites.* Users - REAL users.* Browsing - You can browse females,males or both.* Random - You can browse random users (Females, malesorboth)* Favorites - You can add users to your favorites listtoavoidlosing there profiles.* Online users - See who's online.* Settings - Change your status,photo, gender or full name.* Last seen - See when was the last time the user connected.* Premium users - See who favorited you and Ads-free.* Search - Search users by country and gender.If you have any problem, contact us:KIK : Haziim7314Email : [email protected]'sApp : +201222929333*This application is not affiliated with BBM the brand
Group Finder For BBM Users 1.0
Social Networking is growing rapidly.BBM having more than 30 million users across the globe onthemobiledevice finding group of your interest in this vastnetworkof peopleis biggest challenge.Group finder for BBM users give you simple and easy waytofindgroups of your interest.It also allows you to add your group to channel. Also onecansharegroup QR Code over Facebook, Twitter or through anemail.
اضافات تعارف بلاك بيري BBM 9.6
برنامج متخصص في تعارف مستخدمي البلاكبيريماسنجر BBM حيث يمكنك من نشر واضافة البن كود .★ اضغط على البن كود و سيتم الاضافة تلقائياً في BBM بدلاًمنالنسخ★ قسم البرودكاست اضغط على البرودكاست و سيتم النسخ★ اضافة برودكاست جديد★ الرجاء ترك التقييم و سنقوم بالعمل بشكل أفضل فيالاصداراتالتالية القادمة.★ طريقة اضافة البن كود الخاص بك في البرنامج :1 - قم بفتح التطبيق .2 - اضغط على زر اضافه بن كود جديد .3 - اكتب الاسم و البن كود الخاص بك و التعليق و الصورة.4 - اضغط على زر اضافه بن كود جديد .Program specialistindating users of BlackBerry Messenger BBM where you can publishandcoffee Add code.★ press code and the coffee will be automatically added inBBMinstead of copying★ Department Albroodcast Click on Albroodcast and will beback★ Add new Broadcast★ Please leave your assessment and we will work better inthefollowing versions coming.★ How to add coffee to your code in the program:1 - open the application.2 - press the button to add a new code bin.3 - Type the name, coffee your code and comment and picture.4 - press the button to add a new code bin.
Latest theme BBM® 1.1.0
The success in activating thesecondarybbm®with a transparent view depends on how carefully youfollowthestages are determined , for the application of Josssceneprovidestutorials that are very easy to understand. The typeandstandardfont size and supported with good grammarfairlythoroughdiscussion ensures you to be able to follow all thestageswithoutsignificant obstacles .Please download and enjoy kemudahanya .Disclaimer:Bbm® Joss latest theme is the trademark or registeredtrademarkofBlackBerry Limited , the exclusive rights to the whichareExpresslyreserved. We are not affiliated with , endorsed,sponsored , orotherwise authorized by BlackBerry Limited .
BBM Transparan 3.5
Indigo Club
Pengembangan dari aplikasi BMsehinggaakanmembuat anda memiliki sebuah aplikasi berbasistransparan dihpanda. Silahkan nikmati kelebihan yang ada di aplikaiTransparanBMFor Android di smartphone kesayangan anda. Ketikasobatmemasangaplikasi tersebut, anda akan menemukanbeberapafitur-fiturtambahan yang akan menjadikan Transparan untukID BManda. Silahkanpasang dan nikmati keunggulan beragam fiturdidalamnya.BMdevelopmentofapplications that will make you have atransparentbasedapplications in your phone. Please enjoy theadvantages thatexistin aplikai Transparent BM For Android on yourfavoritesmartphone.When my friend to install the application, youwill findsomeadditional features that will make your BM TransparenttoID.Simply plug it in and enjoy the advantages of a varietyoffeaturesin it.