Top 2 Apps Similar to Valentine's Day in Islam

Al-Athari Radio
Authentic Islamic Radio - Live and recorded lectures /lessons.(Free, No Ads)
Pillars of Islam & Eemaan 1.1
In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful,theEspeciallyMerciful. There are five pillars of Islam and sixpillarsof Eeman,which every Muslim should know about it in detail.Thiscomes in afamous hadees called as HADEES E JIBREEL. Islam isbothbelief andlaws, in which Allah and His Messenger have told us.WhenAllahcompleted the teachings of Deen E Islam, He chose it to bethewayof life for all of mankind until the Hour (JudgementDay).TAWHEEDis the first pillar of Islam and Eeman and it’s a keyandessenceof the call of the messengers as mentioned inQur’anSurahAnbiya21:25. The base of Qur'n is Tawheed. Allahprotectsthepeople of Tawheed and faith from the evils of this worldandthehereafter as mentioned in various Ahadees. Allah (Glory betoHim)says in the Qur’an: "And whoever seeks a religion otherthanIslam,it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafterhewill beone of the losers." Qur’an.A’le ‘Imran 3:85PoweredbyAskIslamPedia. Barak-Allaahu feekum “May Allah bless youAll.”