Top 8 Apps Similar to Panj Surah Shareef with Urdu Tarjuma

Panj Surah - Yasin & More 1.4
Quran Reading
Panj Surah is an Islamic App with 5 Surahs of the Holy Quran-Ramadan 2023
Panj Surah Shareef Audio: Urdu 1.3.2
Awami Apps
Surah Yasin, Ar-Rahman, Al-Waqiah, Al-Mulk, Muzammil MisharyAlafasyRecitation
PanjSurah Shareef 2.0.3
panj surah shareef have some surah forexample surah fatiha,yaseen,rehman
Qur'an | Most Using Surah 1.1
iQra Apps
★Yā Sīn (Arabic: سورة يس‎) Surah Ya-seen, an easy touseapplicationis being provided to you to get the blessings ofAllahAlmighty byreciting the heart of Quran on your devices. Thisis abeautifullydesigned application. benefits of reading SurahYaseen✔ ReadingSurah Yaseen at the beginning of the day causesAllah tofulfil allyour needs for that day. ✔ it is equivalent toreadingthe wholeQuran 10 times ✔ Reading Surah Yaseen andmemorizingSurah Yaseeninvokes the blessings of Allah. ✔ ReadingSurah Yaseenbenefits thereader in this life as well as in theHereafter. AndMore★Al-Waqʿiah (Arabic: سورة الواقعة‎) ✔The Prophetsaid,‘Whoeverrecites surah al Waqiah at night would neverencounterpoverty’ [IbnSunni 620] ✔ The Prophet said, ‘Surah alWaqiah isthe Surah ofWealth, so recite it and teach it toyourchildren'[Ibn Asakir] ✔TheProphet(PBUH) said, ‘Whoeverrecitessurah al Waqiah at night wouldnever encounter poverty’★SuraAl-Kahf (Arabic: سورة الكهف‎) ✔youwill get in the habit ofreadingSuratul Kahf every Friday. You canbegin on Thursday eveningas itis technically "the night of Friday"once Maghrib hasarrived.★Al-Mulk (Arabic: سورة الملك‎) ✔ TheProphet said, ‘There isasurah in the Qur’an which is only thirtyverses. Itdefendedwhoevere\recited it , until it puts him intoparadise ‘i.e.Surahal Mulk[Fath al Qadir 5/257, Sahihul Jamiea1/680,TabraniinAl-Awsat & Ibn Mardawaith] ✔ The Prophet said,‘Surahal Mulkis the protector from the torment of the grave‘[SahihulJamiea1/680, Hakim 2/498 & Nasai] ✔ Jabir (radiAllahuanhu) saiditwas the custom of the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihewasallamnotto go to sleep until he had read TabarakalladhiBiyadihil MulkandAlif Laam Meem Tanzeel. [Ahmad, Tirmidhi andDarami]★Ad-Dukhan(Arabic: سورة الدخان‎) ✔Whoever recitesad-Dukhan(44) onthe nightof al-Jum’ah, 70,000 angels will ask forforgiveness forthatperson until morning”. If anyone recites surahDukhan in thenighthe will see the morning while 70,000 angels seekforgivenessforhim.” ★ Sūrat ar-Raḥmān (Arabic: سورة الرحمن‎, "TheMostMerciful")✔ Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that recitingthissurah onFriday after the dawn prayers carries great reward.Surahas-Rahmanremoves hypocrisy from one’s heart. On the DayofJudgement, thissurah will come in the shape of a human beingwhowill be handsomeand will have a very nice scent. Allah(s.w.t.)will then tell himto point out those people who used torecite thissurah and he willname them. Then he will be allowed tobeg pardonfor those whom henames and Allah (s.w.t.) will pardonthem. App ByiQra
Ayatul Kursi with Translation and Audio Recitation 1.2
Awami Apps
Ayat al Kursi app is one of the beautiful applications intheIslamicapps. This beautiful Ayat al kursi app has manybeautifulfeatures init. Audio, transliteration and mostimportantly thereis a facilityof the translation of all languagesin it. Ayat alkursi is the mostesteemed and dignified verse of theholy Quran.Ayat al kursi is the255th verse of the second Surah ofQuran. Thisverse speaks aboutthat nothing is comparable to Allahalmighty.Ayat al kursi is widelymemorized throughout the allMuslim world.It is often recited by theMuslims before setting outon a journeyore before going to sleep.Ayat al kursi is consideredas one ofthe most powerful verses of theholy Quran, because whenit isrecited, greatness of Allah almightyis believed to beconfirmed.There are many more benefits of Ayat alkursi whichcannot beconfined in a few lines. Above said facts urgedus todevelop abeautiful application after the name of Ayat al kursitohelp theMuslims of the world. There are following main featuresofthisbeautiful application. Features Translation: - In Ayatalkursiapplication, we have included translation of themainlanguages ofthe world (English, Urdu, Hindi, Bengali,Turkish).Muslims canrecite Ayat Al Kursi and can get the meaning ofthem atthe sametime. Transliteration: - There is another beautifulfeaturein thisapplication. That is transliteration which will helppeopleinpronouncing the pious words of Ayat al kursi. Thiswilllargelyhelp those people who are new Muslims or whom basiclanguageis notlike that Arabic alphabets. Audio: - In Ayat al kursiapp,audio ofthe Ayat al kursi has also been included. Sometimes,peoplepreferto listening Quran or holy things like Ayat al kursiratherthanreciting by themselves. This audio feature will help themalot.Share: - you can share this beautiful application withyourbelovedonce through twitter, Facebook, what Sapp, messenger andviaothersocial media channels to get the blessings ofAllahAlmighty.Download this beautiful application and pray forourefforts to dothe same activities in future. Your suggestionsandfeedback willbe appreciated. Thanks.
Surah Yaseen - Surah Rehman of 1.1.4
apps logistic
Surah Yaseen Surah Rehman with Reading translation and audio
Khatm-e-Qadria 1.2
Zia e Taiba
The Mobile App developed by Anjuman Zia-e-Taiba in thenameof"Khatm-e-Qadria". Preface: 1. Each and every letter ofalltheAwrad and Wazaif (invocations and recitals) included inthisMobileApp, must be recited with correct pronunciation,followingtherules of Tajwid and Quranic recitation. 2. It isrecommended togetyour pronunciation of these invocations checked bya Sunni QariorSunni Scholar who knows the art of Qirat (Quranicrecitation).3.If you recite all the invocations given in thisMobile App, انشاءاللہ عزوجل you will gain countless blessings inthis world aswellas in the Hereafter. One may also recite a fewinvocations,butSawab will be reduced. 4. Recite Darood eleven timesinthebeginning of every invocation. It’s auser-friendlyapplicationwith an eye-catching interface. Use it anddo persuadeothers tomake the most of it. Please email us yourhelpfulsuggestions andcomments on the followingaddress:[email protected].
Surah Yaseen 7 mubeen wazifa 2.9
Jabir Ali
Surah Yaseen 7 mubeen wazifa with Audio is presented. RecitationbyMo Salih.