Top 27 Apps Similar to Majelan - audio exclusif

Koober: book podcasts 7.0.0
Koober SAS
The must-read books on self-help in 20-minute podcasts.
France Podcast | France & Glob 1.0.17
France Podcast: podcasts about news, music, books, radios and more!
PrepApp : Lycée, Bac, Prepa, 4.4.7
3rd, 2nd, 1st, Terminale, Avenir, Access, Sesame, Bac, MathsSup,Spé, ECG
Affluences 5.16.1
Real-time attendance information from our partners: waitingtime,occupation...
Babelio, ma bibliothèque 0.139.0
The site # 1 on the book finally arrives on mobile. Manageyourlibrary!
TOBEE mindfulness coach 1.0.10
By using the TOOBEE application for less than a minute aday,youwill become a more relaxed and positive person over thelongterm.(Step by step, day by day, you will feel better)Toobeereminds youto take regular short breaks, to take a breath,smileand enjoy apositive affirmation to feel good every day.Toobeeturns yourphone into a free wellness coach using a methodbased on4recognized personal development principles that willhelpyoubecome positive and relaxed, the way you always wantedtobe.Easily put in place new habits by encouraging yourself to:-havegratitude - experience love for life - be relaxed -haveselfconfidence Why does it work ? A reminder to take a shortbreakIttakes just a few seconds to set up, and then you canforgetaboutit: TOOBEE coaches and supports you. Embracetheseregularreminders throughout the day. Each short moment allowsyouto bemindful and recenter yourself. This Kaizen method takesjust afewseconds. With a few small steps each day, you will starttofeelbetter. Breathing and smiling Breathing, listening toyourbody,being Mindful and recentering yourself. A deepabdominalbreathrelieves stress. Add a smile. You're already feelingbetter.Theamazing power of words Words and thoughts are magical.Byrepeatingpositive affirmations to yourself, you willstartbelieving in themand quickly start to embody them! That's thepowerof positivethinking and visualization. Consistency getsresults Theregularityof the reminders allows you to establish newhabits, atyour ownpace. Your daily perseverance is key for this towork. Feelthechange. Try to do your best every day, as encouragedby MiguelRuizand the 4 Toltec Agreements. There is even morewithToobeepremium: ToobeeMe is unique and personalized What wouldyoulike todo? Choose among the 31 positive affirmations intheapplication’s4 categories: select your favorites, and then usetheone that ismost appropriate for your current state of mind. Doyouneed to becalm? confident? joyous? hopeful? Your choice isthere.Do you wantto write your own unique, personal affirmations?Youknow what willwork best for you for any given point in yourlife.So go ahead andwrite it! Looking to change the default Tibetanbowltone? You havea choice between a joyous bird, a soft flute,anintense gong or aquiet bell.
mobiBrevet 2.7.9
All to review and prepare effectively for tests of Patent!
Radio France : radios, podcast
Radio France
Listen to the radio and all your podcasts, info, culture news&music unlimited.
Français Authentique 1.5.3
Learn to speak French with pleasure, as if you were living inFrance
Logical Defense 2.0.0
Prepare to battle against the sophists of the world withthisbeautiful app.
France-Antilles Guadeloupe 3.0.4
Guadeloupe news live on your Android mobile!
7Speaking 7.0
Your English learning solution!
LibriVox Audio Books Supporter
LibriVox Audio Books Supporter offersunlimitedaccess to over 24,000 free audio books - with no ads.Each LibriVoxaudio book can be streamed over the internet ordownloaded for lateruse without any charge. The LibriVox AudioBooks app includeslistings for new recordings, featuring classicbest sellers and outof print treasures.The LibriVox audio book app makes it easy to find the book youwant.You can see the most popular books, browse by title, authororgenre, look at new recordings, or search by keyword. You canevenfind books read by a favorite narrator. This app allows you tostopplayback with a sleep timer, and unlimited bookmarks areavailablefor each book. You can save and listen to as many booksas you like.Access to the LibriVox collection, thousands of oldtime radiodramas, and many other collections is entirelyfree.With full support for bluetooth controls as well as Android AutoandGoogle Cast, LibriVox Audio Books makes it easy to take yourbookswith you wherever you go. Lists of favorites, recent books,anddownloaded books make it easy to pick back up just where youleftoff.Audio books from LibriVox are free thanks to the dedicated workofhundreds of volunteers who record, edit and distribute thebooks.New releases are prepared daily, and the entire catalog spansthebreadth of world literature, including novels, history,biography,short stories, poetry and more in both fiction andnon-fiction. USusers can purchase an additional 75,000 professionalaudiobooks,including new releases and best sellers.
Theoriq - Ideas from the brightest minds 0.0.23
Theoriq apps
Theoriq let you learn new bit-sized concepts, ideasandthoughtsevery day, in psychology, philosophy, culture,society,science andeverything that we call LIFE. From the brightestmindsand authors,in an easy-to-scroll format just like any ofyourfavorite socialmedia app. >>> Remarkable views fromworldthinkers Whatif you could expand your knowledge bycasuallyscrolling throughquotes, book extracts or short essays; anduncoverfascinatingideas from the most remarkable figures of thepast, ornowadaysmost inspirational thinkers? Ideas usually hiddenin thepages ofthe books of your local library or bookshop. Theoriqis aspace tobrowse through the most inspiring quotes, bookspassagesandarticles excerpts. >>> For the idle moments oflifeWhatif every idle time becomes the opportunity to learnsomethingnew?A new theory, a new concept, food for thoughts to helpyougrow.Learn from the writings of authors and experts. Oureditorialteamhave scouted books to draw top quotes and passages.Wespendcountless hours every week to find the best articles ontheweb.Explore thousands of top articles found by users acrosstheplanet.If you are a literature non-fiction books fan, you willgetalsoget to know about new books. >>> BeautifulimageryUsingbeautiful imagery, Theoriq unveils all sort ofknowledgeabouthuman being and everything that we call life. Theoriqis in away alife experience, knowledge-sharing app. >>>Afully-fledgeapp - Clean and clear design - New entries in yourfeedevery day –quotes, book passages, concepts from renownedauthorsandacademics, - Share your own theories and favoriteslearnings-Inspiring and insightful articles, quotes and booksexcerptstoread - Bookmark your favorites articles - Create yourownlibraryof concepts - - Leave your own example to illustrateanytheory -Browse by category, authors, books and tags - Interactwiththecommunity - Get push notification for new ideas andtheories-Customize your feed according to your interest - Availableforfreefor everyone and anywhere >>> We curate Wecuratebooks.We scout the web. We select, study and synthesizeineasilydigestible nuggets, key concepts in human sciences,socialsciencesphilosophy and psychology:relationships,communication,creativity, life success, economy,sociology,innovation,management, etc... Principles and theorieswhich helpyou inunderstanding better the world around you byselectingreferencematerials and providing an engaging learningexperience.Much likea social feed, you can scroll through a growingcorpus ofideas,story and wisdoms nicely organized for you, whetheritisexplanatory diagrams, evocative images, short storiesthathavemade history, authors outstanding writings, ormemorablequotesfrom the greatest minds. Theoriq makes you able tolearn in afewswipes and you can go from little or zero knowledge tohavingaelementary understanding of any topic. >>>Acollaborativeplatform You can also share your own quotes andshortarticles ifyou like writing. If you are a writer, then this istheplace whereyou express yourself. Users can write and shareideaswith thecommunity. Would you like to participate into creatingtheworld’sfirst library of life principles? Anyone can share hisorherexperiences and knowledge to illustrate any principlebyprovidingreal life examples. Now feed your mind with areadingexperiencedesigned for an intrigued mind and a free spirit.If youanyquestion, then email us at our support [email protected]
France-Guyane Actu 3.0.4
News from Guyana live on your Android mobile!
Fip - jazz, pop, rock radios
Radio France
Jazz, rock, electro, groove, pop, reggae, worldmusic...Hand-curated playlists.
Courrier international - Mag 2.8.8
Suivez l’actualité française etinternationaleà travers le regard des médias internationaux.Pour découvrir l'application et le mode lecture, le numéro"Vivresous Poutine" (n°1316 du 21 janvier 2016) esttéléchargeablegratuitement. Pour activer le mode liseuse, faites unclic prolongésur le texte de l'article.Courrier international, hebdomadaire créé en novembre 1990,proposeà ses lecteurs une sélection du meilleur de la presseétrangère,traduit en français.Journaux, sites, blogs, les contenus du magazine proviennent deplusde 1 500 sources du monde entier.En sélectionnant des sujets politiques, économiques, sociétauxetculturels, en restant à l’affût des nouvelles tendances,Courrierinternational cherche à anticiper l'actualité et offre àseslecteurs une ouverture pertinente sur la complexité et ladiversitédu monde.Cette application vous permet d'accéder à l'intégralitédel'hebdomadaire en version numérique, ainsi qu'aux hors-sériesetsuppléments.• Lisez votre magazine même sans connexion internet.• Téléchargez votre magazine dès le mercredi, veille de sa sortieenkiosque.• Recevez l'hebdomadaire dans votre application chaque semaineentéléchargement automatique.• Naviguez facilement dans les pages et rubriques grâce au chemindefer miniature.• Profitez du confort de lecture du mode Liseuse, en faisantunappui prolongé sur l'article choisi.• Retrouvez les anciens numéros, hors-séries etsupplémentsrégionaux et spéciaux.• Sans abonnement, il est possible d'acheter à l'unité desnumérosde l'hebdomadaire, des hors-séries ou des suppléments.• Contenu de l'abonnement in-app : l'hebdo chaque mercredidansl'appli, le mode liseuse, les suppléments régionauxetspéciaux.• Contenu de l'abonnement pour les abonnés web : l'hebdochaquemercredi dans l'appli, le mode liseuse, les supplémentsrégionauxet spéciaux, 1 an d'anciens numéros (52 n°), desupplémentsrégionaux et spéciaux.Pour toute assistance, pour un problème technique ou pour nousfairepart de vos remarques et suggestions contactez-nousà[email protected] dans l'application et lisez Courrierinternationalchaque semaine :1 mois - 6.99€3 mois - 19.99€1 an - 79.99€Spécificités des abonnements Google Play (in-app) :Les abonnements in-app donnent accès à l'hebdo et auxsupplémentsparus à partir de la date de souscription. Ils nedonnent pas accèsà l'espace abonné de notre site web ni auxhors-séries et auxanciens numéros.Le montant de votre abonnement est débité sur votre compteGooglePlay automatiquement, une fois votre achat confirmé.L’abonnement est reconduit automatiquement sauf si vousdésactivezcette option au moins 24h avant la fin de la périodeencours.Votre abonnement et son renouvellement peuvent être gérésdepuisvotre compte Google Play.Aucune résiliation n’est possible pendant la période activeencours.L'abonnement complet (site web + applis + anciens numéros)estdisponible sur notre site web, nous vous invitons à allerconsulternotre formule 100% numérique avant de vous abonnerdansl'application.Pour accéder à notre page Données personnelles et notre politiquedeconfidentialité : vers nos Conditions Générales d'Utilisation :
Cours & révisions du CP au bac 2.6.1
💯 The app to tear up your school year and save time onyourhomework🔥
bestrong 2.7.1
Become your own coach
Alphorm - Formations IT en ligne
Follow The best IT video courses in French online and offline!
Blooming : Diary & Affirmation 3.7.0
Your private diary with affirmations, quotes andpersonaldevelopment
Weasyo: back pain & pt therapy 1.7.1
Physical therapy & stretch exercises to reduce body painandimprove your health
Stop-tabac 5.0.3
This app helps you quit smoking!
Visiotalent 1.6.3
Nous pensons que lors d’un recrutementlescandidats ne devraient pas être réduits à leur simple CV.Visiotalent est l’outil qui leur permet de mettre en avantleurpersonnalité, facilement et en quelques minutes.2 modes d'utilisation :Pré-entretien d’embauche : répondez où et quand vous lesouhaitezaux questions du recruteur en vous enregistrant avecvotre téléphoneou tablette Android.C’est une façon simple et innovante de convaincre le recruteurdevous recevoir en entretien physique. Ici, vous devez renseignerlecode d’entretien que vous avez reçu du recruteur par mail.Entraînement : soyez parfaitement préparé pour vosentretiensd’embauche, entraînez-vous à tout moment en répondant àdesquestions-types.*Visiotalent permet de passer un pré-entretiend’embauchebeaucoup plus rapidement que par téléphone ou viaSkype®.N’hésitez pas à utiliser le temps gagné pournoterl’application*We believe that atarecruiting candidates should not be reduced to theirsimplestCV.Visiotalent is the tool that allows them to highlighttheirpersonality, easily and in minutes.2 modes:Pre-job interview: answer where and when you want therecruiterto questions by registering with your Android phoneortablet.It is a simple and innovative way to convince the recruiteryoureceive physical maintenance. Here you must enter the servicecodeyou receive by email the recruiter.Drivetrain: be perfectly prepared for your job interviews,workout at any time by answering questions types.* Visiotalent can pass a pre-employment interview muchfasterthan by phone or via Skype®.Feel free to use the time saved to Rate the application *
KYO. Mindful Moment. 2.0.0
Daily motivational quotes