Top 5 Apps Similar to 名言ホーム for ムーミン

ムーミンキャラ診断~あなたの性格を簡単にキャラで診断~ 1.0.4
魅力的なキャラがいっぱいのムーミンの世界キャラクターにはそれぞれ異なる性格があり、意外とリアル!子ども向けだけでない、大人も魅かれる個性的なキャラクターにあなたがそして友人は、上司は似ているのか簡単診断。キャラクターは全部で6種類。非公認アプリではございますが、簡単な選択肢を選ぶだけなのでやってみてくださいね!Full ofMoominworldcharming character isThe character has a different personality each, surprisingly real!Not only for children, friends you have and theuniquecharacterof adult Charles seen, simple diagnostic whether thebossissimilar.Character is six in total.There is a non-official app but, but please try so onlychooseasimple choice!
Moomijis Moomin Stickers 1.1.5
This is the official Moomin sticker app-orMoomijis, as we call them!The stories and illustrations about the lovableMoominswereconceived by the artist and author Tove Jansson in 1945andtheyhave since become a global phenomenon, loved by fansaroundtheworld.By installing the app and activating the Moominstickerkeyboardyou’ll get 24 different images to comment andillustratehow youfeel - using Moomins!Just add the Moomijis - Moomin Stickers keyboardinKeyboardSettings and the Moomin stickers are ready for you touse.Simplyselect the Moomjis keyboard, tap the sticker you want touseandpaste it in your message. It’s as easy as that.Say it with a Moomin in your favourite appsShow your friends how you feel with this set of Moominemotionsinthe Moomin Sticker app. The stickers work in yourfavouritechannels,including iMessage, WhatsApp, Messenger,SnapChat ande-mail, to namea few. Just tap on the Emoji you wantto use andpaste it in yourmessage.Please note that due to platform limitations, emojis aresentasimages within your messages.The Moomin Stickers include:Happy Moomins, sad Moomins, Moomins in love and manymore.Allyour favourite characters are featured in the app-Moomintroll,Little My, Snorkmaiden, Moominpappa,Moominmamma,Sniff, Snufkin,Mymble, Stinky and the scary Groke.WHY FULL ACCESS?The warning you get when enabling Full Access isastandardwarning and is no cause of concern. We don'tcollectpeople'skeystrokes, typing data, credit card numbers or anyofyourinformation, regardless of whether you enable Full Accessornot.Please contact [email protected] if you have anyquestionsorconcerns.All rights reserved © Moomin Characters™
ムーミンキャラクタークイズ 1.0.5
大人気!ムーミンは意外と話は哲学的そして、なんといっても魅力的なキャラクターこのアプリではキャラクターごとのクイズを用意しています。Popular!Moominissurprisingly story philosophicalAnd, charming character and than anythingWith this app I offers a quiz for each character.
Moominworld adventure 1.2
Now there's much more to do and to exploreinthe Moominworld!Do you know who stole Hemulen's barometer? Can you helpThingumyand Bob find the King Ruby? Experience an incredibleadventure thatcan not be played anywhere else but theMoominworld!Discover things that are invisible to the naked eye, andonlyreveal themselves in the game!
クイズforムーミンマニア 1.0.5