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Central UMC Manila 0.0.2
Central United Methodist Church wasfoundedonSunday of March 5, 1899 as the first Protestant churchinthePhilippines to minister the spiritual needs ofthousandsofAmerican soldiers and civilians alike who were thenresidinginManila. It was also referred to as “The American Church”orthefirst ever “ English-Speaking Church” in the Philippineshousedina temporary chapel located along Nozaleda Street(presentlycalledGeneral Luna Street), where the Department ofTourismbuilding nowstands.The strategic location of Central United MethodistChurchhasprovided inspiration and expedite the AmericanProtestantMissionin the Philippines that began with the firstProtestantservice bya Methodist Chaplain, George Stull, on August28, 1898held at theSpanish dungeon facing the bay. Although hisprimaryduty then wasto minister to the soldiers but was attended bysomeFilipinos aswell until seven months later, a establishment andapresence of anew church was greatly needed preferably close totheWalled Cityof Intramuros (a long time stronghold and cradleofpolitical,military and religious center of the Spanish EmpireinAsia), tosignify that the enemy was not only Spain but alsotheRomanCatholic Church, which had corrupted localpeoplesthroughmisguided sense of dogma and superstition for over300 yearsofrule. Thus, the conviction was that Protestantism wouldbringforththe best of Christianity as another approach ofcivilizingprocessand an indication that Christianity isProtestantism in theeyes ofAmerica.With the establishment of the first Protestant churchinthePhilippines following the hostilities between AmericansoldiersandFilipino revolutionary forces which escalated quicklyonFebruary4, 1899, the First Philippine Republic officiallydeclaredwaragainst the United States on June 2, 1899. The warwasacontinuation of the Philippine struggle for independencethatbeganin 1896 against the Spanish which officially ended on July4,1902against America.The war and American occupation had changed the culturalsettingsofthe island with the disestablishment of the RomanCatholicChurch toseparate the Church and State, and theintroduction ofthe Englishlanguage as a primary language ingovernment,education, business,industrial and in the futuredecades.Despite the on-going Filipino-American war, 1901 marksthebeginningof a drastic improvement in the island. FortSantiagobecame theheadquarters of the Philippine Division of theUnitedStates Armyunder the military government, and the gatheringofearly Protestantmissionaries in Manila to further discusstheterritorial divisionof ministry to avoid future conflictsamongthemselves and theirconverts.About 93% of the islands’ land area was already held bytheAmericangovernment and William Howard Taft, newlyappointedGovernor-Generalof the Philippines, argued for a liberalpolicy sothat a goodportion could be sold off to American investorsas partof hiseconomic development under the Taft Commission, alsoknownas ThePhilippine Commission.By October 1901, in anticipation to Governor-GeneralTaft’slandredistribution program and an initiative to thedeclarationofManila as open to all Protestant denomination andmissionagencies,the Official Board of Central MethodistEpiscopalChurchimmediately acquired a property lot for the churchat thecorner ofSan Luis Street (now T.M Kalaw Street), and Gen.LunaStreet.