Top 19 Apps Similar to Crack Your Screen Express

Crack screen Prank 1.2
Crack screen Prank is an app that willallowyouto have fun to trick your friends and parents.With this application, people will believe that your phoneisbrokenor broken, or that they accidentally broke it! You onlyneedtochoose the background cracked screen in the app and pressSTART!Onthe screen of your smartphone will appear cracked, as ifitjustbroke or broke! You will hear the sound of breaking glass,allasif for real!The app Crack screen Prank is suitable for phones withtouchscreen.The image of the broken screen will be installed infrontof allother applications. To disconnect the cracked screen, itisonlynecessary to log in the application again and press theSTOPbutton.\nYou can easily and cool to play your friendsorrelatives, havingshown a smartphone with a broken display.
Face Changer
Make any photo into a funny one.CNET: ”If you are searching for a great time killerandfunny photo app, this one is for you. This app promises manylaughsas you twist and edit your friends' faces.”Main Features:Replace face parts Funny eyes, noses, make them bald.Smudge and warp Make faces thin or fat, make earspointy,make them smile.Packed with features Add text or draw on top of thephoto,Share with friends.Simple to use, easy to learn and share.Face Changer is a registered trademark.
Wifi Password Hacker Prank 5.2
Wifi Password Hacker Simulated, hack and break any password.
Les Histoires de Toto 2.2
Simon Marquis
Find all the stories Toto on your Android smartphone!
Crazy Toto 3.0
Bubble Fires
Discover the adventures of the Googleplayblunderer number one!Toto is a little Parisian kid living in his native city,passingmost of his time in exposing every nook and cranny ofhisentourage, only to make us enjoy!A universal application with HD graphics optimized anddeveloppedfor Retina screens.Have fun!
Blagues françaises 1.0
Des milliers de Meilleures Blaguesfrançaiseshilarantes qui viendront égayer votre journée ! Vousattendez lebus ?Vous faites la queue ? Vous n'avez rien à faire ? Il voussuffitd'utiliser cette appli pour vous remonter le moral ou offrirunefranche rigolade à votre pote.Les Meilleures Blagues françaises sont classées en 22 catégories:Animaux, Belge, Belle mère, Blague courte, Blonde, ChuckNorris,Combles, Contrepeteries, Devinettes, Enfant, Femme, Histoiredrole,Homme, Humour Noir, Les gens célèbres, Les MeilleuresBlaguesfrançaises longues, Métiers, Monsieur et Madame, Personnesagées,Population, Religion, Sexe, SMS Humour, Ta mère...,Toto,Voitures.Partagez-les avec vos amis par e-mail, Facebook ou Twitter.Amusez-vous bien !Exemples de Meilleures Blagues françaises:Pour ne pas louper la Blagues Toto du jour,abonnez-vousgratuitement aux alertes, nous vous préviendrons dèsque la blagueremonter viendront est publiée !Des centaines de blagues pour vous faire rire quelle que soitlasituation dans laquelle vous vous trouvez:- La blague remonter du jour : une nouvelle blagueremonterviendront chaque jour, sélectionnée par nos experts durire.- Un dîner entre hommes ? Faites-vous plaisir avec lesBlagues(ancienne version) remontersur les femmes !- Une amie blonde : tout est dans l’application pour lataquiner!- Bien sûr, quelques blagues et Plaisanteries norriscoquines pour mettre un peu de piment dans vos soirées !- Une simple et soudaine envie de rire.Sans oublier les classiques :Retrouvez les meilleures blagues Drol, devinettes surToto,histoires de Toto, etc
Body Temperature Check Prank 1.1
Frozen Apps
Body Temperature Check is an excellentandintelligent application to check your body temperature. This isoneof the most important application which work through fingerprintto get know about your body temperature. Body TemperatureCheck isa prank application to make your friends fool. Its designandfunctionality is so beautiful that it can deceive anyone. Noonewill ever think that it’s a prank application. So you caneasilymake everyone fool and even sometime you too become a foolthroughthis body temperature check prank application.Body Temperature Check is designed in such a way that one who isnotaware that android can never get whether it is a prankapplicationor real. People would think as if it is a real BodyTemperatureThermometer application.HOW TO USE:place your finger gently on thumb scanner and wait for theanalysis.A well designed thermometer animation will start tocalculate yourbody temperature. After that Your Body Temperaturewill be shownautomatically after calculation. Body TemperatureCheck includeshigh definition image. You result will be displayedboth inFahrenheit and centigrade values.This application has been tested on all devices and workperfectly.You will definitely enjoy this funny prank application.Do notforget to give this application rating. Also give us yourfeedbackto make more funny applications for android users.
wifi password hacking (Prank) 1.0.0
What about a new funny app for hacking anywifipassword easy and quickly?do you want to unlock a wifi password? you're always askingyourselfor your friend about how to hack wifi?so this app is made for youwifi password hacking (Prank) is a free new app to hack and getanywifi password of any wireless routerFool your friends and get fun!Hack All Wifi Password Prank makes it look like you can hackanyWiFi network. WEP, WPA2 or AES encryption. It just present afancyanimations nothing else.The best wifi hacking joke software for android at the markettorecover wifi password.Get the password to any secured WiFi network with thiswifiunlocker "Hacker Wifi Password Prank" Just run the applicationandview a list of available WiFi. Select the WiFi account you wanttohack and a fake password will be generated for it! They willthinkyou just hacked into their WiFi account.How to Use★Go to the place where wireless network is provided. Theprivatenetwork, wireless hotspot and Wifi tethering is allok.★Launch our Wifi Hack and press the start button. The Wifi toolwilldetect all the wireless networks nearby of which the Wifisignal canbe detected.★Select the wifi id you want to crack.★The Wi-Fi hacker 2015 will show the fake animations whichanalyzesthe wifi info and breaking process.★In the end the password of the network will be displayed.You can use it to trick your friends that you can hack intotheirprivate wifi network that he can recover wifi password.Just run this app in their house and select their wirelessnetworkname. Fake password will be displayed, but they will thinkthat youhave just broken into their network!We remind you that wifi password hacker prank was made just forfunand it will not make a real piracy. It is only a simulation,sothat all passwords are randomly generated and false!Disclaimer:Wifi password hacker prank is a joke, joke or simulatetheapplication. It will generate the random password.
Blagues - Drôles de blagues 2.0.2
Plus de 950 000 personnes rigolent tous les jours grâce à Drôlesdeblagues!Les meilleures blagues sélectionnées pour vous !Plus de 7 000 blagues sont disponibles et tous les jours,denouvelles blagues sont ajoutées par l'équipe éditoriale etlacommunauté des utilisateurs.Retrouvez, en un clin d’œil, les blagues les plus drôlespourvotre téléphone Android.LE PARTAGEOn ne vous laissera pas en rire seul, chaque blague peutêtrepartagée :- Par email- Sur Facebook- Sur Twitter- Par SMSLES ALERTESPour ne pas louper la blague du jour, abonnez-vous gratuitementauxalertes, nous vous préviendrons dès que la blague est publiée!Des centaines de blagues pour vous faire rire quelle que soitlasituation dans laquelle vous vous trouvez:- La blague du jour : une nouvelle blague chaquejour,sélectionnée par nos experts du rire.- Un dîner entre hommes ? Faites-vous plaisir avec les blaguessurles femmes !- Une amie blonde : tout est dans l’application pour lataquiner!- Bien sûr, quelques blagues coquines pour mettre un peu depimentdans vos soirées !- Une simple et soudaine envie de rire : dirigez-vous vers letop25.Sans oublier les classiques :- Toto- Monsieur et Madame- On ne dit pas- Un jour DieuEnfin, la rubrique « Favoris » vous permettrad’accéderrapidement à vos blagues préférées.Et si VOUS avez une blague ? Faites la connaître !Proposez-nous vos blagues et tentez d’apparaitre dans lasélectiondu jour.Over950000 people are laughing every day with Funny jokes!The best jokes selected for you!More than 7,000 jokes are available and every day new jokesareadded by the editorial team and the user community.Find in a glance, the funniest jokes to your Android phone.THE SHARINGWe will not let you alone laugh, every joke can be shared:- By email- On Facebook- On Twitter- By SMSALERTSNot to miss the joke of the day, subscribe to alerts free, wewillnotify you as soon as the joke is published!Hundreds of jokes to make you laugh no matter what thesituationin which you are:- The joke of the day: a new joke every day, selected byourexperts of laughter.- Dinner for men? Spoil yourself with the jokes about women!- A blonde friend, it's all in the application for the tease!- Of course, some naughty jokes to put a little spice toyourparties!- A simple and sudden urge to laugh, head to the top 25.Not forgetting the classics:- Toto- Sir and Madam- We do not say- One day GodFinally, the section "Favourites" will allow you toquicklyaccess your favorite jokes.And if YOU have a joke? Get to know it!Submit us your jokes and try to appear in the selection oftheday.
Crack Your Mobile for fun 1.0
Crack Your Mobile for funCrack your Mobile for Fun application makes enjoymentorhappiness with your devices screen. These look like realcrackscreen.You touch your screen to your screen is crack. Also crackscreenwith the sound of crack the any glass.You also set the time to your crack screen. Also differentsoundis applied.Also enable or disable the sound of your crack screen. Alsocrackscreen to set as wallpaper.You also give the timer of your crack screen. You also applythiscracking effect to pick up the call, shake your hand, andtouch thescreen or more.
Crack Screen 1.1
Destiny Tool
Why this is the best prank app?Crack Screen Prank is a screen break prank app that willsimulateCrack of the screen in your device.Crack screen is a funny prank app, which simulator thescreenbroken effect, let your friends or family think the screenisbroken.Perfect way to fool your friends with this amazing prankapp!Now you can crack your screen by 3 different methods*:✔ Crack on SHAKE: Just one shake and screenwillcrack!✔ Crack on TOUCH: Just one touch on the screen and screenwillcrack immediately.✔ Auto Crack Timer: Screen will auto crack after5,10,15...seconds.* You can change the crack method in Settings/PreferencesApp features:✔ Cracked screen.✔ Very realistic.✔ Sound on/off , Vibration on/off✔ Have several broken (Crack) screen patterns.✔ Make you laugh.✔ Make your friends fool.Extra Functionality:✔ It looks cool.✔ It looks like you cracked your phone.✔ A lot of fun to watch the broken screen image.This App Use For Entertainment Purpose And FunnyPrankApp....Thanking to you For Using This app. If you like this CrackScreenapp then please rate as and give your valuable comment itisimportant to us and other.Thank you
Akinator the Genie
The famous Genie needs to take up challenge.Tohelp him, go in search for Aki Awards...Akinator can read your mind and tell you what character youarethinking about, just by asking a few questions. Think of a realorfictional character and Akinator will try to guess who it is.Willyou dare challenge the Genie?Discover the new Akinometer, Challenge your friends on theleaderboards to prove who is the best. To let your children playsafely,turn on the child filter.GO IN SEARCH FOR AKI AWARDSAkinator invites you to think outside the box. As you know, helikesto guess characters and takes up challenges ever moredifficult. Todo that, make him guess forgotten characters, whohave not beenplayed for a very long time. Compare your trophieswith your friendsin Facebook Games.UNLEASH YOUR CREATIVITYThanks to Geniz, you unlock and play with new backgroundsandcustomize Akinator as you want.The genie will turn into avampire,a cow-boy or a disco man.KEEP ON GUESSINGEach day, try to find 5 mysterious characters and win extra Geniztocustomize your favorite Genie.TRY OUT THE MyWorld EXPERIENCEThe talents of Akinator never end! Another surprise from theGenie:with MyWorld, discover a new way of playing. ChallengeAkinatoreven more: make him guess who are your relatives andfriends andgather them all into your own galerie MyWorld. Evenbetter!Akinator can guess your friends and relatives even if youare notplaying. Impossible?! Pass your mobile to your friends andtry outthe MyWorld experience… and be ready for the amaze!---------------------------Follow: note:-Akinator requires an Internet connection to use his magiclamp.Turn on Wifi or be sure to have a data plan.-Available in several languages (French, English,Spanish,Portuguese, German, Japanese, Arabic, Russian, Italian,Chinese,Turkish, Korean, Hebrew, Polish and Dutch)-To select your language, don't forget to scroll down
Crackle - Free TV & Movies 6.1.9
Crackle is the destination to watchHollywoodmovies, hit TV shows and exclusive Crackle Originals.Always free.On all devices. So escape the daily grind and rechargewith greatcomedy, drama and action entertainment.- Stream premium shows and movies with a library full ofall-starhits… completely free.- Watch Crackle’s fresh and unique Original programming,includingbuzzworthy TV shows and movies such as Snatch,StartUp,SuperMansion, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, Joe Dirt2:Beautiful Loser, and more. Stars include: Jerry Seinfeld,RupertGrint, Martin Freeman, Charlie Sheen, Kate Bosworth andmore.- Search our genre categories including comedy, drama,action,fandom and icon to find awesome hits and forgottenfavorites.- Browse our Spotlight Channel with ‘What’s On Now’ and ourtoprecommendations handpicked by our team at Sony Pictures StudioinHollywood.- No cable subscription (or money) needed, ever.- Create a free account to save your place and pick up whereyouleft off on any device.- Save your favorite movies and TV shows on your WatchLaterlist.- Log-in for free to pause in the middle of watching and pickupright where you left off, even if you switch devices.Please note: This app features Nielsen’s proprietarymeasurementsoftware, which will allow you to contribute to marketresearch,like Nielsen’s TV Ratings.** for more information.**The link doesn¹t allow the user to opt-out, it just providestheinformation about the policy.
JuasApp - Prank Calls 1.3.070623.201
FunnyApps LLC
Laugh out loud playing joke calls to your friends and sharingtheirreactions
Best of Cracked Vol. 1 1.0.0
If you’re like us, you are too busy workingorfighting crime to truly appreciate the best content thattheInternet has to offer. Of course, by “Internet” we really onlymean“” Well, thanks to this handy little app, we’ve gotyoucovered!The Best of Cracked Vol. 1 app features our top 25 mostviewedarticles, videos and photoplasties of 2011. Worried aboutwhat todo on your next 6 hour plane ride? Not sure how to pass thetime atyour next boring family reunion? Worry no longer. This appis chockfull of the humor and mind blowing information that Crackedisknown for. All we ask is that you scotch guard yourbelongingsaccordingly.
9GAG 6.121.04r24912-de269f5b42
9GAG makes your every single minuteinterestingand happy. 9GAG is the best app for you to lol, killtime and makenew friends all around the world. We are the leadingplatform forhumor contents with millions of visitors.What you can find on 9GAG:1. Millions of funny pictures, fail image, reaction GIF, memes,WTFphoto, gaming, anime & manga, movie & TV, cuteanimals…Update every minute!2. Unstoppable hilarious videos, upvote or downvote to decidewhichvideo got viral!3. Awesome community with comments that would definitely crackyouup.3 reasons that you'd need 9GAG:1. Lol. Life is all about being happy right? 9GAG provides tonsofjoy that make you smile. You'll definitely fall in lovewith9GAG.2. Lol with your friends. You’ll be happier when sharinghappinesswith them.3. Life is easy. Take a break. Check out 9GAG.It's not important but we received these honors:▸ Best Apps of 2016 (Entertainment) - Google▸ The Nobel Prize in Humor or Entertainment 2016Download it now! We are your best source of happinessandawesomeness.We value your feedback a lot. Please report bugs or givesuggestionsto us. Let's make 9GAG a better communitytogether!Email: [email protected]:
Голоса для Вконтакте 1.3.001
Как бесплатно получить голоса VK? Оченьпросто!Установи бесплатное приложение Голоса для ВК, выполняйпростыезадания и получай ГОЛОСА VKДля чего нужны голоса Вконтакте ?С помощью голосов ты можешь дарить подарки, подниматьрейтингсвоей странички и получать платные стикеры Вконтакте!Как же получить голоса?После установки приложения, ты сможешь выполнять простыезаданияи получать за это монеты.Монеты можно обменять на ГОЛОСА для ВКонтактеКак и когда я получу голоса?Когда ты накопил достаточно монет, чтобы обменять их наголоса,просто заполни форму на страничке “Получить голоса”. Голосабудутпереведены нашим оператором на ваш ВК аккаунт в течении 3-хдней.Обычно раньшеБезопасная авторизацияАвторизация происходит через форму на сайте позащищенномусоединению. Мы не видим и не храним ваши данные длявхода, и неимеем такой возможностиВнимание! Указывать свои пригласительные коды в отзывахкприложению строго запрещено!How to get free voiceVK?Very simple!Install the free application Voices for VC to performsimpletasks and get votes VKWhat are the voices Vkontakte?With the votes you can give gifts, raise your page rankingandget paid Vkontakte stickers!How to get votes?After installing the application, you'll be able to dosimpletasks and get a coin.The coins can be exchanged for a voice for VKontakteHow and when do I get to vote?When you accumulated enough coins to exchange them for thevoice,simply by filling the form on the page "Get the voice."Voters willbe transferred to our operator to your VC accountwithin 3 days.Usually beforeSecure authenticationAuthorization takes place through the form on the sitevk.comover a secure connection. We do not see and do not store yourlogininformation, and do not have such a possibilityAttention! Indicate your invitation code in a review ofAnnexstrictly prohibited!
Vine 7.0.0
Twitter, Inc.
Vine has been placed in an archived state.
Don't Pause! 3.55
~Are you tired ofNotificationsinterruptingyour music?~~Easy to use~~Simple Customization~~Material Design Update~Don't Pause was designed to keep your device frominterruptingyouwhen you are listening to music. If you arelistening tomusicthrough your android phone and you get a textmessage or email,bydefault, Android pauses your music and playsthenotification.Don't Pause fills in here. Don't Pause willruncontinuously onceyou start it and when you are playing musicitautomatically putsyour notifications on vibrate. After youfinishyour music, Don'tPause automatically changes your settingback tothe normal ringer.This app is similar to "Shush!" but I havetakenit one stepfurther. Instead of making you configure theappyourself, I havedone the work for you. Go ahead and downloadDon'tPause and startit up. That is all you have to do to keepyourmobile musicuninterrupted.Thanks:- Latest Icon designed by graphic designer Franco Colomba.Youcanview his portfolio at Promotional video provided byFacundoHolzmeister(@AndroidTechMan). You can view hisworkat