Top 4 Apps Similar to Russische Grammatik

King of German Article Pro 2.6.2
Language learn
King of German ArticleThe Pro-Version has access to the full database of morethan3.000 German nouns. It also includes the function to addanunlimited number of own new words and access to all traininglevelsand categories.German Gender and German Noun Trainer. The best way tolearnGerman gender!Learn German Articles DER DIE DAS easily with a German genderquiztrainer and improve your knowledge of the most common Germannouns.Become the King of German Article!The App includes:- All words were reviewed by Native Germans- English translation for each word so it can be used forlearningGerman vocabulary as well- Option to add your own German nouns- Daily statistics to see your right and wrong answers fortheGerman Articles- More useful hints for learning German Articles DER DIE DAS- Extra wordlist to see and train favorite and wrong nouns- Several Categories and German Training Levels to choose- Choose your training case DATIV, AKKUSATIV, NOMINATIV andtrainthe right German gender for each case- Option to just train the wrong guessed German nounsUse this "King of German Article" App to learn Germangenderswith the right German Articles on the go. You can easilylearn theright German gender while commuting oder taking a shortbreak atwork. You will see soon: Deutsch lernen macht Spass!DeutscheArtikel lernen ist ganz einfach!When you add your personal vocabulary, we will collectthevocabulary and share it in one of the next upgrades. Of coursethenouns and the gender der die das will be reviewed beforesharingit.If you like our German vocabulary trainer, please recommand ittoyour friends. We also love to get feedback how you like it.King of German Article is a special trainer for learningtheGerman gender DER DIE DAS
Verben mit Präpositionen 5.0
Les verbes allemands sont si importants pour apprendrelalangueallemand, que ce soit débutant ou intermédiaire,voustrouvereztoujours des problèmes en prépositions et les verbesàdominer.Pourquoi? Parce que chaque verbe a sa proprerègle.Certains verbessont associés à une préposition particulière;cesverbes sontappelés «verbes à particule". alors cetteapplicationpeut vousaider pour cela. Ici vous expliquez mêmelorsque lesverbes sontdatant ou accusatif si les verbesprépositions avecdatif est leverbe, et si les prépositions avecaccusatif sont, estégalementles verbes accusatif dans l'ensemble,dans les exercices,il y atoujours un problème pour les anciens de«verbes à particule«decomprendre, ici, il y a une Direction desverbes avec lesexemplesles prépositions, Cette application a unegrande valeurparce quevous pouvez acquérir beaucoup de vocabulaireetapprendrel'allemand. on vous souhaite bonne chance dansvotrechemind'apprendre l'allemand et que vous puissiez parler lalanguetrèsfacilement -------------------------------- images àpartirde:
Serbian in my pocket 1.2.0
”Serbian in my pocket” is theapplicationcomprised of 3 parts:-Serbo-English dictionary consists of approximately 25 000wordsand synonyms.- The practice book is part of the same study book anditcontains a few thousands of multiple choice questions whichwillhelp you to check easily what you have already learned.- Quiz- Learn through play 25 000 words and synonyms thatarequite essential for a meaningful conversation in Serbian.‘‘Serbian in my pocket‘‘ is one of the effective methods thathavebeen used in particular for students of a non-native Serbianoriginfor longer than 15 years.What to expect from this application?Lessons:1. HOW TO READ AND WRITE IN SERBIAN? Latin and Cyrillic/Capitalizing2. WHAT IS THAT? WHO IS THAT?3. GETTING ACQUAINTED4. MY FAMILY5. COLOURS6. WHAT TIME IS IT?7. BUSINESS TELEPHONE CONVERSATION8. AT THE DOCTOR’S9. GOING TO A RESTAURANT10. AT THE MARKET11. IN THE VILLAGE12. AT THE AIRPORT13. LOOKING FOR THE APARTMENT14. SHE AND HE15. AT THE HOTEL16. MONTHS AND SEASONSGenitive caseVerb "jesam"Possessive pronounsAccusative case; Verb "imati"Past tense; Vocative caseVerb "hteti"Locative caseComparison of adjectivesQuestion wordsQuestion wordsFutureInstrumental case; Dative casePassiveConditional sentencesLearning a new foreign language is a great experience. BylearningSerbian language, you will be able not only to communicatewithabout ten million Serbs living all over the word, but also tolearnabout Serbian culture, mentality, customs and lifestyle.Takinginto consideration about fifteen million people originallyfrom theregion of ex Yugoslavia, there is a big population groupyou cancommunicate with making interesting private or businesscontacts."SERBIAN IN MY POCKET" is the study book designed forbeginners, aswell as for students who already have some basicknowledge. In thefirst lesson you will learn the Cyrillic alphabet,which followsthe principle: one sound - one symbol - one letter.From the secondlesson on there are fifteen situational dialoguesand about twentygrammar lessons which will help you learn enoughvocabulary for thebasic conversation in Serbian language.‘Serbian in my pocket’ has three components. Apart fromthistextbook including practice exercises, there is an audiorecordingfor each situational dialogue, with a 25,000-worddictionary on appfor your smart phones or tablet computers.We wish you a lot of success and enjoyment in your learning.SlaWien Team
German Declension 1.4
German declension tables dividedbyDefinite/Indefinite/No Article or Possessive PronounsandNominative, Accusative, Dative and Genitive. A great helpforpeople who are learning German!