Top 17 Apps Similar to LTE톡

무료통화 어플 - 콩자루(무료 음성로밍) 2.1.4
* 어플 설치만 하면 해외 음성로밍 무료(해외 무료착신)* 한국으로 무료 통화 지원(비회원 통화 가능)* 비회원이 전화해도 통화 가능.(수신자만 어플 설치)* 해외 현지 유심(usim) 이용자도 OK~[원패스 해외 음성로밍 기능]데이터 로밍만으로 음성로밍이 가능.한국에서 전화한 사람에게 콩번호 안내문자 전송(무료 자동문자)한국 발신자는 국내통화요금.수신자는 mVoIP로 수신.[해외 현지 USIM 이용 가능]짧은 한국(국내)통화로 Call Back 번호 알림.(짧은 통화 지원)내콩번호(Call Back번호)로 한국에서 발신 시 국내 통화 요금.수신자는 mVoIP로 수신.[무료통화]한국으로 짧은 통화 지원.(한국 무료전화는 포인트 없을 시에만 해당)회원간 무료통화 기능.(라인, 마이피플, 카카오톡-보이스톡, 스카이프, 탱고와 같은 서비스)[070 인터넷 전화 대용 어플]070 인터넷 전화기 대신 자신의 휴대폰으로이동 중 사용.(Wi-Fi, 해외3G)[최고의 mVoIP 기술]?100메가로 최고 600분 통화.최고의 수신율.(네팔, 인도네시아, 필리핀, 일본 등 해외 현지 테스트)[저렴한 국제전화 서비스]한국 휴대폰 전화 시 10초당 10원.mVoIP 국제전화 서비스 중.(미국, 일본, 중국, 태국, 인도네시아, 몽골, 베트남, 호주, 필리핀, 싱가폴, 캐나다, 홍콩, 프랑스,영국,브라질등 250여개국)[국내 이용 시 포인트 적립]한국에서 콩번호로 수신 시 포인트 적립.(한국 휴대폰 일반 발신 일 경우)포인트는 모바일 상품권 구매, 국제전화 등 이용.※ wifi 환경이 아닌 경우에는 데이터 통신요금이 발생하니 해외 이용 시 무제한 데이터 로밍요금제가입을권장합니다.※ 콩번호로 발신 시 월정액의 경우 무료통화 시간을 먼저 사용하며, 월정액이 아니거나 무료통화를 모두 소진 할시가입하신이동통신사의 요금체계를 따릅니다.
WeSay - Realtime Voice Chat 1.07
CodeK Games
Let's talk to stranger with HD Voice!- No more boring Text Chat.- Now you can talk to stranger in REAL TIME!- You can easily sign in with Facebook and Kakao Account.If you have any problems or feedbacks, feel free to sendanemail!* With WIFI enabled, you can experience Best HD Voice!
Voice talk old version 3.2.6
a new way of dating where the point ofcontactis your voice. Share your story and stand out from the crowdwith aunique voice recording. Then leave your message in the air,waitfor replies, or listen to the recordings from other peoplenearyou.Features:
• Share your voice recording and leave it in the air.• Listen to the voice recordings of other users.• A playlist voice of recordings is automatically generated basedontime of upload, country and your sexual preference.• Use the playlist: skip or reply to voice uploads as you choose.Ifyou like a particular recording, you can initiate aconversationwith the person.• Share your photo or details about you.FAQ1. How do I use this app?Simply touch the record sign at the centre of the home screen.Yourrecording will start immediately. Once done click the signagain tofinish. Then click on the letter sign to send your voicetoothers.2. I found a voice recording that I would like to reply to.Whatshould I do?Simply swipe right on the voice that you want to reply to. Thenhitthe record button. Click it again once done to finish recordingandclick the letter sign to send.3. There are no replies to my voice recording. What should Ido?Share a new voice recording! Mention something interestingaboutyourself or let your voice itself be interesting. Saysomethingfunny, interesting, or sweet to get people’sattention.*We also monitor and keep a lookout on offensive behaviors ontheapp. So don’t try anything too naughty!
클랜톡 - 실시간 게임 보이스톡/음성채팅 1.05
One Platoon
그동안 토크온, 게임톡, 스카이프로만 하던 보이스톡(음성 채팅)을 모바일로편하게할수 있게 되었습니다!방을 만들고 다른 사람들과 함께 게임을 즐겨보세요.헤드셋이 없어도 마이크가 없어도 스마트폰만 있으면 어디서든 음성채팅이 가능합니다.클랜톡이 좋은 점1. 카카오톡, 토크온 기술과 같은 음성 기술을 사용2. 카카오톡/페이스북을 통해 클릭 한번이면 가입 끝3. 언제 어디서나 편하게 음성채팅이 가능4. 이 모든 것이 무료!!주의:1. 하울링 방지를 위해 이어폰을 사용을 추천합니다.2. 장시간 사용시 데이터 사용량이 많아질 수 있음으로 Wifi로 연결을 추천합니다Meanwhile,torque-on,thegame Flick, Skype was seen only in stock (voice chat)and wasableto relax a mobile!Create a room and enjoy the game with other people.You do not need a microphone headset anywhere without a voicechatispossible only if the smartphone.The great thing Clan Talk1. Use the KakaoTalk, voice technologies such astorqueonTechnology2. Click through Kakao Talk / Facebook Sign up oncewhentheend3. When will you be able to comfortably voicechatfromanywhere4. All this is free!CAUTION:1. It is recommended to use earphones to prevent howling.2. It is recommended to connect to a Wifi may be moreprolongedusethis data usage
Signal Refresh 3G/4G/LTE/WiFi 5.5
(1) It is a useful tool which recovers the Signal Strengthofsmartphone by one-touch. (It operates by all the Android versions2, 3, 4 , 5.) (2) 3G/4G/LTE/WiFi Signal strength and anetworkresponseare measured in real time. (Network Response timethe timeof Pingto Google DNS.) (3) ON/OFF of 3G/4G/LTE and Wifi canalsobechanged by one-touch. (4) SSID which has connected WiFiisalsodisplayed. (5) The packet communication amount of thedataisindicated. The overuse of data communication can alsobeconfirmed(Android version 4 , 5.) (6) Attention : It isnotmeaningfulunless an Signal Wave exists. Your Signal CheckandRefresh !!Thank You. p.s This Application is exhibited onabeloveddaughter's birthday.
LTE Booster (4G Freq. Catcher) 2.8
Kim Jinsik
1) If your phone miss LTE / 4G frequency signal during usingthevarious applications, LTE booster can help you catch LTE,4Gfrequency again.2) It will attempt to catch LTE, 4G when you touch theattemptbutton.3) During the frequency catching procedure, the mark of LTE or4Gcan disappear and appear for catching the LTE or 4Gfrequencyperfectly.4) Please wait for completing the procedure. If not workingwell,please try again after turning off the phone and on.#. sorry, but for some devices, you need to turn theairplanemode on and off manually.
SpeedUp 4G LTE V.2.5
Designed for the Best User Experienced,OLEDScreen Information Display. And on the OLED screen candisplayinformation about Internet Quota, Balanced, ActivePeriod,etc
AntennaPict β 3.0.0
This app displays the antenna picture in the notification area.
Smart VoLTE
A communication solution app that provides VoLTE servicesforSmartfren user
Papergram - Realtime Drawing 1.01
One Platoon
No more boring messaging, voice chat!Now! For the first time in mobile, Let's doodle with yourfriendsinREALTIME!You can doodle with FREE voice chat at the same time.Show your feelings! Couples would really love that!GET THIS RIGHT NOW!**** Please note : We recommend to use WIFI because of3G/LTEdatausages.
Internet Gratis Android 1.3
Para muchas personas el internet gratisparaandroid es un mito, algo que no existe. Pero la realidad esquedesde hace ya un par de años atrás han comenzado a salir ungrupode aplicaciones muy efectivas quenos permiten crear tunelesparaconectarnos a internet de manera gratuita en lasprincipalescompañías del mundo. Los usuarios de Android sonafortunados, yaque la mayoría de estas aplicaciones solo estándisponible parausuarios que poseen teléfonos con este sistemaoperativo.Como te ayudara nuestra aplicación ha tenerinternetgratis para android?Pues muy simple! Cada día nuestro grupo de redactoresagregarannuevos metodos actualizados que te permitirán tener accesoa la webgratuitamente de diferentes formas, con diferentesaplicaciones,compañías y en casi todas las regiones del mundo.Aunque nuestros tutoriales van dirigidos sobre todo apaíseslatinoamericano, también serán bastante comunestutorialesexplicando metodos para tener internet gratis Android quefuncionanen cada rincon del planeta. Es bueno aclarar quenuestrainformación es única y sin mentiras. Cada uno de los metodosqueveras a diario acá son previamente probados y solo luegodecomprobar su efectividad son compartidos con nuestrosusuarios.La cantidad de aplicaciones que utilizaremos para tenerinternetgratis android es bien extensa. La mayoría de ellas sonsumamenteefectiva, y son totalmente gratis. Hay 4 de ellas queserán las masutilizadas, en gran parte debido a su increíbleefectividad. Acá lehe listado algunas de las que mas usaremos.Aplicaciones:⦁ Psiphon⦁ Troidvpn 2015⦁ Droidvpn 2015⦁ Opera Handler Java⦁ Your Freedom 2015⦁ Opera Mini⦁ Opera Next 7⦁ Uc Browser Handler 2015⦁ APN Changer⦁ Opera Mini Mod Handler UI210⦁ COMMVIEW⦁ Back Track⦁ OPEN VPN⦁ EASY OVPN⦁ droidvpn⦁ proxy droid⦁ troidvpn⦁ vpn pro⦁ oidvpn Premium apk⦁ openvpn connect⦁ openvpn for android⦁ slowdns⦁ psiphonComo les dije antes la lista de países para los cualesharemosnuestros tutoriales es bastante extensa. Muchos de nuestrosmetodosfuncionan en todo el mundo. Sin embargo mas abajo hepreparado unalista con los países para los cuales estaremoscompartiendo masmetodos para tener internet gratis ilimitado.Países:• internet gratis sin saldo para Chile• Argentina• Cuba• internet gratis sin saldo para Colombia• Bolivia• El Salvador• Ecuador• España• internet gratis sin saldo para Mexico• Honduras• internet gratis sin saldo para Guatemala• Panama• Nicaragua• Panama• internet gratis sin saldo para Peru• Uruguay• Paraguay• Puerto Rico• Republica Dominicana• Venezuela• Estados UnidosTodas estas regiones estarán disponibles para tenerinternetgratis sin conexion a wifi.Que compañias aplican:• internet gratis sin conexion a wifi con Telcel• internet gratis para Movistar• Iusacell• Digitel• Unefon• Movitel• Tigo• Claro• Entel• Orange• Viva• Vodafone• BitelLa velocidad del internet va a variar. Normalmenteestarasconectado a la red 4g, aunque si los servidores están muysaturadossera 3g. Tambien tenemos muchos tricks para uc browserhandler,opera mini handler, todas las aplicaciones handler einternetgratis para tablets.En conclusiones. Te invito a descargar nuestraaplicación.Nuestra promesa es que te daremos la mejore informacióndisponibleen la web. Nuestra es modesta, pero efectiva, y desde elmomentoque la instales veras la diferencia. Tener internet gratisparaandroid 2015 no es mas un sueño, es una realidad, y telomostrare.For many peopletheInternet free android is a myth, something that does not exist.Butthe reality is that for quite a few years ago have begun toemergea group of highly effective applications quenos allow you tocreatetunnels to connect to the internet for free in the world'sleadingcompanies. Android users are fortunate, because most oftheseapplications are only available to users who havetelephonesoperating system.As our application will help you get free internetforandroid?Well, very simple! Each day our group of editorsaddednew methods updated to allow you to have free access to theweb indifferent ways, with different applications, companies andinalmost all regions of the world.Although our tutorials are aimed mainly LatinAmericancountries, they will also be quite common tutorialsexplainingmethods to have free internet Android operating in everycorner ofthe planet. It is good to clarify that our information isuniqueand no lies. Each of the methods that are here reallydailypretested and only after proving their effectiveness aresharedwith our users.The number of applications that have free internetusefor android is very extensive. Most of them are very effective,andare completely free. There are 4 of them to be the mostused,largely because of its amazing effectiveness. Here I havelistedsome of which will use more.Applications:⦁ Psiphon⦁ Troidvpn 2015⦁ Droidvpn 2015⦁ Opera Java Handler⦁ Your Freedom 2015Opera Mini ⦁⦁ Opera Next 7Uc Browser Handler ⦁ 2015⦁ APN ChangerOpera Mini Mod Handler ⦁ UI210 ⦁⦁ Back TrackOPEN VPN ⦁EASY ⦁ OVPN⦁ droidvpn⦁ proxy droid⦁ troidvpn⦁ vpn proPremium apk ⦁ oidvpn⦁ connect openvpn⦁ openvpn for android⦁ slowdns⦁ psiphonAs I said before the list of countries for which wewillmake our tutorials is quite extensive. Many of our methodsworkworldwide. But I have prepared a list below with countries towhichwe will be sharing more methods to get freeunlimitedinternet.Countries:• Free Internet without balance for Chile• Argentina• Cuba• Free Internet without balance for Colombia• Bolivia• El Salvador• Ecuador• Spain• Free Internet without balance for Mexico• Honduras• Free Internet without balance for Guatemala• Panama• Nicaragua• Panama• Free Internet without balance for Peru• Uruguay• Paraguay• Puerto Rico• Dominican Republic• Venezuela• United StatesAll these regions will be available to have freewifiinternet conection.Companies that apply:• Free Internet without connection to wifiwithTelcel• Movistar Free Online• Iusacell• Digitel• Unefon• Movitel• Tigo• Clear• Entel• Orange• Live• Vodafone• BitelInternet speed will vary. Normally you'll be connectedtothe 4G network, but if the servers are very saturated will 3g.Wealso have many tricks handler for uc browser, opera minihandler,all applications and free internet handler fortablets.In conclusions. I invite you to download ourapplication.Our promise is that we will give you the betterinformationavailable on the web. Our modest, but effective, andfrom the momentyou install it really the difference. Have freeinternet for android2015 is no longer a dream but a reality, andI'll showyou.
vobee - PTT Walkie Talkie 1.3.5
Visit our website http://www.vobee.orgYou can share your life, picture, voice, video and makenewfriends here.Create groups such as fan club, society, alumni based onyourinterests.You can broadcast your own lesson or event for your members ontheFam Show your dance, song, event to them as you want on TV, youcanmake your own contents on vobee.A surprised function communicated with a lot of people iswalkietalkie, two way radio or video conference, group lessonIt’s too much useful in outdoor activities like fishingandhiking.Make a call to your members via walkie talkie, videoconferencechat.Feature.Turn on Walkie Talkie, two way radio, PTT for up to2,000usersVideo conference to colleague of club, company for up to 9 inmobileand 50 in PC
Packet Data Stopper 3G/4G/LTE 1.1
Mobile Network Packet Data(3G/4G/LTE) can be stopped.
플메채팅 - 채팅 만남 미팅 플레이메이트 플메톡 18.0
Plme Chat has maintained the No. 1 service in the dating fieldfor11 consecutive years. With more than 2,000 concurrent users, ithasthe largest number of concurrent members in Korea.
Private Chat (Secret Talk) 1.3.7
SecreTalk v1.3.3 (Patent)Want to get your own talk? SecreTalk!I want to show my friend only if you have photos? SecreTalk!!If you want to transfer important files SecreTalk!!!If you want to interact with people of thesametastes?SecreTalk!!!!The default password is '0000 '. Please changethesettings.The current version is the Korean file name cannotbetransferred.1. Shake lock can be avoided by person'sgaze.-Shakeitfast^^2. I want to show only a specific person can passtheencryptedimage.3. Key Features chat- All chat with AES128 encryption, It's safe.- Display real-time distance- Variety of emoticons- Photo(Encryption photos) transfer- If you pass a filetosomeonewho can not read!!!!- File(Encrypting File) transfer: Send to someone else whodoesnotopen it. Safe.(Importance!) Image, Except for people who send encryptedfilescannot be viewed.Photo encrypted, file encryption support to prevent capture- Category transfer- Push message broadcasting ,- Depending on the distance between people with the samehobbyofcommunication between is possible.- Select a category, such as they are sent out to allpeoplewithblindness Broadcast- I have to keep the chat can keep a backup.,- Please check the file with File Explorer into theSecreTalk.- Set wallpaper can change the background- Interest category(User-defined categories) from othersbysettingthe category of the subject I have set   Information can be received. - Secretmessagegroupsending function..
Minutes Unlimited 1.3
Horizon Talk
Minutes Unlimited is the ultimateapplicationfor low-cost Long Distance calls. This dialer simplifiesthelong-distance calling so nicely and still providing alltheflexibility that you may need. No more pins to remember, noaccessnumber to dial or phone numbers to remember, not even thespeeddial numbers to be remembered or dialed. You can even useMinutesUnlimited to make local calls over your internet connectionwhenyou are running out of allowed minutes in your wirelessplan.Minutes Unlimited provides you different calling methods tomeetyour wireless plan and calling needs. Calling methods includeLocalAccess, Callback and Internet Calling. Minutes Unlimitedalsoallows you to transfer your account balance to friends andfamilyin over 110 countries around the globe on theircellularaccounts.HOW IT WORKSYou own cellular number is your account with Minutes Unlimited;youget a passcode in SMS message or a phone call to authenticateyou.Default calling method is Local Access, when you dial aphonenumber or choose one from your contacts; dialer attachesthisnumber to a local number on our servers and dials thatnumber.(Your Wifi/Data internet connection will be used for thislocalnumber setup). This local number automatically connects thecall tothe long distance number you originally dialed. If you havechosen“Callback” as calling method; when you dial a number orchoose onefrom your contacts, dialer will send this number to ourservers andour server will send you a call back on your phonenumber andconnect this call to the number you originally dialed.Last but notthe least is the “Internet” calling which makes thecall usingWifi/Data internet connection without using allocatedminutes fromyour provider. Internet dialing is also the best choicewhile youare roaming out from your provider’s coverage and have aninternetconnection available to you.TRY IT FREEYes Minutes Unlimited is free to download and we even set youupwith a start-up credit to try the application and callquality.Once the free credit is finished you can easily rechargeyouraccount from our website or from your mobile.Features• Cheap long distance rates• Premium voice quality• No Pins or access numbers to dial• Option to call using “Local Access” or “Call back”• Works seamlessly with existing contacts, no need to rememberlongnumbers• Easily check rates for any destination before you call (orcheckby destination number)• Easily recharge your account using our website or fromyourmobile• High call completion rate• Per minute rates, no setup costs or hidden fees