Top 18 Apps Similar to Robert S. Bader, M.D.

Atlas of Pediatric Dermatology 1.6
Instantly and accurately diagnose andtreatthefull range of pediatric skin problems with superb imagesandtextthat look great on any Android device. No internetconnectionneededto view the full app. It is all ready for quickimageandinformation retrieval. This app is optimized forwhateversizedevice you are using, either phone or tablet.This app is easy to navigate, allowing you to browsethecontentsor index of topics. You can search by text or figuresandthe searchtool shows you choices of words as you type so itisquick and helpswith spelling issues. It also remembers pastsearchterms so you cango back to a topic or figure very easily.The app features more than 350 clear, crispfull-colorphotographsspanning the full range of pediatricdermatology fromthe most commonproblems to some of the rarestdisorders that younever want to miss.The colorful, high qualityclinical photographslook beautiful onyour mobile device.Modeled after Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas and SynopsisofClinicalDermatology, the world's most widely-useddermatologicreference,this point-of-care atlas provides large,detailed,full-colorphotographs of skin diseases in children alongwith thelatestmanagement and treatment recommendations. You'llfindeverythingyou need to confidently assess, diagnose, andmanagediseases ofthe skin, hair, and nails of pediatric patients inabusy clinicalenvironment.Each illness or disorder features alogicaleasy-to-readpresentation that includes:• Epidemiology• Pathophysiology• History• Physical Examination• Differential Diagnosis• Laboratory Evaluation• Course and Prognosis• Treatment and Prevention/Management (withapprovedpediatricdosages)• At least one or two full-color photographsDisclaimer: This app is intended for the educationofhealthcareprofessionals and not as a diagnostic andtreatmentreference forthe general population."The focus on quick recognition ofpediatricdermatologicconditions and pediatric illnesses makes thisatlas anasset in theoffice. The ease of reference is fantastic.This willreplace thedermatology reference I currently use.3Stars."--Doody's ReviewServiceThe Contents menu option allows you to view all chapters.The Search menu option allows you search for a specificwordorphrase within the chapters, images, and tables.The Bookmarks menu option allows you see all thechapters,images,and tables that you have bookmarked.The Notes menu option allows you see all the chapters,images,andtables for which you have written notes.Disclaimer: This app is intended for the educationofhealthcareprofessionals and not as a diagnostic andtreatmentreference forthe general population.This interactive app is based on the full content ofColorAtlasand Synopsis of Pediatric Dermatology, 2ndEditionbyMcGraw-Hill.Editors:Kay Shou-Mei Kane, MD,Assistant Professor of DermatologyHarvard Medical SchoolClinical Associate of DermatologyChildren's HospitalBoston, MAClinical Associate of DermatologyMt. Auburn HospitalBoston, MAPeter A. Lio, MD,Assistant Professor of Dermatology & PediatricsNorthwestern University's Feinberg School of MedicineClinical Associate of DermatologyChildren's Memorial HospitalChicago, ILAlexander J. Stratigos, MD,Assistant Professor of Dermatology--VenereologyUniversity of Athens School of MedicineAndreas Syngros Hospital for Skin and and Venereal DiseasesAthens, GreeceRichard Allen Johnson, MD,Assistant Professor of DermatologyHarvard Medical SchoolClinical Associate of DermatologyMassachusetts General HospitalBoston, MADeveloped by Usatine Media, LLCRichard P. Usatine, MD, Co-President, Professor ofFamily&Community Medicine, Professor of Dermatology andCutaneousSurgery,University of Texas Health Science Center SanAntonioPeter Erickson, Co-President, Lead Software Developer
Dermatology In-Review 3.1.0
Prepare for the dermatology Boardandre-certification exams even more conveniently with theDermIn-Review Kodachrome Flashcard Series! From the creators ofthemost comprehensive exam prep study system indermatology,Educational Testing and Assessment Systems (ETAS) isproud to offera high-yield study tool for the practitioneron-the-go. TheKodachrome Flashcard Series smartphone app allows youto customizeyour flashcard set and quickly & easily scrollthrough hundredsof exam-relevant images and answers.In order to access this app you need to be registered fortheDerm In-Review Online Study System. To register now, pleasevisit ETASEducational Testing and Assessment Systems (ETAS) produceshighquality, Board-relevant exam preparatory study systems inmultiplemedical specialties, including the Derm In-Reviewmulti-componentstudy system. Features of Derm In-Review include acomprehensiveStudy Guide, accessible in both the print format andtheelectronic, searchable PDF, as well as the companion OnlineStudySystem; available at, this interactivewebsite isideal for a customizable learning experience. Dermin-Review isavailable free of charge for resident andre-certifyingdermatologists, and provides all the essentialinformation neededto prepare for exams in an engaging, interactiveformat.
Practical Dermatology 8.1
Read in-depth, practical coverage ofclinical,cosmetic, and practice management from PracticalDermatology.Access full issue contents, and special interactivefeatures tohelp you manage your patients and your practice moreeffectively.Content is developed with and for dermatologists toensure thehighest quality and relevance.
skin disease and treatment 0.0.3
This app provides complete information about skin diseases.
Dermatology - Medical Dict. 1.7
Dermatology Medical Dictionary- explanations through animations
Dermadroid 1.3.3
Have you ever asked yourself whether youhaveto go to a dermatologist or not?The App DERMADROID provides you the answer. This applicationwillhelp you to recognize and define the rash you have. Avoidingthe(perhaps not needed) visit to the dermatologist will save a lotofmoney.DERMADROID offers you many different ways to determine youreruptionand besides the application tells you useful informationabout thedisease like causes, proper therapies or ICD-10classification.+ Find out what kind of rash you might have through analgorithmasking you neatly chosen yes-no questions+ Take a picture of your rash and compare it with pictures fromthedatabase+ Studying skin diseases is far easier while playingtheDERMADROID-Quiz+ Go through an enormous database of different skin diseases+ Save pictures of your rashes for the next visit to the doctorThe application will be updated constantly! We would bepleasedto receive feedback from you!
Medical Wizards Library 3.4.1
The Medical Wizards Library is a collectionofaward winning medical reference guides and decision supporttoolsfor healthcare professionals across a wide range ofspecialties. Itis an easy-to-use, customizable, application whereyou can buildthe perfect, personalized clinical resource.Get a complimentary extended preview of Emergency MedicineSuite(EM Suite) with download!===============================================================ONE MEDICAL APP WITH EVERYTHING YOU NEEDBrowse the Add-Ons to view the extensive list ofmedicalreference titles available. The first year of updates isincludedwith purchase and our products never expire.FREE PREVIEWS OF ALL OUR APPS!The Add-Ons catalog allows you to download a free, 10-daypreviewof each reference. We invite you to try our software andsee foryourself why healthcare practitioners are turning toMedical Wizardsas their trusted mobile medical resource.Popular software titles available through the MedicalWizardsLibrary include: 

- Emergency Medicine- Critical Care- Family Practice- Internal Medicine- Cardiology- Pediatrics- Dermatology- Anesthesiology- Neurology- Gastroenterology- Hematologyand more!How it worksThe Medical Wizards Library provides one point of access forallyour medical software, allowing you to keep importantmedicalinformation at your fingertips. By combining all yourresourcesinto one standard application, you can freelycross-reference amongmultiple purchased medical titles at once. TheMedical WizardsLibrary features an easy-to-use interface, quicknavigation, anin-depth user guide, and automatic productupdatenotifications.

From the main Medical Wizards Library screen,tapthe Menu button on your device to see the menu options:Add-ons,Search, My Account, Updates.
LIBRARYThe Library is the main application screen. When youinitiallydownload the application a "Quick Start" icon will appear.Tappingthis icon will launch a Quick Start Guide which will guideyouaround the Medical Wizards Library. When you add newsoftwaretitles, they will all be listed on this screen.SEARCHThe search feature allows you to search medical topicsandconditions across multiple references at once to ensureeasyorganization and information flow.ADD-ONSThe Add-Ons catalog includes over 100 programs for a widerangeof medical specialties. Instantly browse and purchase yourfavoritemedical title in seconds!ACCOUNTCreate and manage your Medical Wizards account information.UPDATESResources are constantly updated to ensure that you arereceivingthe most current medical information. The Medical WizardsLibrarywill automatically check for available updates. Select theupdatesicon to purchase your updates.CUSTOMER SUPPORTMedical Wizards Customer Support team is here to help you!Email us using our our Customer Support team at 800.462.0388 M-F, 9am-5pm,PT(US).For frequently asked questions
Dermatology Flashcards
Dermatology Flashcards Plus study aid for the field of Dermatology
Medical images & differentials
SMARTfiches Dermatologie Free 1.06
SMARTfiches Médecine est la 1èreencyclopédiemédicale numérique destinée aux professionnels etétudiants desanté. Retrouvez l’intégralité de votre doctorat enmoins d’ 1minute ! Gardez dans votre poche ‘TOUT, PARTOUT, TOUT LETEMPS’ !L'inscription nécessite l'activation de votre compte qui vousestenvoyé par mail. Vous rencontrez un problème ? contactez nousàl'adresse [email protected] outentezde vous inscrire depuis notre site web**Au programme dans SMARTfiches Dermatologie**Item 232/109 - Dermatoses faciales : acné, rosacée,dermatiteséborrhéiqueItem 223/111 - Hémangiomes et malformationsvasculairescutanéesItem 314/112 - Exanthème et érythrodermie de l’adulte etdel’enfantItem 329/113 - PruritItem 123/114 - PsoriasisItem 288/152 - (1/2) Troubles des phanèresItem 87/152 - (2/2) Infections cutanéo-muqueuses et desphanères,bactériennes et mycosiquesItem 103/156 - Prévention du tétanosItem 95/158 - IST : gonococcies, chlamydioses, syphilis,HPV,trichomonoseItem 94/160 - Exanthèmes fébriles de l’enfantItem 84/164 - Infections à herpès virus de l’enfant et del’adulteimmunocompétentsItem 79/167 - Gâle et pédiculoseItem 101/169 - ZoonosesItem 114/183 - Urticaire, dermatites atopique et de contactItem 330/211 - Purpuras chez l’enfant et chez l’adulteItem 136/225 - Insuffisance veineuse chronique (IVC). VaricesItem 226/137 - Ulcère de jambeItem 327/237 - Acrosyndromes (phénomène de Raynaud,engelures,ischémie digitale...)Item 254/323 - Œdèmes des membres inférieursItem 149/299 - Tumeurs cutanées, épithéliales et mélaniquesItem 211/333 - Œdème de Quincke et anaphylaxieItem 343/ - Ulcérations ou érosion des muqueuses oraleset/ougénitalesItem 207/344 - Infection aiguë des parties mollesItem 204/345 - Grosse jambe rouge aiguëAprès une inscription gratuite, les applicationssontconsultables SANS connexion internet et peuvent êtreutiliséesPARTOUT, TOUT LE TEMPS.L'inscription nécessite l'activation de votre compte qui vousestenvoyé par mail. Dans le cas où vous ne receviez pas cemaild'activation dans les 24h, pensez à regarder dans voscourriersindésirables avant de nous contacter. S'il n'y est pas,nous nousferons un plaisir d'activer votre compte.- Pour les médecins : retrouvez une information claire etvalidéeen moins d’ 1 minute.- Pour les étudiants en médecine : révisez avec des fichesconformesau nouveau programme ECNi.Plus de 90% des utilisateurs confirment que ces applicationssontutiles pour réviser et se former (enquête de satisfaction,mai2013). De même, 85 % des utilisateurs utilisent SMARTfichesafind’actualiser leur connaissances à la suite desnouvellesrecommandations qui sont intégrées lors des fréquentesmises à jourde l’application.SMARTfiches Dermatologie soigne vos problèmes de peauVous appréciez les applications SMARTfiches Médecine ? Faiteslenous savoir en laissant une bonne appréciation et parlezdeSMARTfiches autour de vous!SMARTfiches Médecine,TOUT, PARTOUT, TOUT LE TEMPSSMARTfiches Medicineisthe first digital medical encyclopedia for professionalsandstudents of health. Find all of your PhD in less than 1minute!Keep in your pocket 'EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME!'Registration requires the activation of your account that issentto you by email. You have a problem? contact us at [email protected] ortryingto enroll from our website program ** in SMARTfiches Dermatology **Item 232/109 - facial dermatoses: acne, rosacea,seborrheicdermatitisItem 223/111 - Hemangiomas and vascular malformations skinItem 314/112 - Rash and exfoliative dermatitis in adultsandchildrenItem 329/113 - ItchingItem 123/114 - PsoriasisItem 288/152 - (1/2) Disorders of skin appendagesItem 87/152 - (2/2) mucocutaneous infections, hair andnails,bacterial and mycoticItem 103/156 - Prevention of tetanusItem 95/158 - IST: gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis,HPV,trichomoniasisItem 94/160 - Exanthemata febrile childItem 84/164 - herpes virus infections of the child and theadultimmunocompetentItem 79/167 - scabies and pediculosisItem 101/169 - ZoonosesItem 114/183 - urticaria, atopic dermatitis and contactItem 330/211 - purpura in children and adultsItem 136/225 - Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI).VaricoseveinsItem 226/137 - Leg ulcersItem 327/237 - acrosyndromes (Raynaud's phenomenon,frostbite,digital ischemia ...)Item 254/323 - edema of the lower limbsItem 149/299 - skin tumors, epithelial and melanomaItem 211/333 - Angioedema and anaphylaxisItem 343 / - ulceration or erosion of oral mucosa and /orgenitalItem 207/344 - Acute infection of the soft tissuesItem 204/345 - Grosse pointed red legAfter free registration, applications are availableWITHOUTinternet connection and can be used EVERYWHERE, ALL THETIME.Registration requires the activation of your account that issentto you by email. In case you did not receive the activationemailwithin 24 hours, be sure to look in your spam folderbeforecontacting us. If it is not, we will be happy to activateyouraccount.- For doctors locate clear information and validated in lessthan1 minute.- For medical students: Review with plugs conform to the newEcniprogram.Over 90% of users confirm that these applications are usefultoreview and form (satisfaction survey, May 2013). Similarly, 85%ofusers use SMARTfiches to update their knowledge as a result ofnewrecommendations that are built during the frequent updates totheapplication.SMARTfiches Dermatology heal your skin problemsYou appreciate SMARTfiches medicine applications? Let us knowbyleaving a good appreciation and discuss SMARTfiches around!SMARTfiches Medicine,EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME
JAAD Journals 6.1.1_PROD_2017-04-11
Elsevier Inc
JAAD JournalsIt just got a whole lot easier to stay current with thelatestupdates in dermatology. The JAAD Journals app now brings youtheJournal of the American Academy of Dermatology (JAAD) and JAADCaseReports on both android tablets and smartphones! The JAADJournalsapp brings you the convenience of reading your favoritejournalsfrom anywhere in the world with just a tap.• Stay ahead with alerts when new issues are available andreadArticles in Press throughout the month• Experience innovative digital content with the newlyintroducedArticle enhancements; featuring AudioSlides, VirtualMicroscope andthe 3D Radiological Viewer• Get access to the journal content on the app viayourinstitution’s IP• Enjoy Open Access and Open Archive Content without havingtologin• Accessibility support to assist the visually impaired• Interact with figures, tables, multimedia andsupplementarycontent• Take notes, highlight articles and share via email andsocialmedia• Personalize your experience with My Reading List and savearticlesfor offline readingJournal Subscribers: Log in with the same username and passwordthatgrants you access to the full journal content on the JAADwebsite.These credentials will allow full access to all content ontheapp.About JAAD Journals• Journal of the American Academy of DermatologyAs the official publication of the American Academy ofDermatology,the Journal is dedicated to the clinical and continuingeducationneeds of the entire dermatologic community and isinternationallyknown as the leading journal in the field. Original,peer-reviewedarticles cover clinical and investigative studies,treatments, newdiagnostic techniques, and other topics relating tothe prevention,diagnosis, and treatment of disorders of the skin.Included are CMEarticles based on the Core Curriculum of theAmerican Academy ofDermatology.• JAAD Case ReportsJAAD Case Reports is an open access journal dedicated topublishingcase reports related to diseases of the skin, hair, andnails.Manuscripts must be authentic, understandable, educational,and ofinterest to an international audience of dermatologists,residents,fellows, and researchers in all dermatologysubspecialties, as wellas clinicians in related fields. Allsubmissions are peerreviewed.Our privacy policy ishere:
First Derm: Online Dermatology 5.2.2
iDoc24 Inc
Most Trusted Online Dermatology App with over 100Ksuccessfullyreviewed cases
Mnemonic 1.0
Medical Mnemonics Collection
Skyscape Medical Library 3.4.4
App includes Drug Guide, Clinical Consult and Medical CalculatorforHCPs
Retain more & forget less by playingourrapid review video game to supercharge your memory during yourERrotation. Try 50 questions for free! Complete app has1,000questions.Relevant for a rapid review of content from your ER rotationsinmedical school or residency including topics for your boardexams(USMLE Step 2 CK, COMLEX Level 2 CE, PANCE), clerkship tests(ERshelf exams), and ward pimping (ER docs ask the mostdiversepimping questions out of any rotation).Scrub Wars utilizes the findings of recentgroundbreakingresearch (on enhancing learning in medical educationincluding alandmark article in the Yale Journal of Biology &Medicine)that strongly suggests using gamification to teach complexmedicalsubjects as well as utilizing frequent retesting &spacedrepetition to enhance memory retention (seebelowreferences).During the development phase, the Scrub Wars franchise wasverypopular at the 2014 and 2015 AMSA Annual meetings, the 2014UCDavis Pre-Health Expo, and the 2013 DevLearn/Adobe LearningSummit(among students, professors, physicians, teachingadministrators,parents, & gaming experts).Unlike other Scrub Wars apps, this will not be a review offixedtopics. In fact, all 20 levels are randomized questions justlikethe real ER! These are the high-yield surgical topics coveredinthis game:*emergency medicine*family medicine*internal medicine*preclinical basic science*surgery*psychiatry*neurology*OBGYN*pediatrics* and much more including various specialty topics!•Benefits of this app to medical students, interns,andresidents:*Quick Feedback- Green is right, Red is right, and move on! Nolongvignettes or explanations to slow you down (do vignettes orseekexplanations on your own time).*“Creates” study time- Play Scrub Wars anywhere especially whereyounormally would not study like waiting in line, betweenclasses,while waiting for rounds to start, or even on thetoilet!*Spaced learning- High-yield board facts are reinforced byyourTeaching Attending after completing each level (need 70%correct topass a level).*Content created by trusted sources- Questionswritten/edited/testedby physicians, professors, and medicalstudents*Diverse application- In addition to medical students&residents, other professional graduate students can benefitfromthe content review including physician assistants,podiatrists,physical therapists, anesthesiology residents, andnurses (LVN andRN).References:Augustin M (2014). How to learn effectively in medical school:testyourself, learn actively, and repeat in intervals. Yale JournalofBiology and Medicine 87: 207-212 Stephen (2014). Gamification: harnessing new technologiestooptimize the medical school learning experience. President ofAACOM8 (10)•GAME STORYDue to the declining work habits and perceived inferior intellectofmodern medical students as noted by medical administrators,thedeans of every medical school worked collectively to hirethePeyronie Attending (a famous neurosurgeon) and jointly fundedtherichest physician contract in the history of medicine. ThePeyronieAttending will travel from Seattle to Miami by spending afew weeksat every medical school. Under the guidance of yourprofessionalmentor, the Benevolent Attending, you must nowwithstand theonslaught of an aggressive campaign led by yourmegalomaniac chiefrival. The time to establish dominance on thewards has begun.Scrub Wars must now take place!•Want FREE study questions and answers? Follow us on socialmediaand get ready to crush your USMLE!Like usonFacebook: us on Twitter: usonGoogle+: with us:
DermatologistOnCall 2.15.11134
Quickly receive a diagnosis andpersonalizedtreatment plan (with prescriptions if medicallynecessary) from aU.S. board-certified dermatologist. Simply uploadpictures of yourcondition through the secure app. More than 3,000skin, hair andnail issues can be diagnosed online including acne,suspiciousmoles, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis and many more.Thousands ofsatisfied patients - 98% would recommend to afriend.
AccessMedicine App 2.7.94
**Please Note: This application requires a full institutionalsitelicense**
Kovak Dermatology 2.15.11115
Quickly receive a diagnosis andpersonalizedtreatment plan (with prescriptions if medicallynecessary) from thestaff of Kovak Dermatology and Laser Institute.Simply uploadpictures of your condition through the secure app.More than 3,000skin, hair and nail issues can be diagnosed onlineincluding acne,suspicious moles, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis andmany more.