Top 6 Apps Similar to LovingHeart

友善台中好餐廳 1.2.6
每一個溫馨歡樂時刻,別忘了不方便的家人和朋友!友善餐廳APP由一群熱血身障朋友擔任「友善特派員」,親身去餐廳體驗後,為大家整理出包括:餐廳出入口、動線環境、點字/語音菜單、無障礙電梯/廁所/停車位、無線網路、免費充電,還有現場照片,以及訂位電話等服務資訊。希望我們從此帶阿公阿嬤出門吃飯,再也不用煩惱。請幫忙分享這個APP,我們一起讓:台灣。零距離~=====特別感謝===== 中華電信行動通信分公司 中華電信基金會 資訊工業策進會 罕見疾病基金會 財法平安基金會財法黎明基金會中華民國身心障礙聯盟中華民國脊髓損傷協會全國總會 教育部資科司智慧友善城市聯盟臺灣大學、交通大學、成功大學基隆市政府、臺北市政府、新北市政府桃園市政府、新竹市政府、新竹縣政府台中市政府、台南市政府、高雄市政府屏東縣政府、花蓮縣政府、宜蘭縣政府 ===== 瞭解更多=====众社會企業http://www.OurCityLove.com友善台灣。萬众一心友善國道友善博物館友善旅館http://Hotel.OurCityLove.com友善藥局友善哺乳室友善小兒科友善捷運友善餐廳視障者語音菜單 獲獎榮譽 ===== (國外獎項)2016新加坡亞洲社會企業挑戰賽「亞洲最佳社會企業」評審團大獎2016APEC亞太經濟合作會議中小企業物聯網科技O2O高峰會創業家精神獎2016加拿大世界新城市基金會全球十大傑出城市科技創新獎2016 韓國原州世界健康城市聯盟國際論壇創新公衛服務獎2016兩岸公益海峽論壇非營利組織科技創新最佳案例 2016台北世界設計之都社會創新設計大獎優選 2016台北國際金點設計獎社會設計獎2015 西班牙巴塞隆納世界智慧城市論壇人文科技創新獎2015法國Cartier全球婦女創業菁英大獎全球冠軍並入選亞太會士 2015香港社會創投基金亞洲社企創新獎冠軍2015WDC世界設計之都社會影響力大獎決選 2015 APEC亞太經濟合作會議中小企業創新科技論壇最佳案例2014IDEASSHOW國際創新大賽社會企業大獎 2014菲律賓馬尼拉社會企業創新創業競賽冠軍2014韓國科技創新創業大賽台灣社會企業代表 2013IDEASSHOW國際創新大賽青年創業大獎2013台北國際數位內容設計競賽年度全場大獎、台北特獎、評審團大獎 2012台北國際數位內容設計競賽台北特獎 (國內獎項)2017經濟部中小企業處國立交通大學IAPS加速器卓越創新獎 2016經濟部工業局金企鵝年度最佳公衛醫療創新APP2016衛生福利部國民健康署臺灣高齡友善暨健康城市聯盟資訊連通創新獎2016衛生福利部國民健康署臺灣高齡友善暨健康城市聯盟資訊連通創新獎2015 經濟部技術處行動資訊程式安全認證商2015經濟部工業局開放資料創新應用競賽金獎 2015衛生福利部國民健康署臺灣高齡友善暨健康城市聯盟智慧城市創新獎2015衛生福利部國民健康署年度最佳公共健康資訊創新應用服務獎2015 新竹縣政府SBIR年度科技創新獎2015經濟部技術處行動資訊程式安全認證商 2015勞動部勞動力發展署臺灣訓練品質系統銅牌獎 2015經濟部中小企業處創業育成先鋒獎最佳企業2015臺北市政府公開資料創新運用競賽冠軍 2014 經濟部婦女創業菁英賽社會企業組冠軍2014中華電信HAMI軟體開發暨供應商大賞優勝獎2014 資策會Living-Lab場域實證金驗獎冠軍2014銀享全球論壇銀浪高齡創新提案賽冠軍 2014經濟部技術處APP創意大募集台灣區優選1002014經濟部中小企業處創業育成先鋒獎優良企業 2014經濟部工業局臺灣雲谷雲豹創新育成競賽優勝 2014經濟部工業局金企鵝年度APP第三名2014教育部資訊及科技教育司智慧生活整合型人才培育計畫最佳課程 2013行政院科技會報臺灣百大社會創新2013資策會Living-Lab場域實證金驗獎冠軍 2013 APP01華人行動應用服務應用科技類銀獎2013遠傳電信S市集星光賞智慧電視創新應用獎 2013 台北市亞太創業競賽公開資料創意應用組冠軍2013新竹市政府智慧城市APP創意創新競賽冠軍2013 經濟部工業局金企鵝年度APP年度最佳APP 2012遠傳電信S市集星光賞年度評審團創新大獎 2012經濟部技術處科技智慧創新創業競賽銅質獎
友善基隆好餐廳(中華電信+众社會企業) 1.1.7
每一個溫馨歡樂時刻,別忘了不方便的家人和朋友!友善餐廳APP由一群熱血身障朋友擔任「友善特派員」,親身去餐廳體驗後,為大家整理出包括:餐廳出入口、動線環境、點字/語音菜單、無障礙電梯/廁所/停車位、無線網路、免費充電,還有現場照片,以及訂位電話等服務資訊。希望我們從此帶阿公阿嬤出門吃飯,再也不用煩惱。請幫忙分享這個APP,我們一起讓:台灣。零距離~=====特別感謝=====中華電信行動通信分公司中華電信基金會資訊工業策進會罕見疾病基金會財法平安基金會財法黎明基金會中華民國身心障礙聯盟中華民國脊髓損傷協會全國總會教育部資科司智慧友善城市聯盟臺灣大學、交通大學、成功大學基隆市政府、臺北市政府、新北市政府桃園市政府、新竹市政府、新竹縣政府台中市政府、台南市政府、高雄市政府屏東縣政府、花蓮縣政府、宜蘭縣政府=====瞭解更多=====众社會企業http://www.OurCityLove.com友善台灣。萬众一心友善國道友善博物館友善旅館http://Hotel.OurCityLove.com友善藥局友善哺乳室友善小兒科友善捷運友善餐廳視障者語音菜單獲獎榮譽=====(國外獎項)2016 新加坡亞洲社會企業挑戰賽「亞洲最佳社會企業」評審團大獎2016 APEC亞太經濟合作會議中小企業物聯網科技O2O高峰會創業家精神獎2016 加拿大世界新城市基金會全球十大傑出城市科技創新獎2016 韓國原州世界健康城市聯盟國際論壇創新公衛服務獎2016 兩岸公益海峽論壇非營利組織科技創新最佳案例2016 台北世界設計之都社會創新設計大獎優選2016 台北國際金點設計獎社會設計獎2015 西班牙巴塞隆納世界智慧城市論壇人文科技創新獎2015 法國Cartier全球婦女創業菁英大獎全球冠軍並入選亞太會士2015 香港社會創投基金亞洲社企創新獎冠軍2015 WDC世界設計之都社會影響力大獎決選2015 APEC 亞太經濟合作會議中小企業創新科技論壇最佳案例2014 IDEASSHOW國際創新大賽社會企業大獎2014 菲律賓馬尼拉社會企業創新創業競賽冠軍2014 韓國科技創新創業大賽台灣社會企業代表2013 IDEASSHOW國際創新大賽青年創業大獎2013 台北國際數位內容設計競賽年度全場大獎、台北特獎、評審團大獎2012 台北國際數位內容設計競賽台北特獎(國內獎項)2017 經濟部中小企業處國立交通大學IAPS加速器卓越創新獎2016 經濟部工業局金企鵝年度最佳公衛醫療創新APP2016 衛生福利部國民健康署臺灣高齡友善暨健康城市聯盟資訊連通創新獎2016 衛生福利部國民健康署臺灣高齡友善暨健康城市聯盟資訊連通創新獎2015 經濟部技術處行動資訊程式安全認證商2015 經濟部工業局開放資料創新應用競賽金獎2015 衛生福利部國民健康署臺灣高齡友善暨健康城市聯盟智慧城市創新獎2015 衛生福利部國民健康署年度最佳公共健康資訊創新應用服務獎2015 新竹縣政府SBIR年度科技創新獎2015 經濟部技術處行動資訊程式安全認證商2015 勞動部勞動力發展署臺灣訓練品質系統銅牌獎2015 經濟部中小企業處創業育成先鋒獎最佳企業2015 臺北市政府公開資料創新運用競賽冠軍2014 經濟部婦女創業菁英賽社會企業組冠軍2014 中華電信HAMI軟體開發暨供應商大賞優勝獎2014 資策會Living-Lab場域實證金驗獎冠軍2014 銀享全球論壇銀浪高齡創新提案賽冠軍2014 經濟部技術處APP創意大募集台灣區優選1002014 經濟部中小企業處創業育成先鋒獎優良企業2014 經濟部工業局臺灣雲谷雲豹創新育成競賽優勝2014 經濟部工業局金企鵝年度APP第三名2014 教育部資訊及科技教育司智慧生活整合型人才培育計畫最佳課程2013 行政院科技會報臺灣百大社會創新2013 資策會Living-Lab場域實證金驗獎冠軍2013 APP01華人行動應用服務應用科技類銀獎2013 遠傳電信 S市集星光賞智慧電視創新應用獎2013 台北市亞太創業競賽公開資料創意應用組冠軍2013 新竹市政府智慧城市APP創意創新競賽冠軍2013 經濟部工業局金企鵝年度APP年度最佳APP2012 遠傳電信 S市集星光賞年度評審團創新大獎2012 經濟部技術處科技智慧創新創業競賽銅質獎
Friendly Restaurant Taipei 2.2.3
"OurCityLove Friendly Restaurant Guide Taipei" APP Forpeoplewithdisabilities, parents with strollers, senior citizensandtheirfamilies and friends, it has always been a headache whenitcomesto finding a friendly restaurant in the city. Ourappoffersranking information of some 1000+ friendly restaurantsinTaipei,including detailed description and clear on-site photosoftherestaurants’ entrance, environment, tables,chairs,toilets,parking spaces, braille and assisting services.Thefriendlyinformation is collected and evaluated by our100+LoveCorrespondents, who are volunteers withvariousphysicaldisabilities, such as spinal cord injury, cerebralpalsy,polio,and those with visual or hearing problems. Incooperationwith theTaiwan Handicap Alliance, we recruited andtrained thesereal-lifeexperts in friendly environment and services.Then theyuse ourcloud platform and smart mobile tool toinvestigaterestaurants andto publish their firsthand diningexperience in theapp. Mostimportant of all, we saw and continueseeing wonderfulchanges inour 100+ Love Correspondents. Throughrecruiting andtraining, weencouraged and inspired them with newexperiences inlife and incareer. Through their services, “those whoneed help”dramaticallybecame “those who can help” for the obviousfact thatno one knowsthe needs of the “senior citizens withdisabilities”better thanthey do. “OurCityLove Friendly RestaurantGuide Taipei”is aninnovative social ACT rather than merely an APP.It endowsthesmartphone technology new possibilities ofinitiatingpositivecitizenship and of the pursuit of happiness inthe rapidlyagingsociety. We are currently improving our cloudplatform toincludemore friendly services, such as friendly banks,resorts,hotels andother public facilities. We hope to extend ourservicesto morecities, sooner rather than later. Prof. Dr.Chong-Wey LinFounderOurCityLove Social Enterprise, Taiwan DigitalCreativityandMarketing Strategy Lab National Chiao Tung University,TaiwanIDEAS Taipei City GovernmentTaiwanNational Handicap AllianceTaiwan Association of SmartLivingTaiwan Creative Network SolutionLab Co., Ltd., TaiwanCRE@TAIWAN,Creative and RevolutionaryEducational Alliance,Ministry ofEducation, Taiwan Eco-City, theRegional IntegrationCenter ofSmart Living Technology, NationalScience Council, Taiwan
Friendly Restaurant Hsinchu 1.2.4
"OurCityLove Friendly RestaurantGuideHsinchu"APPFor people with disabilities, parents with strollers,seniorcitizens and their families and friends, it has always beenaheadache when it comes to finding a friendly restaurant inthecity. Our app offers ranking information of some 1000+friendlyrestaurants in Hsinchu, including detailed description andclearon-site photos of the restaurants’ entrance, environment,tables,chairs, toilets, parking spaces, braille andassistingservices.The friendly information is collected and evaluated by our 100+LoveCorrespondents, who are volunteers with variousphysicaldisabilities, such as spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy,polio,and those with visual or hearing problems. In cooperationwith theTaiwan Handicap Alliance, we recruited and trained thesereal-lifeexperts in friendly environment and services. Then theyuse ourcloud platform and smart mobile tool to investigaterestaurants andto publish their firsthand dining experience in theapp.Most important of all, we saw and continue seeing wonderfulchangesin our 100+ Love Correspondents. Through recruiting andtraining,we encouraged and inspired them with new experiences inlife and incareer. Through their services, “those who need help”dramaticallybecame “those who can help” for the obvious fact thatno one knowsthe needs of the “senior citizens with disabilities”better thanthey do.“OurCityLove Friendly Restaurant Guide Hsinchu” is aninnovativesocial ACT rather than merely an APP. It endows thesmartphonetechnology new possibilities of initiating positivecitizenship andof the pursuit of happiness in the rapidly agingsociety. We arecurrently improving our cloud platform to includemore friendlyservices, such as friendly banks, resorts, hotels andother publicfacilities. We hope to extend our services to morecities, soonerrather than later.Prof. Dr. Chong-Wey LinFounderOurCityLove Social Enterprise, TaiwanDigital Creativity and Marketing Strategy LabNational Chiao Tung University, TaiwanIDEAS City Government TaiwanNational Handicap Alliance TaiwanAssociation of Smart Living TaiwanCreative Network Solution Lab Co., Ltd., TaiwanCRE@TAIWAN, Creative and Revolutionary EducationalAlliance,Ministry of Education, TaiwanEco-City, the Regional Integration Center of SmartLivingTechnology, National Science Council, Taiwan
LoveByte - Relationship App 3.0.4
Make your relationship stronger. Rememberallthe reasons why you’re in love.Stay connected with your special someone. Sweetest app forcouples,dating, engaged or married.LoveByte privately connects two people to share memories inaprivate space of their own. Count how long you two havebeentogether!★ See your partner's location, weather and battery level★ Send Secret Messages to your lover to sweeten up their day★ Couple Profile showing your love journeyFeatures for couples:✔ Communicate privately with your love (with many cute,freestickers!) Add sweet thoughts in Secret Messages likescratchcardsto surprise and brighten up their day. Secret Messagelets you sendsweet surprises as text or photo with your lovedone!✔ Status: Stay updated with your partner's location, weatherandbattery level✔ Couple ProfileA page that shows your couple Love Story, featuringDaysTogether✔ Exchange sweet, love lettersIf expressing your thoughts directly to your love is just notyourthing, use Notes to send love letters or plan your nextdate!✔ Shared Calendar:Use Dates to remember and note down special days likeanniversariesand birthdays that celebrate your love. Never forgetany importantevents again.✔ Photo albums to keep all the happy moments✔ Set Passcode lock to keep it safe so friends can’t peep!LoveByte’s customizable Timeline allows you to decidewhichimportant photos or notes to post as a milestone inyourrelationship, creating your own memory lane.If you're in a relationship, download and stay loving withyourlove today!★★★ Please add a rating/review if you like this coupleapp!★★★"Thanks for giving my boyfriend and I a safe place to putourthoughts, share our experiences and write our love story!""Definitely adds some spice to couples' lives in abusycity!""This is a useful app for the clueless/forgetful boyfriend.""It's a great app that can store everything of my love!""LoveByte is really cute. :) This is a great app and I'menjoyingit big time. More power to you guys and all the couplesaround theworld. Stay in love!"“This is the best app to remind us about our love story”★★★ Let’s connect! ★★★Website: http://lovebyte.usLike Us: Us: [email protected] to get in touch with us directlyforapp support!
Love Greetings: Sayings Quotes 1.1
"An app to fall in love with!”———————————————OVERVIEW & QUANTITY———————————————♥ ♥ ♥ Charm your sweetheartby sending the most beautifullove sayings and romantic quotes———————————————FEATURES———————————————✔ LOVE SAYINGS & QUOTESThe most beautiful love sayings,quotes and poems for your sweetheart:♥ Cute Love Messages♥ Valentine’s Day♥ Good Morning, Darling!♥ Good Night, Honey!♥ Funny Flirt Messages♥ Sensual Love Poems♥ Falling in Love♥ Long Distance Relationship♥ “I love you” in all languages♥ Hurting Love♥ Touching Love Quotes♥ Bible Love Quotes♥ Love and Romance Proverbs♥ Miss You!♥ Bad Relationship♥ Shakespeare Love Quotes♥ Phrases For Your Wedding,Engagement, Wedding Anniversary♥ Broken Heart Sayings♥ Sorry! Forgive me!♥ Hug Day Sayings♥ Corny Names♥ Breaking up✔ TEXT READYFor all kind of Social Networksand everything else!✔ TEXT TO SPEECHThe app reads out loud✔ USABILITYEasy navigation, cute design———————————————Just try it!It’s the best app of the kind!——————————————————