Top 11 Apps Similar to Love Compatibility Numerology

Numerology 1.5
Vivek Tiwari
Numerology is any belief in divine,mysticalorother special relationship between a number andsomecoincidingevents. It has many systems and traditions andbeliefs.Numerologyand numerological divination by systems such asisopsephywerepopular among early mathematicians, but are nolongerconsideredpart of mathematics and are regarded aspseudomathematicsorpseudoscience by modern scientists.Today, numerology is often associated with theparanormal,alongsideastrology and similar divinatory arts.Despite the long history of numerological ideas,theword"numerology" is not recorded in English before c.1907.The term numerologist is also used derogatorily forthoseperceivedto place excess faith in numerical patterns(anddrawscientifically unsound inferences from them), even ifthosepeopledo not practice traditional numerology. For example, inhis1997book Numerology: Or What PythagorasWrought,mathematicianUnderwood Dudley uses the term todiscusspractitioners of theElliott wave principle of stockmarketanalysis.Support Features-* Expression Number* Heart Desire Number* Love Attitude* Personality
Numerology 2.0
Numerology analyse the inserted names anddatesto discover clues about the individual's characteristicsandcompitability with his/her partners.This is thought to reflect the person's true innerself,encompassing ambitions and motivations, judgment andattitudes, andfeelings.Although a persons name may change over the course of alifetime,the birth date is constant. That is why the analyzer isdevelopedto define individual`s characteristics and/orcompitability withhis/her partner, based on the both name and birthdatesinformation.
Numerology App 2.1.2
Ashok Prakash
Every Human Being has a Lucky Number withtheirname and for their Birth. The chakras which is shown inthisapplication is inscribed in the old form of Numerologycheckingmethod, which is from the yantras. You can check youraccurateanalysis from this application. Don't miss to check foryour familymembers and lead a happy life.Check for updates as well!!Thank you
Birth Numerology Check 1.0
ItCato Ltd
The Birth Numerology Check app offeredbyITCATO gives you with insightful and heavily funny statusandpredictions about you. Find out what your birthday, your nicenameand your shirt says about you.Your birthday number is one of your core numbers of life. Lookupwhat your birthday says about you. Birthday number indicateswhichskills you possess, as well as any challenges you may needtoovercome. Both are gifts that will help you along youlife’spath.Open the tub of suspense behind your birthday, name andshirtsand cheer up and share it with your friends.Use Birth Numerology Check application for getting thebestmeaning and status behind your name, birthday and shirt color.Findout what your mood is stated by Birth Numerology Check.Features:★★★ Share the suspense behind your name★★★ Share the suspense behind your birth date★★★ Share the suspense behind your birth month★★★ Share the suspense behind your shirt color
Money Numerology Report Chart 1.0
In numerology, each number has a energythatcan indicate how a person will deal with wealth andfinancialissues throughout their lives.Knowing the energy of each number and how it influencesandinteracts with Richness can give you some clues as to yourownmoney-making potential.Features include:You can conduct Money Numerology ReadingFree Numerology readingNumerology chartFree numerology ReportNumerology calculatorAstrology numerologyNumerology and horoscopeZodiac & Numerology PredictionPsychic Numerology Reading HoroscopeAstrology Zodiac NumerologyAlong with this, you can conduct reading for-Numerology Psychic ReadingNumerology PredictionsName NumerologyNumerology 2016Numerology Love CompatibilityBirthday Birth date Numerology
Psychic Numerology Reading Pro 1.0
Numerology is the age-old mystical study ofhownumbers correlate with events in history.Discover ten ways numerology affects your life.In numerology, each number has a energy that can indicate howaperson will deal with wealth and financial issues throughouttheirlives.Knowing the energy of each number and how it influencesandinteracts with Richness can give you some clues as to yourownmoney-making potential.Features include:Psychic Numerology ReadingPsychic Numerology Reading HoroscopeFree Numerology chartFree numerology ReportNumerology Calculator along with Astrology numerologyandBirthday Birth date Numerology is very effective. You mightalsolike to try our Numerology and horoscope. Zodiac &NumerologyPrediction and Astrology Zodiac Numerology are veryaccurate.You can get your Free Numerology Reading and yourNumerologyPredictions for your Name Numerology for the yearNumerology2016.Regarding Romance, Numerology Love Compatibility isafeature.
Vedic Numerology 1.0
Features:- Name Number- Psyche Number (Full Version)- Destiny Number (Full Version)- Email results (Full Version)- Provides numbers, planet, day, color, gems, metal,friends,enemies, compatible numbers (marriage, romance, business)etc...Numerology is the psychic art and science of interpretinghownumbers influence our lives and destinies. Numerology has beenusedsince ancient times as a key to observing and understandinghumandestiny.Indian vedic numerology uses numbers as a key to humanbehavior.All objects of the material world are related to the nineplanets.Vedic numerology is a sacred study as it enables one tolook deeplyinto the wheel of karma and adjust our attitude andbehavior in theworld.Your NUMBER IS UP!!! So, don't delay gathering knowledge inthisbrilliant tool.According to Indian Numerology, each of us has three numbersthatare the most relevant:- Psyche Number: The psyche number reveals the way you lookatyourself. It is what you really want to be and what definesyourbasic character. It represents your basic predispositionsandtalents that lead you to interact daily in a particularway.- Destiny Number: The destiny number indicates how you are viewedbythe world and is related to your samskaras - vibrationalpatternsacquired by past actions, or karma. It is also the youthat otherpeople see, especially if they do not know you verywell. And as youlearn the lessons in this life you will tend totake on more of thecharacteristics of your destiny number.Although both psyche and destiny numbers are importantthroughoutlife, between the ages of thirty-five and forty thepsyche numberrecedes in influence while the destiny number becomesmoresignificant.- Name Number: The name number is most important inyourrelationships with other people and you can have more than onenamenumber if people are addressing you with different names.Changingyour name and thus your name number may enhance certainqualitiesof your psychic and destiny numbers or avoid conflictbetweenthem.
Numerus - Numerology 1.2
Numerology is the study of numbers, and the occult manner inwhichthey reflect certain aptitudes and character tendencies, asanintegral part of the cosmic plan. Each letter has a numericvaluethat provides a related cosmic vibration. Numerus it's an appthatpermits you to find the numbers of your life. The sum ofthenumbers in your birth date and the sum of value derived fromtheletters in the name provide an interrelation of vibrations.Thesenumbers show a great deal about character, purpose in life,whatmotivates, and where talents may lie.
True Soulmate Finder 1.5
Great app to find out who is your truesoulmateon facebook!There is 3 steps to find your true soulmate.1) Login With Facebook2) Invite Your Friends(optional)3) See Result-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Share awesome result with your friends on facebook!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------***Note: You must connect with facebook to use this app***
Love Calculator 4.0
You fell in love, but not sure he orshelovesyou back?How do you know if your partner is close to you?Then a must use is Love Calculator app forcalculatinglovecompatibility based on an ancientnumericalcomputationalalgorithm.It derives its roots from ancient systems ofplanetaryinfluencesand numerology. So our love compatibility test,or lovecalculator,is utterly ACCURATE.Sometimes you'd like to know if a relationship withsomeonecouldwork out. There comes the power of Love CALCULATOR.The Love Calculator can enable you calculate the probabilityofasuccessful relationship between two people.The Love Calculator is an effective way to get animpressionofhow bright the chances of stability & mutualharmonyexistingin a relationship between two people, find out whatare thechancesof you and your dream partner getting close toeachother..Hold your breath !! There is one thing that youwouldabsolutelylove. If while calculating the love score, primafacieyou get anunexpected score - in this case you can go intosettings&preset the desired result. Now if you calculate &demothis toyour lovely paramour , the score would come from thestoredresultwhich you already set.So get it and don't forget to rate this app to encourage us.
Horoscope Matching 0.0.5
The arrival of FuturePoint Free horoscope match on play store isarevolution as it marks the entry of most popular horoscopesoftwareLeostar. Get free or any paid model of personalisedhoroscope ofchoice.. Now anyone having access to internet can casthis/herhoroscope anywhere any time. It shall be free of cost andinaddition to that the PDF file of other paid comprehensive modelsofpersonalised horoscope of choice can be downloaded. Nowgetprintout of your horoscopes as well as share your horoscopeswithothers. Some of the Horoscopes in theis app are : 1. FreeHoroscope2. My kundli 3. Kundli phal 4. Janam kundli 5. Kundlidarpan 6.Bhrigu Patrika 7. 30 Year Report Pack 8. Matching-M3 9.Matching-M4Pick any model as per your choice and requirement