Top 31 Apps Similar to Mi Inventario

Stock Controller - inventories 5.2.1
XNR Sisbi
Need to manage your business inventories? This is the right appforyou.
Inventory & barcode scanner 7.35
Inventory & Barcode scanner & collections & WIFIbarcodescanner
Gestor de Inventarios 1.2
Application to manage movements of inventory items / goods.
SDM warehouse inventory 2.9
Tool to count inventories with barcode reader included.
Inventory & Barcode scanner 7.35
Inventory & Barcode scanner & collection & WIFIbarcodescanner
Control your INVENTORY. Make your own quick and easy inventory.
Inventory 2 1.11
Making warehouse inventories using the device camera
Inventario Prueba 1.0
Product Inventory
Inventory 6.3.5
Barcodery is an inventory management app with a barcode scanner
Código de Barras Inventario 0.0.2
Barcode reader with inventory database
Mobile Inventory 4.6.5 - Breithorn - pr
*Recommended for Small and Medium-sized businesses Somefreefeatures available: - Stock management - Take stock - Takestockfrom Stock management - Locations management - Import in batchoradd items one by one - Barcode / QR code scanner & Searchtoquickly identify items - Filter items by category / counted /tags/ custom fields / locations - Built-in calculator - Userdefinedtags - Operations history - Custom fields - Change productslistdisplay - Switch Barcodes / QR codes between inventoriesPremiumfeatures: - Export data to .xls / .xlsx file - NFC support-External barcode scanner support - Backup & Restore dataMobileInventory is an easy to use application that helps you tomanageyour inventory and do from time to time "take stock"operations.Why Mobile Inventory? Because it's simple, intuitive anddoes itsjob! STOCK MANAGEMENT: 1) Populate your products list It'syourdecision how to do it: add products one by one, import fromanexcel / csv list or get the products from another inventory.2)Manage stock entries Beside products, inventory managementneedsentries to be added. In a very quick manner you can addinputs,outputs and movements between locations 3) Manage inventorybylocations Your inventory could have one or more locationstomanage. That why Mobile Inventory allows you to definelocations,manage transactions and extract reports by location. 4)Get realtime stocks and navigate easily through transactions Realtimeentries mean real time stocks ... Analyze the entries byusingfriendly tools: filters, sort, quick search, etc. 5)Exportinventory - stocks and entries Transfer your work to an excelfile(locally, on drive, shared via email, etc.) TAKE STOCK 1)Getproducts from Predefined lists / Stock management or Addproductsmanually Populate products list by choosing from thealternatives:importing from a predefined Excel (.xls, .xlsx, .csv)product list,taking over from Stock management at a certain date,addingproducts manually one by one. 2) Count items Addcollectedquantities by using: barcode scan, quick search, categoryfilter,calculator, tags, counting history, batching factor. 3)Exportcounting results (excel file) Capitalize your work andexportinventory list in a .xls /.xlsx format file. The exportedlist isespecially designed for following matching processes and canbesaved locally, on drive, shared via email, etc. Fordetailedinformation visit http://mobileinventory.netand . If you have additionalquestionsabout the application, improvement suggestions or feedbackpleasecontact our support team at [email protected]
Inventarios & Stock 4.9.0
Inventarios & Stock es una app para gestionar de formasencillay rápida los inventarios de tu negocio... en cualquierlugar... acualquier hora y en todo momento. Sencilla de manejar eintuitiva!No necesitas perder tus datos de nuevo, grabarlos en lanube ydisfruta. Inventarios & Stock te permite scanner codigoQR yBar Code, de manera que podes scannear éste tipo de códigossinnecesidad de comprar periféricos carisimos. Inventarios &Stockes la herramienta ideal para las personas que quierenllevarcontrol de inventario de sus comercios. Se agrega un chatpara quelas personas que comparten la app puedan conversar entresí. Solohay que crear una SALA DE CHAT desde el perfil del usuarioycompartirlo con quien quieras chatear. Con esta aplicaciónpuedes:- Trabajar online u offline, tu decides. - Crear múltiplesusuariospor cuenta - Crear almacenes, tipos de productos,proveedores,clientes, productos y transacciones. - Alerta de stockminimodefinido por producto - Administrar los inventarios dealmacén -Selecciona fotos del producto en la galería del teléfono otoma unafoto - Estadísticas por sección ... Y mucho más
Samaem S.A.S
Samaem Inventory is an application forpeoplewho own small businesses that handle Inventory and thatrequirehaving available online the information of each of theproductsthat make up their inventory.Samaem Inventories allows you to load the information of any oftheproducts, simply by reading its bar code, it also allows torecordthe purchases and sales of each of the products and inaddition amodule has been created that allows to observe the salesmadebetween Two dates generating statistical graphs that show inasimpler way the benefits received either by product orbystore.
Inventory Management 123
Industrial IT
Manage your stock in your warehouse with this inventorymanagementapp. Improve your logistics with a warehouse managementsystem.Inventory management is a key part of the supply chainandprimarily aims to control the movement and storage ofmaterialswithin a warehouse and process the associatedtransactions,including shipping, receiving, putaway and picking -Add inventoryto you store - Remove inventory from your warehouse -Moveinventory between storage locations - Real-time globalinventoryvisibility for all your users - Count and correct yourinventory -Share your inventory - Manage your stock transactions -Locate yourstock - Manage your warehouse locations - Replenishmentadvice -Use the web based interface Extensive reporting andanalysis: -Statistics - Fillgrade - Total items in stock -Transactions - Fastmovers - Slow movers - Inventory accuracy -Inventory value Use abluetooth barcode scanner for quick barcodescan. Manage yourstock, stockroom, replenishment, warehouse orrepository with easewith this Inventory management or WarehouseManagement System(WMS). Use several Android devices simultaneous tomanage yourretail inventory. This app is an Logistic ExecutionSystem tomanage the logistics in your warehouse.--------------------- Thisapp uses your account, e-mail andthird-party accounts informationto make it run smoothly.Information such as, but not limited to,contact details, personaldetails, employees, telephone number,e-mail address, location, IPaddress, cookies, inventory,transactions are stored and processedfor the proper functioning ofthe service. The stored information isonly used internally byIndustrial IT for development purposes andshall not be provided tothird parties. By using this app you agreeto the privacy statementwhich you can find in the play store.
Inventory FREE 1.11
Inventario is a simple program to helptheconstruction of the warehouse inventory.Inventory operation is summarized in these simple steps:1. Imports data from your products2. Take the camera of the device to scan and storeproductsindicating the stock units (if you prefer you can indicatethestock manually).3. After the inventory, you can print it, revise it and send itbackto your program or ERP business management.The import / export process is done via CSV text files thatyoucan generate with your ERP bussiness software or withanyspreadsheet like excel.To use the camera as a barcode reader you must have installedtheapplication "Barcode Scanner" de Zxing Team, that you candownloadfree from the Android Market.
Inventory Plus 1.5.2
Easy-to-use Small Business App to manage inventory, orders andmuchmore Major Modules: 1) Inventory Management 2) PurchaseOrder,Sales Order (Email / SMS Orders from mobile) 3) BarcodeScanning 4)Suppliers, Customers 5) Import Data, Export Data,automatic databackup (in-app purchase) 6) Extensive Reporting 7)Income andExpense Management This App provides stock-taking andinventorymanagement in most simplistic way. Be it for your homeinventory orfor the business inventory; it will help you easilytrack yourinventory. It also helps in managing purchase orders andsalesorders. You can send those to suppliers or customers. Doyourincome and expense management along with inventory management.So,it is a complete app to run your business from mobile or yourhomeinventory. - Record your inventory data in a minimalisticmanner -Maintain stock IN / OUT movements and get extensivereporting onthat - Receive low inventory alerts by emails orin-appnotifications - Barcode search and direct item addition -Runstock-taking for your inventory and get variance reporting -Createpurchase orders; and email or SMS them to suppliers instantly-Record delivery of purchase orders. That will increaseyourinventory automatically - Create sales orders; and email orSMSthem to customers instantly - Record delivery of sales orders.Thatwill reduce your inventory automatically - Export / importyourinventory data in Excel/CSV and setupdaily/weekly/monthlyauto-back up of your data (in-app purchase) -Store the locationand image of the inventory items - Know yourinventory valuation inreal time, which is auto-calculated usingweighted averageinventory valuation method - Get extensivereporting: Inventoryvaluation report, Purchase Order Report, SalesOrder Report,Supplier /Customer report, Location report,Daily/Monthly/DateRange Inventory transactions, ..... - Export allreports to exceland get them in email (in-app purchase) As aretailer, you need tokeep track of your inventory, need to organizeit and know when toreplenish it. Instant Inventory App allows youto keep detailedrecords of your inventory on your mobile device aswell as updatestock movement in real time. Create, manage orcontrol your itemstock lists, scroll of articles, part lists,equipment serialnumbers, physical or fixed assets etc. in no timeat all. Reportingmodule offers a handful of reports to meet yourreporting needs.The alert system raises alerts if the inventory isbelowpermissible quantity. Feel free to contact us via email. Wehaveexcellent support record and no questions will be ignored–[email protected] OfficialWebsite: Download appnow& manage inventory on your fingertips.
Inventario Móvil 1.3.0
La nueva app de ZAM te permitirá realizar de forma ágilelinventario físico de tus almacenes además de automatizarlaatención de solicitudes de partes generadas en taller Funciones:-Visualiza las solicitudes realizadas en el taller que seencuentranpendientes de surtir. - Realiza el conteo del inventarioleyendo elcódigo de barras o QR de las etiquetas generadas enInventariosNet.- Atiende una o varias listas de toma físicaasignadas a ti. -Consulta o edita los insumos inventariados. -Atiende lassolicitudes de partes generadas en taller paragenerarautomáticamente la salida en InventariosNet. Requisitos:Contar conlas aplicaciones MantenimientoNet e InventariosNet deZAM.Smartphone o Tablet con conexión al servidor de aplicaciones(redde datos o wifi). Android KitKat 4.4 o superior.
RD Ceesa 3.2.0
Advanced Data Collector for ERP Ceesa, SA
Master Cube | Inventario 4.0
Con este administrador de negocio podrás:-Añadir un producto o articulo a tu inventario.-Editar los datos o la información de tu articulo.-Consultarlo en cualquier momento.-Borrarlo cuando no lo necesites y ahorrar espacio.-Incluye un lector de código de barras (Solo soportanúmeros).-Puedes visualizar tu inventario con los datos mas importantesenforma de lista.-Podrás enviar sugerencias al programador sobre informes deerroreso mejoras.-Tienes a la mano un calendario para visualizar rápidolasfechas.-Lo mejor es que puedes crear una venta rápida con los artículosquetengas registrados en la base de datos.-Y muchas cosas mas que se vienen por delante si los usuariossiguenapoyando la app.With thisbusinessadministrator Tea-Add A product or item to your inventory.-Edit Data or information in your article.-Consultarlo At any time.-Borrarlo When not needed and save space.-Includes Reader barcode (only supports numbers).'You can view your inventory with the most important data inlistform.-You Can send suggestions to the developer on bug reportsorimprovements.You've got to hand for quick display a calendar dates.'It is better that you can create a quick sale with the itemshaveregistered in the database.And many more things that lie ahead if users continue to supporttheapp.
Inventory Management 7.7
Manage inventory effortlessly with our simple InventoryManagementApp
GreyPhillips Inventarios OLG.
Retail Inventory GreyPhillips
Voxme Inventory 8.2.1
Voxme Inventory is a packinginventoryrecording and printing application that allows crew men,driversand supervisors to quickly record detailed packing lists,print offthe packing list in any language over Bluetooth onto anymobileprinter, sign the customer on the screen and send theinventoriesback to the office. This solution is suitable forhousehold goodsremovals as well as fine arts shippers. The level ofcapturedinventory details satisfies the most rigorous security andqualityrequirements.The application allows for taking photos of damaged ordisassembleditems as well as loaded liftvans and containers.Inventory entry isbased on the standard company’s cubesheet and canbe done in anylanguage. Each package is assigned job referencedriven uniquebarcode.Job files can be created on the device, downloaded from theserveror received by email if sent in Voxme xml format. Packinglists areemailed back in text and pdf along with signature andphotos. Inaddition, inventory details are available in Voxme xmlformat forimport into Voxme or any other move managementsystem.Voxme service activation is required in order to enableapplicationconfiguration according to company's cubesheet,dictionaries, andmaterials, as well as packing list printing.Please, contact Voxme sales for service options and pricing.
Mi Changarro 1.0
Dealers selling point for administering the delivery andcollectionof goods
External Scanner Inventory 1.0
Ponce Solutions
Before conducting an inventory, you willneedtopair your Bluetooth scanner. You can also connect a wiredusbscannerto your device if the device supports it.We have used the Motorola CS3070 with our devices. Youcandownloadthe free app to test your deviceInventory Entry Screen: On the inventory entry screen youhaveacustom keypad that has been designed to takeScannedinventory.When taking an inventory, normally you will want tobreaktheinventory by an area and section. Each one of thosebreakdownsisshown below their respective buttons.The area and section use four digits. The buttons areenabledwhenyou have typed the correct number of digits withyourkeypad.For example, if you wanted to change the area to 0004,type0004with the keypad and you will see that the area andsectionbuttonsare enabled. Tap Area button and the value for thearea willbe setto 0004. Section will work the same way.Under the area and section breakdown you will see theUPCandquantity fields that show the last saved values.The next field is used to enter the UPC and the quantity.Whentheapplication starts, the field is ready to enter a UPC,eithertypedor scanned using a barcode scanner (Bluetooth/wiredusb).Once youtap enter after entering a UPC, you can enterthequantity. Dependingon your settings, you can type the + toaddquantities before tappingENTER or type * to multiplyquantitiesbefore tapping ENTER.The next and very important section is the keypad. Onceuponatime I worked many years as an Inventory Auditor so thekeypadhasbeen layout based on many years of experience. Thatbeingsaid,since this is a software keyboard, you can suggest achange sothatit works for you.Each button should be self-explained. I will describehowtheentries are interpreted.816122001111Enter10Enter When you type or scanthe816122001111and tap ENTER(when scanned ENTER isautomaticallyentered) then 10Enter the entry will be stored as816122001111 forthe UPC and 10for the quantity816122001111Enter10+10+10+10Enter When a string likethisistyped, the numbers before the first the Enter will be takenasUPC.Any number after the first Enter will be either beaddedormultiplied with each other to get the value for thequantity.Inthis case the UPC would be 816122001111 the quantitywouldbe40.This app has been designed to allow the input fromthescanneronly when the app is expecting a UPC to be entered. Alsoifyoustart typing the UPC, the input from the scanner isignoreduntilthe field for UPC is emptyIf your device has at least 4.4.X softwareversion(KitKat),youwill be able to save the report as PDF. If yourdevice hasthecorrect version, you will see the Print menu onthereportotherwise the menu does not show. With this option ifyouhave awireless printer set, you should be able to send thereportto theprinter as well.The report is created as html. If you connect your devicetoacomputer, you could copy the full directory and view thereportonyour computer. Look for tsi folder on your sdcard and copythewwwfolder to view the report on your computer.
Inventory and CheckOut Free 2.5
enjoy the free version with ads. upgrade to get morefeatures.Allcredit to Zxing for making barcode scanning possible.
Barcode Inventory Management 4.2
Barcodes taken with a smartphone can be managed from thesmartphone.
Calcolatore di spazio 1.0
Calcola lo spazio necessario periltuodeposito. Hai anche la possibilita' di inviare unamailconallegato il tuo inventario in formato PDF. Comodoefacile.
MKT Data Collector 1.5.50424
MKT Collector
MKT Data Collector nos brinda los procesosyherramientas necesarias para optimizar al máximo las operacionesdemarketing realizadas en punto de venta.Provee:- agilidad en la organización del equipo de trabajo ysusherramientas,- soporte en la logística de cobertura de puntos de venta,- visualización y gestión de agenda de actividades,- modelado y recolección de datos,- definición de metas del equipo y objetivos de proyecto,- análisis de KPIs, Ventas, Precios, Stock, Exhibiciones,MaterialPOP, Muebles, Entrenamientos, Alertas en tiempo real,Acciones deMarketing, Información de Productos....- análisis geográfico,- reportes fotográficos,- control geo-referencial de fichajes y visualización del equipoentiempo real,- auditoría de asistencias,- integración de sistemas con aplicaciones cliente,- flexibilidad para incluir módulos a medida desusnecesidades...Más de 6 años de experiencia utilizando y perfeccionandolaherramienta, más de 50 casos de éxito, implementaciones en másde15 países, locales y regionales... traducido en 3 idiomas (ES,PT,US).MKT Data Collectorgivesus the processes and tools necessary to optimizemarketingoperations performed at point of sale.It provides:- Flexibility in the organization of work equipment andtools,- Support logistics coverage of outlets,- Visualization and schedule of activities,- Modeling and data collection,- Definition of team goals and objectives of the project,- Analysis of KPIs, Sales, Prices, Stock, Exhibitions, POPMaterial,Furniture, Training, Real-time alerts Shares, Marketing,ProductInformation ....- Geographical analysis,- Photographic reports,- Geo-referential transfer control and monitoring equipment inrealtime,- Audit assists,- System integration with client applications,- Flexibility to include modules tailored to your needs ...Over 6 years experience using and perfecting the tool, more than50cases of successful implementations in over 15 countries, localandregional ... translated in 3 languages ​​(EN, PT, US).
TST Warehouse Inventory Free 3.9
It is very easy to use:To read the barcode´s item you can use either an externalbluetoothscanner or the smartphone´s cam.Then you can start to usetheApp.Firstly import your products to the App, from an xls or a csvfileformat.Finally, when you finish the reading process, the App willexportyour inventory in an xls or csv file format.All what you need now is to process this xls or csv file fromyourE.R.P. software and then you´ll get your inventoryupdated.This free App version has a limit in 50 items. If you needmoreplease download the Pro App
Inventory+ 1.1.2
Inventory + is the free application thatuserscan track their inventory and report inventory records.Inventory+provides users that tracking stock levels in definedcontrol levelsfrom beggining of procurement to end of a inventorylifecycle.It is not possible for any firm except you to see yourinventoryrecords because inventory records has been saved specialfor eachfirm. Only your firm employees that are defined under yourfirm canaccess and track your inventory records. There can bedefinedunlimited products or users who shares same firm and datainInventory+.As DirinSoft; our purpose is to support firms that are developingbyproviding them a platform that their invetory records can betrackedand reported regularly by multiple users from multipleplatform. Bydeveloping this application with our 8 years ofinventory managementexperience; we have not limited user count,product count ortransaction volume so that application can be usedwith its fullyfeatured version by anyone with ad version. Anyfurther payment willnever be demanded from users when theirrecords volume will beincreased. So If you want to support us; inorder to use ad-freeversion you may have subscription.We have been still developing Web and IOS platform to giveuseraccess from any platform for online inventory data. Afterwecomplete development of these platforms, we will be glad tosharelinks and information with you soon. These platforms will bealsoFREE for fully featured versions and any further payment willnotbe asked. By this way, we will provide our users to access,track,transfer, report their inventory data from anyplatform.As DirinSoft; in order to give you better features andapplications,we are open to any kind of offer, complain or demand.We wishInventory+ will be benefical for you.