Top 3 Apps Similar to Pill Reminder

Easy Med - Pill Reminder 1.0
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Easy Med Pill reminder is thesimplesandeasiest app to keep track of your prescriptions, itAlarms youwhena medication needs to be taken, you can set it toremind youbeforeyour medicine time so you can have enough timetoprepare.With Easy Med Pill Reminder you have the possibility toaddmultiplePill and medicine reminders.It also allows you to add notes that acts like a pillidentifiersoyou don't need to look for dosage every time you needto takeyourPill or medicine.☆FEATURES:✔Pill Reminder✔Medication Notes✔Multiple Pill Reminder✔Before time Medication Reminder✔2 steps setting✔Vibration Notification☆ADDITIONAL FEATURES:✔lightweight, less than 3mb✔Battery FriendlyPeople use Easy Med as a: Medication Reminder -Medicationtracker- Prescription Tracker - Pill Reminder - PillsAlarm - PillOrganizer- Pill Calendar - Prescription Reminder - MedReminder -MedicationMonitor - Medicine Reminder - Medicinescheduler -VirtualPillbox
Pill Reminder pro 1
Pill Reminder pro est l’applicationqu’ilvousfaut pour ne pas oublier de prendre votre traitement.Qu’ilsoitoccasionnel ou à long terme cette application vouspermettra deleprendre en temps et en heure.Il vous suffit tout simplement de rentrer manuellement lenomd’unou plusieurs médicaments que ça soit des gélules,comprimés,de lapoudre ou du sirop, et de rentrer l’heure de laprise. Quecelle-cisoit en continu ou fragmenté Pill Reminder proest là pourvous lerappeler. De plus, si vous souhaitez donnerdesinformationssupplémentaires sur le médicament comme par exempledele prendreavant manger ou pendant le repas etc. PillReminderprovousl’évoquera également.Enfin, vous pourrez mettre à jour votre application etdéfinirleson lors des notifications.Alors n’hésitez plus, téléchargez et profitez-enmaintenant.PillReminder pro révolutionnera votre quotidien.Pill Reminder Proistheapplication you need to remember to take yourtreatment.Whethercasual or long term this application will allowyou to takethetime and hour.You just only have to manually enter the name of oneormoremedications that either capsules, tablets, powder orsyrup,andenter the time of decision. That it is in continuous orbrokenPillReminder Pro is here to remind you. Also, if you wanttogiveadditional information about the drug, such as takingitbeforeeating or during meals etc. Pill Reminder will alsodiscusstheprovous.Finally, you can update your application and set thesoundwhennotifications.So go ahead, download and enjoy it now. Pill ReminderProwillrevolutionize your life.
Medicine reminder 1.0
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medicine reminder help you to addnewmedicineand will notify you with the time of medicine