Top 18 Apps Similar to Blood Monk

Blood Donor 2.13.0
Donating blood and platelets is easier than ever with TheAmericanRed Cross.
ASH Pubs | Blood 5.5
Allows readers to access various ASH Publications with Blood&Blood Advances
Blood 4 India 2.5
Blood 4 India is a life savinginitiativefromIndia Health Line, giving every Android smart phoneuser achanceto be a hero by donating blood.Basically our idea is if a smart phone and internet can helpustoshare various photographs, videos and text immediately toourwellwishers, friends, family members, then why can not weshareBloodthrough this.Yes you have read it right. We are planning to sharebloodtoneedy people. Basic idea behind this application iswheneverwerequire a blood in any case of emergency within span ofminutesyoushould be able to reach to multiple users mentioning thatyouinurgent need of blood.We simply say Blood 4 India, contact us wheneverrequired.Withthis simple mobile application with innovative idea,you canget incontact of multiple people at a same time when everyou arein needof Blood. There are people who are ready to help incaseofemergency.
My Blood for You 1.1.2
This is an This app helps you to find nearest blooddonorondemand and this also makes you a good blood donor. Youcansearchby specifying blood group and maximum distance withthedonor. Thesearch result will be sorted from nearest one to farone.Byclicking on the search result you can view the detailsofthedonor. The details contains name, profile picture, addressofhislast location (location when last updating occurred),circularandon road distance from the donor, on road duration (timetakesthedonor to reach your place), last updating time,willingnessofdonating blood etc. Showing other personal details ofdonorisrestricting here to avoid misusing. You can call thedonorbyclicking on the call button from donor profile view.The donor search process is as follows. First searchdonorbyspecifying blood group and distance. Then selectanappropriatedonor from the search result and call him. If heisready fordonate blood for you send him a request from hisprofileview afterthe call. A donor must see the request and verifytheprofile ofcalled person before going to the called placeforsecurity. If youare verified his profile, you can accepthisrequest and go to thecalled place. After you donate yourblooddelete the request youhave received and update your lastdonateddate.The location of all members will be update if they areonline.Ifthey become offline, their location updating will bestopped.Butall online and offline members will be displayed onthesearchresult. But the visibility of the offline members willbedependsup on their last updated location while they were online.Sowhiledeciding your donor please mentions their last updatingtimealso.The search result will only shows the donors with theagerangingfrom 17 to 65.If a member donated blood, he must update his lastdonateddatebecause there must be need an average gap of 56 daysbetweeneachdonation. Then he will automatically avoid from thesearchingandbecome active on searches after the blood donation duedate. Anewmember can search only after the activation period. Thiswillbemaximum 30 days from registration. This is foravoidingthetemporary registrations only for searching withoutreadytodonating blood.If a member logged out from his account, he will become similartoanoffline member. His location updating will be stopped. Sohewill beavailable with his last updated location on searches. Ifamemberwants to stop donating blood, he must need to deletehisaccount.Username once registered cannot change again. Somembersmust usememorable usernames.This is a location based application. But it takes thetowerlocationof the donor to avoid security issues with actualandaccuratelocation. So the distance between the donor andsearchingperson mayhave some minute difference from actualcalculation. Butit does notaffect badly because it should be lessthan 2 km.These services are also available on Ifyoufeelany problem with this app on your device, please send itasafeedback. Hope that My Blood for You will help you a lot.
iBP Blood Pressure 7.0.1
Leading Edge Apps LLC
What is iBP? iBP is a blood pressure tracking andanalysistool.Please note, it is not possible to measure your bloodpressurebytouching the screen. A separate device is required. Whatkindofanalysis does iBP provide? iBP uses color icons toindicatewhenyour blood pressure values are normal, high, orhypertension.Italso provides interactive graphs that allow you todisplayyourvalues by weeks, months, year and time of day. Thegraphsdisplaylows, highs, averages, and trend lines usingstatisticalanalysis.Why iBP vs. other blood pressure apps? iBP isthe #1 bloodpressureapp on the iPhone and it is now available onAndroid! Wehave beenworking on this app for over 5 years andcontinue tomakeimprovements. iBP is the only blood pressure appwith a builtintransfer capability to sync all your iOS and Androiddevices.Whatare the key features? * Transfer capability to sync allof youriOSand Android devices * Calculates Mean Arterial PressureandPulsePressure * Track one personal item (blood glucose,stresslevel,medication dosage, exercise time) * Backup /Restorecapability *Multiple users * Multiple email addresses (youanddoctor) *Multiple email formats (HTML, CSV, Plain Text) *Snapshotof thegraphs can be saved * User configurable color ranges* Weightunits(lb or kg) * Withings Blood Pressure Monitor &WirelessScaleWithings + iBP = No more data entry! iBP can retrieveyourbloodpressure and weight data directly from your Withingsaccount.TheBlood Pressure Monitor and wireless Body Scaleautomaticallyrecordand send the data to your account. There is nodata entryrequiredand you can view the data anywhere using a webbrowser or avarietyof mobile apps. Free shipping coupon inside theapp!Disclaimer:iBP is intended to be used as a means to collectdata tobe sharedwith your doctor. This application is not intendedto beasubstitute for professional medical advice,diagnosis,ortreatment. We assume no liability for any personal harmorinjurysustained as a result of using this application.
bpresso PRO
"bpresso PRO" is an application bymeansof which you can collect and analyse your bloodpressuremeasurements and all connected activities, such as: pulse,drugstaken, physical effort and weight.Charts and statistics will enable current results controlandconstant monitoring of your pressure, and thanks to remindersyoushould not forget about measurement or takingappropriatedrugs.••••••••••••••••"bpresso PRO" app does not measure arterial pressure!••••••••••••••••In the application you can record activities:• Blood pressure:SystolicDiastolicPulsePlace of pressure measurementBody position during measurement• Drugs taken:Name of drugDose• WeightWeight in kilograms or pounds• Physical effortType of effortIntensityEffort durationYou can analyse the collected results by means of statisticsandcharts including:• date and time• time of the day (morning, day, evening, night)• scope of pressure (low, high, hypertension …)• place of measurement• position during measurementRegistration with the website enables,inaddition:• synchronization of data between various mobiledevices(phones/tablets)• access to analyses and charts from the browser'slevel(• printing summaries and reports• connecting a wireless manometer (iHealth Withings)• sharing the data with your doctor (soon)The application supports the following languages: Deutsch,English,Español, Français, Italiano, Русский, Polski, Português,中文Expanded settings panel will additionally enable:• Export of any data to Excel or .txt file• Sending the exported data to any e-mail address• Creating data backups• Any change of blood pressure ranges• Adjustment of time of day to your needsThe bpresso PRO app is a part of platformThe application "bpresso PRO" is intended only torecordblood pressure measurements and related activities. Theapplicationis not a substitute for a doctor's advice or visit;therefore, donot make any changes in your treatment without priorconsultationswith a doctor or specialist.The Supplier of the application, "Freshware Sp. z o.o.", doesnotbear responsibility for incurred damages resulting from use oftheapplication.
Vet Blood Tests Guide 1.0
Reference values and diferencial diagnosis for bloos tests usedinveterinary.
The Blood Type Diet® 1.6.8
The Official Blood Type Diet® App - know your categorizedfoodsanytime.
Panic Button. Blood Donor App. 3.1.1
* Install the app, complete the "Under aminutesign-up" and get started on saving life!!! It's that simpletounderstand and use.* The app has been designed to make blood donation moremeaningfuland helpful.* The donor and receiver will be known to each other and cansharethe joy of saving the life of another human.* Successful donations will be monitored by a custom backendsystem.* Every donor will get surprise gift, in addition to being shownonSID International website.* This is not substitute for actual blood donation. We are tryingtomake it easier and more convenient for people for find donorsandvice-versa.* Don't forget to update your Profile+ Information.Additionaldetails that we like to know about you.*** Please note that:* You should be above 18 years of age to install *and actuallyuse*this app. As persons below 18 years of age are advisedagainstdonating blood.* The app requires a valid membership. You will be promptedtosign-up on first login.* All user details are maintained in utmost security. We willNEVERSPAM you!
Blood Test Results Explained 1.0
Laboratory tests are tools helpful in evaluating the healthstatusofan individual. It is important to realize thatlaboratoryresults maybe outside of the so-called "normal range"for manyreasons. So thisapp is about that Blood Test Result andalso youwill know theexplanation of Blood Test Result. So manyinfo thatyou will know :-- How to interpret and understand yourblood testresults... - Normalrange of uric acid... - Normal whiteBlood cellcount... - And manyqueries about Blood Test Result thatyou wantto know...
Blood Pressure Diary by MedM 2.14.235
MedM Inc
Blood Pressure Log App by MedM
EchoSOS 4.4.3
Ubique Health
EchoSOS is a lifesaving app that sends your location tolocalemergency services
DonorInfo 1.0
DonorInfo – удобный сервис для доноров кровииее компонентов (далее – крови) и неравнодушных кданномунаправлению. Приложение включает в себя планирование сдачикрови,основную необходимую информацию о донорстве крови, списокстанцийпереливания Чувашской Республики, заявки о необходимостидонорскойкрови.Приложение разработано в рамках проекта «Кровь донорадаритжизнь», реализуемого Чувашской республиканскоймолодежнойобщественной организацией «Студенческий Совет».Функции:• Календарь событий – позволяет планировать сдачу кровиианализы, а так же отмечать отводы от донорства.• Профиль – регистрация пользователя приложения с указаниемосновнойинформации о доноре• Информация о донорстве – необходимая информация длядоноров,потенциальных доноров и интересующихся донорствомкрови.• Список станций переливания – местоположение и контактыстанцийпереливания крови Чувашской Республики.• Оставить заявку – раздел для реципиентов иродственниковреципиентов, которым нужна помощь доноров. Можнооставить заявку,которая пройдет проверку модератора и отправитсявсем донорам стакой группой крови, зарегистрировавшимся вразделе«Профиль».• Заявки – список заявок о необходимости донорскойкрови,заполненных в разделе «Оставить заявку» ипроверенныхмодератором.DonorInfo -convenientservice for donors of blood and blood components(hereinafter - theblood) and indifferent to this area. Theapplication includes theplanning of blood donation, the basicnecessary information aboutblood donation, blood transfusionstations list of the ChuvashRepublic, the application of the needof blood.Application is developed in the framework of the project"Blooddonor gives life", implemented by the Chuvash Republicanyouthpublic organization "Student Council".Functions:• Events Calendar - allows you to schedule blood donationandanalyzes, as well as to celebrate the donation from taps.• Profile - user registration application indicating thebasicinformation about the donor• Information about the donation - the necessary informationfordonors, potential donors and interested in donating blood.• List of transfusion stations - location and contact ofbloodtransfusion stations Chuvash Republic.• request - a section for recipients and relatives of recipientswhoneed donor assistance. You can leave the application, whichwill bemoderated, and will go to all the donors with the bloodgroup,registered in the "Profile" section.• Applications - the list of applications on the need ofbloodfilled in the "Send request" and checked by a moderator.
Give Blood with VZP 1.0.1
eMan s.r.o
The ‘Give Blood’ app is a fast and simpletoolfor anyone who already is a blood donor or wants to become one.Theuser can schedule blood donation appointments, check bloodstocklevels in hospitals and learn more about the process ofblooddonation. Blood stock levels are regularly updated andtransfusionfacilities can actively invite a donor to come and giveblood. Theapplication also contains contacts to blood donationlocations,including their opening hours and how-to-get-there map.Theapplication is a part of the project ‘Give Blood withVZP’sponsored by Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna.
Basque Country blood donors 1.3.8
Basque Country's blood donor official application. If you'reaBasqueCountry's blood donor, with this application you canfindthe placewhere the donor bus is located. It allows you tosearchboth by dateand city and displays a map with its exactlocation.It also includesa history of the registered donations anda formwith user data,including the donors card number so it'salwayshandy. It also keepstrack of the time required to donatebloodagain and shows anotification when the user is ready todonate.
Daruj Kri 1.9
Join us, become a blood donor too!
Sterling Health App 1.0
Sterling Addlife India PrivateLimited(“Sterling”) is a fast growing & diversified healthcaregroupof western India. It operates 5 multi - specialty Hospitalsanddiagnostic centres across Gujarat. Sterling also providesotherhealthcare services which include pharmacy and home care. Itwasestablished in 2001 and has since treated over 1 lakhspatients.Sterling believes in delivering quality care with humantouch.Sterling was one of the first hospital Chains in Gujarat togo forquality accreditation. It has a capacity of about 1,000bedsdistributed in five cities of Gujarat - Ahmedabad, Baroda,Rajkot,Bhavnagar and Adipur. It has developed state of theartinfrastructure along with a team of highly respected doctors&other medical professionals. It has been recognized forit’sefforts in delivering quality care both by patients andhealthcareexperts. It was ranked as the best Multi SpecialtyHospital inGujarat by The Week and India Healthcare Awards.Sterling has been at the forefront of technology adoption toimprovepatient care. In this endeavour Sterling covered anothermilestoneby reaching smart phone users through a proprietarymobileapplication which allows a user to book an appointments withdoctoror for a diagnostic test; view pathology reports directly onmobileand start treatment immediately; receives information of allmedicaltreatment facilities and services available at SterlingincludingDoctors profiles and emergency contacts. Through thisapplicationSterling is always accessible to a patient.